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Rated: 13+ · Other · Romance/Love · #1584489
A Gift of Love is Discovered in a Graveyard
Echoe of Love

Wind's cool hands caress my face and rearrange my hair,
the closest thing to a touch in this place of cold despair.
Placed thoughtfully the benches of marble and concrete stone,
so we may sit and dream comfortably of life lost while we're alone.

Strange how this place encourages though it is silent and dead,
the embers of love and pictures of light that rest within my head.
Do you know I come honoring you, placing roses with heartfelt kiss?
Trying so hard to be grateful of the time we shared in perfect bliss.

But my heart cries within me loudly, and yet there is no sound.
My soul calls to yours desperately, while your shell rests underground.
Oh love, be quick and free me, for too long grief's high price I have paid.
Sitting here in a frozen garden of rock and stone, my loneliness displayed.

Then sudden and oh so softly, a wind warm and gently blows,
your presence is felt by my side and your voice within now echoes.
"Dearest love I thank you for coming to see me on these cold and bitter days."
"Know that I still live within you and I will carry you with me always."

While listening to his familiar voice I am at once relieved and still heartbroken.
If only I could have something tangible from him, a simple loving token.
"My dear be glad, for on this day the heaven's have upon you now smiled."
"I have given you something to cherish two month's ago, it is our only child"

Blessed hope blooms deep within me and I am no longer forlorn.
Part of him will live on forever in our child who is soon to be born.
"Thank you my darling," I say, "For this precious one you gave."
"Know that you will be remembered in life and live beyond this grave."

He softly departs on gentle words, "I love you more than you'll ever know."
Consoled upon hearing them I depart knowing a new life within does grow,
The graveyard seems no longer a place where loved ones come to an end.
Knowing he is alive more than ever, not just an echoe of love upon the wind.

author's notes:
God will always bless us with joy in our trials and sorrows if we just stay faithful.
I remember shortly after my father died from cancer, My husband and I found out
we were expecting a child. Our son was born the day before my father's birthday.
He had thick black hair and even sideburns that would fall out and be replaced
with blonde hair later. I felt my dad's presence in the delivery room. He looked
very much like his grandpa.We named him after my father, Billy Gene.
My Mother wept tears of joy and said, "I needed this. This has made me happy again."
God will give you a future and a hope, even in the face of death and loss.
Expect a miracle!

2 Corinthians 4:16-18-
So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being
renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal
weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but
to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the
things that are unseen are eternal.

Jeremiah 29:11-
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and
not for evil, to give you a future and a hope

Romans 12:12- Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer


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