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Rated: 18+ · Other · Emotional · #1680601
Collection of poems inspired from experience, thought and other explorations of the mind.
Wisdom Girl

What hidden feelings lie inside,
When your eyes are caste upon me,
Do you think I hide?

What you believe I know not
But, you’re still there, kept sacred.
Like an artefact, unseen, unfelt, unheard
And unexamined, for all these years.
Until now, Wisdom Girl.
History finds you.

Your memory, unearthed and unsuppressed
Comes fourth to light from the tombs
I bare witness to your unchanged beauty
And I see your perfection

Oh, your immortal appearance!
How timeless my emotions are!
Every word, every smile, every sight,
Is so sacred, there’s so much for us that
I have desired!

You, beautiful in form, bright blue eyes
Reveal a pure angelic soul. Quiet and soft
By nature you are, enchanting beyond reason.
How I wanted so much, to live high in the clouds
Of Olympus With you by my side!

But, alas I am, but a human.

I know your desires, contrasting mine
I bitterly recall from grey memory.
Time heals the pain but leaves behind scars,
A memorial to dark days gone.
But allow me, in solemn remembrance
For one last act of love.

I take you to my loves final resting place
And lay it down in golden casket, to be entombed
And put to rest for all eternity in the Valley of Kings.
We give silent vigil, and witness love’s passing on,
And hope for re-carnation in  new form.

We depart, my old feelings now resting in peace.
But as we part ways, I smile back at you in the light

Your memory carries on in me.

On the Edge of the Atlantic

I stand on the edge of an ancient land,
Beyond, the sheer vastness
Of you, great Atlantic Ocean,
Deep and blue your waters
Are, the sound of your waves
Crashing and then lapping to shore
Your mineral rich essence, the giver
Of life to these lands. To behold
You is an experience beyond mortal time.

For you are a sight of ancients
Long before me.  And you
Will be beheld by many, long
After I am gone.  Throughout
Humanities long history, you
Have been there. We have harvested
You for food, we have transversed
Your waters to reach America beyond,
We have swam and sailed in your
Waters for our pleasure. And, long
Ago, those ancients of this land
Once worshipped you.

As your current washes and swishes
Round my feet I reflect that my
Feelings of wonder are feelings
Also felt by those ancient people.
While you yourself are immortal,
My feelings and thoughts you
Inspire, are themselves as timeless.

Thoughts and feelings I doubt
Are felt by all, as I look down
And see beside me, a
Washed up coka-cola can.

Connamara, Ireland, Summer of 2008

Love Is War
It was 16 months of hard battle
Of hard service to a hopeless cause
Against her I fought my war
For my beliefs, my freedom, my hope
She fought to, to an equal measure
Our beliefs different, yet motives the same.

Now I come home, an old veteran
To tell tales to young dreamers
Anxious to hear of my defeated attempt of
Planting the flag of love on fields of glory
They listen with sympathy as they leave
To fight their own war’s, marshalled and ordered
Into line by the generals of desire.

I have been suspended of my service
To the war machine
For which it makes me glad
To be out of the war,
With no more battles to be fought

Behind the lines I relax contented
Listening to the dull rumble of the guns
Of other’s battles, so far away.
I’m happy and finally free
Of my master, desire
There will be no orders as of yet
To march into war.

The Veteran

Many a heart have I seen
been broke, and shattered
by the cruel, ruthless hand
of fate's love.

Many a time have I heard
you tell me, of love- be it lost,
tormented, tortured or
in terminal decline.

And what do I say to you?

I too have seen those sights before
I too have felt those emotions before
I am a veteran of loves wars
And haunted by it's memory
Forever more.

A Course of Dialogue between my persona's (Or, the Angry Poem)

'Ah, if it isn't my old friend, id?

Come to torment me once more?
Come to  make a monster of me?
You have done so to many others
You have done so to me times before.'

'Yes, I am the voice of Id, your inner evolutionary demon,
Fight or flight, love and war, I am the instinct
that drives them all. I control your souls with
my genetic chains- I keep you enslaved by your
own DNA. They bind your body, they bind
your mind, they bind your heart.
Forcing you onto my primeval bidding-
be it conflict and strife- it is for your survival
be it sex and, dare I say, love?- it is so you reproduce
You owe unto me the survival of your species
As I forced you, and you all to compete, and to procreate.
So don't judge me, for, as a force of nature, I am amoral.'

'Many a time you have lead me onto a hopeless cause
Many a time I have suffered through hopeless means
to miserable ends-You made me fall for monsters and
you binded me to them- you turned man against each other
to compete for a pointless cause- corrupted friendship and respect
to hate, envy and betrayal. Now you come again to tear at my
shattered soul- degrading friendship with the opposite sex
once more in the name procreation- to turn someone
precious into someone to fuck. '

'Yet, you want love do you not?' Says the voice of reason.
'Or would you rather die alone? You say you are enslaved
by evolutionary chains, but you yourself are a product of
evolution- it is who you are. It is something you can not change
it is integral to who you are, therefore it is better to accept your condition,
and adapt so not to hurt others- what choice do you have?

Remember, follow Id as far as reason will lead you- then break away
if you perceive that Id is leading you onto a hopeless cause through
miserable means- follow my voice and I will guide you away.
I, as reason am your abolitionist from genetic slavery.'

Instinct and reason are like unruly horses to a charioteer
Prone to going their separate ways and drive you off the road
it takes a skilled hand, a experienced hand, to keep such unruly
horses, at your command.

I Stand Before the Mirror

I stand before the wardrobe mirror
to gaze searchingly into the figure who stands before me.
Who also stands searchingly into me. “Hello me”
I muse.

His lips smile as do mine, in an automated reaction.
I am drawn to his eyes, deep round, wondering eyes.
A mahogany mosaic which encircles pupils of pure,
beauteous black. “They say that the eyes are a window to the soul”

Searching for who I am, I look through the blackness
of his eyes,  and search across his face, that
blotched pink-red skin that stretches over his flesh.
Red flesh, where, impressed within, are wired nerves and
taunt- muscles, all coating, like wire mesh
the ghastly white gleam  of a skull that lies beneath.

But He is Me, I sadly realize. That is my blotched skin
and the red flesh beneath. Coating my skeletal body frame
Like vines, nerves and muscle encrust my bones. And
Blood warm organs behind and below my chest, fed by
my still-beating heart, and from the bloody-sponges
that be my lungs. All belong to me.

Looking into my saddened face, I see my skull,
that hides behind that bloody flesh, and realize
that it will one day be my eventual face of death.

And wonder, when my heart falls silent, and the clotting blood
lies frozen in my veins, inside my skeletal frame that
is forever still. My mahogany eyes remain open
but unseeing, through my glazed empty eyes

And me, my electro-chemical mind, long starved
of the blood from an empty heart begins to die.
My thoughts slow, and cloud, and confuse
with the stuttering of uncharged synapses
as chemical secretion stalls, I see my mind
collapse and decompose around me as
frantic dying nerves release their thoughts
and emotions, their bitter and sweet memories
awash all around me all seen by  me I see
myself collapse. And decompose, slowly
my fading mind, ceases, and slips down, into
the timeless depths of eternal unconsciousness.
I am my mind, I am my brain. And so I die.

And so I stare, sadly at myself in the wardrobe mirror
And silently wish that I am something more, more than
what I see before me, the automated flesh machine.

Blue Pill, Or the Red Pill?

Through tinted lenses of our mind,
We see the world in many ways.
Through sub-conscious desire
and need, we are all but blind.

Do you prescribe to the Blue Pill?

Drink to quell your own thirsty
fears, of chaos evil and death
justified with padded reasoning
Of you and his immortal majesty

Through tinted lenses of our minds
We sense the outside of our world

To reality we are  blind.

Do you prescribe to the Red Pill?

We only know what we can sense
What can be put to empirical test
Through cold observed reasoning
ignoring our fears of death.

Time Machine

Sometimes I sit and wonder,
How I am trapped within,
The ever present moment,
This space-time prison cell.

Wishing now how I could turn
Back lifes clock, my  memory burns!
I want to ignore reasons own measure
And re-live life for pleasure.

I'm gona make a time machine
To go back through my own life
To see those times now unseen
And throw memories dice

To answer those what if's?
That we know and wonder
In this dimension we live in
Want break out, like thunder!

Wishing now how I could turn
Back lifes clock,  my memory burns!
I want to ignore reasons own measure
And re-live life for pleasure.

But stuck inside physics own laws
Only our mind can fly
It's like where stuck to the floor

But the realm of our own minds
We'll  forever be free.

Mariner of the Sky

Drifting through the vastness of empty space,
gazing towards the beauty of the stars,
i see a whole entire universe, blissful and at peace.

I look behind me once more,
see the Mother- World.
A world crippled by hate and war,
of who's sights shall haunt me forever more.

Me and my crew, we pioneers
shall find a New Jerusalem in the stars.
We men an' women of younger years
Shall build a Paradise, free from our fears.

I am a veteran of that Old-Worlds Wars,
Seen the white- flash of a splittin' atom,
Stormed the Seas of screaming steel,
Heard the deathly wail of screeching shells.

But now, away I fly, and my spirit soars.

Drifting towards the vastness of empty space,
Me and my ghostly crew,
Shall now glide to heavens, unto ultimate peace.

Left my Heart at Home

When I set upon my lifes journey
far away, from family friends and home
I never knew, that I had left something behind

And as it dawns upon me, I find an emptiness inside
Something where my heart used to be
My passion, joy and happiness, are all drained away from me

And so I close me eyes, and I think of home.
I remember my timeless friends, and walking under
those starlight nights, but now i'm all alone.

And looking back at those places I used to be,
I can only hear my heart, calling back to me.

Nothing Lasts Forever

Summers so quickly gone,
Those golden years behind me,
Social high's and loves lows
From the warmth of my own home

That's where I left my heart
Seems so long ago now
It's now buried in the past
A dream that can never last

But now in this void of grey
One voice to me does say
'Nothing lasts forever,
but the certainty
of change'

Grey Clouds

They mirror my dull soul,
Those grey clouds today.
I think to myself, sitting
in my room alone.

Fate must have grown bored,
She has other mortals to play with,
As her world moves on, leaving me
in my room, feeling ignored.

My mind has become clouded
With worldly problems of money,
exams, health and work;the dregs
of life, leaving happiness shrouded.

Life's clock is ticking away
And it's my sad thought that
those hours will never
be caught again.

The Dating Game

'Roll up, Roll up!
Quickly boys, if you please!
For today, (and for the better part of your lives)
You will learn how to play whats i call
The Dating Game!

Ready? Go!
Mark your target, look her in the eye
Be confident now, home in on her now
Make her laugh, make her smile
(You have no weakness, no flaws)
Get her number, get her addy
And your on your way to the big score.

Now take her out on a date
(Look out for the jealous ex!)
Have some fun, have a shag
Take her to the cinema or restaurant
(Remember its you who pay!)
Do it again, and again and
become my obedient player

Hit the high score in the bedroom
bonus points in terms of bra size!
Reap your reward, take your prize
Have your fun until your dumped
Then your on the next level up!
Then you will have won the
The Mating Game!

It's a wonderful sport, don't you agree?
See? This is how you all find “love”
You can't avoid to play it, i've hardwired
both teams to become players in my game.

You can't escape me, it is I, Id
who is the only omi-present being!
I'm on your internet, i'm in your movies
I am in your pop music, Im in their
chick-flick. Both teams are
worshipers of me.

Should you be a rebel, that may be your choice
But you shall be a loner, I am the opium of the masses.
Suffer your low  score and my players
Will shun you....  but soon you shall
follow in line, and then you will be my player
In the Matin- im sorry, Dating Game!'

Note: This was partially inspired from reading a certain satirical WW1 poem. However, writing this note about a year after I wrote the above poem, I forget exactly which poems I was reading at the time.
© Copyright 2010 Nicholas Mark (nickolai77 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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