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Rated: · Assignment · Other · #1577434
class assignment in creative expressionism
Somedays I just want to shout at the world "Suck it up!" I want people to quit belly aching and get down to business with living.

Some times you just have to reach outside your current reality and grab a double fistfull of possibility and pow! make something happen!

Dont sit and moan and groan and think you are actually doing anything! You are being a coward... to scared or too lazy or both to create a tiny worm hole of real peace for yourself or for those you love.

Look out there into the world of possibilities and pick out something... anything that you can shape into a second of peace and quiet and do it and then do it again and again until you crowd out a basketball size hunk of calm and then start to play with it and bounce it off the wall of noise and frustration around you until something out there catches on and throws it back to you. then keep it going until more things switch on their bright lights and smiles.

Now that is doing something to change the tide of reality.

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