Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1614618-The-Sinking-Sun
by Sarah
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1614618
full moon causes disturbances
I looked anxiously at the full moon, fear taking over my mind. I don't usually fear anything, until it comes to this time of the month. Every month, just that one day of the month, all I would know is fear. Panic filled me like I was nothing- it just seemed to pop right in. Instantly, when I saw the full moon, pain shot through me and I felt I was going to die. I began shaking uncontrollably like I was going to collapse, but I couldn't move, not even my eyes. My eyes held a blank stare at the moon, though I was screaming on the inside. Danger echoed through my mind. Danger! Danger! Suddenly I had the strength to move. I sped along the sidewalk as the sun continued to sink. As the sun sank, the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach continued to worsen. Soon I wouldn't be human anymore. I would no longer be unable to control myself. soon I would be the danger people would be unaware of. How many unsuspecting innocent lives would be lost because of me? Would I even have that memory? It isn't often that I remember what happens- or even turning into this creature. As I turned into the driveway, pain ripped through me like an electric current. I dropped to the ground like my legs were made of jell-o. The ground wasn't so friendly either. I tried to concentrate on staying human, to not lose it. Smells from every direction hit me all at once- the smell of laundry, a bus, fabric softener, the smell of ginger-ale burned in my nose. It was getting harder to control myself as I heard a can of pop being cracked open a few houses down, a cash register ring as it opened, and then a high pitched whistle. I cringed as it rang through my ears with a sharp pain. I could see my eyes in the reflection of my neighbor's new car as they turned from emerald green to pitch black in an instant.
© Copyright 2009 Sarah (princess1993 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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