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This is a basic diary of my life during the painful session called love |
Waking up in the morning was a pleasure, even when I was 9, which is where I'm going to start. My mum was driving me to school in the old red car she had since I was 5. I had packed my little red book bag and checked it again, I was going in prepared today. It was the 19th on november, and getting nearer christmas everday. My mum pulled up outside the school, Thorns primary. It was a little school, surrounded by a withering red gate. Little children were running about in the playground around the front of the school. White flakes were falling from the new grey clouds and melting on the ground instantly. I kissed my mum on the cheek goodbye and walked down the driveway through the school gates. I was greeted by the care-taker Mr Chance, he said a humble hello and waved. I said a hello back and carried on walking. I zigged zagged in and out of younger children and made sure not to get hit or knocked over. I walked on and came to the large field behind the school, alog with a path leading around the corner of the building. I followed the path rather quickly and came to the playground behind the school, where the kids in my year and the older years stood and talked. As I turned the corner, the person I wanted to see caught my eye. My best friend Krisy. We had been friends since we started school and we had never fallen out, though we were quite different from one another. I had long blackish-brown hair, she had short blonde hair. I was tall, she was short and differences like that. She ran up to me with her little book bag in her hands and squeezed me in a tight hug. "Hey Luce, How was yesterday?" She asked. "Same as ever really, boring," I replied and chuckled under my breath. Kristy nodded like she had heard it all before, which she had and we walked around the playground to a little abandoned corner. I stood against the wall and Kristy stood next to me, just people-watching. A girl in year 6 was sauntering around the playground looking for something to do or someone to taunt. Five boys in my year were huddled into a little circle, looking for something to gossip about until a un-earthly screech came from the school. The bell which signalled that we all had to get inside. Me and Kristy were the first to get inside and lead the horde of students down the corridor bearly able to fit two people in at a time. Me and Kristy turned left down the corridor. Blue carpet and cream walls mixed with the horrible luminescent lighting. Doors led off from room to room but we were walking through a low archway into a cloak-room which is what the teachers called it. The cloak-room was basically a room where you could hang your coats and bags and go straight to your class room. In our case, the class rooms led off from the cloak-room, so we turned right and walked through the horrible blue door into a class room holding five tables.A large table was stationed at the back of the room by the windows where me and Kristy sat. Two smaller tables sat in the middle of the room and the two other tables sat opposite the wall holding in the class room. The floor was tacky purple carpet which was rough and the walls were always cream coloured. I walked over to my place on the larger table and sat on one of the ends opposite the teachers desk, Kristy sat next to me. We watched people entre; my cousin Emily, my friend Becky and her friend Melissa (he tomboy of the class), Natasha and then two guys. David and Aaron who were bestfriends since the start like me and Kristy though, they were both my friends to. David was an average height with brown shaggy/mopped hair which highlighted his blue eyes and made him stand out. Aaron was taller then David and had short black hair with green eyes. They walked over to our table and sat on the longer side of the table on my side, they were chattering away until they came to sit down. "Hey Luce and Kristy," Said Aaron rather happily. "Hey Lucy! Sup Kristy?," said David. They both pumped fists with us and we all leaned over the table chattering and gossiping about the people who walked into the room. As we spoke however, somewhere in my chest where my heart would be, felt like a sudden lurch when I looked at David, I didn't exactly know what it was, but it made me feel happy and it spread my face into a wide smile, David noticed and smiled back at me. My heart gave another lurch but then we all jumped out of our skin when the door was suddenly slammed shut by our teacher, Miss Young. "Right class! Listen up! I'm going to do the register so please be quiet!" she shouted, of course, throughout the register, no one was quiet and this time she didn't bother raising her voice, all that was heard was a great wave of chatter and very feint 'yes misses'. Exactly how the day should be. The first lesson every day was English, or Literacy as we used to call it then. The lesson consisted of Miss Young teaching us a different writing technique and then making us write at least a paragraph using that technique. Thats when break came. We all herded outside into the playground and onto the fields. Me and Kristy grabbed a bench around the edge of the playground and sat down, gossiping and talking as we did. We spoke about how Tina didn't look very good at all, her hair wasn't thick and shiney, it was thin and quite scruffy. Her trousers had footprints on them and her t'shirt looked to small for her! But then again, she was obviously cool enough to be hanging around in the gang which consisted of the popular kids in the school. "But seriously though Luce, someone should do a charity run for her," Kristy giggled, I laughed back. "Maybe we could, but then again, she wouldn't take the money, she'd pretend she 'owns it all'", I said. "Of course she would, but surely people can tell," I laughed again. "That group couldn't spot a tree to save their lives," We giggled again and just as we did, David and Aaron came over. "What's up?" I asked, they usually didn't come over unless there was no football game on. "They turned us away, said we couldn't play," David replied, He looked ashamed, I looked all over his face for some sign of the bright smile he always gave, but there was none. "Hey, cheer up, Its only those guys," Kristy whispered smiling. Aaron made a feint attempt to smile, David didn't. What I wouldn't give to hug him and cheer him up, make him smile again, until the bell sounded and we all filed into the classroom labelled room four. |