Forty years we were married 'till death claimed you its own. Oh how I despise it and wish you would come back to me. Life is so empty, so tasteless and bland. Perhaps the world will ease my suffering, perhaps people in suits and ties will come to me and ease my pain? Perhaps young girls will flock, hearing of my despair, and cry out for my love while I refuse them, thinking only of you? No, the world has no sympathy but still yet, it has more than its inhabitants. You were my compass, my guiding light, my hearts direction. Like a the stem of a rose you stood strong and unfaltering. Now that you are gone I fall to the ground, awaiting trampling feet. In fear I sought out the reverend, who said we will meet again in heaven. Imagine that! Us running to each other like two virgins fallen in love, awaiting the brilliant moment where we surrender to each other and form that most sacred union all over again. Time moves to slow here on earth. I put a rope around my neck and kicked out the chair; the hole in the noose became a comforting portal and in I climbed. Beauty overcame me and I fell to the ground, I was not worthy to stand on this hallowed base. Suddenly darkness; the smell of brimstone in the air. The floor opened and down I went into burning hot flames. For, my dear love, you were in heaven but I was sent to hell. |