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We got caught. * * * He took me back to the school so i can get my car. I started the car and someone was banging on the window. Then they opened the door and went in. "Dammit Jamie and John, you don't have to hit on my baby."Sorry" they said in unison. I took them to Jamie's house. I was gonna drop them off and my house because we were neighbors but they didn't want to walk. I left the car at my house and walked to the park.I sat on my bench that had my name on it. Tell me why someone sat on my bench? "Hi" he said. I looked at him. He was hot and had a tongue piercing,snake bites, and a tattoo on his wrist but that doesn't give him a reason to sit next to me . "Hi" i said back. He took a spray can and added "Gab + Ricky's bench do not sit". "What the hell" i said. "What?" he asked. "I thought that your name has to be on this bench to sit" I laughed i had to and he laughed with me. I started to do my homework but this guy is too damn curious. "Why are you doing homework in the park?" he started. "I mean, homework is meant to be done at home....unless this is your home." "This is my home." i said sarcastically. He kept putting his arms around my waist and i kept removing them. Then pulled me closer to him and kissed me. I started to get annoyed at this guy so we took a walk and learned more about each other. We fought a couple of times and we kissed a couple of times. But i was still bored. "Well i got to go its getting late." i said. "Bye bitch" he said giving me a kiss on my cheek. I went home and my parents weren't there. I checked the time and realized that it was only 4. My parents left a note: Went to grandma and grandpa's house be back later -Dad and Mom Well this sucks. I went up to my room and finished my homework then i fell asleep. Third person Jamie and John got bored and wondered if Gab was there. Jamie took out his binoculars checked in on Gab's room. "Perv" John said. "She's asleep" Jamie said. "Let's scare her" They went to the front door and Jamie took the key from under the plant. They opened the door and went in quietly. They tiptoed to her room where she was sleeping. "Ready?" Jamie asked "Ready." John said. On the count of three they screamed in her ear. Gab "What the fuck is the matter with you two!" i screamed. "We were bored" John said. I put my pillow over my face and tried to go back to sleep. Jamie got on top of me and held my wrist down. He kissed my neck and it was bothering me. He does that just to make me mad. "Alright, I'm up" i said. We played videos games til my parents came back. * * * The next day i picked up Jamie and his cousin. "Hi I'm-" i paused. He was the annoying guy at the park. We looked at each other and Jamie was confused."No one." i said finishing my sentence. We got to the school and i showed him we the office was. I started to walk away then the principle said "Hello Miss Ramos." I looked at him and Ricky saw. "Hi Mr. Ramos" I started to walk away then my dad wanted to make me pissed by saying, "Miss Ramos why don't you show Mr. Wright to his locker?" he said. "I'll pass" i said. "Let me rephrase that" my dad said "Take Mr. Wright to his locker or your grounded for the next month without your phone." "Screw you" i said as i showed Ricky his locker. "So is he your dad or something?" he asked. "Yeah" i said. We walked to his locker which was across from mine. "Let me see your schedule." i said as he handed me his schedule. "Looks like we'll be in the same classes for 2nd,4th,6th and 7th period." After the first period i was bored. I found Ricky and Jamie talking. "Hey guys" i said. "Why didn't you tell me that you met Jordan?" Jamie said. "You wrote Ricky on the bench" i said. " It's a nickname" he said. "Well, anyway are you ready for foreign language?" i asked. "Hell yeah" Ricky said. I started walking to Spanish class expecting Ricky to follow but he didn't. I didn't give a damn. "Hola señorita Gab, cómo estás?" Mr. Beacon said. Mr. Beacon was the hottest and coolest teacher ever. He knew what my nickname stood for but since he was still in his 20s he understood. "Tuve un gran momento de ayer. Me encontré con el chico nuevo y él es uno de los más molestas de siempre!" i said.Translation:I had a great time yesterday. I met the new kid and he is one of the most annoying people ever! The class and he laughed. When Ricky came he was 20 minutes late. "Hola soy el Sr. Beacon, cuál es tu nombre?" Mr Beacon said. "Estoy Jordan Wright" he said. "Puede usted explicarme por qué son 20 minutos tarde a mi clase?" Mr. Beacon said. Translation:Can you explain to me why you are 20 minutes late for my class? "Esta chica de aquí me dejó y se suponía que me indicara dónde la clase fue así que estaba mirando a su alrededor." Ricky said pointing at me . Translation: This chick over here left me and was supposed to show me where the class was so i looking around. He sat behind me. "Usted Dick cabeza" i said. Translation: You dick head. I heard a couple of chuckles from the people who heard me. After 2nd period i had Miss Forgets-a-lot. Within the first 3 minutes of the class i was sent to the principles office. This time for cussing. "Did you insult her intelligence or did you end up teaching the class" the principle asked "Eh, i cussed someone out and she heard" i said. My dad shook his head and left. 4th period we had science. Ricky was 20 minutes late again. He asked if he could sit next to me and Miss Woods said yes. He didn't listen to one word she said. I jotted down some notes. "So whoever your sitting next to is going to be your partner for this project." she said. "What project?" Ricky whispered to me. I looked at him and then he looked away. During lunch, i sat with the same guys who was doing the same thing. When Ricky came he gave me a kiss on the cheek the guys pushed the sluts out of the way and stared at us. "What the hell?" Jamie said. Charlie quickly ran to an empty seat. "Listen, bitch i need you to drop me off at Mark's. And who is that douche that just kissed you?" he asked. "Okay one, fuck you Charlie, two maybe, and three this douche is your neighbor" i said. He walked away and i took a cookie from Spencer's tray. "Thanks" i said. "So we have P.E. next?" Ricky asked. "Yeah" i said in disbelief. When we went to P.E. we went our separate ways. I saw Kayla wait for me. "Are you doing 120 push-ups again?" she asked "Nah maybe 115" i said taking off my shirt . We laughed and when we went inside the gym Coach Budd was looking at me. "Victoria, are you gonna do 120 push-ups again?" he said teasing me. "No, sir" i said sadly. "Good, everyone do 20 push-ups." he said. Of course i saw finished first i looked around the room and saw Ricky finished after me. I looked straight at my nails, when i get home i'll ask my mom for a mani/pedi cuz she works at the nail salon. After push-ups we did stretches. I went into a straddle split and stretched my arm toward my foot. When we did right splits i put a lot of pressure on my abs. "We're playing dodgeball everyone pick your sides." I went straight to Ricky. "Hi" i said. "So your name is Victoria?" he asked. "Yeah" i said. Me and Ricky grabbed people that we needed. "So did you really do 120 push-ups yesterday?" he asked as we were throwing balls. "Yeah, is that a surprise to you?" i asked. "Fuck yeah, i can't even get up to 50." he said. "I bet you could." i said "How much?" he asked. "$15, you do the push-ups at my place where i can see you." i said. "Okay, bye" he said. "What?" i asked. Then a ball hit him in the stomach. "Ow" he said. I looked to see who threw it. I saw Richie and his crew laughing. Richie was my ex. He was kissing this skank and i dumped him. I threw a ball at his face. "Hey Dick, watch out" i yelled. Each of the four people in his crew threw a ball at me at the same time. Catching a ball was easy, but dodging 3 was hard. One ball entirely missed. The next came so fast and would of got me out if i hadn't jumped. The third, someone took the hit for me (which was super nice of them). And the last i had jumped to catch it and when i did i hit my head really hard. I called Ricky back in and i realized there were only 5 people left on our team. I got four people out and Ricky got 3 out. I counted how many people they had left and there were 10. Someone caught a ball that Ricky threw and called the dick back in. "Ricky, throw one at the dick that got you out" i whispered. He nodded and threw the ball. Dick caught the ball and aimed for his head. I threw the ball dick before he threw his. It nailed him in the balls. Our team won. |