Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1633821-Dragonball-ZThe-Unknown-Saiyan-Part-One
by Kayate
Rated: E · Other · Fanfiction · #1633821
A fan-fiction written by me, main villain created by my friend.
Dragonball Z
The Unknown Saiyan
"Oh c'mon Vegeta! It'll be fun!" said Goku, the Saiyan protector of Earth. "Fine Kakarot...I'll play along with your little 'Dragonball Search' game" said Vegeta, the arrogant Prince of Saiyans with his arms crossed watching their sons, Goten and Trunks train in the Gravity Room located in the Capsule Corp building. "Hey Dad! Can I come with you?" exclaimed Goten. "Goten! FOCUS!" Trunks yelled.
"DOUBLE BUSTER!" exclaimed Trunks as he drew his arms back with yellow energy emenating from them.
"Ka...Me...Ka...Me..." Goten mispronounced his family attack as he cupped his hands at his side with blue energy in the middle of his hands.
"NO MERCY!" Trunks exclaimed as he thrust his arms forward and the energy shot out in a beam at his best friend.
"HAAAAA!!!"Goten finished the phrase and thrust his arms as well, positioning them with the Kamehameha wave launching stance. The blue end yellow energy beams rocketed at each other colliding with a giant explosion mixed with their colors.
"GAH!" the young Super Saiyans grunted as they hit the walls because of the force of the collision.
"Well, shall we begin Kakarot?" Vegeta asked Goku.
"Wait what...?" Goku asked with a confused expression.
"Gah! The search for the Dragonballs you imbocile!"

In the woods surrounding the Pauzu Mountains, where Goku's home is, Goku and Vegeta are searching the area for a Dragonball.
"Are you sure your reading that thing right Kakarot?!" asked Vegeta.
"Of course Vegeta, i've used this thing since i was kid!" said Goku showing Vegeta the Dragonradar.
"Well my wife made it..." muttered the Saiyan Prince.
"Wait...I sense something...it's huge..."
"Dismiss it Kakarot, it's probably just Trunks' power!"
"I guess it could be their training...'
"I never said anything about your son," Vegeta said with a smirk. "I would be able to find out WHERE the power was coming from, but SOMEONE'S Powerlevel had to be over 9,000 and make me break my scouter..."
"VEGETA! WHATS THE SCOUTER SAY ABOUT HIS POWERLEVEL?!" yelled Nappa to the old evil Vegeta.
"WHAT? IT'S OVER 9,000!!!!" exclaimed Vegeta breaking his Scouter.

"Oh yeah..sorry about that." After an hour searching for the ball, Vegeta became impatient, as usual. "Kakarot! Where is the blasted thing!" he said, searcging in a bush.
"What? The Dragonball is moving towards us!"
"Let me see Kakarot! Hmph, your right. As it gets closer...that power gets bigger...this guys strong, I feel like I've sensed him before though,"
"I have a bad feeling about this..." Goku said with a worried expression. "Go super just incase," Goku said as he transformed in the legendary Super Saiyan.
"I don't need a power boost, I'm strong enough as it is."
"KAKA-...KAKAROOOOT!!!!!" An all too familiar voice echoed throughout the woods.
"No! It's Broly! And he's gotten far stronger." Goku said looking toward where the voice came from.
"Doesn't matter, I'm still much, much stronger."
A green light started emenating from the thicket of the woods, much too dark for the rivals to see into.
"Heh heh, NOW YOU DIE!" The green light shot out from the darkness in a ball of energy and hit Vegeta in the head.
"Darn it...how many time do we have to defeat this lunatic."
"You won't win this time, I promise you that. Just look," Broly stepped from the shadows pointing at his forehead, revealing...the 1 star Dragonball imbedded in it! "There are more, Kakarot and Prince Vegeta, like me, we have escaped HFIL and consumed a single Dragonball, and our power has boosted greatly. There are 8 of us in all,"
"But theres 7 balls!" Goku said.
"Yes...but our leader is stronger than I and the other 6, he doesn't need them!"
"Looks like your getting a little cocky, just who is your leader? Obviously someone we've fought before, correct?" Vegeta questioned the fellow Saiyan.
"No, but he's eager to fight you, and you'll never believe where he's from...Now, are you ready to die?"
"Broly...your not aware of mine and Vegeta's new ability, are you?" Goku asked.
"I'm sure I can overpower it, show me!"
"Well you asked for it, prepare to be amazed you overgrown psycho!" Vegeta mocked.
"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! GRAH!" Goku and Vegeta raised their power to transform into the Super Saiyan 4!
"Well, thats a nice trick, oh, look, you've got a tail again."
"Broly! This is the last time we'll see you! This time we will end you!" Goku promised Broly his destruction was near.
"Yes, your already dead, once killed when already dead, you virtually cease to exist!" Vegeta explained.
"Well...guess I'll have to end this quick then!" Broly charged at Goku with his green body shield ready for impact.
"HAH!" Goku kicked broly's sheild as he was coming at him.
"What! You cracked my energy shield!"
"Yeah, ya know Broly, it's not nice to copy things,"
"Your imitating your shield!" Goku shattered Broly's shield with a punch and hit his stomach.
"Kakarot!!!!!!" Broly's very being was cracked all over, and was reduced to nothing.
"Well, it seems you handled that pretty well." Vegeta compleminted "But I'm handling the next one!"
"OK Vegeta, but ya know, this may be the hardest fight we've ever faced," Goku said as he powered down to his normal state. "We'de better be careful,"
"I suppose your right," Vegeta powered down as well.
"I wonder what happened to the ball," Goku looked where Broly last was and the Dragonball was resting there, as if nothing had happened.
Well, thats one!"
"Alright, wheres the next Dragonball?"
"Aw c'mon, can't we eat first?" Goku looked at Vegeta hopfully.
"YIPPEE!!!!" Goku Instant Transmissioned to Chi-Chi who was cooking a hearty lunch for Goten, Gohan, Videl, Gohan's wife, and Pan, Gohan and Videl's daughter.
"Uh-oh, mom's lost it...um again," Gohan whispered to Videl and Goten.
"Grandma! Calm down...geez, Grandpa was only one minute late..." Pan said, with her trademark bandana tied on her arm.
"Ah yes, I've really got to stop stressing so much. I need to just go lie down and put on a stress reliever cucumber mask." Chi-Chi left the room to fix her stress but with food still cooking, uh-oh.
WAIT!!! FIX US SOME FOOD!!! aww..." Goku was spazzing out for food.
"Don't worry guys i'll finish the food." Videl assured.
"OH THANK YOUUUUUU" Goku thanked Videl over 20 times.
"Uh, sure...no prob," Videl said with a surprised look on her face
About an hour later everyone was at Capsule Corp. and Goku and Vegeta explained what happened and everything that Broly said.
"Wow, so theres a guy stronger than Broly, and whatever other guys have eaten the Dragonballs?" Krillin asked.
"Thats right, So we'll all have to be careful.
"Oh great...I might as well just kill myself now," thought Krillin and Yamcha.
"Guys, I think me and Chiautzu will stay for this fight, we're gonna stick around for once." Tien said
"Good, 'cause we'll need all the help we'll need," Goku said
"Hah, I'll take them all out on my own" Vegeta said, full of confidence.
"No Vegeta, this guys stronger than all of us, even me and you." Goku said with a serious look.
"Dad, I'm going with you." Gohan said.
"Me too dad!" Goten exclaimed.
"I wanna go too grandpa!" Pan said.
"Hold on everyone! I could make a device where you all could communicate easily, if Goku and Vegeta need help they can just ask you to come help!" Bulma suggested.
"Really? Well hurry! Get on it!" Goku rushed.
Later Bulma came in with watches of different colors.
"OK everyone, their done! I made communication watches, you just press this button on the side, say who you want to speak to, and then their watch will react and then the two can speak to each other! They also come in different colors!" Bulma announced
"I want blue!" Goten yelled raising his hand.
"Goten! Just be happy with what you get!" Chi-Chi yelled.
"Aw man..." Goten slowly put his hand down and screamed "Blue please"!
"Hey i got blue!" Pan yelled when Bulma handed out watches.
"Aww i got pink," Goten said disapointed. Everones watch suddenly turned bright white and changed colors!
"Hey! mine's blue!" Goten said.
"Mine's pink! Pan said.
"Thats right, i programed them to research your personality and adjust its color to your favorite!" Bulma explained.
Chi-Chi then looked at Bulma disaprovingly shaking her head.
"Everyone! Me and Vegeta will go out alone and contact you if we're in trouble!" Goku said as he and Vegeta left the room.
"Well i've gotta get home and finish that school report," said Goten leaving as well.
When everyone was gone a figure emerged in the trees of the Capsule Corp. main building.
"It seems Broly has said too much...I'll send ??????? and ???? ?????? after them... that will give Kakarot and Prince Vegeta a big surprise. I guess i must convince them to do this though. I'll just get that idiot Babidi to use his powers to control them." a dark vortex appeared on the ground and the figure jumped in.
"Hey Vegeta, I feel two big Ki levels coming at us. They both seem familiar though, One feels like mine, the other feels like yours." Goku said as they were flying over the ocean.
"I feel it to, the power levels seem alot like two Saiyans when Planet Vegeta was still intact, I sensed them with my Scouter back then, I hope I know who they are." Vegeta said with a smile. "Stop Kakarot I wanna see them."
"Ok, but who are th-"
Two Saiyans appeared before them. One looked just like Goku with a Scouter and special Saiyan Armor, the other just like Vegeta with a beard.
"F-Father..." Vegeta said with a spark in his eye.
"K-Kakarot? Is that you...?" the Saiyan that looked like Goku asked.
Goku's father Bardock and Vegeta's father King Vegeta have arived!
"Are you my...father? You look just like me...and you know my birth name..." Goku asked.
"Yes... I have to ask you something. Did you defeat Frieza and avenge our race?"
"Um yeah, I did."
Then I was right! My vision was true! You are our people's savior! But...I'm sorry, but...you must meet the same fate the other saiyans have met." Bardock pulled up his hair to reveal...the mark of the Majin! The dreaded "M" Goku hoped never to see again!
"Same goes to you my prince," King Vegeta said to the Prince.pointing to his own forehead.
"No we won't fight our own fathers!" Goku and Vegeta said.
"Well, would you rather fight someone totally different than your fathers?" The King asked.
"Then how 'bout this!" Bardock said.
"Fuuuu...Sion!" Bardock and King Vegeta did the Fusion Dance.
"Wait! NO!" Goku screamed.
"HA!" as Bardock's and The King's fingertips joined, they fused together!
"I am no longer Bardock, OR, King Vegeta, I am BARGETA!" Bargeta looks basically just like Gogeta except with a beard and not a Super Saiyan.
"No, 'sniff' No...after finally meeting my father i will not fight him..." Goku cried.
"Well, this should be fun," Vegeta said, "Kakarot Lets go!"
"Fine...sorry dad,"
"Fuuuu...Sion...HA!" Goku and Vegeta did the fusion as well.
"Meet your true son Bargeta! I am Gogeta!"
After a huge fight above the sea, Bargeta's fusion wore off.
"NO" Bardock yelled.
"This fight lasted longer than i expected..." King Vegeta said.
"Sorry dads... Big...Bang...Ka...Me...Ha...Me...HAAAA!" Right then their fusion wore off, resulting in Goku's Kamehameha and Vegeta's Big Bang Attack being weaker than Gogeta's attack.
When King Vegeta and Bardock were hit by Vegeta and Goku their M's faded away while still being attacked.
"Kakarot...I'm sorry for letting my heart be controlled...you've gone very far, from being sent to Earth to destroy it, to going as far as to destroy your own father to protect it... I'm proud of you...son,"
"Prince Vegeta, you are... the most worthy of our bloodline to be called "KING OF SAIYANS! The Saiyans are creating a new race... you are now king of all full-blood Saiyans, and the new race... Do a better job than me, keep the half-saiyans alive!"
The Saiyans left with a heart-felt goodbye for their sons, who had bested them in strength, speed, and wits, ceasing to exist.
"V-Vegeta...why... I finally meet my father, and 'sniff' I had to destroyed him..."
"Get over it Kakarot, I had to destroy mine 'sniff' as well..." the now King of Saiyans was actually crying!
"Wait...FATHER!" Goku flew down to the water and dove in to a weak Ki he sensed. He found Former King Vegeta and Bardock! They had survived!
"Vegeta! Look who I found! Meet me at the Lookout!" Goku used Instant Transmission to get to the Lookout and Vegeta came not long after.
"Um, hi Goku, Vegeta. What do you guys need?" asked Dende, the Guardian of Earth
"We need you to heal these guys,our dads. Their already dead, but they were controlled by Babidi and sent here to fight us, they were nearly destroyed." Goku explained.
"Wait, didn't you say they were under Babidi's spell?"
"Don't worry, the curse was removed somehow" Vegeta assured Dende.
"OK, I'll try..." Dende then placed his hands over the two and all their injuries disapeared!
"It'll take them a while to come to, so you guys better hurry and try to get more Dragonballs!"
"Ok Dende seeya!" Goku and Vegeta left the lookout to find the next Dragonball.
"Ok the radar says their that way Kakarot!" Goku and Vegeta had found the location of two Dragonballs!
Goku and Vegeta flew as fast as they could to a rocky area, the same place the Cell Games once took place.
"Well hello, Goku, Vegeta," Cell stepped out from behind a boulder.
"Your end is here you monkeys!" Frieza stepped out from a pillar still standing from the Cell Games.
"I had a feeling you two would be here..." Vegeta activated his watch, "Trunks, you remember Frieza? The one the future you killed?" Vegeta asked Trunks through his watch.
"Yeah, i remember, you told me all about it,"
"Well come here, I wanna know if the present you an beat him,"
"'K, be there in a sec"
"Gohan! I think you'll like this fight, c'mon," Goku told Gohan through his watch
"Alright dad I'll be there soon,"
Trunks arrived soon afterwards along with Gohan to fight Cell and Frieza
"Hey, its Cell," Gohan said with a smirk
"So your Frieza... i figured you'd be taller," Trunks mocked
"You! Its you! Your the monkey who killed me years ago with a sword!" Frieza said with a vengeful gleam in his eye.
"Ah Gohan... I can't wait to see you writhe in pain," Cell said ready to attack.
"I'll kill you the same way I killed you before!" Trunks charged at Frieza readying his sword.
"Oh no you don't you monkey!" Trunks tried to imitate the slice the best he could from what Vegeta told him about his future self killing Frieza, but Frieza had gotten stronger both from the ball he consumed, and his training in HFIL.
"Well Cell, you ready?" Gohan asked.
"I've been ready ever since you were eleven you dirty little imp!" Cell charged at Gohan, but he sidestepped and elbowed Cell in the back .
"Gah! You...You've gotten stronger, guess i've been slacking too much. Frieza, this is my end, kill them ALL!" Cell yelled as Gohan charged his kamehameha. "Here I am, about to be destroyed by the same boy, by the same attack, and I can't even get off the ground...heh... this may be Goku's cells talking but... I always had fun fighting you Gohan," with those final words Cell was destroyed by Gohan's Kamehameha.
"Well, thats that. Seeya dad, good luck Trunks!" Gohan left to go back home. Trunks was still having a hard time against Frieza, Trunks was nearly dead and was pinned to a boulder by energy rings from Frieza, unconcious.
"Now you die!" Frieza exclaimed as he charged a Death Beam.
"Trunks! No!" Vegeta rushed at Frieza and kicked him in the side.
"Are you ok Trunks?" Vegeta ran to trunks and pulled out the energy rings while Trunks started to come too.
"Thanks dad..." Trunks fell back unconcious.
"Kakarot! Take Trunks to the Lookout! Get Dende to heal him!"
"Alright Vegeta, good luck" Goku took Trunks from vegeta and left for the Lookout.
"Well Frieza, now its my turn to avenge the Saiyan race!" Vegeta turned to see Frieza getting ready his Death Ball attack.
"Hmph, well, here goes," Vegeta rose into the air and stuck out his arm, Get ready for Super Vegeta's, Big Bang Attack!" Vegeta then went Super Saiyan and gathered energy into his palm.
"Now die!" Frieza launched the Death Ball at Vegeta.
"Heh, your finished." Vegeta launched his Big Bang Attack. When the energy balls collided they triggered an Energy Struggle. It seemed Frieza was winning, as the Death Ball and Big Bang were moving to Vegeta.
"I won't die here! Galick Gun!" Vegeta launched his Glaick Gun at his Big Bang which gave it a huge power boost, Vegeta was winning the energy struggle!
"I will not die here! I will destroy all of the remaining Saiyans!!!" Frieza was desperate to win, but just could not muster the energy. "No! NO! MY REIGN OF TERROR WILL NEVER END!!!" Frieza's body was destroyed completely destroyed just like Cell's
"Well, heres the three and four star ball," Vegeta said as he walked to where Frieza and Cell were standing. "Whew...Frieza was stronger than usual, Kakarot's right, this is tougher than anything we've ever fought." Vegeta said as he powered down to normal. Vegeta left to go see how Trunks and his father were doing on the Lookout.
"Really? My grandson's are BOTH Super Saiyans... And one surpassed it! My son has even made it to Super Saiyan 4! And the first generation of our family never even got close to going Super Saiyan!" Bardock said as Vegeta arrived on the Lookout, Goku was telling things about his life to his father. Trunks was talking to his grandfather and showing off his Super Saiyan.
"Well, thats two more Dragonballs," Vegeta said pulling out the two balls he found.
'Ok, just give them to Dende, I gave him mine," Goku instructed.
"So, King Vegeta, how are you liking your new position?" Former King Vegeta asked.
"Hmph, well, my first order of king, was to destroy our destroyer!" Vegeta said with pride. Vegeta then went inside the Lookout to find Dende. He sensed something powerful, and evil, it was the eeriest power he'd ever felt.
"Dende!" Vegeta called. Vegeta tried to contact him with his watch, when he reached him, he heard something possibly threatening the Guardian's life, and the Dragonballs.
"Tell me! How'd you get the Dragonball! You have one! I know you know the people responsible to doing this to Broly, Cell, and Frieza! Who is trying to stop me! " an evil voice rang out through Vegeta's watch.
"No... please, I won't tell you anything..." Dende's voice came through, he was rasping for breath.
"Hey! You!" Vegeta tried to communicate to Dende's attacker, "I'm the one getting the Dragonballs!"
"Hm? Kid! Wheres that voice coming from?" the attacker noticed Dende's watch and took it. "You! Your the one doing all this? Who are you!"
"My identity is of no concern, all I'll tell you is, theres more of me, I have an accomplice. Now, which Dragonball do you hold? The two star? Six?"
"I have no need for the power of the Dragonballs, I am far more powerful than the others,"
"So, your their leader, what race are you exactly?" Vegeta wanted to know more about this villain so he could maybe find out a weakness.
"You will soon find out, but you will be very surprised when you find out my origins though, I promise you that!" Dende was being choked against the wall of his throne room. "Namekian, are you ready to die?"
"N-No... VEGETA! HELP ME!" Dende yelled with all of his remaining breath, until he fell unconcious.
"So...your Vegeta, are you? I can't believe King Vegeta and Bardock lost to you and your partner..." Dende's attacker had let go of his grip and let him fall to the floor, "I take it your partner is Kakarot?"
"Well yes, we 'are' strongest in the universe," Dende crawled toward where the attacker put the One-Star Dragonball and took it back. Goku came through the Lookout corridor. "Hey Vegeta! Whats taking so long?" Goku called.
"Shut up Kakarot!," Vegeta whispered, "I've picked up a disturbibg message, this is the leader, the leader of the 7 villains who consumed the Dragonballs, hes got Dende's watch,"
"Ok, I'll be right back," Goku used the Instant Transmission to home in on Dende's Ki, "Dende, c'mon, take my hand!" Goku whispered, the leader of the villains had their back turned examining the watch. Goku then Instant Transmissioned back to Vegeta, "Dende's ok, lets get out of here Vegeta. This guys strong, this may be alot tougher than we thought."
"Fine, we'd better grab Trunks, our fathers, and Dende and take them somewhere safe," Vegeta suggested.
"Ok, we'll just fly them to my home, I have a feeling Capsule Corp. would be too obvious,"
"Fine Kakarot, lets go, I've got Trunks and my father," at Goku's home Vegeta and Goku had just arrived with Dende, Trunks, Bardock, and Former King Vegeta.
"So, dad, your the King of Saiyans now?" Trunks asked eyes full of admiration.
"Thats right son," Vegeta told Trunks.
"Then that makes me the Prince of Saiyans!" Trunks exclaimed, "Wait...wouldn't that make mom Queen of Saiyans?"
"Well no, she has no Saiyan blood coursing through her veins," Vegeta answered.
"Oh," as Goku went inside Vegeta suggested that he take Former King Vegeta and Trunks to his home.
"Ok Vegeta, be careful getting there, West City is pretty far from here," Goku warned.
"Hmph, fine Kakarot, but you know your in no position to order me around, your a Low-Class Warrior, I'm the Prince of Saiyans, and an Elite."
"But I could've let Krillin stab you all those years ago! Your just lucky I wanted to fight you again!" Goku countered. Goku introduced Bardock to Gohan, Goten, and Chi-Chi, Videl, and Pan.
"So now I have a great grandpa!" Pan exclaimed.
"Hey Grandpa, watch this! Gohan come show him our Super Saiyan powers!" Goten was glad to show off his abilities.
"Alright, we'de better be careful though." Gohan warned.
"HAH!" Goten and Gohan transformed into their Super Saiyan forms, with Gohan having the lightning-filled aura of the Super Saiyan Two.
"So you must be the grandson that surpassed the Super Saiyan," Bardock eyed Gohan.
"Thats right, I've saved the world about... four times!" Gohan said.
"Four times! Thats amazing! tell me about it,"
"Yeah, I saved dad from being killed by...um, Uncle Raditz,, I helped defeat Vegeta when he was evil, I killed Cell, one of the most powerful enemies we've faced, when I was only 11, and I killed a monster called Bojack!" Gohan recalled all the times he saved the earth from destruction.
"Wow, and I never saved a planet once, only destroyed it... I tried to save our entire race, but Frieza was far too strong
© Copyright 2010 Kayate (goku548 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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