Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1619625-Leons-Life
by G&W
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Drama · #1619625
This is the introduction and 1st chapter of a book I'm writing offline still working on it
Leon put the change into the vending machine and pressed his mom’s favorite pop. There was a long pause before the can was dispensed and during that delay Leon thought of how many couches he looked through in the hospitable before getting the seventy five cents needed to buy the pop. Once the can was dispensed he grasped it and ran.

He could feel the cold can begin to numb his hand as he ran through the hall. People told him to slow down, but his child mind told him to hurry and get the pop back to his mom. He knew that the pop would make him feel better. Leon was at the last turn when he felt a frozen wave hit him. He didn’t know what but something was wrong. Doctors running in chaos and yelling Doctor Lingo gave proof that something was wrong. As Leon approached his mom’s room he could feel a knot being formed in his stomach. It then was able to paralyze him when he stood at the door way to his mom’s room. Doctors were performing CPR on his mom. A loud beep caught his ear as the motion of the doctor’s hands on his mom’s chest hypnotized him.

Time seemed to stand still as Leon stood there. The now very warm pop told how long he had actually been there. The sweet the beaded on the doctor’s head was finely wiped as they accepted that Leon’s mom had died.

The room calmed down. Only Leon’s mom’s doctor remained as he finished his final report on his patient. Leon stood at his mom’s side touching her shoulder.

“Mom…” Leon said quietly. The doctor looked up from his clip boarded to see the child as white as a ghost. Leon didn’t know what he saw but knew it wasn’t good. “Mom…” Leon said in broken voice. “I brought you this.” Leon held out the pop. The doctor pulled his hand down and placed one hand on his shoulder. Confused Leon looked at the doctor. “Why won’t she wake up?”

“Come On little guy you shouldn’t be in here.” The Doctor said as he tried to lead Leon out of the room by the hand. Leon quickly pulled his hand away and refused to move.

“I want to stay here with mommy.” Leon said in a demanding voice. The doctor stood there not knowing what to do. How do you tell a six year old child, whose only concept of death was his gold fish that died several months before, that his mom was now dead. To Leon it looked like his mom was asleep. All he knew about death was that once you die you go down the toilet. “I don’t want to go.”

“You have to.” The doctor said as he got down to eye level with Leon. Leon didn’t meet his eyes. He looked at his mom who lay so still, and had already begun to change color. The doctor looked in the direction that Leon was looking. He knew that it couldn’t have been good for Leon to see them try to revive his mom and fail. He couldn’t imagine what it would be like to see a parent die and not know it.

“Why? Why can’t I stay here with Mommy?” Leon asked. Leon looked back at the doctor who stood there still not knowing what to do. The only thing he could think of was to tell Leon the incomprehensible truth.

“Leon… Leon your mommy died.” The doctor had never had so much trouble saying such small words. He was able to say long and difficult words without any breaks, but saying “your mommy died” was the hardest ordeal he ever been through. Leon wouldn’t make it any easier.

Upon hearing the news of the death of his mom, Leon only thought of his fish. How he no longer had it. The thought of no longer having his mom sent him to an explosive behavior.

“No! I’m not leaving my mommy!” Leon said as he went towards his mom. Usually when he went towards his mom she grabbed him and gave him a hug. Today she only lied there motionless. The doctor tried to grab one of Leon’s arms but was shaken off by the grieving child.

Not knowing what to do the doctor called in a nurses and anyone else to help. After a few minutes of struggle they were able to pull Leon free. He kicked and screamed as they pulled him away from his mom’s room. Every one watched not knowing the hell that was to begin from that day on.

Chapter 1

Leon sat next to his brother in a room that was usually used to hold quick trials for consent and other disputes. Leon was still sobbing and his older brother remained distant and quite. Every time Leon went to lean on his brother in search of comfort his brother pushed himself away. Leon though stayed close on the couch next to his brother.

Leon’s brother’s name was Johnny. Johnny was 16 years old, ten years older than Leon. He had been in the room as well when the doctors first came in to save their mom. He was pushed out and past his brother. He was going through his own grieving process, one that would cause more damage than repair.

A doctor opened the door and entered quietly. He carried in his arms a clip board that held far more papers then was recommended. The doctor sat in a chair that made a noise when weight was added to it. A long exhale was all that could be heard in the room next to Leon sighs. Like earlier the doctor was lost for words.

“I’m sorry for your loss.” The doctor broke the noisy silence. Leon looked at the ground while Johnny looked at the wall. Leon leaned on him several more times and several more times Johnny pushed his brother away. The doctor continued to break the silence with unwanted conversation. “Your mom’s disease caused severe organ failure. Once the liver failed the lungs became dirty and ulitmelntly poisoning the heart. The final cause of death was a heart attack. I’m sorry. We put your mom on the organ transplant list but she had too many complications to have a spot and we had to remove her... Next would have been an artificial organ system, but we ran out of time before we…”

“Thank you for telling us that are mom had no chance at living!” Johnny thrashed out. It was his first spoken words in that room. Leon jumped in surprise and the doctor only sat there understanding that the child was upset.

“Mommy wasn’t going to get better?” Leon asked. He didn’t know who he was asking only that he was asking someone and hopping for an answer.

“No they just waited till she died.” Johnny told Leon. Leon began to cry even more.

“No what happened was your mom was sick. We couldn’t help her.” The doctor informed trying to calm Leon. But his attempt only hurt him.

“You just said you put her on the list to help her but took her off because she was to sick.” Johnny argued back. Leon looked at the doctor waiting for an explanation.

“We had to. She had too many complications.” The doctor said in a sorrow filled voice.

“That could have been fixed if you would have helped her.” Jhonny said. The doctor knew that the things that were wrong with Leon’s and Johnny’s mom could have been fixed but the disease would have damaged the new organs, and protocol avoided that by denying her. The doctor sat there not knowing what to do.

“They didn’t want to help Mommy?” Leon asked. Leon didn’t know what’s going on. He only sat there taking in all the remarks made as the truth.

“They let her die, they don’t care.” Johnny said. The doctor sat there quietly not knowing what to say next.

“No that’s why mommy came here to get better.” Leon said.

“And looked what happened she died!” Johnny yelled. The room grew gravely quiet. Leon had never heard his brother yell so loud in his life. Johnny looked at both Leon and the doctor who looked at the ground.

“I’m sorry for your loss…” The doctor said to the angry boy who took breaths like an angry bull. Leon remained quiet. His mind was focused on Johnny’s anger and not his grief. “I’ll leave you to alone.” The doctor got up and walked out of the room without looking back. After Johnny had made his points the doctor was forced to face feelings of guilt. The doctor knew that their mom would be denied and yet he wasted time putting her on and giving the family false hopes.

Johnny didn’t break his view of the doctor until the doctor left the room. Johnny’s anger was palpable and awed Leon. Johnny then just sat there for what seemed like an hour. Then Johnny stood up and put his jacket on. Leon sat there not knowing what Johnny was doing or what his intentions were.

“Come on lets go.” Johnny said in a quiet angry voice. Leon sat there still not knowing what was going on. When Johnny saw that Leon was just sitting there and not moving he grew even angrier. “Hurry up lets go!” Leon quickly stood up and was ready for Johnny to lead him were ever they were going. Johnny then opened the door and they exited the room.

Leon tried asking where they were going but every time he tried Johnny would say “Shut up and follow me or I’ll leave you here.” The fear of being left behind by his brother was enough to quiet him in asking questions.

They walked down the hospital’s halls. Leon recalled the whole conversation that took place in the room and thought about all the inhabitants of the hospital. He thought about how they all laid in their beds hoping to get better; Being told that they’ll get better, only to die believing in a lie.

Leon wanted to tell them to all get there things and go. He wanted to yell at the top of his lungs that if you were sick go home and take cold medicine, but his brother tugged his arm with a powerful grip and prevented him from helping any one.

They didn’t let up their speed until they came to the hall that Leon’s mom was located on and stood at the door to her old room. Leon didn’t know it was his mom’s room until he saw an old balloon that read “get well soon”. Tears rolled down his eyes as he recalled his mom’s memory. He leaned toward Johnny and rapped an arm around him. For the first time that day Johnny didn’t push his baby brother away; instead he pulled his brother in.

With in a minute Johnny pulled Leon out of the room. Johnny grew angry with Leon because of his slow pace. He grew even angrier when Leon stopped to pick up the pop he kept. Every on looked at them as they ran through the doors of the hospital. People thought they did something wrong, even Leon did. He didn’t know why they were running only that they were.

Once outside they left the grounds of the hospitable. They walked across the busy street and down the empty sidewalk. Leon followed like a sheep following his Sheppard. He didn’t ask any questions. Instead he thought about his mom, and random memory’s. Then he would remember the present and how she wasn’t in it.

Johnny too, was morning the loss of his mom. He hid his face and tears from Leon and anyone who could see him. The two brothers didn’t speak a single word as they walked down the street. People that they passed didn’t notice there rosy faces.

Like his heart that beats in his chest, Johnny’s mind was racing with thoughts. He knew what was coming and what he was going to do. The only worst thing that was worst then knowing something bad was going to happen was not knowing then finding out suddenly. Something Leon was about to find out.

“Sit down Leon.” Johnny said as he pointed at the bench. Leon followed his finger and looked at the bench. He then looked back at Johnny. They strolled through the park slowly. Each step was longer than the one before. Johnny continued to lead, and Leon continued to follow blindly trusting his brother. After a long walk from the hospitable they found a bench. Johnny stopped in front of it.

“Why?” Leon asked curiously. A slap to the back of the head frightened him. The hit wasn’t hard or painful, but it stunned the 6 year old boy who had never been hit before by anyone. Leon didn’t think twice he quickly sat down as he looked at his brother hoping for an answer.

“Sit here I’ll be back.” Johnny said. He stood over Leon in an intimidating manner than began to walk away. Leon turned his head leaving his body on the bench to see his brother walk away. Leon followed his brother’s movements up until he could no longer see his brother. Leon even moved on the bench to try and see his brother but was unable to do so.

Leon waited for two minuets which seemed like an hour. He wanted to run to his brother but feared a slap if he did so. Leon remained on the bench even when his brother stood before him. Leon noticed something was wrong. Even thought Johnny didn’t show it nor did Johnny feel any remorse for what he was doing, Leon could tell something was wrong, and feared what it was. He sat silently as he brother continued to make his way to him. With each step Leon’s heart beated a little faster until it stopped.

“Stay here.” Johnny said. Johnny then began to walk away; Leon sat there not knowing what to do. His mind then took over and got up from the bench and began to follow his brother. Johnny turned to see his brother following every step he made. “Go back to the bench!” Johnny barked at Leon. This was another new that Leon had never seen before, and it was another thing that scared him, but not as much as being left alone.

“I want to go with you.” Leon said softly. He was scared because of the angry look his brother gave him.

“Go back and sit down.” Johnny ordered. Leon stood there refusing to move from his spot.

“I want to go with you.” Leon said again. He didn’t know what to say other than that. He could see the anger in his brother’s eyes grow even more.

“Go sit on the bench now!” Johnny yelled louder than he ever had. Leon flinched at the bark and would have run if he wasn’t scared.

With tears in his eyes Leon spoke again, “I want to go with you Johnny.” Leon began to sob and weep out of fear, but his fear would bring him pain.

“Go sit down now!” Johnny yelled even louder than before. Leon cried more. He shook his head no denying his brothers orders. The park had been made for people who wanted to unwind and find happiness in the Las Vegas city. A pond depicting a bunch of mythical creatures with water spitting out from the service, gave people a sense of wonder. Trees that blocked the sight and sound of the city isolated people from the real world. To Leon it was the worst place to be left alone.

“Please… Johnny I want to go with you.” Leon begged. He went to hug his brother and received a punch to the stomach. Leon fell to the ground coughing trying to catch a breath. As he held himself up on his hands and knees, Johnny pulled him up by the hair and dragged him crying all the way back to the bench, yelling and mooching Leon as he did so. Then as if Leon was trash he simply threw him to the bench and began to walk away.

Hurt and fearful Leon stood up with the will to be with his brother. He cried as he took every step. Johnny turned to see his brother still disobeying. It shocked him and angered him.

“You got to be kidding me.” Johnny said as Leon reached him.

With his head low and a soft quiet voice; Johnny struggled to hear Leon’s words. “I want to go with you. Please let me come.” Leon said. All was quiet after that. Leon looked at his brother waiting for a response, and he would get one. The only problem was it wasn’t the one he wanted. Johnny’s rage was released.

“I don’t want you to follow me! Your annoying little brat, I hate you, all you do is cry, and no one wants you!” Johnny yelled in Leon’s ear. As he said this Leon heads lowered and he began to face the ground while he watered the earth with his tears.

“I promise I’ll be good.” Leon sobbed. Johnny then slapped Leon on the side of the head several times. The hits stung and were demeaning. Leon though took them from his brother hopping Johnny will take him along.

“Is this what you want?!” Johnny yelled in Leon’s ear. He hit Leon quickly three more times. “Huh?” Another Three hits. “I hate you if you come with me I’ll hurt you.” Johnny hit him three more times and Leon covered his face to hide his tears hopping Johnny will see his devotion to try not to anger him.

“I love you” Leon said. Johnny then slapped Leon on the side of the head again before dragging him back to the bench and throwing him on it.

“Stay here. I don’t want you to follow me. I hate you.” Johnny said before slapping Leon so hard it hurt his hand. “You hear?” Leon held his cheek as he shook his head. He didn’t want to be left behind but was scared to follow Johnny. “Don’t move.”

Johnny began to walk off with tears in his eyes. Leon watched hopping his brother would turn and come to him. “I love you” Leon cried. “Please let me come” When he saw his brother begin to run he knew he was gone. Leon then let out his cries for the park to hear. You could hear two sets of cries. Many would say it was Leon’s echoes. Others say the cries were separate, but Leon’s were the most pain filled and loud. His fear had come true.

© Copyright 2009 G&W (uatbd at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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