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Rated: E · Short Story · Mystery · #1702923
He was having trouble understanding the 77 lives theory. He only wanted one existence.
FEATURED IN THE WDC NEWSLETTER: Spiritual: Daily Devotions, Editor's Picks, by Shannon Author Icon, March 15, 2017

FEATURED IN THE WDC NEWSLETTER: Mystery: I Figured it Out!, Editor's Picks, by Arakun the twisted raccoon Author Icon, April 12, 2017

"It's time. Your time has come."

"For what?"

"To exist! To reincarnate! It's what all of us are waiting for! That's why you are here!"

"Why? I'm happy the way I am, right here. I like it the way it is."

"The time has come..."


"There are laws. It's the natural process. It's all written."

"I'm happy here. It's calm and quiet."

"But here... you are doing nothing. You just "are". Nothing else!"

"I know. That's why I like it."

"Don't you want to go back... again?"


"Why not?"

"Oh, just let me be!"

"I can't. I was told to come and get you. Take you to the Departure Tunnel."

"I don't want to. I want to sit here, under this beautiful willow tree and watch that golden sunset....Look at the colors!"

"Listen... you know the rules. Your time has come!"

"No. I can't... yet. Besides, I've been wearing this same white robe for days. It's full of leaves and pollen from those purple flowers over there."

"Yes, I love the Valley of Hope too... but you can't react like this! You know better. You know that your destiny, your choices and your options aren't totally free until you are en-souled.  You know that. You are only free when you reincarnate... all those lives. Come on. You know this by heart. You are being stubborn."


"Again, I repeat... Your time has come!"

"Go away."

"I will call the supreme spiritual guide then..."

"I don't care... but, aren't you one of them?"

"No. Yes. Well, no. I'm from a different realm. I have a different job. I collect souls for the next... life. You should be happy!"

"Happy? Me? Going back, again? Once was enough! I want to stay. Look at me. I'm older, wiser and experienced. Look at my grayish hair. Doesn't that tell you something?"

"No. Not me, not to us. This is your outside. Here, we are interested in the inside of our soul. Come on, be reasonable. You are supposed to be a spiritual light, full of knowledge and eager to progress!"

"Not today. I have a rendezvous with an angel later on. I am busy."

"Oh My God! Oh... Sorry, Sir (...in case you hear me, wherever you are...)! See what you are doing to me? Making me swear? And I am supposed to be more enlightened than you...and I should be patient, tolerant and cordial with a newbie like you. Oh my. One life, one existence and you think you know it all!"

"Hey! You don't know me... my existence, my experiences. The time I lived. What I did."

"I know. We all know... everything."

"So... there you go. I'm staying."

"You can't."

"Why? Why can't I stay a little longer? I need this endless time."

"If only you knew... OK. One example. There are a thousand mothers... waiting. Waiting for a soul like you."

"Oh... but, give me good reasons for my reincarnation plan! Not... their reasons! Give me mine. You are my spiritual guide, aren't you? Tell me!"

"Alright. Reincarnation has a good deal of hard evidence to support it, and that this evidence is frequently more impressive than many people are aware of. What are these evidences? Look. We are born forgetting the long trail of our past lives and with a resilient skepticism that keeps us from wanting to explore them. So when we have exited one life we are "raised up" in a new one, leaving the "story of our days" behind us in the past where it belongs. We come into a new life with new challenges, taking what we have learned with us in our subconscious mind to improve upon ourselves as "works in progress". As Gandhi said, "it is nature's kindness that we do not remember past (existences); life would be a burden if we carried such a tremendous load of memories." So we reincarnate forgetting via enzymes released in the brain as we are born (which science is only starting to become aware of). Thus is our human awareness of past lives regulated. And... We have our free will. One of the most beautiful things ever created. We can decide. We decide our own destiny. To be good or bad. Do good or not. This is powerful."

"This is bullshit, believe me! Hey, you seem to be intelligent and open-minded... why, you even look like Einstein. That hair of yours. Not that foolish blue robe you're wearing... but your hair. Did people ever tell you that you look like him or you just want it that way? You are him, aren't you? So, if you... are him, you'd reason. Life is a constant fight, right?"

"I know that. No. I'm not him but I like the hairstyle. So, why don't you tell me your reasons... for being so stubborn?"

Well... First, there is no proof that reincarnation is effective on us, souls, as I see it. Well, as I saw it in my one (and only, I hope) life. Second, after millennium of using and reusing the stages of earth to live and learn and progress, the very reality of reincarnation is not accepted in all of the planets out there yet and my guess is that there will be a long, formidable presumption against reincarnation than ever before, especially now... that the world is so "scientific", so... "World wide webbed" and technologically "efficient" and... cold, yes, cold and empty of understanding and forgiveness. I'll stay. There's no need for me, there. It won't make a difference if I go or not. I'll stay. I like it here. It's calm, peaceful, and full of angels and spirits... and you. Oh... look at that sunset. Smell the flowers in the air. I can have this forever."

"What happened to you... there?"

"It was bad."

"But... we don't go there for it to be... only good. You know that!"

"I was good but I was taught… to be bad and do bad things."

"You had your Free Will, you know. You could have chosen to be... good."

"You know what? Sometimes... it's just easier to be bad. You don't need to think. For you to be good... you need to think about it. Being bad… seems easier somehow."

"This is a "spiritual" legend! Come on! What happened to you there?"

"I was hence damaged as a soul, not as a person. We - the ones like me - and after we left... were all put together in this "waiting" plane before we lost our physical aura and we were "adjusted" in order to come here and educate our souls. We needed time. I need... more time, though. It's been a short time. I can't handle a new life, yet.  The memories... are still too recent. I harmed others. Once was enough! The things I saw and felt filled me up with horror. I learned enough in one incarnation, believe me!"

"But... it has been years and years since that experience! Your time has come!"

"Why? To suffer all over again? That planet over there is so blue but the people aren't. They are dark inside and grayish looking. Only a few are purple and yellow. Besides, it's so suffocating. When I was born, I felt like I was exploding... with the density in the air caused by smoke, by evil. I cried! I wanted to come back."

"Listen to me! You need to change your thoughts... reason! Don't you know about the 77 lives theory?"

"No. What is this theory about?"

“The more a soul reincarnates the better. The goal: 77 lives of en-souled existence in any planet... but the best one is to "exist” in planet Earth. It's in that planet where a soul perfects its 77 steps to fulfillment and enlightenment. It's the worst and the harshest ones to live in. I wouldn't reject this opportunity at all, you know."

"I don't know."

"You will grow spiritually, you know."

"Well... Will it be better or worse?"

"I don't know... but don't resist. Accept this offer with an open heart."

"Oh well..."

"Furthermore, you were assigned, again, back to that very same planet. I see it as good luck! And, there is a bonus/credit hour/time compensation! You'll give to others and step toward the spiritual goal of any living soul: Live 77 existences as a male or female, black or white, good or bad, rich or poor, healthy or sick, intelligent or illiterate, believer or agnostic; and aiming the most important of objectives: goodness and forgiveness. A soul will obtain this overwhelming experience by living 77 times in order to be able to live in the highest of planes, called Absorption. It is there where there is a condition of pure, constant, indestructible happiness. It is there where you find the truth and wisdom through direct internal perception. Get it?"

"Hum. It seems good. Do you think I should go ahead and do the rebirth option plan into the next 77 lives thing and follow my karma?"

“Yes. I do.”

“So... I need 76 reincarnations to go?”

"Yes! The beginning is the end, and the end the beginning."

"Oh well... OK. But it will take an existence!"

“Yes, it will but remember what you were taught in your first day of creation! Did you forget? The steps?”

“What steps?”

“The 5 Steps to Heavenly Perfection! I can’t believe it! Did you forget about the steps? They are what keep us going! The secret of it all! It's like a rainbow of love in our existence!”

“Oh yes! Yes, you’re right. I forgot. How could I? Let me see… I remember the Voice telling us about The 5 Steps to the Rebirth Plan… Yes, I remember now: 1. Returning; 2. Learning; 3. Knowing; 4. Giving and... 5. Forgiving… the most difficult of them. So maybe that's why we need all those 77 lives, I bet you, my friend!”

“You got it! Good! That’s why we need all those lives. We need... endless time. Come on!”

“Oh It might take me years and millenniums… because I didn’t learn any of these steps in my first existence, you know… How embarrassing it is to recognize this now…”

"It happened to me too... but what else have you got in mind in order to obtain the ultimate peak to Heaven...?"

"You know what? You’re right. I'll en-soul. Let’s go. Show me the way to the "Transmigration of the Soul Gate". To know that you lived a life before this one and that there are many more to come is a very attractive perspective from which to judge the meaning of my life and my evolution. I’m ready to live my existence!”

Tomorrow is a secret so live as you were to live forever.

Words: 1793

© Copyright 2010 ChrisDaltro-Chasing Moonbeams (chrisdaltro at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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