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by Maddie
Rated: · Short Story · Arts · #1702504
Two people meet at a art museam and then what will happen?

Chapter 1


“One ticket to Italy please” spoke a young lady called Sienna, in a soft voice.

“Thank you have a nice day” she said as went to sit in a chair close to her boarding tunnel.

She had not been sitting there for long when here flight was called to board.

Sienna was a beautiful young lady she had long brown wavy hair and beautiful chestnut eyes. She was travelling around the world studying all the famous art works for her new book. Art was her passion and her love.

As she got to her seat she saw a young lady and child sitting next to each other. The child looked as if it had only just woken up with his hair all over the place and a small smile on his face. As she sat down she said “Hello my name is sienna. What is yours?”

“I am Tina and this is my son Jake it is nice to meet you.” Tina replied.

“So where are you travelling to?” Sienna spoke with her mind wandering off into the distance.

“Italy to see my sick husband and what about you?” she said not sounding like she wanted to talk about it.

“I am going to see the art museums. I am writing book about it” sienna said as she slowly fell asleep.

“Miss Smith. Miss Smith wake up we are In Italy its time to get off now” said a flight attendant as she was slowly nudging her shoulder.

“What! What! Are we here already” said sienna in a soft tired voice with a yawn.

Chapter 2


“Where are they” a young man by the name of Noah spoke to himself as he was trying to find his flash light and keys.

“I know that they are here somewhere” he said like he was trying to find a response from someone who was not even there.

It was 5:30pm on Friday night and he was going to be late for work.

“Yes here they are” He spook in a loud voice like he had just won the lottery, his blue-green eyes lighting up as if he had just saw an angel and a smile on his face that he could not wipe off.

Noah was a security guard at the Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, Italy. He would spend all night there sitting in a red velvet chair with wooden legs and very fancy carvings on the back. Noah loved his job but hated seeing his boss Mr. Manicheno. Mr. Manicheno was an older looking man that must have been in his late 50’s early 60’s. He had a bold head and a grey beard. He wore a long black velvet coat that came to his knees and underneath that he wore a green t-shirt and black suit pants. He must have been a very rich man Noah thought as he would not have been able to afford that coat even in his dreams let alone reality.

“You are late” yelled Mr. Manicheno in a deep dark voice.

“Sorry Mr. Manicheno I could not find my keys or flashlight” Noah replied trying not to sound intimidated.

“Excuses excuses all you ever give” he said with a dull look on his face.

“It won’t happen again I promise” Noah said with a shiver running up his back as Mr. Manicheno was giving him a very dirty look.

“I am going to need you to come in early tomorrow as you were late today” He said with a smile on his face showing a little two many teeth for Noah’s liking.



Sienna and the painting!!

“Taxi” sienna shouted “Taxi”. Then within minuets a small yellow car with a young man sitting in the driver’s seat said “Jump in”.

“Where would you like to go young lady” He said curiously with a polite smile on his face.

“My name is Sienna and I would like to go to the Santa Maria Delle Grazie in Milan please” she spoke in a very soft voice like a little girl on her first day of school.

“Are you sure? that will cost you a lot.” he spoke sounding a tiny bit concerned “by the way nice to meet you sienna I am Bill”.

“I am sure. Is that where Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘The Last Supper’ is?” she spoke now sounding a tiny bit concerned herself.

“Yeah I think so anyway. How are you this fine day?” he spoke sounding as if he was still only keeping the conversation going to be polite.

“I am good how are you?” said Sienna as her mind was wandering off into space as she looked at all of the buildings passing by.

“Fine thanks” he said now trying to make it obvious that he was not interested in the conversation any more. “How long will it take to get to Milan?” she said curiously.

“About 1 ½ hours so sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.” He said trying to sound like a good host. 

Chapter 4

The Maria Delle Grazie!!

“Thank you” she said politely as she was handing over the money to Bill.

“You are welcome any time you like” he said now sounding as if he was happy that the ride was over.

Then she turned and walked away from the little yellow car with her luggage in her hand. She put her luggage down and stood at the stairs that lead up to the church. Then after staring at the beautiful masterpiece she picked up her luggage and walked up to the front entrance.

“Hello. Can you please tell me were the Leonardo da Vincis “the last supper” is?” she spoke to the lady over the counter.

“Yes I can but you will not be able to see it today we have a session in progress” she spoke with an Italian accent.

“Well can you tell me how to get to the session then” she spoke with a slight bit of anger.

“Yes just go down that hallway and take your second right and first left.” She replied.

“Thank you” Sienna said trying to sound polite.

When she got there she sat down in a small blue chair and started to listen. After she had been sitting there for a few moments she began to doze off. Then within seconds she was fast asleep and began to dream.

Chapter 5

The Meeting!!

When she awoke she was amazed to see that there was no one left in the room. She sat there with a puzzled look on her face and then looked down at her watch. It was 6:30 pm and the church was closed. She got up and thought to herself well while I am here I might as well go and find the painting. So that is what she did. Finally after searching for a couple o minuets she found the painting. It was beautiful. She walked closer to get a better look and the when she got about 3 meters away and stoped and froze like she had just seen a ghost. There sitting in a red velvet chair was a young handsome looking man. She wanted to turn around but something in her head told her to go and talk to him. So that is what she did. “H-hello I fell asleep in a session and now I can not get out because the doors are looked.” She spoke to him in a soft voice.

The young man flew up out of his seat and laughed. “Hello you know that you should not sneak up on people like that you all most gave me a heart attack” he spoke and ended with a chuckle like he was laughing at what he had just said.

“My name is Noah nice to meet you. What is your name” he spoke.

“My name is Sienna nice to meet you too Noah” she said in an embarrassed voice.

Chapter 6

The painting!!

“Its lovelier than I thought” she said with her eyes gazed upon the painting.

“I know but did you know that there is a ledgend to the painting” he said in a voice trying to sound like he was not scared.

“No I didn’t know that.” She said “What is it?”

“It is on the back of the painting. It says that if you stand 1 meter away from it with your right hand on the painting and your left hand on someone else’s left hand then you can jump into the painting and see what it was like” he said in a soft voice so that the security cameras could not hear him.

“Do you think that it is true?” she said in a curious voice that had a hint of adventure.

“Well I don’t know. What do you think” he said looking a the marvellous mysterious painting. His eyes wandering across it looking at all of the detail that had been done so many years before.

“We will never know until we try will we.” She said with one eyebrow sliding up her face and a little bit a scary smile upon her lips.

“Are you thinking what I am thinking” he said trying to be cool about the whole situation.

“I am thinking that we should try it, I mean what do we have to lose?” she said trying to win him over with a small smile.

“I suppose but how will we get back home?” he said trying to think things through.

Chapter 7

The plan!!

“We will do it tomorrow night. I will come to a session and fall asleep just like today.” She said with still the same smile on her face that she had 5 minuets ago “then you come into action you bring 200 or so meters of rope and pack some food in your bag. Then we will tie one end of it to that pole over there and the other end to ourselves then bingo we can come home when ever we want.” She said sounding rather pleased with her self. 

“Ok I suppose I will meet you here tomorrow do you remember how to get here?” he said trying hard to believe how he got sucked in to it.

“Yes. Good bye see you tomorrow” she said waving with her right hand and her luggage in her left.

Chapter 8

Put it into Action!!

“Where is the session today” spoke Sienna in a small voice.

“Down the hall and then take your first left second right mamm” spoke the lady over the counter.

“Thank you” Sienna spoke and walked away.

After she got there and sat in her chair she slowly fell asleep again. Then she awoke and walked into the room to find Noah sitting in his chair.

She walked up behind him and whispered in his ear “BOO!!!!”

He jumped up out of his seat and said “don’t do that, you like to scare me don’t you?”

“Yes it is fun now lets get to work” she said and then with a clap of her hands they were off.

They worked and worked tying ropes then within less then half-an-hour they were done. They stood back 1 meter placed their right hands on the painting and then the slowly place their left hands upon on an other. And the they jumped with all of their might.

Then to Noah’s surprise he hit the ground with a thump and he was no longer in the Santa Marie Delle Grazie it had worked but Noah thought that there was something missing. He had lost his ropes and somewhere in the process he had lost Sienna. Also he was not in his normal clothes but rags. Then it hit him he was the painting he was in ‘The Last Supper’.

Noah spent days trying to find Sienna but he could not find her any were. The only explanation that Noah could think of was that sienna had gone to another dimention and not the same painting as him.

The end!!

© Copyright 2010 Maddie (xo-love-xo at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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