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Rated: 13+ · Other · Activity · #1687738
Past prompts of THE CREATIVE DETAILING CONTEST and their winners.
These are the Champion Detailers of the WDC; the talented men and women who won the previous rounds of "The Creative Detailing Contest [13+]. I would request you to go through these entries. You have some wonderful writers and great stories here.

Winners of Round 1 (April-May 2010)


The Day Everything Went Wrong.

First Place

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1672742 by Not Available.

Second Place

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1668507 by Not Available.

Third Place

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1666334 by Not Available.

Honorable Mentions

 The Day Everything Went Wrong  (E)
For "The Creative Detailing Contest," focus on attention to detail.
#1665720 by Ruby Vroom

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1668331 by Not Available.

 The Last Day  (13+)
An old man describes a day when everything went wrong and a futuristic society collapsed.
#1675987 by EverAnon ~ typing like mad!

Winners of Round 2 (June 2010)


Most Memorable Vacation

The story can be real or fictional. You may start from the preparation of the journey, or you can lead me straight to the holiday spot. You could be on a tropical island or a Swiss resort or anything else that you can think of. It can be memorable for all the right reasons or the wrong. You could meet the man of your dreams, or the clerk at the hotel reception could tell you that she doesn't have a booking, the agent refuses to answer your frantic phone calls, and your credit card doesn't work. In short, you have a blank canvas to paint upon.

First Place

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1686074 by Not Available.

Second Place

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1686671 by Not Available.

Third Place

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1686398 by Not Available.

Winners of Round 3 (July 2010)



I am keenly following the World Cup, which I sincerely believe is the biggest spectacle on Earth. In honor of this magnificent event, SPORTS will be the theme of this month's contest.

Give a me a story that revolves around sports. It need NOT necessarily be football. You can write the story from the 'Point of View' of the athlete or the spectator. It could be about a girl who reverses a debilitating physical affliction by swimming or a man who pays for his child's surgery by winning a boxing match or anything else that you may think of. The only condition is that your story should have some physical sport (not Chess or Bridge*Smirk*) as an integral component.

*BalloonB*Round 3 Winners *BalloonG*

First Place

The Archery Contest  (13+)
Entry for Round 3 of the Creative Detailing Contest
#1692591 by Airila

Second Place

 The Final Leg  (13+)
A rally driver is in second place and puts everything on the line to try and finish first.
#1694196 by EverAnon ~ typing like mad!

Third Place

 The Match of a Lifetime  (E)
A boy plays a tennis match that he will remember forever. 3rd place Creative Detailing.
#1689989 by Jonathan Marx

Winners of Round 4 (Aug 2010)


A Blonde Woman

I want to read a story in which one of the central characters is a blonde woman. Use your creativity and spin a story which transports me to the world of this woman where I can see and feel how she looks, laughs, talks or kills! The woman can be an angel or a vamp. She may be of any age or nationality. You may make her slim, voluptuous or fat. In short, you have the license to create the character the way you deem fit. As long as she is blonde, anything goes.

Two entries have won the Joint 1st Place in this round. There will be no 2nd Place.

First Place

A Too Expensive Meal  (13+)
1st in Creative Detailing. A college student on a date is in for a surprise.
#1692293 by Jonathan Marx

First Place

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1703208 by Not Available.

Third Place

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1697360 by Not Available.

Honorable Mentions

 Dying for a Beer  (13+)
While sucking down the suds make sure it doesn't suck you dry.
#1702329 by Spectre Lives

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1703103 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1703505 by Not Available.

Winners of Round 5 (Sep 2010)


Student Days

Oh, to be a student again! Those carefree days of gay abandon. Nights of stargazing and lofty dreams. Memories of the first crush. The exquisite pain of the first heartbreak. The mad scramble for grades. The trials, the tribulations and the mindless competition. The fun, the games, the pranks and the fights. Rare will be that person for whom those days do not conjure bouts of nostalgia. This round, I want a tale based upon student life.

I leave it to you to decide the course of your story. You could choose to write about school or college or about the seventy year old who receives divine inspiration and starts music classes. Your offering could be about the joy or the struggle. It could be about relationships formed or dreams shattered. You could dwell upon studies or prom nights. In short, you have the complete liberty to let your muse flow.

First Place

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1706988 by Not Available.

Second Place

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1704667 by Not Available.

Third Place

 A Tute   (13+)
A young girl at university "falls in love".
#1708056 by oscines

Winners of Round 6 (Oct 2010)


Encounter With A Stranger

The only restriction is that the so called 'Stranger' has to be human. I have nothing against fantasy characters, and I read and write a lot about them. However, I have decided to restrict this round of the contest to 'Homo-Sapiens' only.

So, create a good backdrop for the encounter, sketch an unforgettable character and spin a story around the meeting. Of course, you have the liberty to create a negative character. It doesn't put your story at a disadvantage as long as it holds my interest. Also, any genre is acceptable.

*BalloonB*Winners of Round 6: *BalloonG*

First Place

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1720389 by Not Available.

Second Place

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1717414 by Not Available.

Third Place

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1719278 by Not Available.

*BalloonB*Round 7 Winners (Jan 2011): *BalloonG*


A Mystery Tale

Only two entries have placed this round.

First Place

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1704043 by Not Available.

Second Place

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1746391 by Not Available.

*BalloonB*Round 8 Winners (Jan 2011): *BalloonG*


The Newlyweds

Only one entry placed this round.

First Place

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1815130 by Not Available.

*BalloonB*Round 8 Winners (Jan 2011): *BalloonG*


The Newlyweds

Only one entry placed this round.

First Place

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1815130 by Not Available.

*BalloonR*Prompt for Round 9 (Aug 2012) *BalloonG*

An Olympic Tale

Only one entry placed this round.

The 'lympics  (13+)
The nearly Olympic experience of Rupert and Alferd.
#1886108 by Josh Stone Waters

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