Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1633498-Just-a-Bit-of-Morning-Magic
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1633498
I awake to find all the toys have come to life...
The morning dawned bright and cold. I awoke around 6am and really didn't want to drag myself out from under my heavy down comforter where I was cocooned in a heavenly warm dark place.
But, there were strange noises coming from downstairs. I was the only human in the apartment this morning as my husband was still at work till 10am. My faithful mutt Clancy, a lovable black lab, and his feline nemesis Cosmo were downstairs probably wanting breakfast, although it was kind of early for them to be up and playing.
I begrudgingly pushed back the covers and slipped my nice warm feet into cold slippers and grumbled as I started down the hall. As I rounded the corner to go down the stairs I nearly tripped over Clancy and Cosmo who were poised at the top of the stairs staring down at what I could not tell. But the noises continued and I now knew my critters were not the source.
'So what are you guys up to?' I asked them as they both looked up at me. I assumed that since the noises continued that my husband had come home early and was making breakfast and listening to the tv or radio. I slipped passed them and headed down the stairs with my pets on my heels. They now felt it safe enough for them to venture down behind their human, some protection my 'watchdog' was!
It sounded like a party in the living room so I headed there first figuring it was the tv. Jason liked noise around him so he often would have both the tv and radio going and not really paying much attention to either of them.
As I rounded the threshold to the living room I stopped dead in my tracks, both animals bumping into me from behind. I couldn't believe my eyes. I must be dreaming.
Every toy that my animals treasured were bouncing around the room! Mr Teddy Bear, Clancy's favorite stuffed bear was running around the room making little growling noises, his stuffing sticking out in various places, as Clancy liked to de-stuff his toys. I would often find little piles of stuffing scattered all over and made it my mission to always gather them up and restuff them back into Mr Bear.
Tinkles, my cat's favorite little stuffed mouse was skittering around the room squeaking. Bobo the stuffed monkey was running around and jumping onto the couch and jumping up and down making monkey noises.
I stood there with my mouth hanging open and wondering when I would wake up from this very bizarre dream. I was startled by Clancy's wet nose on the back of my leg and he whined. I looked down at him and he stood there looking up at me with the look of 'What the heck is going on, Mom? Why are my toys running around?' and I laughed.
'Some dream we're having, huh Clanc?' I reached down and patted his head. I had never, ever had such a vivid dream. I mean I could feel my dog touching me and me touching him. Way too bizarre. I needed to roll over and make this dream go away. I blinked my eyes and scratched my head and went to sit down on the recliner chair. Bobo proceeded to jump onto my lap and I nearly jumped out of my skin.
This was just too real. I grabbed the monkey and put him on the floor and he immediately jumped back in my lap. Oh, my. This was more than a dream, but it was far off from reality too. I sat there with the monkey chattering away on my lap and the mouse and bear still running around at my feet thinking I must be going mad.
I don't know how long I sat there like that. There was activity all around me but I still felt in a dream state. Clancy was chasing the bear now and Cosmo was perched on the back of the sofa looking down at Tinkles, his tail twitching in a ready-to-spring type of way. Bobo was now cuddling me. I had really lost it.
I was just thinking about getting up and calling my husband at work when there was the sound of tires in the driveway and I leaped up unsettling Bobo so he fell onto the couch with a monkey screach as I ran to the window. Jason was home! Now I would wake up and this crazy dream would end.
I ran to the door and nearly knocked Jason over as I flew into his arms.
'Whoa, Babe...what's wrong?'
'The toys....they're alive! Wake me up from this dream!' I cried as he wrapped his arms around me.
'You're not dreaming, hon. Open your eyes and tell me what's wrong.'
I peaked out from where I had buried my head into his chest and looked over at the toys. They sat lifeless on the floor. Clancy was wagging his tail so hard it rocked his whole body as he tried to get Jason's attention. Cosmo was still sitting on the back of the sofa eyeing Tinkles and Bobo skeptically. After a few seconds when they did not jump up again, he came over and wound himself around our feet as we stood holding each other in the doorway.
'But, they....they were alive!' I said as I watched the toys nervously.
Jason looked down at me with a smile and said, 'Ok, hon, whatever. Let's go make breakfast.' and he steered me away from the toys toward the kitchen. The toys still sat lifeless.
I thought, wow, what a crazy wild dream, as I took one last peek at the toys and caught just the glimmer of a smile and wink come across Bobo's face. I shook my head to clear it and went to make coffee.
© Copyright 2010 LindiSue (lindisue at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1633498-Just-a-Bit-of-Morning-Magic