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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1625913
Chapters 8 to 10
Disclaimer: (Sakura) " Hi everyone! I'm here to inform you that before reading this chapter you are to be informed that everything here that isn't related to Wolfang is property of our creator, Masashi Kishimoto. ( Wolfang falls from above and quickly stands up, all beaten up and exausted ) " Sakura! Did I made it in time? " " No, but don't worry, I've already told them. " " Oh, thank God. Thanks, I though I wasn't going to make it time. " Wolfang faints and has to be carried by Sakura off the scene (Sakura) " Pleasent reading! Bye! "

Chapter Eight: Ending with a Bang: The Way of the Ninja

It's the fourth day of the exa, and Squad 7, are in need of a second scroll, an awakened Naruto contemplated forging a new scroll, although he would first need to read the scroll he already had. Before he could do so, Kabuto arrived to stop him, citing that those who read the scroll were rendered unconscious until the exam's end; a rival team had tried to open their scroll, and had suffered this fate. Kabuto, separated from his teammates, accompanied Squad 7 to the tower at the center of the forest. Along the way, the group encountered a disorienting genjutsu set by the teammates of the Rain Genin that you and Sasuke had earlier defeated. By the time they realized that they were not getting any closer to the center of the forest, it was too late; they were attacked by a number of clones. The team realizes soon enough that the clones are not physical; they are in fact another genjutsu. In order to draw out the assailants, Naruto disguises several of his shadow clones as his teammates and fights the enemy clones all night. When the Rain Genin team believe that the entire team was exhausted from combat, you, Kabuto, Sakura, and Sasuke corner them. After a brief struggle, Naruto knocks out the enemies and takes their scroll, at which point they head to the tower and meet with Kabuto's team.Inside the tower, opens its scrolls, summoning Iruka to inform them that they made it in time. ( I'm not putting the full scene because it's the same as the original ) He observes their growth, then allows them to enter the main room, where they meet with the other passing teams: Team 10, Team 8, Team Guy, Gaara's team, Kabuto's team, the Sound Genin and three Genins from the Village Hidden in Rain, making a total of 25 finalists ( 8 Teams ). The Third Hokage briefly speaks about the exams and leaves Hayate Gekko, a young adult with an appearance of a very sick person and always goughing, in charge. Hayate reveals that an unusually large number of Genin passed the second stage of the exam. Before they can proceed to the final stage, a series of one-on-one preliminary matches will have to take place so that only the winners of each match can proceed. Kabuto drops out immediately upon the notice, blaming his withdrawal on an injury sustained from an earlier part of the test. with him, so do two members from the Hidden Rain. You notice that those members had no reason for fighting and that had been sent for information gathering, while the third, a girl of your age with red hair, googles on her forehead, green shirt and gray shorts, stays to participate in the finals. You think about quiting too because of your ribs but that vanishes from your mind when you remember the promise you made the old man. This lead to a total of 22 finalists.

Resume of the matches ( yours is the last one ):

he first match up was Sasuke Uchiha against a member of Kabuto's team, Yoroi Akado. The match started with Yoroi stealing Sasuke's chakra through his hands. The match seemed hopeless for Sasuke, until he heard Naruto's taunts. Next to him was Rock Lee, which gave Sasuke an idea. He used Lion's Barrage, a copy of Rock Lee's Forward Lotus move, which had been captured by Sasuke's Sharingan. Yoroi was knocked unconscious, and Sasuke advanced to the next round.

Up next were Zaku Abumi and Shino Aburame. Zaku only had one arm he was able to move, but he bet that he could win. Shino commanded a multitude of bugs to attack, leaving Zaku with a choice: to go for him or the bugs. Zaku then revealed he could use both arms, but it was too late. The bugs had blocked Zaku's chakra and had built it up in his arms, making them explode and thus ending the fight.

The match with Misumi Tsurugi against Kankuro began. It seemed like Misumi would win, until it was revealed that the Kankuro Misumi was fighting was just a puppet. The real Kankuro was disguised, controlling the puppet with his chakra. He used the puppet to defeat Misumi.

The fourth match, Sakura versus Ino, was particularly meaningful, as the two were rivals. The match dragged on for almost an hour before they hit each other at the exact same time, thus rendering each other unconscious. Hayate declared that neither of them would move on to the next round.

The fifth match was Tenten against Temari. The match was over quickly, and Temari won easily. Rock Lee jumped down to avenge Temari's treatment of Tenten, but Might Guy stopped what would have turned into a fight.

The sixth match of Shikamaru Nara against Kin Tsuchi of Team Dosu was next, with Shikamaru aware that he was at a disadvantage, since Kin had seen him use his jutsu in the Forest of Death without showing her own fighting style. Kin started by dodging the Shadow Possession Jutsu and firing needles with and without bells. She managed to divert his attention by ringing the bells with strings to mock him, then she struck him with silent needles. Shikamaru managed to get his shadow across to her using the strings to perform the jutsu. They both drew out shuriken and flung them at each other. When it came time for them to duck, Shikamaru ducked successfully, but Kin knocked her head against the wall and knocked herself out, which turned out to be the true nature of Shikamaru's battle strategy. Shikamaru emerged as the winner.

Naruto was matched up with Kiba in the seventh match. The fight went poorly for Naruto at first, especially after Kiba's dog, Akamaru, joined the fight and transformed into Kiba for the Beast Human Clone jutsu. Naruto made a comeback by transforming into Kiba and tricked him by transforming into Akamaru before his transformation reversed, leading to Kiba attacking the other "Kiba", thinking that he was Naruto, which resulted in him knocking out Akamaru by mistake. Kiba then focused on attacking intensively to keep Naruto from counterattacking, until Naruto accidentally blew off, which stunned Kiba, whose sense of smell was magnified a thousand times at the time. Naruto then beat Kiba by using shadow clones to perform a new technique, Uzumaki Barrage.

The eighth match brought a family rivalry to the forefront, as Hinata and Neji battled. Kiba, being escorted away on a stretcher, urged Hinata to forfeit. Hinata, however, after being inspired by Naruto's courage, still wanted to fight to prove that she could be brave. They both fought in the Hyuga Gentle Fist style, enabling them to cut off each other's chakra flow. They both also had the Byakugan eyes; a trait which Kakashi said surpasses the Sharingan eye. With the Byakugan, Neji exploited Hinata's fears with the intention of killing her, and it was only by the exam proctor’s intervention that stopped him from doing that. Hinata's bravery still managed to inspire Naruto, as he vowed to battle and win against Neji in the third exam.

The ninth match had Rock Lee against Gaara. Rock Lee used his remarkable taijutsu abilities, but barely managed to scratch Gaara. He then opened five of the inner chakra gates, the result being that Lee's strength was multiplied immensely for a short time, but also severely injured him. Gaara was beaten badly. Rock Lee used his Hidden Lotus technique to attempt to break through Gaara's sand armor, at the expense of great pain and injury to himself. When Gaara was falling, however, he dispersed his gourd into sand as a cushion to break his fall. Gaara used Sand Burial to crush Rock Lee's left arm and leg. Might Guy jumped down to defend Lee, regretting having taught Lee how to open the inner gates. Lee, although unconscious due to the pain, rose to continue the battle, his desire to win fueling his broken body. Guy wept at Lee's dedication, and Lee was taken away to recover. After learning from the medical ninja that Lee could no longer be a ninja due to his intense injuries. Gaara won the match.

The tenth match was Choji Akimichi versus Dosu Kinuta. Choji was reluctant to battle, instead wanting to forfeit, but tried after being promised food by Asuma if he won. Choji entered the battle with prior knowledge of Dosu's abilities, and quickly used Human Boulder to hide his ears from the Sound ninja's attacks. Dosu managed to overcome this by transmitting his Vibrating Sound Drill through Choji's flesh, quickly defeating him.

Now, it's your time to fight.

To Continue ...............................................Here and now.

It's time for your match, and the person your fighting is a female ninja from the Village Hidden in the Rain. Apparently her name was Hakai ( Destruction ) and you had no idea of her abilities, but you were not holding back just because she was a girl. From the stands you could hear Naruto and Sakura cheering for you to kick her ass, but something told you that it wouldn't be that easy. ( Hayate ) " Eleventh and final match, start ! ". Both of you charge at each other with Kunai knifes, but in the last second, she does a frontflip and lands behind you making a turn with the kunai aiming for your head. You block it with your kunai at the last moment. ( You ) " Not today ". Suddenly, your fingers started to melt, along with the rest of your arm and then your body. You scream in pain and suddenly you are in the same position before the match started and Hakai is laughing towards you. " Hahaha, you little genin. You couldn't even figure it out until it was over " she said. ( To yourself ) " Damn it, Genjutsu. I thought i could see it coming, when did she...... there " ( you flash back until before the match started when you crossed eyes with her for the first time ). You think about turning over her strategy to the referee but a little voice in your head told you to stuck up and fight her like a true ninja. She talks to you : " Now, let me show you my true power, Genjutsu: Tatsu's Jugdment ". You are now in shackles by your feet and arms with a giant dragon before you, preparing to burst you into to flames. You start to hear her voice from everywhere: " Dont worry, this will only hurt for a second, which is the time it takes to burn your body ". You start to see her figure in the darkness, you concentrate and now you eyes are in line with hers. (You) " Like i said, not today: Ninja Art: Shadow Fang Genjutsu: 100 Wolf Bites. " The next second you are free with your arm grasping the air aiming at her, she starts to loose focus in her eyes. " Looks like the tables have turned. Your not the only one who knows genjutsu. By this time you are now visioning yourself cornered by 100 wolves ready to strike you. " She tries to release the genjutsu by making a hand sign but before she can do it, you grasp the air even more and she cant move her hands. " Now there are ten wolves biting your arms to hold you. " She starts to bleed from her mouth. " Of course, if your brain thinks you are injured, then you really are. My genjutsu doesn't hurt the outside but instead makes the inside hurt itself. I wonder what will happen if i close my hand completely. Mr. Hayate, i think she can't go on anymore ". ( Hayate ) " Right, winner of the last match, Francis Wolfang ". You hear Naruto and Sakura being happy for your qualification. That made all the diference. The ten qualifying Genin, are assigned opponents, yours is Dosu, and they are all allowed to leave for a month of training before the finals. The next day, you depart back to your home village to carry your training there. When you arrive, everyone is amazed by your powers and the old man comes to you and confesses that he is truly happy for you to keep on his legacy. During that month, the old man trained you while you were home with your parents, who were also proud of your achievements and kept believing in you. Five days before the third exam, you departed from your village with everyone in your heart and promised to suceed in the third challenge, and become a chunin and then a jounin, like the old man used to be. When you left, you carried with you more knowledge of both fire and earth jutsus, better teamwork with the summoning wolves and the promise you couldn't break. You took it ease during the last four remaining days, even helping Shino and Shikamaru, and in the fifth day, you woke up early, made some stretching exercises and said to yourself " This is it The Third Exam begins ".

Chapter Nine: The Final Stretch: Here comes the Third Exam

After a slow break-fast, you left home on your way to the Exam Arena, thirty minutes ahead of time. When you arrived, you still had twenty minutes left, so you went to the ring. You entered the ring. There, you noticed that it was a circular area with the five signs from hidden shinobi villages painted on the walls. " Hey you " someone called you from the entrance. It was a Leaf Jounin, by the name Genma. You asked about the other proctor, Hayate. He told you not to worry about it and advised you not to wonder off too far that all contestants should arrive very soon. " Hello ". You looked behind and found Shino right behind you. "When did you get here ? ' " you asked. " I've been here before you, didn't you noticed me by the trees ? ". You decided not to get him mad so you answerd " Sorry, Shino. You must have cloaked youself very well, because i couldn't even hear you. " He looked less threathning, so you knew you said the right answer. 15 minutes later, all contestants were present, except Naruto, Sasuke and Dosu. When time for the participants was about to end, Naruto appears flying from the entrance. Everyone watched in shocked to see what happened. ( Naruto ) "What?! Everyone, watch out! A lot of bulls are going to come!" Shikamaru, confused, asked what happened. "Come on, you have to listen to me! They're going to come!" The proctor says: "Hey! Quit fidgeting, you two! Face the audience, from here on and out, you guys are heroes out in this area." All present contestants faced the crowd and prepared for the exam. The Third Hokage stands up and announces the whole stadium. "WELCOME! Welcome to the Leaf Village Chunin Selection Exams! We will now start the matches between the 9 participants that got past the preliminaries. Please stay until all the matches are done!" You wonder if it was Sasuke or Dosu the one who left the tournament. After the Third Hokage announcement, Genma went up to them and said: "All right, before the matches begin, there's been a slight change in the tournament. Look carefully again before you fight each other again." He takes out a piece of paper and shows it to the 8 present participants. Apparently, your match against Dosu was taken and you were to fight against the winner of the Temari-Shikamaru fight but in the second round .Genma then starts to explain the Chunin Exam rules: "All right then guys, the field of terrain is a little different. But, the rules are all the same as the prelims (in which there are none). You will fight until one dies, or forfeits the match. Now, I can stop the match and step in and decide, all right?" Everyone agrees to the "rules". "Now then, the first fight is Naruto Uzumaki, and Neji Hyuga. Those two stay, the rest goes to the waiting room." Everyone steps aside and goes to the stairs, while Naruto and Neji stays. Let's skip these, here are the results( do to the disappearment of Dosu, you're only scheduled to fight in the second round):

Naruto vs Neji ( Naruto wins )
Gaara vs Sasuke ( postponed )
Kankuro vs Shino ( Kankuro forfeits before start of the match; Shino wins )
Gaara vs Sasuke ( postponed again )
Temari vs Shikamaru ( Shikamaru forfeits during the match; Temari wins )

Here goes Gaara vs Sasuke ( Where is he ?? ):

A time limit had been set up, so Sasuke had better hurry and get is butt to the stadium. You were on the contestants waiting area with Shino, while Naruto and Shikamaru were on the arena looking for Sasuke to arrive. Suddenly, a great wind rises and creates a small leaf tornado. Everyone tries to cover their eyes, and when it settles down, Kakashi and Sasuke arrive at the knick of time. The fight starts, and Sasuke starts to show great taijutsu development. In fact, it's the same Lee used versus Gaara in the elemination round. With that Sasuke is able to bypass Gaara's sand-based defenses with ease. When Gaara appears to be loosing, his sand start to gather around him and form a protective sphere. With Gaara unable to move while within his shield, and Sasuke unable to break through its defenses, Sasuke decided to step it up a noch. He starts to backflip towards the wall and starts to move up until he stops. He makes some hand signs and flopping bird sounds start to be heard from Sasuke. His arm starts to bright and lightning starts to pour out. " The Lightning Blade ?!? " you ask in a loud voice. " No " answers Shino who is right next to you " this is the first version, The Chidori ". " How do you know that ? ". At that moment, a bug flys from the air into Shino's sleeve. He had his bugs spying on the contestants during their trainning. Sasuke starts to run down the wall and aimming at Gaara. When it connects, a loud scream is heard from the sand sphere: " Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh It's my own BLOOOOOD !!!!!!!!! ". Suddenly, a giant arm comes out of the sphere and tries to grab Sasuke. He dodges it. Suddenly, feathers start to fall from the sky. " Oh No, Genjutsu. ( Tiger hand Sign and Chakra Sound ) Release ". The feathers that are most near to you dissapear and so does the ones from Shino's side, You look at the arena to try and see who caused the genjutsu and see the sand sphere collapsing. At the same moment, a explosion occurs at the Kage stand and a purple barrier starts to arise. Kankuro and Temari jump to the arena and take Gaara with them. At the same moment Sasuke who is in the arena dissapears and so does Shino who was just right next to you. ( Metal Clash Sound ). " What the...? It's coming from the audience stand ". You start to see The Leaf shinobi battleling with The Sand And Sound forces. " An Invasion ?!? ".

To Continue..................................................... Next Time, on Team Four Star. ................. just kidding, it's just Naruto.

You start to move towards the stand, but on the way, two Sound shinobi stand in your way. Both of them run towards you with kunais with the intention of killing you, but before they reach you, you bite your finger, swipe the blood in your hand and use :" Summoning Jutsu ! ". A cloud of smoke appears from where you pressed your hand, and Ma and Pa appear from the cloud of smoke, lauching themselves towards the enemy, biting them to death. " Well " you started " I only called you to help me, not to do all the work, but thanks ". " Humf " said Pa " You little kid, if it wasn't for us...... ". " Ok Pa. Well here's the plan. I need you guys to pick up Sasuke's scent, so you should spread out and search. I will be at the audience stand protecting the uncouncious guests. When your done, go home, it's too dangerous, and report to me the situation by telepathy, Ok? " " Right " said both wolves, and then started to run off towards the exit. You run the opposite direction, trying to reach there the fastest as possible. When you get there, you see Kakashi and Guy taking care of the Sound Ninjas. You get near Kakashi and awaited for orders. ( Kakashi ) " I wouldn't ask simple Genin to do this but, there is no time for over protecting. I want you to find at least two other of your comrades and wake them up. Then help evacuate any remaining villager outside the stadium. " Guy appears and tells you " Lee is in no condition and Neji is all worn out, so you must take Tenten with you " . You look behind you and see Tenten still unconscious " Why didn't she released the Genjutsu ". " She's not much at Chakra control " answerd Guy. " Also " replied Kakashi " Ino, Choji, Hinata and Kiba appear to be unable to fight, so Tenten is your only choice, now go ". " Right, sir ". You run down the stairs and pass the benches towards Tenten " Release " you put your index in Tenten's forhead and she wakes up. " Tenten, it's me Francis, gear up and get ready, this is an invasion. " A what ?!? ". She looks around and pulls off her dress, revealing her trainning clothes underneath. " Why were you wearing your fighting gear beneath your dress ? ". " Before coming here, i helped Neji with his warm up ". ( To yourself ) " Probably just wanted a shot at Temari for beating her, sheesh, women ". ( To Tenten ) " Alright, here are our orders ............. got it ? ". " Right " she answers. " Shouldn't we go check on Neji, Naruto and Shikamaru, they must be all worn out ". " As long as Neji remains in the lower levels of the stadium, he can keep resting. As for Naruto and Shikamaru, they went to back up Sasuke, who wnet on pursuit of Gaara, Temari and Kankuro ". ( Tenten ) " I knew that Temari was no good ". That made you wonder if she though of that the moment both of them saw for the first time. The both of you arrive at the neighbourhood around The Ichiraku Ramen Bar and it was clear. So was the Academy, and The Hospital was heavely fortefeid. Suddenly, you hear Ma's voice in your mind: " Sasuke has left the Leaf Village in search of Gaara, and he is being followed by Naruto, Sakura, Shikamaru and Shino. Also, there appears to be a group of Sound Ninjas chasing them, but Asuma is on his way to take care of them. " . " Ok, thanks " you answerd " Go home and take care ". You disconnected the telepathy and joined Tenten in searching the other areas of the Leaf Village. Both of you got to the Main Gate. There you moved to the top of the gate and pulled out you map of the Hidden Leaf. " Ok Tenten, let's review the Leaf's situation. From what we saw the main problem it's the streets and the Stadium. The other main locations of the Leaf have been fortefied. So, the only thing to do his to take out as many enemies has we can ". " Ok " answerd Tenten. The two of you moved to the Village's streets and looked for any sign of enemies. You were about to cross the corner to head, you hear screams coming from there, you look carefully and see what appears to be a Dragon made of wind. It was slycing the Leaf's shinobi when it stroke simply by passing by them. It's origin appeard to be a Sound Jonin. You and Tenten position yourselves at the roof and prepare for a surprise attack. The sound jonin had just stroke a nearby house, when a rain of shuriken's, kunais and paper-bombs was aiming at him. Because of the wind dragon jutsu, he couldn't move properly, so apparently the weapons were on target. But suddenly, the wind dragon cuts the weapons path and drives them back towards you. The both of you just jumped out of the way at the nick of time.

Tenten appeard to be injured in one leg by a stray kunai, and you were hit on the left arm by two shurikens. ( Tenten ) " He can simply take our weapons and fly them back at us, we need a better plan ". You've never been in such a situation since the second exam. You flashedback at the time you helped Lee defend the remaider of Squad 7. How well you tried to help, but you still got knocked out. " Not anymore, never AGAIN " you yelled pulling out the two shuriken from your arm. Tenten heard you yell and asked what was wrong. " Tenten, you got one of them large shurikens ? " you asked. " Yeah, what about it? " she answerd. " I need you to throw it at him, leave the rest to me ". A first she seemed to wonder about your plan because the shuriken would just fly back, but she still summoned a Fuma Shuriken from a scroll and prepared to launch it. The sound jonin began to laugh at your attempt to take him down. He shouldn't. The Shuriken was off. The wind dragon was set to bounce it back. It was time, to put practice into effect. ( You ) " Fire Style: Infernal Incinerator ". Red hot flames came out of your mouth and surrounded the Shuriken. ( You and Tenten ) " Fire Style: Phoenix Shuriken Jutsu ". The flamming shuriken was about to hit the wind dragon. The moment they connected, the wind caused the flames to burst out of control and surround the jonin, while the shuriken carried on and hit the jonin on the chest, killing him. With the enemy gone from that area, the both of you returned to the stadium to help, only to find out that the battle there was also over, and everyone was at the Hokage stand, surrounding a dead body. You approached, only to find The Third Hokage dead. The battle was over, but many lives were lost. In the following days, the news of the plot of Orochimaru of killing the kazekage just to inpersonate him and control the Sand Village were heard all around the Leaf. The funeral for The Third Hokage was arranged and the intire Leaf village attended to it. In the following days, a treaty with the sand was made, and an alliance was reastablished. Three days after the funeral, you were at the hospital serving as a volunteer, when you heard the news that Jiraya ( one of the Legendary Sanin ) and Naruto were on their way to bring The Fifth Hokage. Apparently, Jiraya and naruto were familiar with one another, and only the day after is when you heard that it was him who trained Naruto for the Third Exam. " That explains the strenght he showed against Gaara, and how he worked well with Gamabunta. Jiraya-san must have thaught him the summoning jutsu, and with the spirit of the Nine-Tailed Fox ( Whom you heard about from Kakashi ) he was able to bring about so much chakra. Naruto has really grown since the prankster he used to be ". The days after, you continued training with the rest of the genin, hoping to rise against any challenge.

Chapter Ten : Leaf Counter-Attack: Taking the Fight to Orochimaru.

It's been a day since Naruto returned from the search of the new Hokage, which was scheduled to be presented to the entire village at tomorrows afternoon. You were studying in the hospital, working on the manufacturing of soldier pills. Since the day you saw Kiba use them against Naruto, you've been trying to find a way to make them more efficient and less harmfull to use, since they would drive the user's body to a limit that would make them being able to fight for three days and nights. During the morning, while you were reading a book about it. Sakura barged in and told you about the announcement, before leaving again to see Sasuke. At the time, you thought to see it for yourself, so you headed to the Hokage building. Before leaving the hospital library, you saw Naruto and a group of people entering Kakashi's Room. The group was consisted of Naruto, a young adult woman with dark hair holding a pig, and another young woman with blonde hair with a jacket with the kanji for gamble . Before entering the room you held your ear against the door and heard one of the women yell at Kakashi for being careless. You heard them moving towards the door, so, in panic, you quickly transformed into a member of the ANBU that you saw leaving the hospital when you arrived. The group left the room and were heading down the hall where you were standing. You tried to look absolute uninterested at the group, but before you even saw it coming, the blonde female punched you in the guts sending you flying to the opposite wall, making you lose consciousness. You woke up twenty minutes later, but what seemed like hours, in a hospital bed, with the black haired girl with the pig sitting next to your bed. " You shouldn't be playing with the ANBU figure, you know. " she told you. " Who are you three ? " you asked. " My name's Shizune, this is Tonton ( the pig ) and the person who knocked you out cold was Lady Tsunade ". " Tsunade, one of the Sanin ?!! " you thought. " What is she doing back on the village, I thought she went on self-inposed exile ". Shizune told how Tsunade accepted Jiraya's offer to become the Hokage, and the fight with Orochimaru that Naruto's was involved. " And you must be Francis Wolfang, Naruto has told me and Lady Tsunade all about the fearless Genin of the Leaf Village ". A moment after she finished talking she told you " You must stay here for another day. Your wounds were healed, but you need rest. If all goes well, you can even go home tomorrow morning. After she left, you reached for the doctor's notes at the end of the bed and read your conditon, " WHAT ?!? " Apparently, that punch was enough to crack two more ribs, break the ones who were previously injured and even give you a concussion. You decided to lay back and settle down for the day. The next day, you only got discharged at the afternoon because Sakura found you trying to leave during the night and made you go back to the room. How the hell should you know she was staying late to watch over Sasuke. That made you also miss the presentation ceremony of the Hokage, but you didnt worry about it since you had already met her up close. " Note to self: Never get on her bad side ". You headed home to take a shower. Before even making to the corner of the hospital you hear an explosion from the top of the hospital roof. You leaped up to the roof only to find naruto and Sasuke facing one another. At the time Sasuke was preparing to strike at Naruto with the Chidori while he was standing side to side to prepare something that apparently was a ball of raging chakra. The moment they were to crash you notice that Sakura was in the middle. You try to get her out but you couldn't reach her in time. Kakashi appeard. He took the arm's of Naruto and Sasuke and threw them at the water tanks. While Sasuke's Chidori made the covering of the tank erupt from the static of the Chidori, Naruto's attack only made a sphere like bump where a little stream of water come out. ( Note: Because of the training with the old man, you were now able to freely control and create wolf chakra. ( You ) " Wolf Senses ". The wolf charkra enhanced your senses. You looked at the windows behind the tanks, to see that while Sasuke's attack made no mark on the other side, Naruto's attack blew up the entire side. After Sasuke and Kakashi left, you approached Naruto. " What was that, Naruto ? ". " Oh, you mean the Rasengan ? It's a technique the Pervy-Sage taught me ". By the word sage, you immediatly figured that it was Jiraiya, the Toad Sage.

The next morning, you were called to Tsunade's office. When you arrived, Shino, Tenten, Hinata and Ino were present. There, you were informed that Sasuke has been kidnapped by Orochimaru's henchmen. Ino began to cry, while Shino asked about what was being done. Tsunade informed the five of you that the team of Naruto, Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba and Neji were already dispatched to pursuit. Before Shino was able to ask something, Tsunade was already waiting for it and answerd that the five of you weren't sent because not only because some members only arrived after they were away ( Like Shino and Tenten ) but also, she needed another five-men group for an A-Rank Mission. " What ?!? " yelled Ino " This isn't the time for an A-Rank mission, we have to save Sasuke. ". " Let me explain " started Tsunade " this mission has the objective of striking one of Orochimaru's secret hideouts, and this one is near the village, so it will take one hour to arrive their. I would assign a Jonin to go with you, but everyone is out on duty, so you're up. " That wasn't enough for Ino, she continued to complain about it to Tsunade. " Well " replied Tsunade " If your ninja, then you have to take this mission weather you like it or not. Now i have to leave. I have to go to the hospital and prepare for Lee's surgery ".

Half an hour later, all five of you were at the gates ready to go. All of you hurried to the position indicated in a map Lady Tsunade had gave you. When you arrived, it was nothing more than a simple entrance to an abondaned mineral mine in a long waistland field. ( Tenten ) " This mine used to belong to the Leaf which used the iron originated from here to make weapons. But now it's just an empty mine with nothing more to give. Are you sure this is the right place ? ". " Yeah, the map says that is precisely this mine ". ( Shino ) " Hinata, what can you see ? ". " Nothing, the walls wont allow the Byakugan to see past them ". ( Tenten ) " They must be coated with chakra to keep sensor ninjas out of range, now we know this is the place ". Shino sent some of his bugs to figure out the enttrance, but only one of them came out. Apparently, the bug transmitted to Shino that there were traps everywhere, even able to spot insects entering the permisses. It was clear that the enemy knew about the team. You created several earth clones and sent them to trigger the rest of the traps. When you sensed that the clones made it to a place where there were no more traps. the team went inside and entered a corredor. By the corridor, you saw the triggered traps. There were chakra webs that stopped Shino's bugs, spiked corridors, snake pits ( " Typical of Orochimaru " you though ) and what appeared to be a room with several corpses on the ground. You're three remaing clones were at the end of the room an approached. Apparently, they were revived with an automatic Dead Soul Jutsu, that made them fight the intruders until the corpses run out of chakra. You disppelled the clones and carried on with Shino now in the lead, scaveging the area with the insects. Suddenly, a wall opened at the teams left, revealing someone or something on the other side. What could it be ?

To Continue .................................. Next time on Naruto: The Last Scene, The Last Battle. Everyone at their Max.

Two people appeard from the other side of the entrance. One of them stated " Lord orochimaru was right, the Leaf ninja sure are soft when it comes to attack. They even sent litle runts to investigate ". You looked closely and you, along with everyone of your teammates recognized the persons. They were the two guys who made up Kabuto's Team in the Chunnin Exams. Yoroi and Misumi. Yoroi had the ability to absorve chakra while Misumi had the ability to manipulate his own structure and move like he was made of rubber. Other than that, you had no idea of their remaining abilities. " Well, well, " said Misumi " looks like they recognized us Yoroi. Shall we start the killing them. " " Indeed " answerd Yoroi. ( Yoroi ) " Water Style: Underground River ". A hole opened in the ground and lauched a jet of water straight up, starting to flood the room. The water had such strenght that when it reach the ceiling, it opened a path to the outside, creating a lagoon. You concentrated your chakra on your feet and made it to stand in the water. You looked around and so did all of your, apparently unharmed comrades. ( Shino ) " Looks like they created this water to gain a field advantage. Fire Style may not work here Francis, keep that in mind ". " Right " you answerd. Only Misumi was on sight, but there was no trace of Yoroi. Suddenly, an arm grabbed your leg and pulled you underwater. It was Yoroi, with a nasty look, trying to drown you using his chakra absortion while you sinked. " Fire Style: Infernal Incenerator ". The fire jutsu, althought nothing more than a stream of flames that vanished two seconds later, it took his toll on Yoroi, who got burned by the water that was boiled from the flames. Unleashed from Yorois grip, you returned to the surface. There, a battle between the Leaf Genin and Misumi had started. They were doing great. Shino and tenten were pinning Misumi, Hinata was focusing on Misumi's moves to predict them with the Byakugan, while Ino was ready to use the Mind Transfer Jutsu, hoping for Shino and Tenten to be able to get a hold on Misumi. Suddenly, Yoroi appeared behind Ino and was about to stab her with a kunai........ Slash !!!!!!!!!!!. You stood in the way, and got hit in the shoulder on purpose. ( You )" You're not going anywhere now ". Yoroi tried to move the kunai from your body. Not being able, he tried to get his hand off the kunai. No use. Shino's bugs had clunched on his position and held him tight on the spot. ( You ) " Here goes, direct from the teachings of The Third Hokage of The Village Hidden in The Leaves: Fire Style: Dragon Flame Bombs ". You launched a white-yellow colored flame jet from your mouth that burned Yoroi to a crisp, leaving him to sink in the waters of the mine. Meawhile, while Misumi was shocked about the strenght of the flames, he didn't noticed Ino appearing from behind using Genjutsu: " Ninja Art : Flower Illusion ". Misumi started to be surrounded by petals that kept him from seing clearly. From another angle it was Hinata's time to strike: " Gentle Fist Art: Eight Trigrams Sky Palm ". Her attack sent Misumi flying three meters in the air. Ten meters, with a little help from a bug army that it Misumi in a form of a tornado: " Parasitic Insects: Tornado ". On the air, Tenten caught him in metal wires keeping him from landing properly. You were impressed from everyone's evolution since the Chunnin Exams. ( You ) " First Gate : Gate of Opening....... OOOPEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNN !!! " Everyone looked your way, but before they could reach their line of sight to you, you already jumped and grabbed Misumi in mid-air. You spitted flames on Misumi which caused him to burst in flames. Despite that, you still grabbed him by the metal wires and pummeld him into the ground: " BURNING LOTUUUUUUUUUS ". At the last moment, you jumped from Misumi and landed before he could reach the water, while the force of impact in the water was to great for Misumi, who despite landing on liquid, didn't loose much speed and felt straight to the guts of the underwater mine, which colapsed and buried him along with Yoroi in their watery grave.

Seeing the mission as a sucess, the team rested for a few minutes, but quickly moved back to the village in hope of assisting in Sasuke's Retrieval. An hour and a half later, the exausted members got back to the Leaf, only to find that everything had ended. Sasuke had left the Village to go to Orochimaru on his own, Naruto had came back, along with the remainder of the retrieval team. Only Neji and Choji had fatal injuries, which caused Ino and Tenten to go as quickly to the Hospital as they could. Shino and Hinata also went to the Hospital to go and see Kiba, who wasn't in danger anymore. You, glad that everyone was okay, only joined them later on the Hospital to go see on Naruto. Lee apparently was also involved on the mission, but had been sent back because he had runned away before resting after the operation, which was more than obvious that was a sucess. During the next days, several developments had ocurred. Sakura would be an apprentice of Tsunade's medical skills, while Naruto was to leave on a journey with Jiraiya, to further increase his abilities. The Three Sand Simblings who had assisted on the retrieval of Sasuke went home after helping the Leaf, and you were thinking of your first day as a Genin. You had never mentioned your dream, not even to yourself. " I got it !!! ". " I will carry on the old man greatest dream. ( You flashedback to a scene where you as a child was hearing the old man telling the children of your village is adventures ( The old man )" Althought i promised to myself, I never reached that dream. I wanted to become famous around the world. Not for being Hokage or by killing people. But by sheer efort alone.The world's best Jonin. " That was now your dream, and you were sticking to it. Two days later, you were at the training grounds resting after some workout when you saw Naruto leaving the Village with Jiraiya. You ran and waited for them at the village gate. There, were also the rest of the Leaf's Genin, waiting to say goodbye at Naruto. After some goodbyes, when Naruto was almost out of sight of the Village, you yelled at him: " Heh, Naruto ". He turned around. " We'll see you in three years, you better not show up late". He waved back and said goodbye at everyone present.

The End.......................... For Now at Least.
© Copyright 2009 Francis Wolfang (wolfang at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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