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An outline of human self defeating behaviour - not an easy read. |
An open window to nowhere leads you on a path you will only walk once. Life. Your Life. You only have 1. In our present format, the human form, you exist only once. Some believe you may live this life more than once for example, the Hindu’s, as opposed to a good hearted Christian who is contained in their rational faith and walks a cadaver through years of reality only the once eventually ascending or descending to a spiritual form. We start on day one. Not birth but the conception of 2 sides of the human genome. This is not your doing and you are not responsible for the conception itself. The organic infrastructure is a result of and endocrine outburst designed to stimulate and/or procreate. Rarely can you pin point this moment with complete accuracy. There is a chemical shift in both the conscience and sub-conscience pre, present and post the act itself. This is of course if you were not the product of science. We then have the period of time from the chemically induced frenzy to the moment of the Immaculate Conception. It truly is an immaculate moment – how can an incomplete set of chromosomes contain rational logic and perform a goal designed to reproduce a mirror of its intuition? A force of nature itself. You construct from an early age, prepositioned to your recorded date of birth. You are merely a modicum of cells in formation, taking shape and refining for months. You will of course begin a mental path that defines your ability to function in your early stages of “humanity” which may just equip you with the building blocks that allow you autocratic development thereafter. It’s a matter of scientific debate if we are completely affected by emotional and/or physical aspects of our foetal existence. You are born and you scream. Why is it so hard to believe this is the agony one perceives for their humanoid path? A girdling undeveloped weakness of human expression to display the reality of all physical, mental and emotional pain you will experience until you finally reach your resting place in the form you find yourself in? As a child you are exposed to the conditioning factors of your carer, whether genetic or emotional. You acquire the constitutions of conduct, prejudice, inspiration, hope, emotional adjustment and critical aspects like thinking and survival. Education some call it, Conditioning by others and others exploit it as human rite. Whether good or bad your development mentally, physically and emotionally are a product of those who you frequent by occasion or continuum either positive or negatively. This is how you learn. But what of the educators? What are their motives and/or types? Are they Concise, Analytical, Nurturing or Creative? And how many are there. These are the factors that will impact your life and define the who and what you are. They mould your “core”, a pivotal axis you will develop and define your attitudes and opinions. Something you will be unable to change on your own without environmental stimulus. These 2 adopted ancestors of your personality are your core and your functioning reason you exist as you are. A Scandinavian Psychiatrist defined a moment in a person’s life they perform contrary to their conditioned self and named it Psychogenic. But maybe this isn’t mind born at all, but a true function of survival based on conditioning factors that present later in life. Trauma. Is it positive or negative to be exposed to life changing situations? Maybe not. This doctor defined this condition as a psychosis and not a neurosis. Indicating it is a permanent and irrational function of the personality. It is not defined as a Fugal Episode either intermittent or enduring but more as a true alteration of the personality itself. Self inflicted of course from exposure to Trauma. It is implied it is the person’s choice to make the change whether the person is conscious or unconscious to the reality of the moment of creation. A survival technique. This one condition articulates a person is preconditioned but is able to function in an alternate reality to their “core”. Their Attitudes and Opinions change without any noticeable display of function. Although, they may take on new interests leaving others unfulfilled without further consideration. This condition is only possible after, and only after, the personality has formed and completed its structure. Anything different would imply a basic schizophrenia which usually occurs during the personality formation process but not necessarily identified until later on. Schizophrenia does not require a Trigger, it just is. So the personality is formed and can be altered is what we can safely conclude at this point. A Personality is not solid and is subjected to potential threats and weaknesses genetic, physical or emotional, and either internal or external contributions can lend to be stability and therefore its alteration. We all have a personality of some kind; whether we understand our own personality is another factor of ourselves. We can be better armed in our discourse and time management when we understand ourselves from a platform upwards. We can only succeed in self actualisation after we can conceptualise our own subliminal functions. We don’t need to understand it, just know it exists and it is the cause and effect to our expressions (our daily actions and thinking). Is there an action of revelation? Yes, there are many. We can sit in a group and discuss ourselves and listen to others, much like a child would, or, we can pop a pill on a daily basis to allow us to suppress a function therefore revealing other logics and persuasions, or, we can engage alternate therapies like: Meditation, Hypnosis, Change, Sisu (the ability to push through the destructive and defeating clauses of actions and predicaments). All of these options can be concentric or conglomerate in design and either self inflicted or offered to us. So safely we can say a personality exists and it can be changed through a range of remedies or causations and some of the options of causations. So why the need to change or an omission of that need? Does a person identify the need to change and if not is the non instinct of need to change healthy? Are there circumstances where it is considered healthy and are the situations where current behaviour is reliant on change? We open our mouths and imply perpetual concepts of a range of possibilities. Sometimes we get it right and on occasion, we don’t. We are our own worst enemies whether we accept this or not. We cannot and will not precede the path of reality positively in the eyes of our environment. We will however, in our every action satisfy reality in our own minds based on our primitive conditioning and solidified “core” that maintains enteric protection and cushioning from ourselves. Our ability to function is defined by early formation of our personality and its flexibility to adjust to random definitions. Our race itself defines our prejudicial flexibility. This ability is formed early on and not easily altered. It requires definite trauma to alter and once altered will not alter again until the next trauma based on race itself. Our aesthetic prejudice is simply conditioning and not autocratic. It can be derived from perpetual external conditioning or as a result of the racial position. It is fair and just to maintain prejudice but unfair to exploit its existence. We can easily identify others with a symmetrical position on race by collating the various aspects of either our own or others introduction and sustenance of inter racial contact. Does the subject seek or deny the ownership of contact with others then themselves. It is already understood humans entertain a mirror better when they accept themselves and entertain non reflective compositions when they have a confirmed acceptance or denial of self imaging. This is not to say there are exceptions to the rule but the most probable outcome of self actualisation. This is our own prerogative. Again, we have defined, personality, the ability to shape a personality and the introduction of prejudicial freedom. Now we assess communication factors and Programming expression. Given that we are a product of our experience and choices, we utilise our intellect to combine and process our “core” and our prejudices and use them to our advantage. Advantage is only to the creator of the action – not the tertii of the expression itself. This is the point at which offence and disdain is conceived. Immaculate, definitely not. Irrational – completely. By the stimulating origin of the hippocampus and the synapses we are able to amalgamate a combination of inspirations to articulate, exploit, conceal, with honour or spuriously, our intentions. It is a casualty of our intellect and our “core” that we express physically and non physically our “core”. Our intellectual status plays the game. It’s the conscious details of the otherwise subconscious revelations of hypnotherapy. We give the game away with or without our consent. We do so with the essence of our malice and reckless intentions, and in some cases, altruistic conjunction. Unfortunately a personality is not resistant to the persecutions of other personalities. It is the prejudicial rite of all to accept or reject our fellow mans existence and our liberty to hold opinion and attitudes to their existence. We frequently exploit our fellow mans faults and open wounds to gain advantage. It is common practise to attack a person on their way out and not on their way in. To attack on the way in results in confrontation and this is not practised on a person who can match yourself but more the person you will defeat. It is completely rational to culpa your creator. Not your belief structures chief but more so, your parents. The onus is on them to blame this chief on your behalf. |