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no fan of obama, and I'm certain it shows through, reader beware *[DRAFT]*[UN-EDITED]* |
Have the people of this country completely lost their marbles? Or just their nerve? Sure, in the beginning it was "change", America wanted change. What could be a bigger change from an old, privileged white man, than a younger, not as privileged black man. How the country could become so blatantly and blindly overcome by a man who just repeated over and over again, "change", that they would actually endorse someone as inexperienced and utterly unqualified as Barrack Obama is beyond all rational thought. With that mentality it is easy to see why a true American hero (McCain), a man who fought and suffered for liberty and freedom, was passed over by so many. It’s comparable to the saying used by different races that goes, " they all look the same to me." Well that's what happened with the minority vote, given a choice between another white face and a new black face, their decisions were made. Regardless of his values, plans or ideals, Obama was guaranteed the popular vote from minorities for the undeniable fact that the color of his skin was different from George W. Bush. Obama could have campaigned in a clown suit with a big red wig and still got the popular minority vote, as long as he left the white make-up at the party store. These are also the same people who have declared that anything anti-Obama is therefore racist and anti-American(but anti-Bush is patriotic then?) Nothing could be further from the truth. Anti-Obama is pro-America, pro-democracy, pro-staying a world power and pro-freedom. Most if not all of the Obama supporters have their heads so far in the clouds they can't see beyond their own short sightedness as to the consequences and repercussions that these “changes” can and will have. As if he were some deity-like prophet who has “been bestowed upon with the knowledge to lead us to the promise land”. Meanwhile the “chosen one”, rather than leading a country, is busy attacking television networks like FOX, running pickup games with the cabinet and circling the globe to apologize on our behalf. Because America has been so bad to the world with our billions in charitable aid, disaster relief and countless other in-humane acts, that we need the President to go around and beg for our forgiveness. One would think that there are more important things for the folks at the Whitehouse to be concerned about. Like the national debt? The war maybe? How about the economy? But no, aside from parading his socialist-care, public well being takes the back burner to the Obama image management. His basketball games in the yard take precedence over our young men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan as they sit like ducks waiting for reinforcements. Think about this, the Commander in Chief of the most powerful military in the world, cannot decide whether or not he should protect the lives of the soldiers who are fighting for our country. His own appointed General essentially made the decision for him by requesting more troops in the first place. They should have been deployed that same day. This isn’t a decision to invade a foreign nation or not, we are already there. Even if the plan is to eventually pull out, at the very least send some troops to help the ones already there. It isn’t a right or a wrong, soldiers are dying and your General told you what he needs. Instead Obama plays football on the White House lawn, has a press conference or two about FOX news and Soviet Care, crosses a few time zones and mulls it over. Meanwhile more men and women are losing limbs and dying, families are being torn apart, but hey what’s the rush, Obama has to work on his free throws. Then after you’d think he’s weighed out all his options, got all the input he could through several months time a decision would be imminent. That's if it ever actually crossed his mind. But no, he assembles a "team" of people to make a decision that the American people have entrusted HIM to make, that’s a BIG PART of his job folks, making decisions. Again, all the while the General that HE APPOINTED to advise him on these exact such matters is jumping up and down waving his arms "we need to send more troops". The worst thing is that's just the tip of the iceberg. Have any of these Obama supporters ever taken out a history book to see exactly what a Czar is? Did you know that Barrack Obama is a certified and documented member of the DSA, Democratic SOCIALISTS of America? Did you know that OVER HALF of congress is as well? These are not accusations, these are facts. Your President IS A SOCIALIST, for those of you not familiar with the term, ADOLF HITLER was a socialist. The Nazi government in Germany was a SOCIALIST government. It was SOCIALISTS behind the genocide of the Jewish people known as the HOLLOCAUST. Hitlers’ Germany is the perfect example of what is happening right now in America. The German people were swept off their feet by the “PROMISE OF CHANGE” sound familiar? They all believed that Hitler would save Germany and make them a prosperous nation. You’ve seen the footage, all of the citizens turning out in droves, saluting and parading the Nazis. So caught up in the “idea” that no one could see what was really happening, until it was too late. Talk to Germans who were alive at the time and they’ll tell you that they all thought it was the right thing at the time. Only looking back do they realize how terrible of a mistake they made. Newsflash America, Obama is doing the same thing. While the American “sheeple” are herded about, they’re all blinded by the hope of what’s on the other side of the stockades. Unable to see that the path actually leads to the slaughter house. It’s time to wake up America, before our fate is sealed. This man wants to change everything we hold dear and true in America. To change the very foundation of this country. Spreading their propaganda, attacking anyone who speaks out against them. And the American people just sit back and enjoy the ride, entrusting the future of their children to a man who has the same political label as Adolf Hitler. Slowly but surely, starting by implementing offices called “czars”, which is a slap in the face to any American alive during the cold war. If you went back 30 maybe even 20 years, just the mention of the words American and Czar in the same paragraph let alone sentence, would have throw this county up into a frenzy, calling for heads. But today's citizen could care less and just covers their ears and repeats the Obama mantra, "change."(not applicable to all citizens[49%ers] just Obamas’ sheep) The fact that he won the election in the first place shows the ignorance of today’s' American(well a little over half of today‘s American). Here is a man who EVEN TO THIS POINT HAS YET TO PRODUCE THE MINIAML REQUIREMENT OF BEING A U.S. CITIZEN!!! We all have birth certificates, and can all access one if needed, but the leader of the free world cannot? More like will not. Or how about the whole ACORN scheme. More and more is coming out everyday. Thousands upon thousands of fraudulent voter registrations, again not accusations, this is a fact. People have been indicted and imprisoned for their roles in ACORN. And in a vote that was 51%-49% in favor of an ACORN advocate in Obama, I am supposed to believe that a few thousand fraudulent votes here and a few thousand fraudulent votes there had no effect on the outcome? For every fraudulent vote accounted for there is likely 5 more un-accounted for. Even if you said there was only 3% voter fraud, that is more than enough to change the election, enough to alter the future of a country. Still, things such as this don’t bother these people(Obamas‘ sheep), and yet I will be labeled as the anti-American because I dare question the great black man. It is these people who are the true racists, to ignorant to explain themselves for Obamas actions, they go on the offensive and pathetically attempt to play the race card. “ It’s because he’s black.” White guilt, shame on you, this isn’t about black and white, this is about red, white and blue. It’s about America as a nation and the future that coming generations will have. It’s about democracy, and freedom, liberty and justice. Should our children not be entitled to the same freedoms we have enjoyed for centuries? In the short time he has been in office he has already proven how incapable he is. Incapable because in order to serve the American people correctly, he would have to sacrifice his own hidden agendas and socialistic plans. If only people would educate themselves and take a real hard look at what’s really going on. How about his latest act of patriotism? Deciding that the men who CONFESSED to plotting and executing the 911 attacks, should not be tried as war criminals and should not be presumed guilty. No, instead they should be granted the status of an American citizen and brought back to the city where they murdered thousands so they can be awarded the rights and privileges of the American judicial system. Innocent until proven guilty, right to a defense, and so on. Does anyone think that the soldiers who arrested them read them their Miranda Rights? According to the American Justice system that fact alone is grounds for the dismissal of a case. Now of course they can’t allow something like that to happen, so “exceptions” will HAVE to be made. Otherwise you would have a defense lawyer, who has the right to ALL the information against his client, including top secret and highly classified intelligence reports among other things. What about the confession, maybe it was coerced, again grounds for dismissal. Within the American court systems nothing holds up against this man and a DA would be hard pressed to PROVE the alleged crimes. Now again, of course they cannot allow that to happen, Americans would revolt(I can only hope). So they will have to make some sort of special rules which begs the question, WHAT FOR. What’s the point, the point is to once again take the peoples’ attention away, a diversion if you will. You know these are the guys, just kill’em and get it over with already, it has been 8 years. These are not men remorseful for their actions, they are not seeking redemption, in fact even while imprisoned these men are still proud of what they did, they brag about it and are heroes to their countrymen. These are ENEMIES OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, and Obama thinks they should be treated justly, fairly, equal? Given the same rights that they fight so strongly against? How would America have acted if Japanese suicide bombers were captured alive at Pearl Harbor or the Japanese Admiral himself? Would they have been given a fair trial? Better yet, if the roles were reversed, how would the Muslim community treat Americans? Well we don't have to use a hypothetical there, as it has already happened. Not to a man who attacked their country, no, but a reporter looking to cover the events over seas. Was he given a fair trial? Was he treated as an equal? No, he was beheaded, by a man who when asked, will tell you not only that he did it, but there’s a video of him holding his head confirming that he did it with a big fat grin. What about dragging a lifeless soldier through the streets while burning our flag? Is that equality? These men are NOT OUR EQUALS and should not be AWARDED any just trial, they should be executed in front of a national audience. That is the only justice to be had for the murderers of so many innocent civilians. Why don’t we ask how the 9/11 families feel, maybe it is they who should be given justice. Which leads me to another point, people want to cry about civilians being killed by our troops over seas. Please don’t forget that the cowards who attacked us, did not go after a military installation(i.e. Pearl Harbor), they went after a building full of innocent American citizens. Is an American civilians’ life not worthy of the same grief as a foreign casualty? I call that anti-American. And standing behind the helm orchestrating it all is Capt. Obama the leader of change. From where I sit, the only thing he has or is trying to change is democracy(to what is in it's simplest form communism), the American political system(czars? creating offices while, removing others), the use of checks and balances, a healthcare system similar to the Soviet Union, the American right to the pursuit of happiness(if you become successful you MUST share your earnings with less fortunate). I dare say that with Obama as president, we are INVITING attacks from other nations. Never in the history of our country have we looked or been as weak as we are now. I mean really, how can any self respecting, proud to be American look in their mirror everyday and think that it's all peachy over in Washington? This man has proven time and time again that not only is he unqualified to run a lemonade stand, he his MENTALLY INCOMPETANT, LACKS DECISIVNESS, HAS POOR JUDGMENT, POOR DECISION MAKING ABILITIES, QUESTIONABLE MOTIVES and NO PROOF OF ACTUALLY BEING A CITIZEN(mind boggling). Most scary of all I would think, which is clearly evident by his most recent actions, and an argument CANNOT BE MADE in support of his decision which is plain and simply ANTI-AMERICAN, it goes COMPLETELY AGAINST our traditions. 911 was AN ACT OF WAR and anyone involved should be treated as a CRIMINAL OF WAR. THREATS TO NATIONAL SECURITY are NOT and SHOULD NEVER be subject to or equal to the RIGHTS OF AN AMERICN CITIZEN. And in doing so can only be interpreted two ways; 1, the man has committed an act of TREASON or 2, he is PHYCOLOGICALLY AND PHYSICALLY INCAPABLE TO PROTECT AND ADVOCATE FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Leaving the only rational solution to ensure the SAFETY OF OUR COUNRTY to IMPEACH BARACK OBAMA. There is an old American proverb, personally I can't say it's a true account but it goes, " Thomas Jefferson once shot a man on the White House lawn for TREASON." Whether it actually happened or not is irrelevant, as more importantly it conveys the essence of our founding fathers' passionate sense of pride in this country and democracy. A passion that thrived through out our history, through all of our wars, the depression and all of the tough times. Just as recently as the tragic days after 911, pride in our nation was resounding and strong. My message to you the reader is simply to wake up. Even if you shrug off everything I say as radical antagonist rhetoric. I challenge you to educate yourself, not with the propaganda being shoveled in your face, but with facts and evidence being suppressed. Because all you have to do is look, and I promise you will be shocked to find the truth. Covered up and buried beneath the White Houses’ spin tactics is a frightening reality, America is in trouble. It is up to us, the People, to save ourselves and our country because the ones we have elected to do so, have taken advantage of our trust. They are acting not in the benefit of the people but in the benefit of themselves. If socialism is so great and the president and over half of congress are members of the Democratic Socialists of America, why have none of these people felt it necessary to inform us of their beliefs? Is it because we wouldn’t have voted for them if we knew? Probably. Is it because they intend to keep their motives and intentions hidden? Most likely. Is it because doing so would be considered un-American? Definitely. Time is running out, and options are minimal. But the people still control this country for now, and if we want it to stay that way action needs to be taken. Impeachment of the president, voting out the DSA members and most important to the survival of the American way is the same thing that gave birth to the American way, revolution. ****I would recommend that any fellow writers that advocate for the American right to visit > http://wethepeoples-mainwmn.blogspot.com/ < for insight past all the propaganda shoveled into the media and biased reporting. Also contains links to petition signing against Obamacare (Soviethealth I call it), and against civil trials of K.S.M. It is time to take matters into the hands of the people, the elected have already lost sight, the day we do too is the day freedom dies. *** 49%ers, the only TRUE AMERICANS left **** |