Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1720336-TYCUUN-DIARY
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Death · #1720336
Akane has brothercomplex but soon his brother dies.Can she move on?Or does she need more
Here goes my story… I am Akane Echizen. We used to live in America. I have my mom and dad and a brother…well…we’re twins actually. My brother’s name is Yukiya Echizen. Since were twins, it’s only natural for us to look alike. I often hear my classmates say that my brother and I are perfect beings created by God.  However my brother is one level ahead of me since he beats me every time I challenge him in tennis. Every time I did, my brother simply giggles in front of me. Honestly my brother’s laughter is like a girl but I don’t mind because I love him. As for my father, well there’s nothing much about him. He’s just an old man who taught us tennis and he’s good at aikido too. You might not know at first but he’s actually very strong. Well…my mom is more like a Yakuza’s wife. Well…not really.

She has an angelic face (maybe I got my face from her) but inside she’s a fighter. I heard a rumor that my mom used to be the leader of some dangerous gang.               

Anyway, after school I decided to go home. It was about four in the afternoon. When I was about to reach home I found our house enveloped in an immense fire. I ran towards the sliding door to search for my brother. Though I was afraid, it didn’t matter since I wanted to save my brother. “Brother!” I coughed as I yelled.

Waves of heat wrapped around me. Once I arrived at the kitchen. Smoke surrounded the place as I inhaled them. I walked wearily trying to find the strength as I thought of Yukiya. But I suddenly passed out. I lay flat on the kitchen floor and before I was completely out I saw a dark figure. I picture him reaching his hand towards me and held me tenderly. I felt lighter and knew he was carrying me.

Then he muttered “Akane…” I thought I recognized his voice however I was too tired to think so I let it pass. I woke up in the arms of my mother. I was covered in black bruises which I remember was the result of the flames that caught my skin. A brown blanket was wrapped around me to keep me warm but I think it wasn’t effective at all since I was already burnt or maybe overcooked. I looked around and saw firemen washing away the fire in our house. 

Then suddenly tears streamed from my eyes as I remember and realize the familiar figure that saved me---it was my twin brother.

“BROTHER YUKIYA!!” My voice reached every corner which alarmed everyone. It was very painful; like a dagger just stabbed my heart. I cried in my mother’s arm and felt the pitiful gazes of the people who witnessed the unfortunate event. With just one glance, I looked at the house but I wasn’t directly looking at the house but my brother who was there to save me and died for me.   

After that tragic incident I lived the years in loneliness and tears. In some days I feel that I lost the ability to laugh and smile. Every time I go to school I would often hear my brother’s classmates blame me or if not pity me. Actually I don’t blame them for thinking that way; I once heard one say that I was a cheerful girl. Every time they make comments it seems that I would lose my mind in a second. And so I decided to quit playing tennis and quit school at the same time.

A month later my parents became concerned and decided to leave everything behind for me. We arrived at the Philippines and spent six years there. I also went to a university there named University of Sta. Isabel. I met Filipinas named Caryl and Julie. Caryl would comfort me effortlessly. Well…Caryl and Julie both have short hair. Caryl loves memorizing stuff and she has bias in Social Studies while Julie complains about stuff like that. Caryl’s about five feet and five inches tall well… as for the weight…hmmm…I can’t ask her. Julie is taller than me but not taller than Caryl. Any way, No matter how the years passed I wasn’t able to forget. And so we migrated again and I bid goodbye to my Filipina friends.                 

I spent much of my sleep in the airplane and once we arrived my father woke me. We left the airplane and took a cab. I sat up holding onto the cab door. I stared at the cab window and I realized immediately where we were  ---    Japan.           

A chilly breeze touched my face as soon as I opened the window. It made me forget my brother for a second but once I caught a glimpse of a little boy; about five years old carrying a tennis ball, they returned like a bolt of lightning.

I think the pained expression showed into my face that my mom patted my head. I let my head rest in my mom’s shoulder and let myself dose off. 

By the time I woke up. I was in an unfamiliar room. The room was the color of my eyes---blue. I opened the windows and it was dim which made me realize that I slept for five hours. I closed the window and let the curtain drop. I sat down again and I saw the beautiful arrangement of flowers on the table beside the blue curtain ~ ikebana, right? It seems that all the decorations inside my room are colored blue besides the flowers in the blue vase.  I also caught glimpse of a blue origami placed beside me. I didn’t know what shaped it was until I looked closer. I could picture a racket when I look at it closer.  Suddenly the door opened and someone called. “Akane” I looked up and knew who he was. My father smiled but I didn’t feel like smiling back so I looked down. He came in and walked towards me. He crouched and looked up. “Akane! You’re going to school tomorrow.” I saw that he was determined to make me smile I wanted to smile however If I smiled he would notice that it was fake.  A knock came from the sliding door and a maid appeared carrying tea. She left the tea on the table and left without a word. Then an old man dressed in a lab gown came. He came near me and placed a cloth on me; covering my body. Suddenly I heard the old man took something from his pockets and then the ‘snip…snip’… The sound of those scissors made me unable to move. Right in that moment my long black hair was being cut without my consent by some old man I hardly know. At last he spoke and said “All done” I remained speechless. He removed the cloth and he bowed. Father gave him the signal to go. He slid the door and stepped out. My father then patted my head and left as well.

About a second passed, I stood up, hesitant to face myself in the mirror. When I saw myself I couldn’t decide if I was happy or annoyed. Well…the part I’m happy about is that I look a lot like brother now. The next day the alarm went on. I woke up with a start and remembered that it was the first day of school. “I remember my father telling me to wear this” the school wear’s shirt was colored white. And the school wears pants’ colored red. Suddenly it came to me that it’s not a skirt. I wondered a bit but it doesn’t bother me that much so I wore it anyway. Wearing pants and wearing skirt is not that different for me. Without warning, father came in. I immediately covered myself with a towel. “Have you ever heard of the word ‘knock’?” Father ignored that sarcasm and told me “you’re going to Seishun Gakuen.” I was about to ask about the school wear but he immediately went out. I sighed and hoped I was wrong. “He’s hiding something”

the sliding door slid again and father’s head popped out. “Oh by the way, your things are packed” he left me speechless in the room. “Is Seishun Gakuen in dorms?” I asked; confused. I stared at the mirror placed on the wall and saw my reflection…or somewhat the reflection of my brother. I got teary eyes but held them back. My blonde haired butler brought my packed clothes and other stuff to the cab. My butler is princely so I was surprised when he got this job.

I was about to sleep in the cab when my butler opened the door. “Hime Sama” I got out and before I could inform him where my room is, he walked away like he knows.   

  On my way inside…I saw lots of guys. I thought it was weird that I haven’t seen girls on the way. Just then … I lost my way…”Lost as always: what’s wrong with my sense of direction?” I sighed as I sat down on a huge rock near the cherry tree. I placed my hands in my cheeks and watched the guys as they pass by. Instantly I realized that I’m a sheep in a pack of wolves…part of speech by the way.                Then out of nowhere, a shadow stopped in front of me. I looked up and saw a tall, green haired guy. He was grinning and he wore white shirt with a word on its back ‘Seishun’. He wore red shorts.

“Hey” he said.  I stood up. I remained silent and let him continue. And just as I suspected he introduced himself like an idiot. “Hi. Nice finally to meet you. I’m Kaori Shima. I never thought that the new kid would be this cute. If you were a woman I’d make you my girl. What’s your name?” I was glad for a second that I was dressed like this. “I’m sorry but I have no time to…” suddenly it all came to me…this was all oyaji’s fault! I wanted to go home and kick him. I knew he was plotting something and it was probably about me playing tennis again.  Anyway, I decided to stay here. Well…of course while I stay here I have to change my name. Suddenly it occurred to me what father said. “If someone asked for your name tell them Tycuun Echizen”…and so… I told him ”My name is… Tycuun…E..Echizen” I answered hesitantly.  He accompanied me towards the bulletin board where I will know what section I’m in. Once we saw it. He muttered “Class 2-C” I saw him grinned.

I sighed. He noticed. But he just smiled cheerfully. He grabbed my arm and forcefully pulled me until someone came to us and looked straight at me.

  Then Kaori bowed and said “Sensei” “He’s our sensei” he whispered to me. I stared at the person and noticed that he has two holes in his right ear. He smiled and told me to wait. I turned my gaze to Kaori and somehow he knew what I meant. I smiled faintly and he went ahead. As soon as he was gone, sensei introduced himself “Hi I’m Tsubaki. Nice to meet you”

  I bowed to show my respect. He grabbed my arm and made me follow him. We arrived in front of a door and when I looked up I saw the section I was in. I heard laughter inside. He then signaled me to wait. As soon as he entered the room, I heard silence. I peeked and saw them bowing to sensei.

They sat down as sensei told them to sit down. From the outside, I heard him announce “We have a new transfer student. I hope there wont be any problem here and take care of him.” He raised his hand and I slowly entered the room. I dare looked at them. Then I stopped and stood straight. I forced myself to look at them. Once I did, I saw them whispering to each other. Then I heard them say “He’s cute! He looks like a girl!”

I urged myself to speak up. “Nice to meet you all! I’m Tycuun Echizen. Hope we’ll get along.” Tsubaki sensei finally spoke “Mr. Echizen, why don’t you sit next to Natsume” I walked to my seat and looked straight ahead.

  Time passed rapidly and I just noticed that the bell rang. As soon as I noticed I hurriedly ran downstairs. I passed lots of guys. Then my feet led me to a quiet place where no one is around to bother me. I sat under a tree.

I opened the bento mom prepared for me. As soon as I opened it, I smelled a sweet aroma. I pulled out the chopsticks and ate the food. I am a fast eater especially if I’m eating alone so I only ate for ten minutes. I finished eating and boxed my lunch. I set it aside and lay on the green grass. The breeze touched my skin gently. I closed my eyes and remember father. Immediately, I felt a boiling sensation. “That idiotic old man!!! Does he think I’m going to return to playing tennis?” As I remember him I became even more irritated. Then I sobbed. “Am I crazy or something? A minute ago I was angry and now I’m crying. What the heck is wrong with me?...Even if I return I wouldn’t be able to enjoy it without..” I started laughing. “I’m really hopeless”  Not a minute too soon, I heard a rustling sound from the bushes. A blonde haired guy appeared. “Hey Tycuun chan!! Can I sit with you?? I knew you’d be here, all new transferees come here. There’s something about this tree.” he stared at the tree curiously and turned his gaze to me. He smiled and sat down beside me. “I’m Luka Nogi” he introduced himself.

“What room number are you appointed to?” he asked.

I answered “Room 203.” He thought for a moment and said “So…you’re roommate is…..NATSUME HYUGA!!!” I don’t know how to respond but I answered like I usually do.  “Oh?? Guess he’s my seatmate and my roommate.” It sounded like I’m boasting but I cared less about it.  He then said. “What do you mean oh?? You should be careful when you’re around him. He‘s mysterious in class, never talks unless teachers ask him to.” I have no idea what he was talking about and said “I don’t really understand but it’s not any of my business. “

  I heard his sigh. “Even though you’re new here you already give off aura which draws people near you. May it be positive or negative?”

I didn’t know if he was satisfied with my answer. Then he looked at me. Somehow he looked at me like he wants to know something. He moved back a bit and blurted “Do you know that everyone said that you’re really cute??” I was stunned for a second. I’d never let any expression show in my face and said confidently “I know that already…but I don’t really care.”

He smirked. I felt a bit annoyed. I stood up and he watched me. I bowed and said “I have to go! I better check out this roommate of mine. Bye!” I bid goodbye to him.

  I ran until I was able to find Room 203 “Room 203…so this is the place?” I murmured and I knocked at the door. I heard a creak and saw a handsome man before me.  He stared at me. He looked stunned. I spoke first “Nice to meet you. You must be…Natsume?” I hesitated.

When I stared at him, he seems confused. Finally he spoke. “Are you sure you are a boy??” I got nervous for a moment. “Of course I am you idiot!! How else was I able to enter here?” Now that I think about it how was I really able to enter in this school? I thought. “So you’re my roommate??” Natsume asked. I nodded

He smirked. “Hope we get along.” He stretched out his hand. I shook hands with him. I smiled hesitantly and murmured “What a freak”

Then a knock was heard from the door. The door opened. A guy came in the room. He was grinning when he came in and he stared at me. “Oh?? So you’re the new kid….or are you a girl?” I got pissed and I told him “Don’t call me KID!”

The guy raised his hands to stop me. “Ok.ok! I’m sorry” I knew he said that but it doesn’t sound sincere at all.  “I’m the dorm head. I’m here to inform you that if you have any problems come to me and I’ll entertain you!” he said.

I refused immediately. “No thanks!!” Just as I suspected, he stared at me like all the others. “You’re cuter in person than these photos.” I saw him took out pictures from his pockets. He showed the pictures to me and saw myself. I tired to reach them but he raised the photos. “Hey! Where did you get those??” I gave him a glare but he just smiled which irritated me more.

“I’ll give these back to you if you come with Me.” he blackmailed me and I sighed. “Alright!” I bid goodbye to Natsume and he told me to that he’ll lock the door by seven. I casually said “Yes” in Japanese which is “HAI”

  We roamed around places in the academy. He introduced me to some guys and when we were leaving I thought I saw them blushing. After walking for a while now I noticed that the guy who was escorting me disappeared.

“That idiot, where did he go?” I sat down on the bench.

Suddenly I saw him carrying a plastic bag with cans inside. He smiled like an idiot and put the cold can in my head. The can has a “PONTA” word written on it. I took it and drank. He sat down beside me and said “I’m exhausted!” he drank the Ponta with one gulp.

He stared at me again and said out loud: “You’re amazing Tycuun!! I never thought that you two will get along. He even replied to you.” he laughed.

“I guess never underestimate a shrimp.” He laughed again. I started to get pissed and shouted “Who you calling shrimp?”

What I hate the most is people calling me shrimp or cute!  I wanted to kick him but all of a sudden Kaori came running towards us and he yelled “Hey! Tycuun! Nice to see you again” Once he reached us, he stopped to catch his breathe.

“Kaori sempai?”

He smiled and stood straight. “Don’t need to call me sempai! After all, were in the same age.”

Narumi grabbed me like his lady was being taken by another guy. “Please don’t get too close to this player”

Kaori tried to snatch me from Naru but Naru held on to me. “What are you

But anyway you must be the first unrelated person he replied to.”

I questioned him. “Unrelated??” He laughed “Right, because he’s my cousin!!”

He waited for me to sink all the info in my head. “What?? You two are related? That explains it!!” I giggled.

They stopped laughing and leaned forward. They looked at me. “You look especially cute when you laugh”

I kicked Kaori’s foot. He jumped in pain and kneeled to look at the condition of his foot. “Why only me?”

“Because it’s too troublesome to kick both of you at the same time” I said. Then I asked him “By the way sempai what’s your name??”

He confidently introduced himself “I’m Narumi Hyuga”

Then I agreed. Narumi or Naru for short left and asked Kaori to take care of me.

Once he disappeared, Kaori immediately spoke to me. “Right!! Oh yeah tycuun?? What club are you going to join in?” That made me think then I said “Dunno yet!” Kaori seemed dissatisfied with my answer. “I see. Why don’t you join the chess club??”  “Huh?? Normally people would ask me to join their own club. You’re weird” I chuckled. I saw him blush but I have no clue why. Then I heard him murmur something. I can only trace the word ‘cute’ and ‘smile’ in his sentence. I stared at him but he didn’t notice then I heard him talking to himself once more. This time it was clearer. “It’s really unfortunate that you’re a boy. Your beauty is a sin!”

I blushed and I was almost seen by Kaori blushing. I averted my face. Then he tried to look at my face. I think he saw my flustered expression that he laughed really loud.  Night came and Kaori escorted me to the dorm room. He bid goodbye as soon as we reached room 203. I opened the door without knocking and tiptoed as to not disturb Natsume. I jumped to my bed. I lay down in the bed and sighed.

Natsume spoke “What are you sighing about??”

I told him “Nothing much!” He stopped asking. He didn’t force me to speak and I was grateful for that.

Then I had the feeling of wanting to talk to him. “Hey Natsume, everyone says that you’re aloof. But what they said to me is not what I see in you. I guess you’re kind of gentle in some way.” He laughed. “You just met me today and you’re already complimenting me. If you ask me you’re the one whose weird” I wanted to combat his words but I have no more strength to fight back. “Guess you might be right!” After a while Natsume stopped talking and I think we both fell asleep at the same time. Morning came in the blink of an eye. I woke up and I looked around. I saw Natsume sat up. He walked towards the restroom and as soon as I heard a click, I assumed that he locked the door; I quickly changed. I removed all my clothes and replaced them with the uniform. I finished quickly and jumped down. I heard a faint ‘thud’ from my jump. I heard the door creak and I pretended to stretch. He stared at me and said “Weirdo?!”

Unexpectedly the door opened. Someone entered and shouted “OHAYOU!!” immediately I knew who he was. He stretched out his arms to hug me but a guy blocked him with his long hands. “Hey Kaori kun! Stop bothering them this early in the morning” he told him. He adjusted his eye glasses. He looked at me and bowed. “Please forgive his rudeness” he grasp Kaori’s ear.

He cried out.  “AWW!! That hurts!!”

I quickly interrupted and said “Umm. Nice to meet you but May I ask?? Who might you be?” he glanced at me

“My name’s Yuichi Saito, call me Yuu.” He studied me from top to bottom “You are Tycuun san?? We’re your neighbors—room 204.”

I smiled and nodded. He shook hands with me. He touched my hand gently. He seemed to be looking for something in my hand.

I wanted my hand back and asked him “Umm. Yuu kun? Can I have my hand back?” Yuu immediately released my hand and apologized sincerely unlike the others. I glanced at the others. I saw Yuu touching the hand he shook with me. It’s like there’s a germ in my hand. Natsume suddenly interrupted and spoke rudely to Yuu. “Hey! Four-eyes!! Get out of the way!” Yuu moved aside.

Yuu grabbed Kaori’s hand and Kaori unexpectedly grabbed mine. I told him to let go. Kaori then lifted me up and carried me on his shoulder. I struggled and ordered him to put me down. Kaori laughed instead of putting me down. “You scream like a girl. Your body’s weight is a little light for a boy, you should eat more.”

I was astounded at first that I tried to change the topic. “Umm. Kaori kun? Can you tell me something about Natsume?”

Kaori laughed. I can’t think of any other topic that interests him. I thanked God for making him forget. “Since when did you start liking him?” I blushed and punched his back since I was upside down. He then replied after he stopped laughing. “I don’t think I’m the right person to answer those questions you throw…sorry. Why don’t you ask him yourself?” He stopped when we reached our classroom.

“Can you put me down now?!” He obediently put me down and we all went to our seat. I sighed as soon as I sat on my seat. “So annoying!” then Luka came to me and stared. “Ohayo tycuun!” I smiled back and greeted him. “Ohayo?” Before he could start talking, a black haired guy came. “Ohayo!” he smiled at me and Luka introduced him to me. “Do you know how many we are here?” Xui Yi asked. “23 ?” Luka answered hesitantly.

I thought he was very handsome at first but then…He disagreed and told us. “Today we’re 25 here including those two spirits who came to say hi!” but then…he said that and all my expectations for him disappeared.

Anyway, right after he said that all the students screamed and escaped outside.

Kaori and Yuu embraced me tightly. “Hey!! Let go! You idiots!!” both of them wouldn’t let go. Luka laughed.

“Aren’t you scared of ghosts?” Kaori asked me.

I replied like I usually do. “Not really.” Then I murmured. “If I were to see them… that would be fortunate.”

“Brother” I murmured. I thought no one heard me but then Luka leaned and said something unexpected. “Brother? You have a brother?” he asked.

“Twin brother” I whispered but loud enough for only him to hear.

The bell rang so suddenly and Tsubaki sensei went in with about five senior students carrying boxes. Tsubaki sensei was carrying papers with questionnaires. Since there are only Kaori, Xiu Yi, Yuu, Natsume and I, the greeting was very faint. Tsubaki sensei said good morning and once he turned his gaze to us, he finally realized. “Where are the others??”

Natsume pointed toward the door. Tsubaki sensei bellowed. He immediately ran outside then he came back inside and quickly mentioned. “I’ll go look for them! For the meantime, write your name in one of these papers. Just answer the questions. Luka can explain the other details. Goodluck. Bye I’ll get going.”

As soon as he was gone, we glared at Xiu Yi.

I whispered “This is your entire fault Xiu Yi!”  He immediately apologized. 

Luka went to the empty seat next to me and asked me. “What club are you joining?” I answered him immediately. “Dunno. I don’t want to join any!” “Why don’t you join my club instead? Mine Is Badminton club.” He suggested.

I answered him still having doubts. “I still dunno.” Luka looked at me with pity. “Why don’t you become our temporary manager?” I was going to refuse at first then I remembered what father said “If you become the manager you won’t be allowed to play” I smiled and agreed to Luka’s request.

Luka patted my head. It made me feel like a pet being comforted by his master. It made me feel safe. He mentioned the word ‘temporary’. I tried to oppose. “But...”

Before I could speak, he said “No buts…I know your hiding something. You are hesitating, denying the fact that you want another club. Am I right or am I right??”

I sighed. “I can’t argue with you there.” I showed Luka a grateful smile. “Alright”

Half an hour later, Tsubaki sensei came. We heard also heard our classmates from the outside. Tsubaki sensei said to the others “Alright everyone, inside now!” Everyone entered. Tsubaki sensei turned his attention to us.

“Oh right, if you are finished deciding you can put it in those boxes.” The other students went to the teacher’s table and took a sheet of paper. They all went to their proper seats. When they were in their seats I knew that they were in deep thought answering the questions. Kaori and Natsume stood up and placed their sheets of paper on the table. Natsume showed no expression while Kaori was grinning. Natsume immediately left without looking back while Kaori walked towards me. “Hey Tycuun, hurry up!” Honestly they are really different. 

I quickly wrote my name on the paper and I only have one last question to answer which was question no.50. The question was ‘who do you cherish the most’ I left it unanswered. What kind of question was that anyway? I hurriedly stood up and placed it at the table. “HAII. Coming!”

I smiled. Luka, Kaori, Xiu Yi and Yuu were waiting for me. Yuu adjusted his eye glasses and asked. “Are you ready to head back to the dorm?”

I said ‘Hai’ with a grin.

We walked in the hall and Yuu and Xui Yi went ahead to sort something out which leaves Kaori, Luka and I. We sat on the bench on our way there. Without Luka and me knowing, Kaori bought ‘Ponta’. He gave me one and the other for Luka. Kaori drank the ‘Ponta’ can with one gulp again.

  Luka was a gentleman when it comes to etiquette while Kaori drinks like a beggar. I was about to laugh when Luka suddenly started speaking. “Tycuun san, will you be alright joining the badminton club as the manager?” that statement made me stop drinking and slowly place the can on my lap. To assure him, I gave him a smile. He smiled hesitantly. He seemed to have notice that my smile a while ago was obviously a fake. “By the way, the result will be the day after tomorrow!” Luka stood up and bid goodbye. “See you in the badminton room!” I waved my hand and his figure started to disappear. I murmured “Hai”

About five minutes we started walking again. The feeling being with Kaori was kinda awkward unlike the first day of school. It was much easier talking to Luka. All of a sudden, he yelled. “I can’t take it anymore! Why are you so silent all of a sudden?!”

  I covered his irritating mouth and whispered to him without leaning. “

Someone’s been following us since we went out of the classroom.” I knew Kaori wouldn’t notice. He’s a very absent-minded person.

“What?” he asked. He was about to turn but I stopped him just in time. I hoped that they didn’t notice.

“Don’t look back, let’s just avoid them” I thought it would be best to stay out of trouble since there seems to be five of them. The second reason is that they are wasting my time.

Suddenly a huge guy with his companions came ganging up on us. He pushed Kaori toward the wall and he was knocked out immediately. I ran towards him and tried to wake him. Then I gave up “What a useless guy, leaving a lady”

  The huge guy grabbed me on the arm and said threateningly “So you’re the pretty boy who defeated our captain!” he grabbed me on the collar and I was a foot in the air. He was strong however I knew I could defeat him. Since he said the word captain I didn’t know which captain he was talking about. “Captain, I defeated a lot of captains so I can’t remember them much!”

  He let go of me quickly and he was about to throw a punch. “Why you!” as soon as I saw his movements, I stopped him with one hand and kicked him in his belly. He was thrown off balance and knocked his head. He lost consciousness afterward. I ran towards Kaori who finally decided to wake up.

Oh and about the other guys who was with the big guy, they ran off like rats. They ran off while saying such gutsy words “We’ll get you!!”  I whispered “The weaker the dog the louder they bark” as soon as they were gone; I turned my attention to Kaori who was stunned “Hey! Kaori you alright?” he seemed alright after standing up. But he has a bruise on his right foot. It wasn’t that serious…I think.

“Wow Tycuun! You’re amazing! What awesome arm strength, even though you have slim arms” I didn’t know if that was a compliment or an insult, he then touched my arms. I released him and he fell on the ground and moved toward the big guy.

“Enough about that, what’ll we do ‘bout him?” Kaori stood up and he seemed to have recovered.

“Oh right! You hit him too hard. We should take him to the infirmary room for treatment!” we lifted the big guy though we didn’t want to he was really heavy! I apologized in a low voice but Kaori seemed to have heard and sighed. “Even though you say that there’s no sign of sincerity in your tone.”

We arrived at the Infirmary room, exhausted. We saw no one inside but the door wasn’t locked so we opened it and laid the big guy in the bed. We were so exhausted that we wanted to sleep. Thank goodness that it was cool inside.

  Half an hour later Kaori left. I was so tired that I fell asleep on the chair beside the big guy’s. Suddenly a vision appeared. I saw myself near a river and from afar I saw two figures. I tried to run away from them though I don’t know why. It was hard running when you’re in a dream form. Then the two of them caught up.

Just then, they were right in front of me. They were so close that I saw pairs of wings from their backs. I thought they were angels but the other one has dark wings. I was petrified but I don’t know why I was. I stared closer at their faces but it was a blur. From the distance I saw another figure which I somehow recognized. He has silver wings. It was fascinating. He was reaching out to me and I wanted to grab his hand. I reached out, his hand and mine were only a meters away. The closer our hands become the clearer he gets. I realized that the right wing has a scar. He smiled faintly and disappeared.  I woke up with a start. I touched my face and I knew right away that I was crying from something. I tried to remember what my dream was about. The only thing I remembered were a pair of silver wings.

I saw Kabaji move. “Ahh!? Head ache” he complained. I wiped away my tears and pretended that I have just woken up. “So… your finally awake…sorry I hit you too hard” He looked around, he seems confused.

“You’re here at the infirmary room” I explained. Still, he looked confused.

“and they’re not here, they left you. Guess you made friends with the wrong people. Since you’re already well… I’m going” I was about to leave when he stopped me. I thought he wanted me to comfort him but he said “Who are you?? You have such strong arms!! Do you play any sports?” I was pissed off and pulled my hand away. I glared at him.  I told him “First of all, do you think I’ll answer those questions..to the one who tried to beat me up?.” I saw him laugh for the first time but I wouldn’t say adorable but it was a relief that he smiled. “Alright! I apologize” he sounded sincere. “I’m Kabaji Sakuragi from class 2-A” he showed his hand to me and I was forced to shake his hand. I smiled back and introduced myself “I’m Tycuun Echizen! I do play sports.” Like all the others, I thought I saw him blush. When he saw me looking his way, he averted his gaze.  Then I managed to look at the wall clock and realized that we slept for three hours straight. I immediately asked Kabaji if he was okay for me to leave and he said he is.  The next day I woke up early again and I waited for Natsume to go to the bathroom. He woke up and he really did enter the bathroom. As soon as I heard the click that he locked the bathroom. I changed quickly. I remove my sport’s bra and everything. I jumped down and he opened the door. He then said “Do you actually take a bath?”

“Har har!” I got irritated and threw a pillow at him.

He laughed. It was a good thing that he changes in the bathroom. I don’t want to see a half naked guy. I went outside and closed the door with a SLAM! I walked toward and I remembered that today is the result of the questionnaires we answered two days ago. I ran towards our classroom and saw it. As soon as I reached the room I found my name written in the section of sports. Once I looked at the Sport’s section, I expected I’ll be in the badminton club but I was horribly wrong. “WHAAAATTTT!!!” I screamed.

I didn’t notice that Natsume was right behind me. “Hey! Why are you screaming this early in the morning?” I ran towards him and grabbed his collar “Why?? Why am I in the tennis club?” “What? You’re answers must be compatible to a tennis player so it no use complaining about it, it is irrevocable and final. You’re now a club member but not officially a player.” Natsume sounded concerned at first. It seems that he enjoyed teasing me. I let go of his collar and I saw him fixing himself up. I screamed “NOOO!” I lifted my head and looked at Natsume. He suddenly blushed.

“Go! It’s almost time for our club to start.” With my head down I sighed. Natsume bid goodbye and told me that he got in the basketball club. He sounded very happy. I waved back yet I sighed again.

  I decided to go to Luka’s club room and tell him what happened. I asked for directions since I always get lost. The guy answered me politely and pointed where the direction is. Once I reached the club room I immediately sighted Luka. Luka was wearing a white T-shirt and red shorts. He was happily collecting the balls and the rackets from the ground.  I waited for Luka to notice me. After a while, he finally realized I was waiting and he approached me. “Hey”

I was feeling guilty. I bowed and I blurted them all at once. “I’m terribly sorry! The questionnaires were wrong and I was placed in the tennis club.  I’ll ask the principal to…”  Luka stopped me and he got irritated with me. “Stop!! Do you really want to be in the badminton club? You should try to be more honest with yourself.”

He was speaking so passionately that I felt even guiltier and I knew he was right. I let him continue. “I know about you and your twin, you should accept the fact that he can’t play with you anymore. I’m sure he wants you to be happy playing tennis again!!” I was surprised that he knew about my twin brother.

“Who told you about my twin?” I asked. He hesitated for a moment then he said “You talk in your sleep” I felt embarrassed for a moment then I thought that it wasn’t the best time to feel shy.

He told me the other stuff about what I said and I felt nervous. I thought I was found out until he said “Umm…I can’t seem to understand them.” I felt relieved. I placed my hand on my chest and breathed deeply. “Thank goodness he didn’t find out” I thought.

  I told him “I see” I thanked him. As I walk towards my new club, I felt the presence of my brother. Luka shouted “Do Your Best!” I looked back and smiled.

I arrived at the tennis club room and met Kaori on the way. He looked at me and asked “Did you get lost?”

I ignored him and we entered the club room. As soon as we entered, we saw about 25 members inside. The person that stands out the most must be the team captain. I can see charisma in him. He then spoke like a true captain “Okay! Is everyone here?” He looked around.

“Let’s begin with the introduction. I’ll start.” He began and introduced himself

“Hi. Nice to meet you all, I’m Tezuka Zen. I’m the tennis’ club’s captain” he looked around and another person introduced himself. “Oishi Kangkuro!... I’m the vice captain.”  Everyone started introducing themselves. Minutes later, It was already my turn. “Hi! My name’s Tycuun Echizen. Nice to meet you all” I suddenly heard murmurs and I heard the word ‘cute’ once again.

Tezuka sempai, the tennis captain then ordered the third years to clean and trim the field while the second years to pick-up the balls. Since I am one of the second years, I was stuck on picking up balls. I saw Kaori rubbing his head and Oishi sempai must be scolding him. They seem close. While I was picking up the balls, I bumped into Tezuka sempai. I fell down on my butt. He looked at me and apologized. He offered his hand to help me and I reached for it. I told him I was okay.

Suddenly, I heard someone yell “Abunai!” I turned back quickly and I saw the tennis ball. It was about to hit me when I got hold of my racket and hit it hard. It landed on the ground near Kaori. I stared at the direction where it came from and glared.

“You should be more careful” I told him

I returned to picking up balls then the person who was at fault approached me. Instead of apologizing he said “You’re amazing!” I looked at him, flattered a bit. “Thanks?” Tezuka came over to us, he grabbed the guy’s ear and said aloud “First of all Tsubasa. Ask him if he’s alright and then compliment him.”

“Hey that hurt... captain!! “ Tsubasa complained. I giggled.

  At lunch time, I ate alone again on the same spot and opened the packed lunch. Then I heard a rustling sound. I heard familiar voice and they showed themselves “Ah. You’re here? Why are you eating alone in this kinda place?? Where’s Luka?” Naru was the same as always.

I told him “He’s not here, He’s busy” I heard another familiar voice “Guess we’ll eat with you then.” Kaori appeared. “Thank you.” I said. They sat beside me.

“Tycuun? May I ask a question?”  I continued eating then said “I don’t see why not?”

He asked “Well… Did you ever have a girlfriend?” I choked “Oops” Naru used the Heimlich maneuver. I threw up. I wiped my mouth.

“Of course not, in fact I’m actually a g…” I was about to say that I am a ‘girl’. He stared at me curiously. “You’re a what?” I was scared.

“Oh Tycuun there’s a letter for you from U.S.” Naru informed me.

  I thanked God “Oh really?” he gave me the letter wrapped in blue special paper. I looked at it. Then read: From Gilbert. “Gilbert”

They repeated what I said “Gilbert?” I opened the letter and read its content. 

Dear Akane,

Yoh! How’ve you been? Hope you’ve become lady-like over the past years. By the way about my condition, the surgery was a success and I’m finally able to go to Japan for a visit. I’ll also be studying at your school. I already got the permission of your parents. See you tonight..

P.S. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.


                                                                                  Gilbert  Cole 


I immediately said “Gotta go!” and ran. I was really wondering why he would come right now and How did he find out? With all those questions, all the answers led to one person. It seems like the world stopped at that moment and realized that it was Him, all along. I got back to the dorm and went inside my room. I jumped to my bed and let myself dose off.  In my dream, well actually it wasn’t a dream. It happened in the past so it was like a flashback. My dream started after the death of my brother, maybe it was only a week after his death. I was in the depression mode at that time and so I runaway from home. Two days later, my feet led me towards a beautiful park. I sat on the swing and swayed back and forth. An unfamiliar figure stopped in front of me. I looked up and managed to catch a glimpse of him. It was a blur. My eyes were getting heavy and I felt hot. I collapsed and I was ready to hear a loud ‘thud’ but instead I felt comfort. I was being carried by the person. I wanted to struggle but I didn’t have the strength to shake him off.

“Stop struggling” he spoke. “I feel hot” I uttered. My back was burning from the heat and my head felt heavier than before.        I woke up in a place unfamiliar. I saw a figure and he suddenly spoke “so… you finally woke up?! Little girl” I tried to wake myself who was still confused. “Who are you?” my strength still hasn’t come back yet. I realized that I have been sleeping for two days. I tried to move.  Then I suddenly felt pain in my head. “I’ll lay back and sleep if I were you. Your still not well you know.”  He gently helped me lie on bed. He fed me something. It was terrible. “Did you cook this?” I asked. “Just shut up and eat” I laughed. My head felt heavy and I fell asleep again. While I was sleeping, I thought I heard whispers. I couldn’t make out the words. In my dream, I saw my brother. Tears fell from my eyes and I felt someone holding my hand. In that dream he grinned and said “Stupid girl!” I got angry. I wanted to shout but my voice wouldn’t come out. I woke up yet again in the same room. I placed my hand on the blanket then felt someone’s body heat from my back. I turned and saw a guy. Because of defense mechanism, I pushed him and he fell on the ground. I suddenly realized what I’ve done and I l peeked to see if he was okay. By the time I saw him, he was already rubbing his head and making such a scary expression. I was about to apologize when he glared at me and said “Baka” I got furious that I threw a pillow at him.

“How dare you call a lady…Idiot?” I yelled him and the pillow hit him hard. 

“You’re not a lady… you’re a kid!” he said sarcastically

I was about to throw another one when the door opened.

A beautiful lady appeared. She has black hair unlike this guy. When she entered the room she has that annoyed expression on her face.

“Stop acting like kids!!...” she yelled like she’s part of the military. We froze.

She approached me slowly and took out a thermometer from the first aid kit box. She let me lean on the pillow and placed the thermometer in my mouth.

“How are you feeling, miss?” She checked my forehead.

“Daijoubu desu” I said. She smiled. She was so beautiful. She was almost as beautiful as my mom. “Why did you runaway?” she asked. I stayed silent for a minute then I forced myself to speak up. “As you had said I did runaway. I lived with my parents and I used to have a twin brother.”

As I was telling my story I tried to hold back my tears. The guy interrupted “Used to have?” I answered him. “Yeah, Used! My twin brother’s dead. He died because of me.” I placed my hands on my face. I started to sob. I couldn’t hold it anymore and the next thing I knew tears flowed from my face. I knew I couldn’t continue and he tried comforting me. I excused myself and went outside to calm down.

I felt the breeze touch my skin and it calmed me down. The full moon reflected on my eyes.  After a while, I decided to go back inside. I was an inch away from the knob when I heard their conversation.

“Poor child, in such a young age she experienced this, in a way she’s just like you Gilbert.” I leaned on the wall to hear their voices clearer. They continued “Why don’t I call her parents?” I wanted to object. “Your right, Tell them to come here after a tomorrow night.” I ran, fortunately I think they didn’t hear me.

The next day, I went to their garden and sat on the chair.

I sighed. It felt like I haven’t slept for a long time. My eyes were sore from all the crying last night. Then I heard footsteps from upstairs. He appeared before me and stared at me. “Hey little girl” I ignored him. He leaned closer and shouted “Hey!” he was really annoying.  “What?!” I demanded. I knew what he was going to say. I stood up quickly and went to my room. I made him follow me. As soon as we entered, he looked surprised. Then I said “Happy?”

I went out of the house and walked for about an hour. In the same park, I sat under a fully blossomed Sakura tree. I didn’t know how I got here but I was happy because no one was around. I thought no one would find me, but I was wrong, Gilbert managed follow me. He rubbed his head. “What are you doing here?” I couldn’t stare at him not because I didn’t want to but because of the sun that was blindly shining. He sat next to me and he stretched out his hand, trying to grasp the sun. The silence broke when he spoke “So…you knew” I didn’t reply. He watched the butterflies and the bees. I saw a bee flying towards me. I was frightened so Gilbert scared it away. He laughed at me. I was angry at first then he suddenly leaned and kissed me on the forehead. About a minute later, he stopped and looked at me. He mockingly ginned at me “If you want me to kiss you on the lips become a woman and grow some chest too.” I wanted to kick him but he laughed. He’s laughter was so contagious that it made me laugh as well.  He stopped, looked at me and said “That’s the first time I heard you laugh” I stopped. I somehow feel very alive until he said “Go back! Go home! They are worried about you, you know?” I was depressed once again. “I know, but…” he stopped me “Your brother will not come back, you know? Just go back and be happy!” he emphasized the word ‘Happy’. Finally, I snapped. “Do you think I’ll be happy? You’re lucky! You have no problems at all” I burst out crying. Gilbert stood up. He seems upset. He uttered “You think so? I don’t know if you’ve noticed but all around me I can only see much. I have a problem with my eyes and its only cure is surgery” he sounded even more depressed than I was and I can’t help but feel sorry for him.
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