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Lilith was written out of the Christian bible, but still exists in other documents. |
Lilith: The first vampire My name is Lilith and I am the first and oldest vampire in recorded history. My story is the oldest and it begins when Mother Earth decided to give birth to the first perfect beings, humans. Everyone knows the story of Adam and Eve, but not everyone knows or believes the story of Adam and Lilith. You see, I was suppose to be the first wife of Adam. He and I were created at the same time, from the same dirt and took the first breath of life together. Even though your bibles have written me out, it doesn’t mean I never existed. On the contrary, even the Jewish community remembers me, but the Church hangs on to it’s doctored bible and closes it’s mind to the possibilities of anything else beyond it. Sad, that is. Very, very sad. If anything, one should always keep an open mind to the improbable, because nothing is impossible. The Garden of Eden. What a beautiful place that was. Fruit trees as far as the eye could see. We never went hungry and never worried about clothes. How easy life was then, so simple, so worry free. But, alas, it wasn’t meant to last. Not for either of us. But, I am getting ahead of myself. Let me give you a small lesson in paganism, as the Church and so forth like to call it. First of all, there is more than one supreme god. The earth is our Mother. She gave life to everything. Plants, animals, humans, we are all children of this earth, our Mother. The god everyone believes in is the Father of us all. He fertilizes the earth with his rain, wind, sun, and fire. Without these elements, the earth could not give birth to everything you see around you. I wonder so about how the humans of today treat Her. She gives us everything and yet, we use and abuse Her body. More like parasites than humans. There are four corners to the earth. North, South, East and West. Each corner contains it’s own set of powers, spirits, or what is mostly known as angels. Each also is the sole commander of one of the elements. When our Father calls for the element earth, the northern powers rise up to do his bidding. Fire is controlled by the powers of the south, wind in the east and water in the west. These powers, spirits, angles are also the children of the Father and Mother, created long before anything was born upon the earth. There is energy all around you. It radiates through the earth and comes from the wind that blows. You could feel it if you only stopped and become silent for more than just a few moments. Meditate and feel it. I promise you that once you have, you will come to appreciate the things our gods have made. Remember that the next time you feel the urge to throw out that can of cola out of your car window. So, as I said before, Adam and I were created at the same time. We walked in the Garden, ate from the trees and vines, and played with the animals that lived there. We were happy. One night, Adam and I were getting ready to lie down to rest. He was staring at me in a different way. I have never seen that look upon his face before. His face. How can I describe to you the face of a perfect angel? Hair as golden as the rays of sun that lit up the valley, eyes the color of forget-me-nots, skin bronzed and flawless, and his smile. When he smiled at me, I never thought I could be more happy than to be there at that moment. How I miss his face. Adam took my hand and led me to our sleeping mat. He gently pulled me down and took my face between his perfect hands. He kissed me then, the first kiss in history between a man and a woman. And it felt…..strange. When he pulled away and looked at me, his face changed from joy to confusion. My face didn’t reflect back to him what he had hoped to see, the same joy. His eyes dropped to my body and the confusion changed to what I can only describe today as lust. It frightened me. I do not know why, but it did. I should have wanted him in the same manner, but I didn’t. “Lie down with me.” he asked. I did so, but reluctantly, and his hands began to explore my body. My heart began to race, “Stop, Adam. This does not feel right to me.” He did not stop. His lust turned animalistic and I cried out again for him to stop. What should have been pleasure was nothing but pain. I escaped by biting him….hard. I ran with the taste of his blood in my mouth and I swallowed it, licking my lips as I ran faster and faster. He called my name, but I didn’t turn around, didn’t stop. I just ran until I no longer could stand the pain in my side. I collapsed in a bed of forget-me-nots and fell fast asleep. Michael I sat on the edge of the mouth of the opening to the cave that I had found the next morning. It was a good days walk from what use to be my home in the garden. I wondered what Adam was doing right now, what he was feeling. Was he angry? Sad? I kept asking myself if I should go home, but a voice inside my heart said, “No, you shouldn’t.” The cave I had found had been formed from rocks that had fell into themselves the last time the Mother stretched. There was a small crack behind the mound of rocks that ran in zigzag lines until I could no longer see them for it seemed that they went on for miles. The mound happened to be on top of a mountain that overlooked a glen. There was a group of humanoids that lived in a very large cave just where the stream started to cut to the left. I watched as they gathered together to eat their morning meal. Females were bringing water from the stream while the males tended to the fires and what seemed to be very long sticks with pointed rocks at the tip of them. I know now that they were spears, but at the time, I had no idea what they were used for or what they were called. Adam and I only ate fruit and vegetables, we never hunted the animals that we loved so well for food. If they knew I was watching them, they paid no mind to me. Afterall, how can a naked woman be of any threat to them? If they glanced up at me, if was just out of curiosity. They were well aware of Adam and I and never bothered us. The females seemed to be servants of the males. They brought their food to them as well as their water. The offspring were also well attended before the females sat down to enjoy their meals. Curious that, I thought. Why should they wait on the males hand and foot? Why do the males not wait on themselves? Adam always got his own food and water. We often shared, but I never served him. My stomach rumbled and I rose up from my perch and went to search for my own food and water. I knew I had to go down into the glen to fetch them, but I was sure the humanoids would not bother me and let me go on my merry way. I carried my fruit and vegetables in a large leaf that I had tied up with long strips from another leaf. The water was carried in a piece of wood I had found near the streams edge. It dipped in just enough to hold a days worth of water and was water tight. I had entered my small cave and had just taken a bite of what is known today as an apple, when I heard someone say my name behind me. “Lilith.” It was soft and musical. I was not frightened and turned to see who or what that lovely sound had came from. A being stood a foot away from me. I had not noticed him when I had returned and had not heard him approach because there was only one way into the cave and I was sitting in the opening. He stood there, smiling at me. This being was so beautiful, so perfect. I never thought I would ever see anyone more glorious than Adam. But, there he was. His hair was white and lay in curls around his shoulder. His eyes were so blue, they were crystal clear like water. There was a sparkle to his skin that looked like sand when the sun hit the tiny pieces of glass on the beach. I was rememorized by him. “Hello, Lilith. My name is Michael. I am one of the powers of the East. Our Father has sent me here to take you back to Adam.” He held out his hand to me, expectantly. I almost took it. I had even began to move my hand towards him when I suddenly stopped and blinked my eyes a few times. “No, I’m sorry, Michael, I cannot go back to Adam.” “The Father bids you, Lilith, you cannot refuse him.” “But, Adam tried to hurt me last night. He frightened me so. Does the Father wish for me to be frightened of Adam?” “The Father only wishes that you and Adam go forth and multiply the earth. What Adam was trying to do was only nature, his nature. You are animals, after all.” I didn’t like how he put that. It sounded as if it was my duty to allow Adam to do as he will with my body. That I, Lilith, born the same day, same time, nothing more than an animal to Michael, had no right to refuse him. “I don’t understand, Michael. Our Father wishes for me to allow Adam to have full control of my body….my soul? He expects me to let Adam mate me like some animal being held down and having no say in what happens to her body?! Is that what you believe as well?!” “Yes.” I was astounded! How could he expect me to live that way? Was I not allowed to be independent of my mind and body? “I cannot do this, Michael. Please tell our Father that I cannot surrender my will to Adam.” “So, your are refusing?” I hesitated, but only for a moment, and swallowed hard, “Yes, I am refusing.” “Then so be it. I shall return with our Father’s answer. Do not expect it to be good news for you, Lilith. It does not do you well to refuse your creator.” Michael took a step back from me, dropped his hand to his side and vanished. Verdict Michael did not return the next morning. I awoke to find a bag of sorts at the opening of the cave. It was oblong and heavy with water. There was a spout at the top tied with thick strings. I had seen this before. The female humanoids used them to gather their water. I looked down at the tiny village and saw one of them looking back up at me. She was different from the rest, somehow. One of the younger ones, I could tell, with long blond hair that glistened in the sun. I held up my hand to her in thanks, and, much to my surprise, she waved back. “Oh, nice of her.” I said and began my decent down the mountain to begin the gathering of my food for that day, but not before storing my gift. The water bag was a blessing and since it was already full, I left it just inside the opening. I returned when the sun was at it’s highest in the sky. Michael still had not returned and I began to worry. What would the Father do to me for not returning to Adam? Would he take my life? I sat down and began eating what might be my last meal of apples and what is known today as mangos. The garden grew everything, not like today where things just grow in certain parts and areas of the world. I suppose it was one of the Mother’s way of getting even for what was to come. Night was beginning to fall and I started my fire. I had noticed that the nights were starting to become slightly chilly. Adam and I always kept each other warm on cold nights. Now, there was nothing here to keep me warm except for the fire. I sighed and moved over to lay upon my sleep mat. I had made a fresh one today out of grass and flowers. “Lilith,” it was whispered in my ear. I smiled because it seemed right to hear it in that voice. So soft and musical. “Lilith,” he said more loudly. I woke and saw that it was Michael standing above me, looking down at me with those crystal blue eyes. Looking past him, I saw that it had gotten much darker out and the moon had moved over the sky where it was no longer visible to me. My fire had also died down to glowing embers. I looked back up at him and smiled. “Do me a favor, won’t you?” “And what is that, Lilith?” “Relight my fire. It is a pain to get it going.” Michael actually almost smiled and reached his hand down to me to help me up. “Fire is not my power, Lilith. But if it is wind or air you need, I can be of some assistance.” He pulled me up and we came within an inch of each other’s faces. He was half a head taller than me and I could not help but look at his perfect mouth. Michael frowned and let go of my hand then. A strange expression crossed his face that I had never seen on Adam’s. “It’s bad, isn’t it?” I asked. “Yes, Lilith, it’s bad.” Michael walked over to the fire and blew softly towards it. The fire devoured the air and roared back to life. “I guess I don’t need the power of fire to get one going again.” He laughed. It was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard. I walked over to him and placed my hand on his elbow. So warm, I thought, “Tell me what the Father has said.” “If you do not return now, Lilith, you are to be cursed.” “Cursed? What does that mean?” “It means you are to be punished, severely. Do you know what that means?” “Yes, I have heard that word used by Him before.” I was frightened now. I was to be cursed. Michael sighed. “The Mother would not allow your death. And I….I spoke in your behalf , as well.” I raised an eyebrow, “Really? Why on both accounts?” “I believe Mother….” He was suddenly there in my face. Looking into my eyes intently. “I believe,” he began again, “that our Mother has given you a special will. An independent soul that was separate from Adams.” Swallowing hard and trying to breath, I barely got out, “What do you mean an independent soul?” He backed away from me then and I was glad in a way and in another, not so much. “She gave you something different, Lilith. When She created you and Adam out of her body, she didn’t tell Father that She made you special. She had intended more for you than what He had planned. This came out when I returned with your answer. “Father was angry and demanded your death at once, but Mother screamed and moaned. She refused to let Him take your life. I told Them both about you. How you were different somehow in knowing that the way Adam tried to mate you felt wrong. That you knew you were more than just a mere animal.” His eyes took me when he said this. It made me feel warm and happy. I liked Michael looking at me. “So, how am I suppose to be cursed?” I said just above a whisper. Michael walked to the opening of the cave and looked down at the small encampment where the humanoids lived. “I have many brothers. Each of them I am angry with. Would you like to know why?” “What is a brother?” “They are the same as me. We are all born of the Mother and Father directly, and not of the earth. We are demi-gods, not as powerful as Them.” “Oh.” I said. I felt a little more awed now to be standing in his presence. “Does that mean that I am your brother as well?” “What? No. No, Lilith. We were not born the same way. Besides, a female would be my sister and not brother. Do you understand now?” I feel a little stupid for asking him that question now, but then, I had no clue what a brother or sister were. But I think I had felt that Adam was more like a brother to me than a mate. “So, that means Adam is my brother.” He looked at me then and it seemed as though it had just dawned on him. “Hm, I suppose you can say that.” Michaels gaze returned to the encampment and he was silent for a moment. “As I was saying, I am angry with my brothers. You see, Lilith, our Father and Mother made the humanoids before they made you and Adam. It had been quiet a few days inbetween before they decided on making perfect humans. So, my brothers and I became naturally curious as to what our Parents had made and decided to come here and see for ourselves what they looked like. “They were different from the animals. Too much like us, they looked. I didn’t like it, but my brothers, well, they found the females to be very comely….pretty, I guess. I didn’t see it. Their foreheads protruded and walked sloughed over and grunted like animals. I was appalled that they would even think them attractive to our eyes. “They took them, Lilith. Like the Father and Mother when they create things. They mated with them and the children you see, the offspring, are the product of the powers and humanoids.” “Oh. So that explains why the girl who gave me the water bag looks so different than the older females.” “Yes.” “And you are angry because…..” “I am angry because my brothers lowered themselves to mate animals. Monkeys, Lilith! Dirty monkeys!” His skin glowed brighter with his anger and I backed away from him, frightened that he might hurt me. His eyes glowing red, he approached me and grabbed my shoulders. “Are you scared of me, Lilith?” “Y..Yes!” The glow faded back to it’s normal color, both skin and eyes. “I’m sorry, Lilith. I didn’t mean to.” He didn’t let me go, but continued to look into my eyes. “Your eyes,” he said, “are the most beautiful shade of blue.” My heart pounded at him being so near and I gave him a breathy, “Thank you.” Michael gazed down at my lips. “Lilith, I have to curse you. I cannot defy our Father, but, I can make this easier for you than death. If I do not curse you well enough, He may release a more deadlier wrath upon you and make you suffer. Do you understand?” “Yes.” His lips touched mine and I felt as if my knees had disappeared and I collapsed into him. It was the most wonderful, pleasurable thing I could imagine possible. The kiss deepened as he pushed me to the sleeping mat. Michael was so sweet, so gentle, I knew this was the way that mating should be. |