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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1582721
The Scoobies deal with the consequences of the truth spell.
Chapter Eighteen

Kennedy, now super-charged with the First’s power, saw Spike holding an unconscious Buffy and charged. Although he was never one to run from a fight, Spike didn’t like his odds: a super-evil junior Slayer against him, holding an unconscious and vulnerable Slayer who had just made a room full of uber-enemies. He slung Buffy over his shoulder and took off for the exit.

Spike barreled through a dimly-lit office, sensing that Kennedy was right on his heels. He knew with Buffy’s dead weight slowing him down, he’d never make it back to Giles’ without Kennedy catching up. He ducked behind a stack of boxes and set Buffy down next to him.

“What’s going on?” she groaned, gaining consciousness.

“Perfect timing, Slayer,” Spike said quickly. “Kennedy’s right behind us and she is on some serious juice.”


Spike sighed. “Your spell worked, but unfortunately, Kennedy chose evil.” He peeked around the boxes to see if anyone was coming. “She’s gone all veiny and black.”

“Spike, I can’t fight,” Buffy said weakly. “I’m wiped out.”

Just then, they heard Kennedy enter the room. “I know you’re in here, you pathetic losers,” she spat. “A love-sick, souled-up vampire and an unconscious, naive Slayer - what a sickening pair.” Kennedy scoffed and began circling the room, searching them out.

Spike turned silently to Buffy and raised his eyebrows, hoping for some kind of plan. Buffy was weak, but she looked about frantically, searching for anything that would help them get out. She could only look blankly back at him: Nothing.

“Don’t need a soddin’ plan, anyway,” Spike muttered as he dashed suddenly from their hiding spot. “Here I am, luv!” he called to Kennedy, now in plain sight. “Come and get me!”

Only a few paces away, Kennedy looked startled, but then narrowed her eyes. “If you’re here, that means Buffy’s not far off.”

“Yeah right,” Spike scoffed. “If I were Buffy,” he said loudly, “I would be getting myself out of here. Don’t want to hang around you lot too long, ya know?”

Still weak and hiding behind the stack of boxes, Buffy heard Spike’s message. You stupid-ass vampire! If we make it out of here, I’m gonna kill you! She spied another cluster of boxes nearer to the exit and tried hard to crawl noiselessly across the floor. But the spell had drained her of nearly all her physical strength, and she lost her balance, slapping a hand to the floor.

Kennedy’s head jerked up and her black eyes scanned the corner where Buffy was hiding. “Come on now,” Spike spoke to distract her and began circling her slowly. “I’m right here,” he lured. “Don’t you want a nice... long... dance?” They circled one another until Kennedy had turned her back on Buffy, although she was merely a few yards from the spot where Buffy sat, holding her breath.

Hoping to escape while Kennedy’s attention was drawn elsewhere, Buffy crawled across the floor on her hands and knees, nearly dragging them in fatigue. She froze midway between the boxes and the door when two other black-eyed Slayers rushed in and tackled Spike. After a brief scuffle, he sent them flying back through the door they had entered. But as he turned his attention back to his original opponent, he saw Kennedy holding Buffy by the throat.

Chapter Nineteen

Spike growled and was about to throw himself at the evil Slayer when her black eyes flashed and she spoke fiercely: “Do it and I’ll crush her throat.” Spike froze and looked desperately at Buffy. She pawed frantically at Kennedy’s arm, but without her strength, could do nothing to release the rogue Slayer’s hold on her.

“This is the moment we all have waited for,” Kennedy said with satisfaction. With each word, she squeezed Buffy’s neck tighter. “Finally, the sisterhood can reign free and we can have whatever we want.” Buffy sputtered and gasped, desperate for oxygen. She looked pleadingly at Spike’s stricken face, both of them helpless. Faintly, she heard Giles’ voice in her head: Time’s running out, Buffy. Hurry!

As she struggled for breath, Buffy’s eyes fell on Kennedy’s black eyes and hair. Hair! Buffy thought. She raised a heavy arm and yanked a handful of Kennedy’s dark hair. She yelped and dropped her grasp on Buffy. Spike barreled forward and sent Kennedy sprawling into a stack of wooden crates. She was momentarily stunned, and Spike grabbed Buffy’s hand. “Come on!”

The two fled the warehouse and raced across the grounds, Spike pulling Buffy most of the way. They made it to Giles’ mansion in quick time, and Buffy was surprised to see her friends lying unconscious on the floor.

“The spell, luv,” Spike explained, out of breath. “It took too much out of them.”

“I’ve got to give it back before Kennedy gets here!” Buffy exclaimed and she rushed to where her friends were laying.

“No!” Spike pulled her back. “If you end the spell, who knows what will happen to you! You’re likely to go all Snow White too!”

Buffy! Willow’s voice called Buffy. There’s less than 10 minutes left until the hour is up - you need to end the spell.

“I can’t, Wil,” Buffy said out loud. “Kennedy is on her way and she’s got a double dose of the First’s power. I can’t take the chance that I’ll be out again.”

What about Spike? Dawn’s voice asked.

Buffy looked at him. “He fought Caleb, he could handle her... for a while at least.”

Spike looked indignant. “She’s got the strength of 5 men now, maybe even five Slayers,” Buffy explained. He tried to argue, but she suddenly stopped him. “Wait...” she said absently. “The strength of five men...” Spike watched in confusion as Buffy counted her friends and herself. “Four, five...” she looked up at him, “ and Spike makes six!” Her eyes gleamed. “I’ve got an idea.”

“Finally,” Spike drawled. “Let’s have it.”


Spike blinked. “Do what? I’m the plan?”

“No,” Buffy said quickly, “I’m the plan, but I need you to do it.”

“Buffy, you know I went to hell and back for you, but if you want me to fight that super-chic for you, well... I’ll do it, but I’m gonna be royally pissed off about it!”

“Spike! Focus!” Buffy hollered. “I will be the one fighting Kennedy - it will give me both personal and professional satisfaction to give her one good old-fashioned beat-down. But,” she paused and softening her tone, looked at him. “I need your strength to do it.”

Spike’s previous ranting gave way to an expression of quiet pride. He stared down at her in amazement, then spoke. “How?”

“Let’s try this,” she said and kissed him gently on the lips. After momentary shock, Spike began kissing back and soon all hesitation was gone. As the two kissed, they could feel energy being passed between them and Buffy felt Spike’s strength surging within her, renewing her body and removing the weakness she felt from the spell. As they drew apart, Buffy held Spike’s now unconscious body and set him gently on the floor.

We think Spike’s tongue might still be in there, Dawn’s voice said. Could you give it back? And by the way - eww!

Buffy smiled. She stood, feeling Kennedy’s presence nearby, and was not afraid - she felt powerful and true and right. Kick her ass, Buff, Xander’s voice said.

Kennedy’s steps sounded just outside, and Buffy braced herself as Kennedy busted through the door and barreled into Buffy. The girls rolled with their momentum and Kennedy ended on top. She began repeatedly punching Buffy in the face, but Buffy grabbed her fists and kicked the younger girl off. “I don’t want to kill you, Kennedy,” Buffy began.

The rogue Slayer picked herself up and tossed her jet black hair over her shoulder. She breathed deep and her black eyes crackled with the First’s power. As she spoke, her voice deepened. “Oh but how I want to kill you.”

“You know what they say,” Buffy quipped. “A good smack down is good for the soul.” Props to you, luv, Spike’s voice said appreciatively. I’m with you Slayer.

The two Slayers fought ruthlessly, throwing themselves bodily into the fray and using whatever they could put their hands on as weapons. But after a while of beating each other with furniture parts and wooden railings, Buffy began to get fatigued. While Buffy had been training, preparing and casting the truth spell, Kennedy had not fought anyone in days. Buffy’s body began to ache and Kennedy began to gain the advantage.

“Knew your age would catch up to you sooner or later,” the rogue Slayer snipped.

Buffy was backing up fast, and she began to feel her friends’ doubts. Even though Spike’s strength had bought her more time, her friends’ doubts seemed to drain her of her energy, and left her feeling cold and empty.

Can she make it?

Will she defeat Kennedy?

What happens if she can’t win?

Suddenly, a wave of warmth surged within her. Don’t listen to them, pet, Spike said. They’re just scared. They know you can do this, and I do too. Let her think she’s got you down, then come at her with all you’ve bloody got.

Refreshed and encouraged by Spike’s spirit, Buffy did just that. She let Kennedy push her back until her back was against the wall, all the while reserving her strength. Then, as Kennedy gloated over her position and prepared to make her final blow, Buffy attacked. She fought ferociously and put every ounce of energy into her blows. Within a matter of minutes, Buffy stood over a cornered Kennedy, gasping, sweating and bleeding.

“Are you actually gonna kill me?” Kennedy asked apprehensively.

“I am the Slayer,” Buffy stated, short of breath herself. “I do not want to kill you. But you have revealed your true nature - and it is evil. You care only for yourself, plotting and scheming, kidnaping and killing, for whatever your selfish purpose might be. You. Are. Evil.” Buffy leaned threateningly into Kennedy’s face. “And I kill evil things.”

“Spare me the lectures, Mother Teresa,” Kennedy rolled her eyes. “Just go ahead and-“ In one swift motion, Kennedy suddenly pulled a knife from the side of her pants and dove for Buffy. Buffy grabbed the knife and tried to twist it from Kennedy’s hand, but Kennedy had lurched forward, landing on top of Buffy with a heavy thud. Then, silence.

Stunned, Buffy pushed the rogue Slayer off and stared in disbelief at the knife sticking out of Kennedy’s own chest. Buffy sighed, laying on the floor and staring blankly at the ceiling. Flashes of the day’s fighting came and went as she finally had time to process the day’s battle. Her body, too, began to register the trauma it had gone through, and Buffy suddenly began to feel heavy and weak once again.

Buffy! Time’s almost up! Dawn called to her.

You’ve got to end the spell! Xander added.

Buffy rolled over and tried to pull herself up, but her tired body finally gave up and she fell back to the floor. “I can’t, you guys,” she half-whispered.

We only have a few more minutes, Giles warned. You must hurry!

Their pleas continued, but each time Buffy tried to get up, she fell, exhausted.

One voice snapped her to attention. Summers! Spike’s voice bellowed in her head. Get up off your cute little arse and give us our mojo back before it’s too late!

Spike’s closest, Buffy realized, so if I can just make it to him, maybe he can help with the rest... She began to drag herself across the floor, painfully putting one hand in front of the other. She collapsed by Spike’s sleeping body, letting her hands fall on his. Instantly, Buffy felt Spike’s strength go out of her, and she felt yet another level of fatigue, as if she would drop into a deep sleep any moment. As she fought the urge to close her eyes, Spike’s flew open, alert and active.

“Buffy?” he touched her face, her arms, her legs. “Buffy, luv? You still here?”

“Got to... give them... back...” she mumbled.

Although somewhat drained himself, Spike pulled Buffy to him and slid across the floor to the sleeping circle of friends. Spike helped Buffy place her hands on each one of them as their spirit gifts were returned and they regained consciousness.

As the last one was released, Buffy looked up weakly at Spike. “Can we rest now?”

He gently stroked her hair. “Yes, luv, you can rest now.” Buffy finally gave in to her fatigue and fell immediately asleep.


Chapter Twenty

“Xander still brushing his teeth, eh?” Spike asked as he slid into a chair across from Dawn.

“Yep,” she looked up from her book. “Says he still can’t get the Spike-taste out of his mouth.”

Spike grinned with pride. “Can’t help it if I leave a lasting impression.”

“It’s been two days since we all did the truth spell, Spike,” Dawn pointed out. “We didn’t know that as a part of the spell we would be able to see and feel everything that Buffy felt. If we had known that she would kiss you and that we would be able to feel it too, we would have found another, less slobbery way to defeat the rogue Slayers.”

Spike chuckled, then grew serious. “Has she woken up yet?”

“No,” Dawn replied slowly. “I know Willow says it’s normal for Buffy to take so long to recover after such a strong spell, but I’m starting to get worried.”

“Know what you mean, niblet.”

They sat in silence for a few moments, worrying about Buffy. Soon, Giles entered the room. Both Dawn and Spike sat up eagerly in their chairs.

“No change, as of yet,” Giles said. “But she’s resting easy and should be awake any time now.”

Dawn and Spike slumped disappointedly into their chairs. Giles sat down with them, and Spike caught an awkward, side-long glance from the Watcher.

“What?” Spike asked mischeviously. “You don’t fancy Spike-breath either?”

“I don’t fancy Spike anything,” Giles replied dryly. “But I must admit that I am rather surprised by you.”

“Oh yeah?” Spike was curious.

Giles wrung his hands nervously. He began to speak, slowly. “I must admit, Spike, that I was wrong about you. I know you’ve always had this strange fascination with Buffy... perhaps it was even a crush, but-“

Spike tried definatly to interrupt, but Giles stopped him. “Let me finish, please,” he said calmly. Spike relented and Giles continued. “Even when we were fighting the First and you and Buffy became so close, none of us really believed what you said what true... that you still loved her. We let it slide because we had so much else going on-“

”And you weren’t doing it like bunnies anymore,” Dawn interjected. “Which is so not healthy.”

Giles ignored Dawn’s comment and pressed on. “When we all combined our spirits with Buffy for the truth spell, we could feel what she was feeling. And, I’ve known Buffy for so many years, yet I had no idea the lonliness and doubt she carried inside - it overwhelmed me.”

“We all felt it,” Dawn added softly.

Spike listened intently as Giles spoke again. “But when you gave Buffy your strength and she... kissed.... you, her whole spirit lifted and she was stronger than she had ever been before. She felt powerful and confident - all because of you.” Giles looked directly at Spike. “I don’t understand it in the least, but Buffy needs you. You give her strength and support and, dare I say it – true love – that no one else can give her.”

Spike’s sat silent, amazed at Giles’ words. Dawn sat forward and spoke. “We felt your love for her, Spike, and we were all wrong. It’s real and it’s true. We can’t question that anymore.”

Silence fell between the three as Spike absorbed their words. Finally, he muttered something under his breath. “Bloody hell.”

“What was that?” Giles asked.

Spike looked up. “This is bloody fantastic!” he exclaimed, overcome with joy.

Dawn giggled and Giles smiled as Spike raced to Buffy’s room.

The truth shall set you free.

Chapter Twenty-One

“Not you again,” Buffy moaned.

The First Slayer approached her, strangely calm. “I am here to offer peace... and truth.”

“Is this another one of those side-effect dreams from the truth spell we did?” Buffy asked. “Because I really didn’t enjoy the last one, and I’m not sure if I’m up to fighting with a Slayer... again.”

“This is your dream,” the First Slayer said slowly, “but it is also your truth. You offered truth to the lost ones - now it your turn to see the truth of your destiny.”

“Still recovering, ya know?” Buffy pointed out. “Any chance you could speak in plain English?”

The First Slayer stretched out her hand and placed it on Buffy’s head. “See the truth.”

A flash of light and Buffy saw herself standing in front of a group of young girls at Giles’ school. Images flashed by of her training and counseling them, passing on her wisdom to the next generation of Slayers. The visions flew to Giles, chatting nervously with another female teacher about his age. Buffy smiled as she watched Willow and Xander shared a joke and she looked closer as a young man approached Dawn and offered to help with her research.

As Buffy watched the visions of her friends, she suddenly felt very lonely, wondering if she would be working the rest of her life as a Slayer and teacher. This is not the life that I had imagined, she thought disappointedly. And where’s Spike? she added.

The vision flashed forward, and Buffy watched as her future self exited the training room. She began walking eagerly toward a man at the other end of the hall, but Buffy couldn’t see his face. As the vision-Buffy embraced the man, a million images of herself and this faceless man flashed through Buffy’s mind: talking comfortably over coffee, kissing tenderly, arguing not so tenderly and making up for it later, sparring in a cemetery.

The final image Buffy sees remains longer than the rest: the same man, face still hidden, stoops to gently pick up a young girl with straight blond hair and sparkling blue eyes. She gives the man a look of mock defiance, then laughs and clings to his neck. Vision-Buffy enters the scene and leans in familiarly for a kiss on the little girl’s head. She turns to kiss the man, and as they meet, his face comes into view. Buffy finally sees him...

“... Spike,” she whispers as she wakes up. And he is already there, arms around her.

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