Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1672935-THIS-DREAM
by Jaiam
Rated: E · Poetry · Inspirational · #1672935
A poem about a vision of CHRIST.

DIgital Image of CHRIST!


Dreamed I this night of CHRIST the King.
Upon HIS cross hanged HE so every eye
In every place throughout the universe, might see
The magnitude of sacrifice made for humanity.

Surrounding this image of magnificence
Saw I a crown, ringed with sapphires
Of various colors, all gems of great price.
This crown - a gift of GOD the FATHER,
Given to the SON in recognition of HIS triumphal
March throughout the haunted corridors of Hell.
For countless souls were freed from ancient thralldom
With that march, which was itself, but the start of many, many victories.
Even Death was made to bow before this PRINCE of Heaven and
Yield up its dominion over life, to the omnipotent KING of kings.

Flames of emerald fire swirled round the image I beheld, and
Stunning stones of royal lapis blue were everywhere.
Awoke I then, for this vision and its meaning were becoming all
Consuming, and I knew that I must wake and tell the world of what I saw!

The meaning of the dream is this I think:
CHRIST’s great sacrifice was made for all!
All whom have ever been, who are, or yet shall be.
And with CHRIST’s victory, salvation and renewal
Can be imparted to all things throughout the universe.
And so, the fall of man and the curse of his punishment,
Apply now but to those whose deeds demonstrate
A love for none but self, which runs so deep, and
Hardens hearts so much, that there is no place in them
For CHRIST, or even for the love of GOD.

But now, back to this dream and what else it means.
The many colored jewels, they are meant
To represent us and how highly we are prized,
Each of us gems beyond all value,
‘Round which all else revolves, even the universe itself.
And the emerald fires show how greatly burns GOD’s love.
The lapis, it is a stone once reserved for nobility,
And so it implies our royalty.
For with what Christ has done, we are now considered
As daughters and sons of our own great GOD above.

I know some will argue it was all but a vivid dream.
Perhaps one spun from within a fevered mind.
Yet, I know what I beheld, and more rightly,
I know what was revealed.

And from this night on, am I bound to this revelation,
As it is bound to me, and I commit to share
All that I have seen with any who are willing
To hear me speak of, or share in - THIS DREAM!

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