Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1666825-The-Purpose
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1666825
An ill man tries to uncover what is happening to him
What on Earth was going on? He looked at his reflection in the mirror; blood covered his cheeks and chin. He’d rushed to the bathroom as soon as he felt the sharp pain in his abdomen, but he hadn’t considered that something of this magnitude would happen.
“Are you alright, sweetie?” His girlfriend asked as she knocked on the door.
“Yes!” He replied. “I’m fine.”
“Can I come in?”
“No, I don’t think that’s a good idea. Must have eaten something my stomach couldn’t handle.”
“Oh…okay. I’ll just tell them you’ve been feeling a bit ill lately, they’ll understand.”
“Of course they will! I’ve known them since I was a kid! Don’t be daft!” He heard her feet walk slowly away from the door, back to the living room, not saying a word. He had never yelled at her before. Apparently, too spicy Indian food both caused you to throw up blood and change personality, but he couldn’t think about her for the moment, he had to know how to stop it. He felt another cramp in his stomach, and shortly afterwards a stream of blood shot out through his mouth. He sat down on the floor, as he was barely able to stand on his feet. The blood vomiting evidently took quite a lot of energy. When had he begun feeling sick? He’d first felt the pain a few days ago, after he’d been out with his friend, Ron, the night before. He’d been too drunk to remember most of the evening and subsequent early morning, but Ron hadn’t drunk too much. Perhaps he knew what was happening? His cell phone was lying at the edge of the blood-covered sink, he had to call him. He saw his hand shaking as he reached for the phone. He couldn’t grab it, but instead tried tipping it off the sink with his fingers, as he couldn’t get back on his feet. The cell phone clanked and broke as it hit the marble floor. Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes. Why was this happening to him? As the tears mingled with the blood, he managed to shove both parts of the phone back to him with his left foot. Thankfully, only the outer parts of the phone had been broken, so he was still capable of calling Ron. After shuffling through the contacts menu for a while, he finally found Ron’s number and called him.
“Hello?” Ron said, as he picked up the phone.
“Ron! It’s me, David!
“Remember that club we were at on Saturday?”
“Yeah, clearly.”
“What happened after that?”
“We walked back home followed by some other drunkards we met at the club. You don’t sound like you’re feeling very well, where are you?”
“I’m at home. Liz and I have had some old friends over for dinner, but…ehm…I felt sick and ran to the bathroom. I stumbled to the sink and began vomiting blood! I’ve felt ill ever since that night we were out. I’ve been in here for fifteen minutes now! I have to get out of here! Are you sure you aren’t forgetting something?”
“Yes, I’m absolutely positive. You said you’ve been vomiting blood?”
“Don’t worry, you’ve been through the worst. It’s sort of a strange mix of being dizzy and feeling like your intestines are about to blow up, am I right?”
“Yes, but how do you know?”
“I went through the same, but apparently faster than you. The pain is nearly unbearable towards the end, but once you’ve been through it, you will finally see the purpose.”
“The purpose, what are you talking about?”
“You’ll see in due time.” Ron said. “I’m gonna hang up now, but do call me after you wake up.” David threw the cell phone into the wall, shattering it for good this time. Was he going completely insane? Or was this just some strange, frighteningly lifelike nightmare? He cuddled up in one corner of the room, and slowly felt the pain receding, being replaced by sleepiness

He knew now. He knew what the purpose was. He threw his bloodied clothes out the window, and sneaked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. He pulled on some new clothes, and walked back into the living room with a smile on his lips. They sat in the couch, looking worried, but as Liz saw him she immediately smiled and ran over to hug him. He felt nothing, but continued to smile. Upon being questioned, he replied that he was feeling fine now and he hoped that his sudden departure hadn’t disrupted the coziness too much. They would know the purpose as well, or perish.
© Copyright 2010 Snuggle (snuggle at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1666825-The-Purpose