Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1698058-Flow-Control
Rated: E · Essay · Religious · #1698058
Short essay trying to illustrate and share something about the Holy Spirit.
Death to Life

The pressure is high. Black liquid invades. It has broken loose and spills into the ocean, spoils it, destroys it. It covers life under a stinky, dark blanket and ends it, devours it. Human minds and hands work on a solution, feverishly! Cost effective solution, profit effective effect, market effective result is required - it has to be fitting, it has to fit! Oh dear, it needs more energy, money, spirit, lies, time, words, sweat, blood, resources, reputation, costs, garbles up profit, blows the market apart. The spirit we evoked does not want to go back into his bottle! Disaster, remorse, vacation in a Golf resort, away from the Gulf. Changing jobs, a new man, new responsibilities. Finally, or temporarily, solution is applied.

Mud descends, cement covers, locks it in and engineers applaud themselves. Life is damaged, beauty is destroyed. Wait they say, it will come back and then they pay.

Life to Death

What is this o wondrous feeling? I did ask for it, this must be it then! No stone, no bread, no diamond has been given, no it is water, it bubbles up, wells up. It comes from within my belly and rises up, permeates my being. What is this? Is this it? A river of life that flows from the throne of God, living water that comes from Christ. It takes hold of my tongue and I allow it to play, lay down control. What sounds are these? No words are ever enough to tell you what should be told and now here are words that flow from you, are addressed to you, flow through me and then back to you. Be still my soul, do not get so excited, it is His Spirit that is here and He heals the thirsty land. All will be good now. My son sleeps deep I have to keep it down! Control I do apply, just a bit. My spirit closes the tap. Be still.

In the days that follow I can open and close the tap at will, sign on, log in, allow to not control. The river always flows and I can dive into it and climb out again. From the river come words, also wisdom, insights, teachings, it all flows from Him - this is life! Life here I come! But not during the day, in the traffic, in the office, while eating - stop convenience is not now! Wait until we are home, alone, with each other.

Mud descents, cement covers life with a blanket. My spirit has back control and applauds but I descend into the abyss and forget. I have to pray.

His Spirit is gentle, does not rape. He does not invade, destroy and kill. He requires invitation and surrender, no co-rule, suppression or manipulation is allowed. He will wait and stand in the back. Do not grieve Him! Invite Him while He is near, while it is the appointed time. Be lead by Him, follow His flow, He is like the wind. No control, or magical evocation, stay away from it - He is God alone!
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