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The is a satirical self help piece ive been writting about human nature and society. |
Caution: This book does not make a good door stop, fire kindling, nor piece of propaganda. This was my working title of the book, and serve as good words of warning. In the following pages you will find yourself cursing along with me, or perhaps cursing my name. You will find yourself faced with many ideas that although are mainstream are generally painted in a pretty picture, or ignored outright. I will not be using a politically correct vernacular, nor will I be concerned with offending you. In fact I hope I do offend, since every other method has seemed to fail at making people aware of these principles and concepts. As I sit in my local Java house sipping on some luke warm coffee, I can not help but be dismayed as I hear the ignorance of conversations that are occurring around me. You may be asking yourself what gives him this right? First, I’m not a sociologist but I am intelligent, and observant. I do care about each and every one of you, regardless of your place, or mistakes in life, and like you, I’m a card caring member of the human race. So grab a drink, take an aspirin, put your fornication filters on and lets look at who we are and the mistakes we make. Chapter 1 Human Nature There are very few things im certain of in life, and one of them is that fundamentally we are animals! Yes you heard me right, we are hairless monkeys, and if I had to choose which monkeys were our ancestors I would have to say a Bonoboa and a chimp. Why? Simple, because boboa’s are horny little fuckers, and chimps kill there own. Simply put folks we are horny homicidal hairless monkeys. Now I can see that most of you are either laughing or just chucked the book across the room. Well get use to it. Now, What I find fundamentally flawed with a lot of “peoples” argument that we are not animals but divine creature is they have absolutely no proof except books that were written by man, then rewritten by man, then interpreted by man. Before we do go any further I would like something clearly stated. I do believe in God, I believe he is omnipotent, and I trust in him. What I don’t believe in is some pompous ass sitting on a stool screaming at the top of his lungs his opinion, Yes, opinion of what he thinks and feels is the all might’s views. That being said, remember in grade school where you got a chain of kids, then said something at the beginning, and at the end you had something completely else? Yet, these same “people”….Oh fuck it, you know who im talking about, religious zealots who’s lack of faith cause them to scream there dogma on others, choose to ignore hard facts. Genetics anyone, or how about fossil remains, or just simple reasoning. Yet for some reason these same people feel that the same deity’s that they call “All powerful” are idiot‘s, because obviously he, she, it, cant comprehend genetics, or evolution. Fuck while were at it, lets assume, he, she, it doesn’t understand celestial movement and physics. So you go on believing your God, or Gods are IDIOT diety's, and I’ll choose to believe that my God does understand and created the mechanics of the universe. So as you can tell, I’m a staunch believer that we ARE animals. Not just a few days ago, I heard a gal in a bar call some fella a dog, which proves my point; granted she had the species wrong. So we are animals, and like all animals we do have instincts. I’ll always remember a professor I had who called our basic primal instincts the 4 F’s. Feeding Fleeing Fighting And sexual reproduction. As you can probably imagine we all laughed at how he side stepped “fucking” as the final f. Through my life I have pondered those sage words spoken many years ago. I honestly tried to fathom if this was who and what we were at the core. It seemed on many occasions that he seemed correct. Many of us have had pets in our lives, and have seen similar behavior in them, and the basic reprocutions of them. But what sets us apart from a gopher is our level of intelligence and how complicated our “rational” thought can jack it up. Now I know may of you still have missed the boat about being animals, but stop and think about this. What drives you when you sit on something sharp? What makes you fight when you feel cornered? And finally what drives you to want to bang that fine ass chick, or fella? Now I don’t really give a rats ass how you try to rationalize it, But where we are different from that gopher is how with our level of intelligence we manage to create a foul ass complicated network of problems out of them. Everything from our social groups, to our governments and personal lives are effected and manipulated by these instincts. In many ways the remainder of the book looks at how these instincts effect us. So, What are these 4 f’s, or more specifically instincts really? I know I asked you to think about it, but you really couldn’t answer, I mean is there a fucking gene? Who knows, but one thing I’m absolutely positive about is that instincts are self serving. Instincts are about selfishness. In fact if you look at nature, just about everything is about screw the weak, power to the strong, and every chimp for himself. We as humans try to bullshit ourselves and say “we are not like animals” and the sad truth is, your wrong. Ever heard the term “self preservation” well with us hairless hominids take it a step further, because we relish in emotions, the selfish factor jumps in which amplifies every single primal nature we have. You don’t believe me? Ok, take “feeding” from the 4 f’s. In the wild, say with a pack of dogs, what happends when one dog is dominent over another say over some gravey train? Nothing other than some basic primal testosterone ball bitting. But once matters are settled, alpha dog eats, and the other runt eats the left overs or starves and dies. Now stop wimping you pussies, because at least there honost, and pure in there intentions unlike us Take a human in the same position. Our nature, our Instinct is to eat, our balls come out just like the dogs, yet when all is said and done, our “emotions” take over, and the homicidal chimp kicks in. We will hate, and plot. We will, basically become selfish on so many levels it’s not even funny. I can hear you, and stop shaking your head, Yes we are selfish when it comes to food. Just think of the last time you had a buffet line, and there was your favorite food. One piece of chicken fried steak left. Did you leave it? Hell no your selfish ass took it. Ant this wasn’t even life or death. Know I know your rationalizing it saying. “ohh they will bring more out” they why the fuck don’t you wait? See what I mean. Now lets talk about fucking Ive seen enough national geographic episodes, and stray dogs fucking to know, they don’t really give a shit about nothing but keeping there harem, if they loose it they look for another, and the cycle goes on. Meanwhile they try fucking everthing they can. Yet us, oh, we fight against that primal need, covet what others have, never being happy because we let our primal instincts govern us. At the same time treat sex as taboo, an act that is dirty. Hello, you dumb fucks, are you trying to make the human race extinct? Every single one of us craves sex. Now we rationalize it many ways, thinking of it as a way to show effection. Ok there is nothing wrong with that, So if that’s ok, why are we so hung up on it? Ahh we rationalize once again, we get sex muddled up with infidelity, or nastyness. Yet many if not most people masterba…I mean jack off, and all the while thinking nasty thoughts. Now all you fucking prudes who believe otherwise, keep this in mind the next time you have sex, you are doing nothing different then all the animals on the planet. Does this bother you? Is that why your all so hung up with making it an evil deed, because it’s proof that we are part of the animal kingdom? This is not to say that with our intelligence that we can not do selfless acts, but truth be told 99% of what we do is governed by our nature, same as any animal. Why the hell do you think we have sociology, and psychology? Folks, these are sciences, based in hard truths and patterns of predictable behavior. They use mathematics and statistics to predict human behavior. Now how do you think this is possible? Come on you tools? Why in all that is Holy does math work to predict human behavior? Knock knock! Because fundamentally we are little minions governed by instincts! Now here is another interesting little tidbit that should make you hardliner zealots’ happy. There are margins of error in the predictions. I believe these errors, or people who don’t behave “like the norm” aka your not a minion, are people who managed to shake there instincts off for that particular instant. Here is another thing we do daily, we sooth ourselves, giving ourselves “adda-boys” and happy joy joy feelings about what a good person we are, or what nice acts weve done. That simple act is a selfish act. I’m not saying it’s wrong, but I am pointing out something all you tools fail to realize. Or, if we do except “wrong doing” in something we have a tendency of justifying it. Every here yourself doing this “well I was wrong, BUT” Let me ask you a simple question. “What do people think of you”. Now one of 2 things happed when you though about this. 1st you either said something like “insert some positive trait” 2nd you paused and had a conflict of interest and “inserts positive or negative trait” What the first one shows is human nature running ramped, in preservation selfishness mode. Are we really that fucking great, I mean seriously? I know what kind of idiot I am? Or you were number 2, and acted like a human and not an animal, bypassing your instincts. Which Is allot fucking greater than bullshitting other homicidal monkey’s. You see, this simple little exercise wasn’t about what a happy joy joy person you are, because we don’t a)give a shit and b)believe it, but to prove to you that instinct are always pulling on you. This isn’t to say that instincts govern your life, but believe me when I say, it takes a lot to work at being a human, instead of a bi-pedal homicidal horny hairless primate. Now that you all feel like either fucking idiots after that enlightening moment(.001%), or some bible belt close minded redneck, loading his Oght’6(99.999%) there is hope for redemption. Even though we are homicidle hairless apes, we are also a species that has managed to go to the moon, created Einstien and Ghandi. We do have in us a divine spark. Something that no other species on this planet has. We are something very unique, and very special. Yet until we can learn to govern our primal urges, we will forever be falling. The first step to over coming a problem is becoming aware of it. In the following chapters we are going to look at how are fucked up selfish, selfserving insticts inflict pain not just on others, but how they really are counter productive to our root need of “self preservation”. We are blessed and we are wise, but only walking through a landmine of heresy, facing demons and contemplatig there many faces are you going to gain knowledge. Chapter 2 Blinded by Science To paraphraze Einstein “two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, Im not sure of the universe” This pretty much sums up my view of a lot of things, but in this case our view and approach to science we are closed mined fucking idiots. I’m pretty much convinced that Ammo, my dog know’s more about science than the majority of humanity. As a collective you folks are an ignorant pitiful excuse to represent the best of humanity. Everything you think you know of science and mathmatics is half truths or outright wrong. I’m sick and fucking tired of the lame ass excuse “I’m horrible at math” Let me explain something to you collective group of rocket scientists. Your were not born speaking English, French nor German, but you were instinctively born understanding mathmatics. Surprise. Ya you fucking tools, Math is as native to you as taking a shit in the morning. Let me show you. I starve your ass for a week, and put you in a hallway with 2 doors. One door opens to a table with 1 slice of bread, the other to a loaf of bread. Which room do you go to, and why? Answer: the loaf, why? because you understand differences, ie your coded to understand that your poor ass will starve to death if you dont. Test 2 I give you a bucket of peanuts and tell you to share them with 3 other people evenly, now regardless how you do it(children do the whole “one for you one for me thing) you split them. Guess what that is folks. Fucking MATH! Now let me tell you what math really is. You see, “higher” levels of math are just short cuts. Yep you heard me. Some time way back yonder, some poor bastered got tired of constantly adding up 2+2+2 or 5+5+5+5. And realized that after doing that a billion times that the answer never changed. Thus multiplication was invented. And on and on the chain went. Everything in math is a shortcut to make it easier to figure something out. So why are we as a society so absolutely horrible at it? First, if you tell enough people that math is hard, there going to start believing it. I mean really, you’ve already set people up for failure at that point. Infact, if you have already failed, your little selfish ass is going to push your failure on someone else. Second, and our primary schools absolutely suck. Oh shit, I could write a whole chapter on my thought on our schools. We put the welfare and futures of our children, and in many ways our lives in what our children learn. Yet we pay our teachers absolute shit, put poorly trained or in some cases not trained men and women in charge of their educations. What does this mean? It means that the people that do teach are either seriously dedicate to teaching, which Ive met many that are, or cant get a job in the fields they went to school in. Now here is my big beef. Almost every science and math teacher, specifically in High school were liberal arts majors, now perhaps this is an assumption…but from my experience, they sure as shit aint engineers, mathmaticians, and physicists. Now How in the fuck does someone who studied literature, or psychology no, let alone have the experience, and passion for physics, chemistry, and mathmatics? I was at a use book store not 3 days ago, and came across a calculus book circa 1960’s, and picked it up, why? Cause im a fucking geek. Yet my kind are not teaching, why? Because 30K a year leaves little to be desired. So instead these “teachers” take some class’s that “authorise” them to teach science. What these class’s actually teach are an overview of the source material, and how to use the teaching material provided. So in escense the teachers don’t teach, they just spew dogma from so pre-written text. So I ask you again, you wonder why we are so fucking ignorant? We have idiots teaching our kids. I was at a national lab a few years ago, and an organization of science teachers was there for some ’training” I believe in physics. I remember sitting at the bar talking with many of them, we got around to the subject of physics, which most taught. I was completely dumbfounded at how ignorant they were. And how heavily they depended on the teaching material to get them through the day, or class. I was fucking dismayed that our kids were being thought by these morons. Needless to say, they got a bit angry when I proposed they should hire real engineers, and scientists at higher pay, but they really couldn’t contradict my reasoning. I mean how do you rebuttle to “A real physist wouldn’t need a remedial 101 physics refresher class now would he?” I’m not trying to be a prick to teachers, I admire what you do, but stick to what your good at, because truth be told, unless you spend your free time talking unified theory, strings, the term Higg’s doesn’t cause a blank stair, and you library has as many if not more science books go teach something else. I mean honestly folks, you really don’t want me teaching English(Egads!) I don’t know what the solution is, but I do know, our kids our becoming even stupider than you are. So next time your at your kids schools, find out what the science teacher really knows. So what has our dysfunctional educational system netted us? Fundamentally it’s become a cancer that’s slowly choking us into a belief of false security. We truly have become a society of ignorant minions. We blindly believe what is told to us. I remember I was sitting in line at a movie with my girlfriend when she started chatting with another gal in line. Some how they started talking about how they had seen on the news that using your cell phone when at the gas station would cause it to blow up. Now needless to say I had a lot to say about that whole theory. What I found funny about the whole issue, was they took the word of a “Research Journalist” over an instrument engineer. First “What the fuck is a research journalist? For all that is holy and just, please shut the fuck up, go back to school, take some real research class’s and become unbiased” Damm even in my meager education I took research class’s Now, during the conversation I pointed out I wouldn’t rule it out, ie that at cell phone would cause a cataclysmic explosion, but according the power output, wavelenghts etc, it seemed more likely the combustible engines of cars around would cause an explosion. I was called a “smart ass” and “know-it-all”. Truthfully I wasn’t really trying to be either, I was on geek mode, of thinking about how a cellphone operated, trying to think if anything could act as a capacitant, you know, beeing a fucking nerd. Yet, the minions choose to believe someone who’s “research” was completely and utterly biased for entertainment of the ignorant mass’s, OR, they were just morons, and if that’s the case where do I apply for the job? I mean, stop and think of all the thing you believe as “truths” and “science”. Where did you actually learn them? Did you actually crack a book, and figure it out with your own mind, or take it on faith? Yah I’m willing to bet your mindless monkeys took the word of others. Now you probably stand on your pedestal preaching to the mass’s about your infinite knowledge. Hah,….ha,Hahahahahaha. Real fucking funny. Question everything folks, including me, and yourself. Never assume anything is set in stone. One thing that pissing me off more than anything is when I hear scientists talk about absolutes, or act as if they know everything. Folks if you ever meet someone like this(including me) run for the fucking hill, dig a ditch, and shoot the fucker. Because they are the most close minded zealots you will ever find, even worse than them religious fuckers. I question everything, including this book and it’s content. I mean fuck, hundreds of years ago, they thought,….NO, they knew the earth was flat, and the sun revolved around the earth. You would have found countless “scientists” that staked there careers on this. Well, them dumb ass’s are dust now, and only those willing to question have seen beyond and are immortalized. Seriously know one remember Gunther Einstein, alberts 2nd counsin, twice removed of his uncles cousin 3rd brothers mistress, who proposed the theory of pecker shrinkage. Nuclear Energy. Ohh dear, this is my pet peave. My background is in nuclear instrumentation engineering. Yah big tongue twister, and know my ball’s arent glowing. For years I traveled constantly, fuck, not many places I havent been. Now the biggest draw back of what I did was that bullshit conversation that always occurs on the airplanes. Somewhere during those brutal flights It would always come up. “so what do you do?” at which point I would usually grone”. Fuck, shit, shit fuck, you have no idea how ignorant people are until they tell you there vast knowledge of Nuclear. Specifically when they try to educate YOU, and nuclear fella on it. Are you guys really that moronic, or desperate to look like complete tools? Hello, Im the nuclear fella not you, so I think I would have a little better understanding about it than the regular joe sitting next to me. Like simple yet revealing things. Did you know radiation is everywhere? Yup it is part of nature you mentally deficient fools, it’s a part of nature, and Yes beneficial, and a necessary part of life. If you pick up anything in nature it’s “radioactive”. Infact, vegetative matter has higher concentrations. Think of it like this…plants take minereals from the ground, minerals are what?….yup..specific elements in the periodic table, IE meaning that plants, vegetative matter are natural refineries to consitrate “nuke stuff”. Man I can remember all the bananna trucks nearly exploding some of my radiation detectors. So you fucking idiots, get use to the idea, radiation is everywhere. It’s your buddy, but like everything in nature, to much of a good thing is bad, kinda like tequila. All your fucking granola crunching, tree hugging, sandal wearing fuckers, if youre so conserned about the environement, answer me one question. WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU NOT FOR NUCLEAR ENERGY and RESEARCH? Technically this statement goes to everyone. First reactor design’s have come a long way, they are safe, and cleaner than every option we currently have. Shit doesn’t glow behind them. This is also assuming you are not running a breader reactor which burns longer which uses more of the decay chain. Infact as “radiation dose” goes, I would receive less at the plants, than I would at home, assuming I wasn’t standing in the vault ontop of the fucking core. Second the energy is environmentally friendly. Second if we truly solved the final mysteries you tools they would be completey clean, with no byproducts, eternal with so many solutions solved. I can see you hippy fuckers rolling your eyes, so why don’t you go find your tree, do something worthless and sacrifice yourself in martyrdom to a cause that doesn’t really solve anything. Don’t get me wrong, we have serious environmental issues, but please, stop spouting poetry, and using philosophy to spout dogma that doesn’t solve anything. So let me explain some things to you. Basic laws of science is conservation of mass/energy. Since all you fuckers are ignorant morons, ill give you a basic explanation. If you have something, say a chunk of coal, and were to burn it, the resulting ash, gas’s, heat/energy, have to add up to the original mass of the object. So now lets look at the ol’nuclear plant(were assuming old school plant not the more efficient breeder). Say during a normal fuel cycle of 3 years it uses what amounts one rail car of wasted rods. Now there will be other waste associated as well, say another 2 cars of the dreaded “nuclear waste” So this “toxic shit” has to go somewhere….oh so we load it up,……send it to some saltmine somewhere, and burry it. Not the smartest way, but because you fucking idiots are “wiser” than the experts, this is our only option. So people line up with there signs…bitch and complain…talk about 2 headed babies, shit like that about the waste…which like I said get put in the salt mine, and there are other viable options, let alone other methods yet undiscovered, but because of social paranoia caused by Your fucking superior education…research, funding etc is non exsistant. Now lets look at the coal, plant(this even applies to natural gas ). Mr’ good ol coal plant to have the same ol power output as the Nuclear plant burns rail cars of coal……..a day. Which equals thousands of cars a …….YEAR……which equals thousands more over a 3 year span. Now remember that whole conservation of mass/energy shit I was talking about? Coal isn’t very efficient……so tell me…you have thousands of rail cars of shit left over a year from 1 plant…..where do you think it goes? Please tell me you fucking einsteinium prodigies? Now you want the real kicker! Remember earlier when I told you how “plant matter” was a natural recycler for radioactive isotopes? What is coal? Well if you don’t know it’s the remains of decomposed plant life from way back when…..that’s been compressed, and “aged” and slowely cooked in the oven of the earth. Now to make a long story short…It has higher consentrations of radioactive isotopes(a lot depends on location as well). Now let me ask you one fucking silly question. What do you think happens when you burn the coal? And you thought nuclear plants were bad…. You see what I mean by you fuckers being ignorant. But all things aside I really do understand why you are all ignorant. One reason is our education system, but the teachers are not the main culprit…its you the parents. Yup you lazy, selfish, egotistical, materialistic bitches! Yes you parents are to blame. I don’t want to hear it’s society, or the teachers, because at the end of the day, your children are so screwed up and dumb because of you. I have no kids, so I can give a very unbiased view of what ive seen of my family, friends, etc and see how they have screwed their children. I mean, damm….a WII and xbox are not educational. A tv is not educational, specifically when they are watching it alone. Who the fuck is there to guid them and give them object leasons, or morals? To spark curiosity? To ask your child “Why” and help them think? Fucking idiots. Politics Politics or as I like to call it "The art of the elitest shit heads fucking the common man without roses". First befor we talk about politics you need to back the piss up because each and everyone of you has no idea what politics are. You may believe you know, but your ignorant. Yes i said Ignorant. So what exactly is ignorant? well it doesnt mean stupid. My definition of stupid is simple. "Making judgements, or decesions based off prejudice, hearsay, or half truths that will always work in your favor, even if you know they are wrong". Now granted some of you are stupid, but the majority of you are ignorant. So what is ignorance? Well I believe that ignorance is believing you do know the truth, that you do feel educated and make decisions based off it. So how is this fundementally different from the truth? Simple, Most people who believe they know the "truth" are ignorant cattle that are fed bullshit because they never once "Questioned" anything they were fed. So, I ask you, What do you really know about politics? Are you stupid, or ignorant? I know im Ignorant, a dumb ass mule, but it's definatly a step above the cattle eating bullshit. But why are we trully ignorant? What has caused us to fail at understanding the mechanisms and people who dictate our lives? So how do I explain these problems? I could say "Blame the Media", or "It's the Lobbiests" or on and on. But the truth is most people dont even understand why they are democrats or republicans. Hell, most people are ignorant about the differences between the 2 parties. I love the explanations i get from people about their "parties". "ohh im a democrat because they're for the poor". Now what kind of ignorant, dumb ass, eating horse shit answer is that? Another one i love is "I'm a republican because they are conservative" Ok....explaine to me what concervative is without saying they are for the dogma of religion, or for the rich. I cant believe that people blindly believe "truths" they are told about their parties without having a lick of knowledge about economical models, or social issues. Here is a economic "truth" for you folks. First, All parties are for the "poor", All parties are for the "middleclass". where they differ is how they accomplish that. Generally speaking, and take this with a grain of salt because it changes like the seasons. The democrats or "leftwing" believe you can have a healthy economy by putting more money directly into the paycheck of a person. Example: If people got a tax break that gave them an extra $50 a month, this would allow them to buy more "stuff". Buying more stuff causes the more profits for companies. Now compainies may be greedy bastards, but if they want to keep in business, they have to be competitive, so they start dropping prices because there competions is trying to be more competative. what do you end up with? Healthy economy. So what about a Republican view, aka right wing. Well these folks believe a healthy economy is created by stimulating the companies. Example: give super sucker corporations a tax break. Now they have larger margines, ie more money. Now most people have this idiot view that they are scooping in the cash, well the truth is, they want to scoop in the cash. The only way to do this is to outsale their competion. Guess how they do that? Yup, cut prices. This has a cascade effect on everything, from petrolium, to dairy, hell even your computer and books are effected. So in the end the gallon of milk you were paying $4 for is now costing you $3. In the end same effect, you have more money and a healthy economy. So we have just touched on economical policies, but here is the question. "Which one is the best?". Hell i dont know, there all stark raving mad, conveluted, and complex when the policies are laid before us. But One thing i do know is I do not believe anything that im told unless i can understand it myself. So what about Social issues? I mean honostly people, we keep electing people who promise a whole bunch of shit, and were still piled with welfare problems, violent crimes, and here in the US, im said to say our education system is horribly inept, i mean by all that is holy and right im educated, and spell like shit. Yet, each and every one of you drives on believing you are educated in your parties view and that they have YOUR best interest at heart. Ok...in this instance, you guys are not ignorant, you are down right STUPID. How in the world do you folks keep voting for people who lie, cheat and steal, all the while you children are growing up pariniod pill poping under educatated idiots? Your proud of this? Im not. I get disgusted a times when i think about some of the "HOT" topics in politics today. Gay marriage. Ok, this is an absolutly assinine topic. Give it to them, and be done with it. Do I condone 2 guys shagging, Hell no, it gross's me the fuck out, But then im a hypocryte because 2 women on the otherhand is dandy like candy. You see the hypocrit i am? what makes you think that the whole senate, regardless of party isnt full of hypocrsy? In a nutt shell keeping gay men and women couples from the same rights as straight is a form of segragation, and needs to be stopped. at the end of the day i dont have to watch them fuck, but then again, there are some straight couples that would make me naughtious as well. Besides all them crazy fucking extremist, you know who you are you fucking pulpit preaching shit's, you guys grovel in the same sin and break the commandments. You are houses of hypocracy that sets the moral code to your views, not that of God! War. remember that old saying "Dont tread on me"? Well i would like to point a couple of things out. First if you come to my country, blow shit up, strap a bomb to your ass, or attempt any violence prepare to face the consequence. We own guns, we are violent, and we dont take litely to people pissing us off. Point in fact, why the hell do you think we elected that idiot Bush 2 times as president? Answer, he may not be good for much, but he sure as hell knows how to make war! Now my second point about treding on me, it goes both ways. People fail to realize why so many people hate us. Yup, they really really hate us and we have to clue as to why. That crazy bastard Michael Moore tried to bring the reasons forth with his mad mussing, but to be honost he was so jaded and Stupid(yes he is stupid not ignorant), he couldnt look at both sides of the fence. Listen people Ill tell you the truth. We are hated because we did alot of bad shit in the world over the years, we hurt, killed, deposed leaders and people. Shocking isnt it, but its a cold truth. You dont have to believe me, good ol Google will help you out. Know here is the thing Michael never pointed out. War is Hell, alot of this shit can be taken back to the colonalism of britian, but we really tooled up after WWII, we were in a "cold war" with russia, and did what ever it took to protect our shores. It may not have been nice, and honostly may not have always been nessesary but now we are paying the concequenses of protecting our shores. Alot of people want to blame it on "oil", well Opec is a fucking scam, but do you honostly believe a 17 year old kid in the mountians of afghanistan knows shit about them? NO, they use the stories and history they grew up with to turn them against us. Now talking about war has my loins a boiling, i can feel the fumunda cheese melting. I want you all to understand i hate it, I honostly feel week when i hear of the death and carnage. I remember years ago seeing a video on the web of a russian soldier who was beheaded in afghanistian. It haughts me to this day. Which brings me to the issue of torture. When i think back to how the great wars were faught, and how the leaders and commanders were successful, i cant help but see how we fail so horribly. I think of how juliues cesar, bonapart, or alexander the great worked. How the wars were faught durring later centries and even WW1-2. and now i think of the wars today. Sometime in the last 30years someone tried to make wars "civilized". How the fuck is war civil? How is men and women dying on the field daily, civil? I cant believe my eyes that we are in war and our soldiers are hamstringed because of "Political correctness", and in the end of the day, were the only ones doing this. The enemy is not stupid, they use every trick, tools, and yes torture to get the upper hand. Yet we sit here and wonder why the hell our boys and girls are dieing. You should be ashamed our yourselves, I mean honostly you will sacrife thousands of people to protect one, all in the hopes that you will have a happy joy joy fuzzy feelings. War is hell folks, take off the fucking blinders, educate yourselves, and elect people you trust, but never fail to relize people will die, but it's up to us to say how many you fucking cowards! If torturing a combatant saved 100's of lives, both on our side and there's I would call it a fair trade. And thats alot comming from me, I hate it, i deplore it. So why oh why the hell do you folks squirm? Would you have tortured, not killed, but tortured someone if it would have saved your son, daughter, friend or father? Because the simple truth is our soldiers know if they are caught and captured that is the least that will happen to them. Yet I seem to been in a country that is full of pussies who are willing to throw our children away and not give them evey tool they need to survive. All to protect our country, humanity and perhaps even the world. Dont you dare think it's not possible. It's only time before the terrorist get there hands on nuclear and biological weapons, and what are you fucking shit heads going to do when it happens? who are you going to blame? The government? ya you scapegoating cowards. RELIGION Find exact text Genesis “and God looked around and it was Good” And then we screwed it up. That’s what religion really is. A means to find comfort in our view of lifes imperfection. I mean stop and think of it in a really fucked up way, God, Gods, Tree, matilda the one legged chicken goddess, or what ever you higher power is only truly exists when shit is fucked up. I know a lot of people say, “I pray to be grateful” but the truth is, if you look deep inside yourself what your really saying is “I’m giving the great and holy chicken goddess matilda thanks, so not to anger, spite or piss-off, on the off chance she will take it away” Now if you don’t believe this a)your either in self-preservation mode and don’t want to piss off matilda the mighty one legged chicken goddess. b)your not really listening to what im saying. Stop and think about it. What do all religions, have in common? 1)some untouchable force 2)great powers 3)some way of us mere monkeys to interact with it. Now these “gods” are not always just, but some things I always found interesting are the catigories of them: a)the gods to explain the unknown b) The gods to explain our own fuck ups, or at times as a means to fix the fuck ups we did. c)and of course the panthion of gods of “fix me cause im dying, sick, poor”. I think in my opinion, the most common, mystical, and if he/she/it exists would be the god of the unknown. Call Him Yahweh, God, Buddha, or Matilda. One truth holds for them all, they are all powerful, yet beyond the understanding of man. Yet for some reason we believe in our infinite insignificance of the universe that we, in the vastness of the untold universe are special, and unique, and that this power has chosen us, that he is looking at us. Is it our fucking elite opinions of ourselves that drives this? Another interesting aspect of these “Gods” is they are So mysterious that we automatically assume that there omnipotent’s precludes us from ever being able to perceive them. Nice way of saying “I am so great I don’t exists to you, but believe in me nontheless”. Now I know there are a lot of people who are chewing at the book right now, bear with me ya shits. Like I said, I am a believer, but honestly, my road to God was rocky, and I thank him daily for his patience. Now where the fuck were we. The gods of fuck ups. These bastards get me going every time. We should really call them the panthion of vices. The greeks and romans are a perfect example of the futility of naming gods of our fuck ups and vices. Dear gods, how they had a god, goddess for everything that was a human emotion, action, or fault. But the Catholics were pretty good at having patron saints for this as well. Leave it to us to point a finger at someone else when we want to do war on someone, or shag some ones wife. Ya I can see it know “yes paraclease, I did war on the Hittites because persephonie cursed my loines, driving the madness of aries into me” Ya fucking right. Buy the way is there a catholic saint of shagging? You were a horny fucking monkey, and liked to be homicidal.. Get real! Lastly are the gods of what I call preservation. These are the buggers that we go to for no other reason than to ask for shit. Either as george carlin called them “STUFF” or when our mortality was in danger. Now what I find funny in a tragic sort of way is how every human who has ever lived has died that we still have issue with it. It’s ironic really, I mean, it’s the one part of our genetic code the terrifies the shit out of us. I mean me, who has had enough siezures to have excepted my mortality a bit more than most understands this. But then I stop and think of something each and every one of us always forgets. We have all know death EPIPHANY! Yes….. The bullshit will stop for one moment. My friends, I do this because I have seen the fear in the eyes of those dear to me as they pass. Ive seen the terror of the unknown. I am just a man, who is weak and powerless when surrounded by the dying, as there mortality slips away, wishing as God is my witness that I had the words of comfort and redemtion for them. For the revelation is thus, and it is a truth my friends, as real as you sit and breath. In the womb of truth, reveling in the warmth of ambiotic fluid, a cell split, and life began. Before this there was no life, no breath. You were none exsistant. You were dead. You were a hope, a possibility. We may not remember what was beyond the great abyss, but I believe it’s a wonder unlike our senses can understand. Don’t be frightened my friends, my loves, my dears. You have been there before. Now back to my cynical smartass self. Now here in the west, we think of religion as the God of Abraham. Ok, honestly, fuck the west. Most of the world worships the God of Abraham. IE Christians, Muslims, and jews. You fucking idiots..you are all a bunch of hypocrits! We all worship the same god yet kill each other in his name. Either god is a hypocrite, or you fuckers are just proving my point that your horny homicidal bi-pedal monkeys. How the fuck can you all call yourselves men and women of god, yet kill your brothers….all in the name of God. You should feel ashamed and unclean. I watch them fucking born again Christians, and yes I was brought up that way before I seen the errors of my way, being hypocrits. How the hell can you preach love your brother, neighbor, and teach the words of christ, Who was a pacisfist, yet preach sedition? Please someone explain that to me. Did I say I cant stand the shit’s at the 700 club It’s not God, nor Jesus Christ you preach, but your own views, and political agenda’s. I mean You guys are fucking lobbiests…As far as I can tell that goes against the good book. And the whole fucked up part is you have a following of people who are frightened, a scared, looking for guidance. They are like empty vessles, and you polute them with filth. You are Cesar, You are the faracies you fucks. If anyone should fear for there souls, it’s you poor bastards, and trust me I struggle to pray for you souls. People ask me if im religios, and I say “hell ya” then think im full of shit when I tell them I wont step into a church. Why? Because all churches, and I mean 99.999% are houses of hypocrisy. Take the 3 major religions, ie those of Abraham, each sect hates the other. I mean you have to be kidding me. Yet they all have similar teachings, “you know, love thy neighbor bullshit”. Now in priciple I try to live by those beliefs, but im not about to have a minister, rabii, and cleric preach them to me while they preach hate, and there own dogma to the mass’s. The other issue I have with the “faiths” is there absolute abhorrence for science. What the fuck is that all about? Anyone? Genisis: “God created the heavens and the earth” Now I assume when my lord waved his magic wand in the cosmos, and said abracadabra, and everything poofed into exsistance that included, the laws of motion, quantum mechanics, genetics, and every other law of the universe. Now I am making the assumption that “God” is not a moron of course. And when he said Genesis “you shall have dominion” Once again an assumption He was telling us, take what I have made, and use it. Now Nowhere in the good book, books, scrolls, tablets, or written in the stars do I see the following Genisis rev b 1.1and god said go forth and spark flint to tinder, master the wheel, but do not dig into the ground and postulate on the creatures before you for they were my fuckups. 1.2and god said my children you shall master the band-aid and the potions, but look no further than the bread mold, for the building blocks of life are my domain 1.3And god said, if you have dug up my fuck ups, and choose not to ignore them, thus puzzling together how I made this concerto know as the universe in all it’s beauty, disgard this, thus keeping your children ignorant, for intelligence, logic an science which I have blessed you with above all the beasts, that which is part of the divine is over rated, so ignore my gift. 1.4And god said, look not into the heavens and question and wonder what other I may have created. Give me a fucked break you tards! The only person who has put constraints on us ….is…wait….wait…..US. Men and women who feel it’s there God Given right to force there opinions and phobias down other peoples Gullents! Now let me ask you all a simple question. Lets look at Genetics. A science that has the possibility to offer great hope, and harm. Genetics in and by itself isn’t dangerous, no more so than a gun, or a poppy seed bun. But under the right circumstances each and every one of these things can cure and kill. The gun allowed us to hunt, and protect ourselves. The poppy allows for the suppression of pain which otherwise could kill And genetics? Now you rocket scientists riddle me this….what makes these things wicked? Dangerous? Is it God? Is it Satan? NO, its fucking man. I will give you zeleots the benefit of the doubt and say that about 1% of what man does is “unexplainable”. But sorry folks, blaming the fucking devil for our fuck ups is pure and simple scape goating! Be a Man, Women or true follower of your faith, and admit you are your worst enemy. You never heard Moses, or Abraham or any of the saints quibbling about “The devil made me do it”. Why were they “righteous men?” Because they new the secret im going to tell you. “Not one soul on this planet can force you to do anything you don’t choose to” That’s it, that’s all there is to it. If you fail, crack or are an utter failure, stop, take a deep breath, and realize you have the power to change that. All the “Devil” can do is tempt, but in the end, it’s all your choice, so stop fucking complaining. Take responsibility and drive on! |