Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1636763-TEEN-DETECTIVES--the-first-mystery-case
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Crime/Gangster · #1636763
hi me rishabh from india and its my first book written.its about detectives and mysteries
“Hi there my friends. I am Timmy and we are at the school…’’
Timmy talked to his lovely small camera as we were approaching the school front gate. ‘‘Have you done those maths problems? They were
Really tough and hard to solve’’ asked Shannon, a very studious type girl but really she is a very intelligent girl. Oh sorry I forgot to introduce myself, well hi I am john, Jonathan parker but everyone here call me John. I am a 15 year old teenage boy who loves mysteries and I am Very fond of detectives, from Sherlock Holmes to Lord Peter wincey.

‘‘Aren’t you coming to school parker? The bell has gone, come let’s run or that cherian will kill us. Come and stop talking to yourself.”

“Coming guys in few minutes” I said as I rushed inside the school courtyard.

‘‘Have you ever thought about this that our life is so boring? Have you ever Shannon” I asked while attending the maths class. I was weak in maths and failing in maths is like my horrifying nightmare which comes almost every night. I have never paid attention in prof. cherian’s class; he is our school headmaster and maths professor. Every student in our school is terrified of him but except me.

“Never. I love this place, school, books they are like my best friends. Why are you thinking like this and also stop here and pay attention in his class or he can suspend you and even fail you in the whole year.” Said Shannon in a very low voice so that prof. cherian don’t listen us but whatever, she is his one of the favorite student and he will never say anything to her.

“Just think about it once. You know what, I have a great plan to do in our summer vacations.”

“John and his boring ideas…and blah...blah” Timmy said in a very chirp voice so that every one in the class laughed at us.

“Who was it? Tell me fast or else I will punish the whole class. Tell me fast” as I have mentioned that prof. cherian was a bruiser type of person, so he didn’t tolerate even a pin- drop voice in his maths class.

Everybody pointed towards Timmy as Timmy was hiding under his desk.

“Who is Timmy here? Whosoever is Timmy should stand up by him-self or else I can lower his grades in every subject. Stand up fast.” Prof. Cherian was that type of person that can’t tolerate anyone who disobeys him.

“Stand up fast Timmy or he will make your maths grades like hell for the whole year.” I said.

“I am Timmy sir but I am really sorry and you can give any punishment to me. I will not do that again in any of your class.” said Timmy as he stood up just after I stopped.

“30 minutes in the detention room in the break time.”

“But sir that’s the only time when…”

“I haven’t asked you anything. You have behaved like an animal in my class and I can’t tolerate this. Sit down and complete this work” said prof. cherian pointing towards the blackboard.

Every student saw Timmy with sympathy as detention room in our school was the worst part which every student hates the most.

“I have heard that in detention room the teachers do mentally torture to the student and the student that goes there never come back in his normal way.” Said anyone in the row ahead of us.

“I think that you will have a pleasant time there. Trust me and don’t listen to those rumors.” I said in sympathy so that Timmy can feel better but he was in any another world thinking about that hell detention room.

“So how was it?” I asked to Timmy after the break when he has return from the detention room.

“It-was-like-like” he was stammering after each word when I interrupt in between.

“I can understand Timmy. Well leave this and don’t think about it now. Forget that time you spent there.”


“I can understand Timmy leave it. We will not talk about this anymore.” I said while Shannon intrudes between us.

“So what happen to Timmy, john? Is he alright now?” she said while I signaled her to stop there as we shouldn’t say anything at that time to Timmy.

“No guys…it’s not like that you are thinking of. I wanted to say that it was not that bad. I have a great time there. The teacher there was so good to me. She asked me about my fault and also she guided me through my faults. It was not like the students talking about. It’s a good place”

“Ok now guys lets get serious. I really have a great plan. See we have lot of time in our holidays and I don’t think that you have any of the work at home. So I have decided that we will turn our small tree house into detective agency. We will post our posters in different houses and will stick them on different parts of the city. What do you say?”

“It’s good in listening john, but being practical it is not a good idea at all seriously. We all are just teenagers, who will believe in us in this city? , And also we are too small to open a detective agency.”  Said Shannon.

“Its sound crazy to open a detective agency and solve nonsense mysteries of people around us.” Said Timmy.

“Look I am practical only. Well I am good in solving mysteries and a very good fan of detectives. I can help a lot and of Shannon, she is a brilliant, intelligent, sharp-minded girl. She would help us with her mind. And also Timmy, you and your camera can help in making videos as evidence and well you can, sometime, make a good profit from your mind for us. And in another ways, we can make a good sum of money from it. And who don’t want to earn money in their summer vacations and can spend it anywhere you like. So just give it a stroke man.”

“I think when there is talk of money, well I really need them to buy a new carry-case for my camera but it is too expensive that my pocket-money is not too enough for it. So I am with you.”

“Yeah and you Shannon?”

“Well okay but if our agency didn’t work well then our all effort will go in vain. Then what will we do and also if this happens it will ruin our holidays.”

“Yeah right john, Shannon has a good point. And I don’t want to spoil my whole vacation, not at all.”

“Okay, so we will do a thing, as it is our last week at the school before our vacation, so we will first put our posters at the student board. If we got any good case in this week then we will post the posters in the whole city or if as Shannon said, happens then we will withdraw this plan and will enjoy our boring holidays as always.
But a ‘teen’s life at school may never be same as always…’ so are you with me”

Both of them looked at me in great silence and then nodded in agreement with me.

“Okay then detectives, see you tomorrow at the school as our first day of ‘Teen Detective Agency’ T.D.A. okay?”

“So you have named it before asking us?”

“Yes, it was like my dream friends, and today my dream comes true. A big thanks to you my dear friends…oh sorry detectives” I said as we hugged each other in happiness.

“Teen...Detective...Agency. We can solve any of your problem or mystery in very less money. So drop your problem’s chit in the box under this poster…” read out the children as we put the poster at the student’s board. As it was a long time ago when anyone put a poster there so there was a huge rush to see the new poster.

“Who the hell post a poster here without my permission??” said Stan, oh sorry I have not talked about him to you no, well he is Stan, the bully of our school but favorite of teachers as he tell everything about the nasty things that any of the student is planning here. All the students are afraid of him but except me and Timmy.

“Who is he? Let me check, hmm…    John...Shannon...and Timmy” said Stan while reading out the poster.
“I should tell about this to the headmaster as quick as possible.” Said Stan and rush to the headmaster’s office.

“Will he do anything concerning us and tell this nonsense to cherian” asked Timmy.

“Ignore him dude. He will not do anything.” I was just saying that Stan and prof. cherian comes out of his office and came near us.

“John, Shannon and Timmy, What’s this nonsense in my school?” said prof. cherian pointing to the poster.

“But sir, we can post anything at the student’s board so what wrong we have done?” I said to cherian while Shannon was stopping me as cherian can get angry with that and can do anything to us.

“You are arguing with me, mister…?”

“John sir, Jonathan parker”

“Whatever, I don’t care about it. Well john, Shannon and Timmy stand outside my office for the next two hours for arguing with their teachers and posting stupid nonsense around my school. Go and stand there.” Said cherian pointing his office.

“Don’t worry guys...I know that the students were highly impressed with our poster. Really and I believe that we will get our first mystery case very soon.” I said as we were still standing outside the cherian’ office. Cherian office was almost like any king’s palace. There was a huge hall for the persons who come to meet cherian, the same place where we were standing. Also the cherian’s assistant Mrs. Begonia was sitting on her desk that was beside us. From my nature of a detective I usually have a keen observation on the peoples and things around me. I can have a clean look that Mrs. Begonia was emailing someone, her friend, I think so and about how she had divorce with her ex-husband a week ago, it was just a wild guess. I was just thinking about this when I suddenly noticed that Stan was peeking from outside the hall, where we were standing, and making indefinable faces, looking at us. He was just making those faces when a big healthy and a tall man collided with Stan as he was entering inside, as Stan was like a heavy bull so, that tall man was stunned by him. Stan was about to run when that man pulled his collar and slapped a hard on his face for doing that. Stan gave a very angry look at him as he walked inside the hall towards the cherian’s office. I can notice that Stan was looking mad and horrified after that hard one. Really that was too hard enough to wake up a sleeping elephant. Mrs. Begonia gave him such a look that show that she knows him very well but that man doesn’t cares about her and walked straight to the cherian’s office.

“Who was he?”     

“I don’t know but he was looking too angry that I think he had come to kill our headmaster.”

“Hehehe that was really funny john, but yes he was something…like indifferent man.”

Yaa I too noticed something wrong about him when suddenly I heard a very loud noise that comes from the cherian’s office which also make begonia a little bit shocked. With her expression I can make out that she would be in any relationship with that man as also her face emotions shows that she really cares about him. But I don’t know what was that noise belongs too. I think that man was shouting and arguing with our headmaster.

Suddenly the man push the office’s door so much hard that it hurts me a little bit, as I was standing near to the office.
I was observing his clothes when suddenly he gave me a very hard and angry look. Well he was wearing a yellow formal suit with checks on it. Mrs. Begonia looks afraid and suddenly rushes inside the office. They have a little conversation and both of them came out.

“I really need a break from this. I am going to my house for some rest and if anything happens please inform me.” They talked as they reach us.

“So you still are here?”
We looked down in shame as he continues.
“Well now go to your class and of course stop that nonsense around my school.”

We walked to our class and cherian walked ahead us. While we were entering our class, I peeked from the main door that, that tall man was waiting for cherian to come on the entrance, which means that cherian was telling lie to Mrs. Begonia that he is going to his house but he was going with that tall man.

I was just thinking about this when suddenly Shannon pulls me inside the room.

“Don’t you see that?”
“Cherian was not going to his house, he told a lie, and was going with that tall man.”
“Forget it john, it’s his personnel affair, we shouldn’t peek in their case”

It was around 9 in the morning, 15 minutes have past what I saw about cherian when suddenly I saw from the class’s window that Mrs. Begonia was also leaving the school. It was strange as Mrs. Begonia never leaves the school before time and now today why was she leaving so early? Where she was going? Is she also with cherian and that tall man?

I was trapped between strange questions when suddenly a painful voice blows in the air. It was Stan, but I don’t know why he was doing this while the teacher asks the Stan the reason for doing that.

“What’s the reason Stan, tell me?”
“Sir, sir I am having a pain in my stomach. Can I go home early, please sir?” 
“Come here let me check” “hmm its something trouble in your stomach. I have so many times warned you not to eat so much. See, now the pain you are having it’s because of gas in your stomach.” The teacher was talking to Stan while everybody laughed at Stan.

“Hey, what’s here to laugh at? Ok Stan take your bag and go home and from now on don’t eat too much.”

Stan followed the instruction and he do some action of happiness to his friends and I noticed it that all this was a lie and he pretended to have a stomach-ache. But why does he do so? Is he really having stomach-ache or…?
I was again trapped in those silly questions.

“What are you thinking about, john?” asked Shannon in a very low pitched voice.

“Nothing, but I am trapped between some silly questions.” I replied.

“Which questions?”
“See, first cherian, he pretends that he wants a break and wants to go to his home but he went with that stranger. Then Mrs. Begonia, she never left the school before time but today she suddenly leaves the school just after 15minutes when that stranger and cherian left. And now Stan, he pretends to have an ache but I noticed that he has done some action to his friends and left the school. I don’t know but something is serious between all these happenings which are happening sudden today.”
“It can be a co-incidence, john. Don’t think about this so seriously”
“Ya, you might be right but I am thinking about this so deeply because all three of them are related something to that stranger.”
“We will found out this later on but for now concentrate on this class or else we will have to do this work in our holidays, and if this happens when will we do our detective work. So now first do this work.”
“Okay, but where is our third detective, Timmy?”
She pointed on the last desk as Timmy was sleeping there as he also hates philosophy class as I do the same with maths class.

It was around 1 in the morning when we were ready to leave the school. When we reach the school gate I was still trapped between the questions. Suddenly we all hear a girl screaming from behind of the school. Every teacher and student rush to the school courtyard from where the voice was coming. When we approach the courtyard we got shocked as Mrs. Begonia was found killed there. Every student runs in panic and teachers called the police while we all three detectives were still standing there. I said to my other two detectives-

And they nodded to me in their agreement.

“I was telling this today that anything wrong is going to happen. But now we have to do something fast. First of all we should find that who had killed Mrs. Begonia?” we talked as me and Shannon moves towards the entrance gate of our school while Timmy was shooting the video of begonia for our further evidences and case.

“I am done, john. What to do next?” said Timmy while coming near to us.
“First of all we should check out the Mrs. Begonia’s computer for any clue there as in morning I have noticed that she was emailing someone.”
“Hope we got any clue there.”
“Yeah right.”

We walked towards the office computer while I noticed that the computer was still on. “Mrs. Begonia was too in hurry that she forgot even to switch off the computer.”

I sat on the chair for any clue or email on the computer. While I was searching on her email id, which she left open and make my work easier so that I don’t have to hack the id first to open her emails, I got an indication for a new email the email was-

Id – begonia_123@xxx.com
From – miss.katy_124@xxx.com
Subject ____________________                  Cc          ____________________
Dear, begonia
Date 11th November 20xx
TIME 12.oopM


We were in shock to see the time of the email arrived as it was 20 minutes past that. “It means Mrs. Begonia has met Katy after leaving this school. So we have to talk to Katy first where she have went after that?” said Shannon and I nodded to her. “So we should tell her what happen and ask her to meet somewhere so that we can further investigate.” Said Timmy. “I have told that Timmy can sometime make a good profit for us from his mind.” “Yeah right, john. It’s unbelievable to listen this from Timmy.” “It’s not Timmy talking this to you little girl, it’s a detective talking to you.”
“Yeah right Timmy, keep it up this spirit.” I said as I replied to that email and told her everything that happened. She was really shocked and first she denied meeting us as she was not feeling well after listening this bad news. But I put pressure on her and told that is for the sake of Mrs. Begonia killer, I was successful in convincing her for a short meeting.

It was 1.30 when we leave the school when I met our city’s sheriff, who stops us there to ask some questions.
“Who are you and what are you doing here?”
“we are students of this school but believe me sir, I have a little bit idea of who had killed Mrs. begonia so please let me go sir.”
“You are too small children for this work.”
“We are professional ‘detectives’ sir, T.D.A. so we have taken this case as our first mystery case and let’s do our work.” Told Timmy as I signaled him to stop.
“Ok TDA’s detective, you can go now.” said sheriff while laughing at us.
“Sir, please believe me, I know the person who has killed Mrs. Begonia and we need your help.”
“So first tell me what has happened today in the school and who are yours case suspects.”

I told him everything about what I saw today, from that tall man to cherian and how Mrs. Begonia and Stan leave the school before time. I can see that he was little impressed with me.
“You have a keen observation, mister…?”
“John sir, Jonathan parker”
“So john how can I help you?”

I told him everything for my further investigation with the case and he agreed that he will help us which were a great achievement for us as city’s sheriff is with us so we can easily find and arrest the killer.

It was 2.30 as we reached the meeting place where Katy was already sitting and crying. I asked Shannon to move first to her and give sympathy for the murder of Begonia. She moves towards Katy and we followed her at a distance.

“It’s hard to believe that Mrs. Begonia had died.”
“Yeah, she was such a nice women and my best friend” Katy replied while crying. “But who are you and how do you know Begonia and her murder.”
“Sorry mam, we forgot to introduce ourselves. We are the T.D.A, whom you are waiting for.” I said from behind.
“Are you telling a joke? I will not talk mine and Begonia’s personnel affairs to any high-school graders.”
“Sorry for that we have not told this to you on email but believe us we are detectives here and doing this only for the justice of Begonia and to found her killer. Please mam co operate with us.”
“Ok so ask what you want to ask me?”
I signaled Timmy to record the video but hide it so that she doesn’t see it and also asked Shannon to write it fast on a notepad.
“From how many years do you know Mrs. Begonia?”
“Since our first year of college. I think its 10 years past that.”
“Okay so it’s mean you know almost everything in her personnel life.”

“Yeah, she had a divorce recently with a tall handsome man but I don’t know why.”
“So that’s mean she was emailing you today when she was telling you how they got divorced.”
“How do you know these, well ya and also she mention in her next email that her husband has visited to her school to meet the headmaster.”
We all three look each other shockingly. I was right that she has any relationship with that stranger.
“Do you know him? And can you tell me his name and address?”
“His name is Mr. Clarence but I don’t know his house address. And also I have just met him once in his wedding party.”
“But your friend was wife of him and you don’t know even where does he live?”
I asked in a very surprised manner.
“I-I mean that I don’t know the exactly the same place. He lives near somewhere the ghoul lake.”
“Okay, and also did she meet you today?” I was becoming more and more seriously while asking her.
“Ya she met me today after 9 in the morning. She was little upset but I was asking her the reason she says just drove to street x as quick as possible. So then I drove her there, at around 10 she asked me to wait there as she is coming in another 10-15 minutes. But it was above 30 minutes so I came back home. But suddenly after 11.30 her ex- husband, I mean Clarence called me and asked where does she gone? I told him that I don’t know and I have just driven her to street x. after that call I have done many calls on her cell but there was no response and after that you know what happened.”
I was little surprised after talking to her but we thanked her for helping us and returns to the school.

“Is the postmortem reports have come, sheriff?” I asked sheriff as we entered the school gate.
“Ya, my little teen detectives. They have come and its clear murder.”
“Is there any time given in the report?”
Asked Timmy, another good profit, I told you.
“Yes my son. It says the murder was done around 3-4 hours before the body reached the hospital.
“Can you tell me the exact time when the body reached the hospital?”
“I think it was around 2 when the postmortem started.”
“Okay thank you sir for your effort.”
“It’s nothing son but did you get to know about anything new to the case.”

I told him everything that Katy told us.
“Good information, detectives. It will help you a lot in solving the case. Keep
It up the good work” he replied to me and we all three look each other in joy.

“Can we come in mam? We are Stan’s friends and went to meet him.” We were at another suspect’s house, Stan around 2.45 and it was about 3 hours before the dawn.
“Ya Childs just came in but I don’t know what happen to him since he came from his school”
  “Can you tell me mam, by how much did Stan reach the house?”
“I think it was around 11 in the morning when he suddenly come and rush towards his room. After that he is not talking to anyone”
“Okay thanks mam.” I said as we all three moves towards Stan’s room.
“Keep your camera on, and record his expression.” I told to Timmy as we were approaching his room as now my doubt is turning into reality.

“So how are you Stan, feeling good right now?” asked Timmy as Stan was under his bed sheet covering almost his whole body. When he suddenly wake up and asked us “what are you guys doing here in my room? And I don’t want to talk to you, so leave my house.
“But Stan listen to us first. Mrs. Begonia was killed.” When I said these words he gave me an extra-ordinary look and I was surprised to see that he was not shocked by these words.
“I don’t want to be in your matter just get lost from my room and my house.”
“Hey chill dude, we just come here to ask you about if you have seen something or clue behind this case and nothing else. Come john leave him behind, he is useless for us.” Timmy said as we all three started walking with a sad disappointment as Stan talked to us.
“Ya I have something to tell you but please don’t tell this to anyone.”
I turned around in happiness and started listing to him while Shannon writes in her notepad and Timmy makes the video. He began.
“When I left the school I was pretending to have an ache but in reality I have to follow that stranger as I have to repay to what he has done to me today in the morning…”
“Yeah I was right” I thought with a smile as he continued.
“After leaving the school I walked towards where they were going when I saw that Mrs. Begonia was also going somewhere with her friend. I heard her chatting and they were talking about going somewhere around street x. then I also went to street x. when I reached there I cant believe what I listen. There was a shooting voice around but I can’t see this that who is killing whom. But I can see that there was our headmaster, Mrs. Begonia and two other persons.
“Other persons? Who?”
“That I can’t see but one was men and another was a girl.”
“A girl?”
“Yeah but when I heard firing voice, I frightened that the person, whom I want to repay can be a gun fighter, but I don’t know exactly that the stranger was the only men present there and I rush back to my house. That’s all what I see, trust me.”
“Okay Stan, rest for now we will talk to you later.” I said as we exit his house and Shannon started saying.
“This case is going very confusing, friends and also it is very risky as the killer can kill us also, so I think we should withdraw here only and give this case back to Mr. sheriff, he can handle this situation better.”

“Yeah john, Shannon is right. We are just teens, a sheriff behind us will never help us to find a killer and arrest him or her.”

“But see we have about 2-3 hours more before dawn. After dawn we will withdraw this case but I don’t think that coming too close the killer we should withdraw.”
“Okay but not after the dawn.”
“Ya of course.”

“But now when we are left with two more suspects, cherian and Clarence, we should first meet cherian.”
“hey wait we can save time, I have a number of him so first we should call him and talk to him like any professional detective so that he could feel a pressure on him.”
“Okay give me the number.”
“Its 99-xxx-xxxx”
“Okay let me talk to him.”

“Hello, is it prof. cherian‘s residence.”
“Yes but who is speaking?”
“Its detective agent 7 speaking, can I talk to prof. cherian?”
“Sorry sir but prof. and his whole family are out of town for weekends, I will convey your message after they come back in 2-3 days, you can tell me.”
“No its okay”

“He has gone on a vacation with his family, what can we do now?”
“Now the whole case is pointed towards him only as Stan mentioned that cherian was present there where the whole case started and also he has left the city today only. Now just we have to do this is that all this thing to the sheriff and he can handle the rest by him.”
“No, no Timmy, this case is not that much easy that you are thinking, I don’t think that cherian has done that murder.”
“Me too, john”
“Okay Shannon and john, if you are so smart then tell why he is left the city on the same day of the murder?”
“You are correct on your point Timmy, but this can also happen that cherian was still in shock as the murder was done before him only and not want to talk to as Stan was doing.”
“Yeah this same thing was thought by me Shannon. But now we should proceed to meet our third suspect, Mr. Clarence.”
“Yeah but we don’t know his address, john.”
“Don’t you see that milestone, Timmy? Ghoul’s lake is somewhere here only in about 1 km and we can find out there the house of Clarence, as Katy told us.” I said while pointing towards a big milestone near Stan’s house.

We proceeded to check the house of Mr. Clarence around the ghoul’s lake. I watched the clock and a current flow through me as it was showing 4pm, just one hour was left in dawn, and as I have promised, we have to withdraw this case but I will not leave this as coming so near to the killer. I was just thinking about this when suddenly, I think god was also with me and let me saw that thing, well I saw a name plate outside the pyol of a house, naming Clarence’s residence, thank you god, thank you very much.
“There Shannon and Timmy, here is his residence guys, we have got him. Let’s go and meet him.”
“You have got a really great sense of vision john, I must say.”
“Thanks Shannon but its time to first meets Clarence then we will think about something else.”
We ranged the doorbell when he, Mr. Clarence, opens the door.
“Who are you, little children?” he asked in a very loud and manly voice.
“We are from Howard’s university sir, we want to talk to you something really important can we come inside?” asked Shannon very sincerely and with manners as he don’t give as a hard as he gave same to the Stan. I was standing behind Shannon as I was observing him. First he hesitates to talk with us which was clearly written over his face and then I remembered that he had worn a yellow formal suit in the morning but now he was wearing a red t- shirt with blue jeans. A man would only change his clothes when he got his clothes dirty and if we see today he would only change his clothes if he has done the murder and Mrs. Begonia felt towards him for support after she was fired with a bullet. Well leaving this thing aside, I look forward to our conversation.

“I don’t want to talk to anybody today. So you better find any other house for your childish talks.” I was noticing that he was trying to hide the most part of his house, but I was a keen observant so I started to have a peek into his house for some clue when I noticed that any person was sitting on his bed, and I thought that was the only reason behind he was hiding his house. But I look forward to see who that person was. I was just peeking that when I noticed that the person has long brown hairs, that means she was a girl, and suddenly I notice that she was Katy, ya she was Katy on the bed, I was just thinking when Clarence notice me and he shut the door while saying I don’t want to talk anymore.

“Where you was lost when we were talking to him, john? 
“Nothing but you tell did he say something?”
“Ya just that he knows Begonia but he also said that he didn’t met her today in the morning.” Said Shannon. 
“But we can’t do anything now, john. As you have promised to withdraw this case after the dawn and it’s almost dawn.” Said Timmy watching his wrist watch.
“Almost but not exactly dawn, guys we have around 30 min. left for dawn, but now we have to rush to the sheriff as now I have found something but I need his help. So guys, move back to the school.”

“Sheriff Sir, I have found something really interesting but I need your help.”
“I am always there to help you children but it’s around 4.30 and I have to go back to my headquarters. So sorry we will talk tomorrow and also announce to your friends that your school will be closed for some days from now on. Okay so go to your home son take a bath, and just relax. Don’t think about this case so much deeper. This case is soon to be gone to FBI and they will not let you children come in their way. Okay so go for today and we have tomorrow also left.”
“But sir, I want just some 5 minutes of you as I you can help I can sort out this case today only, just listen to me please sir?”

“Okay but you have to be very fast as I am extending my duty for just 5 min. and nothing more.”

“Thank you sir, the thing I want you to help is to advice on….” I stopped for a second to watch Shannon and Timmy; they were looking too serious as never before in life and were listening to me very seriously. I continued.
“Well I was saying that, we have come across all of our suspects from which we hardly get to talk with one, Stan.
But Stan was too in shock after what he sees that he was not talking to us first but we were able to convince him we just found out that the murder was done in street x and after that the body was placed in the school courtyard. And he also mentioned that our principal was also there, but when we tried to talk to him we found out that he has gone out of town today, the same day of murder. We were all just thinking as whole the case was pointing towards our principal but I don’t think so as Stan mentioned that two persons were also there, a man and a girl, so we tried to find out who were them….” I again stopped but now to see the reaction of sheriff, I can make out that he was little impressed with our findings.
“Yeah but I don’t think so that either Stan or your principal has done the murder.” Said sheriff.
“Me too sheriff. Now if we look to our third suspect, he was little complicated. First he didn’t want to talk to us and when he done he just tells a small thing that today he didn’t met Begonia today, that was totally wrong. Sir I wanted to tell you, and you too my detectives about what strange thing I noticed in his room. Katy was sitting on his bed.”
“What Katy? But she told us that she don’t know him well and met him just once then why she was…?” asked both of my brilliant detectives very surprisingly.
“Ya, I too thought about it but when I noticed another thing I was really stunned and I get to know that the murderers are two persons…”
“Ya the same thing was written in the report that two bullets of different pistols are found in Begonia’s body, which clearly shows that she was killed by two different peoples.”
“Ya sir and I also noticed that Clarence was wearing other clothes than what he wore when he visited our school, and you also know sir why he have changed his clothes?”
“You are a brilliant detective of this age, I have ever met john. You are too good.”
“Ya, you are superb john, even I just don’t think about this once.”
“Thank you but sir, are you thinking the same thing what I am thinking?”
“Ya I got it john what you are thinking and its ten-on-ten correct john, tell me where does he live?”
“Xxx house near ghoul’s lake, if we run there we can reach in just 10 min. from here so that he and Katy doesn’t live the house.”
“Ok detectives we have got our killers.” Said sheriff while both of my other detectives looked at me in honor.

“I was thinking that we will never solve this mystery but you are too good detective john, that now we both are ready to do this all in our vacations.”
“Yeah that the spirit my detectives, but I must say I will never be able to achieve this until you were with me, thank you guys thank you.” I said as we all three hugged each other. While Timmy was still confused that what was going on.
“But friends, till now I don’t get that why they are the killer, first tell me this?”
We all laughed out loud at Timmy.
“Hehe Timmy just come with us will get it knows by our-self.”

“Can we come in?”
We were at Clarence’s residence as we push the door so hard that they both, Clarence and Katy get shocked with us.
“They-they are those T.D.A, I am telling to you Clarence. Kill them before they go anywhere and tell about us.” Said Katy while Clarence loaded the gun.
“Now you children have developed the risk by yourself. Get ready to be killed.”
He pointed the gun towards us while the sheriff was still behind us waiting for the appropriate time.
“Okay we are ready to get killed ourselves but first meet your friend, sir”
I called sheriff as he makes a heroic entry towards Clarence and Katy, they were so shocked to see us with sheriff. Suddenly as I was the most near to Clarence, he pulled me towards him to make me a hostage to save them. 
“Hey don’t come near us or else I will kill this child.”
“John-no” shouted Shannon and Timmy, they really cares about me.
“Hey leave that child or-or…” said sheriff while moving towards us as he signaled me to bent down so that he can shoot Clarence, but it doesn’t happens.

I was fighting between life and death. It was the most riskiest move of my life while Shannon was crying and Timmy was holding her, this dream comes true just because of them but now I don’t want to live this dream anymore.

Sheriff pulled out the gun from his belt but it was noticed by Clarence and he put the gun on my head and he push it so much hard that it was paining like hell and I was thinking that it was my last day of my life, there were no chances of me to get safe.

At appoint I noticed that sheriff was also getting nervous as he moves towards us. He pulled out his gun and points towards Clarence but he uses me to cover himself.
“Kill him Clarence, don’t wait for the sheriff, kill the child, bloody TDA detectives, and kill him.” Shouted Katy as Clarence pushes the gun deeper and I was shouting like hell.

“Leave the child Clarence, live him or-or”
“You can’t do anything now sheriff, just let us leave this city and I will leave the child.”
“No sir, don’t listen to him, shoot him, he is a killer, and sir don’t worry for me, sir shoot.”
I have accepted my death and was ready for the action.

Sheriff was ready and loaded his gun and I noticed that Katy was taking a gun which was underneath the bed, she was hiding herself and takes the gun out and waited for the sheriff to fire. She aimed at me. I was like hell, first Clarence pushed the gun at my head and now Katy. Sheriff signaled me to bend a little bit so that he will shoot on the Clarence’s hand so that he will drop his gun and will leave me. He signaled me 3 sec. I was ready to bent, I bent over his foots a little bit and before he realizes what was happening sheriff shoots him at his hand and suddenly I become aware that Katy was also about to fire so I began to ran and signaled sheriff about Katy, but as fast sheriff shoots her, she have aimed me, and fired at me.

There was a lot of nuisance of pistols firing in the room and also as Katy fires me, Shannon cried like hell and seeing that bullet, I fainted.

I don’t know what happen to me I was asking to my mind, is everything over? Is I am dead? Or alive?

I don’t remember what was happening. I was unconscious for about 5-10 min. when I heard Shannon and sheriff.

“Are you alright, detective? Nothing happen to you, you are just          unconscious, now wake up see, they accepted that they are guilty.” Said sheriff as I open my eyes slowly. Ya I was alright, nothing has happened to me just that gun has left a red mark at my head that it was now also paining.
“We were too worrying about you, john. Thank god you are alright.” Said my lovingly friends-cum-detectives as they hugged me and I feel that they both were still crying for me.
“I am okay guys, now don’t cry, it’s all because of you my friends that nothing happened to me.” I replied to them while I stood up to saw that criminals.

“Now tell us why you commit that crime?” asked sheriff as we all started listening to them. Clarence began.

“We have done the murder just because I don’t want Begonia to know about my relationship with Katy, I have told her that I wanted to get divorce but she denied that she will never sign it. One day when she know about Katy and me, she started blackmailing me and as she was 50% shareholder of my business so she can liquidate my company so I started making a plan for killing her before she make use of her rights. We also uses principal as our trigger of my gun, as his presence was seen  by the child, I don’t know who, but he had seen a gun in his hand which was useful for me so I throw the dead body in his school so that all the case will point towards him. But these small detectives got us. That’s all we want to say.”

“And now you have to pay for your doings, I don’t think that court will bail you so early, 2-3 years behind the bars will help you a lot in being a good person. Thanks to these detectives or else we would never arrest you.”

“Anytime sheriff, but guys we have solve this case. Yeah hurray, now we can proceed our work with you, john”
“Yeah me too.”
“Yeah that’s the spirit my detectives but really the whole credit goes to you as without my dream would never be fulfilled.” I replied as we again hug each other.
“Ouch…its hurts Timmy. Be careful” I said as Timmy hugged me so much hard that the red point hurts a lot.
“sorry.” He apologizes.
“Hehehe its okay my detectives.”
“You will get a reward for this very soon and from now on I will like to help you in your further cases. Keep it up T.D.A”
“Thank you sir.” We said together.

© Copyright 2010 rishabh (rishabh_teen15 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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