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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1544447
Hesphent's notes and diary on Project : Havoc
Project Havoc : Day 1

Today I Hesphent Diston, will be creating a perfect human being from nothing but simple components, the success will be based on the compatibility of the body and the soul. If the soul is happy with the body it will use it as a host. I have a good feeling this is going to work, three hundred years of work now comes to a head, I hope it is not in vain. (Notes to follow)

(*1. Body was completed with zero flaws, soul to be introduced to potential host)
(*2. Soul was introduced to host and made it home, now waiting for full synchronisation)

Project Havoc : Day 2

The initial tests have come through with pleasing results, it will take another 24 hours to complete the syncing process, if all goes well this project will be complete within a week.

Project Havoc : Day 3

The subject has now awoken, first words were "Daddy I am here" for some reason this soul thinks I am it's farther, I... Never was able to have children, perhaps this could be my chance? I will continue to monitor her rapid growth and stop it at the equivalent age of about 7 years old. More to follow on the next few days.

Project Havoc : Day 4

The aging process went smoothly and the body is holding out with strong vital signs, "Havoc" as I named her is maturing rapidly, she has full comprehension of the human tongue as well as Daemonis and Demonic languages. I... Do have a slight fault to her though, she talks, continuously without a second for breath, it makes it very hard to work in the labs...

Project Havoc : Day 5

Havoc is now at the mental age of an average 20 year old woman, she has slowed down in her speech but is still insistent on rambling on about how she "Loves" me, I feel I am failing her as a farther figure, but! I must persevere until every thing is one hundred percent safe. Perhaps when this project is over, I will treat her to some ice cream.

Project Havoc : Day 6

Today there was a break in at the labs, it seems some one is interested in my little Havoc, although she is human, she is not without her defences, I mixed small traces of spider and mercury into her genetics, which has caused her to gain some strange... "Powers" if you will, from her back she is able to call forth metallic spider like limbs that are very strong and sharp, recent tests proved her able to slice even titanium and diamonds with ease. I am worried she may revolt...

Project Havoc : Final Day

Every thing is as should be today, it took me the rest of the night to clean up the dead bodies, Havoc helped me clean the walls and floors today, she asked me "Daddy, do you love me?" I was unable to give her an answer, she seemed saddened but continued to help. I will go talk to her later and apologise for my rudeness, after all she is human...

Hesphent shut down his palm top, followed by a small flash and it had disappeared, he headed out the door, it slid upwards with an awkward jolt as it did so, he made a mental note to have it looked at later in the day. He walked down the long corridor taking the first left and then the second door on the right, it had a huge sign above it labled "LABS".

He came to a stop as he got to the door of the labs drawing a deep breath as he did so, although she... Havoc saw him as a farther figure, she was rather mentally damaged after being attacked and could potentially kill him if he was not careful. He walked in with a forced smile on his face, greeted by a happy smiling face back, though, he noticed something rather disturbing. His gaze scanned the room, blood trailing on the floor from where she was to where they were now, he looked towards her face, to each side of her mouth was gashes all the way up to the cheek, seeming unphased by such a horrific wound she cuddled against him, her blood now trickling down his legs, pooling at the bottom.

He looked down, his eyes staring at her, he shifts uncomfortably for a moment and squats down to her level "Havoc... What happened here? Are you alright?" She looked confused yet smiled politely the gashes letting out more blood "I'm fine daddy, I just thought if I sewed my mouth shut, it would please you, I know you think I talk to much..." in her hand was a needle with some leather on the end. Still smiling she lifted the needle up and thrusted it into her face, just above the gash, she passed it through not even wincing with pain, slowly sewing her mouth shut, as she neared her lips, Hesphent had, had enough and ripped the needle from her allowing the leather to slip off the needle "This doesn't please me little one, I was wrong to say such things about you..." Her eyes welled up, her mouth struggling against the leather allowing her to slur out "daddy, you're never wrong! I love you!" she picked up the end of the strap and used her now claw like hands to cut it to length and tied it into a knot she placed it in her mouth, the leather slacking some as she did allowing her mouth to open more freely.

Hesphent looked in horror at what he had created, he wondered what had gone wrong, the body was perfect, the soul was in perfect condition. It should all have been perfect. In a confused rage he lashed towards her falling to his knees as he did so, ashamed to have failed three hundred years worth of work. Havoc wailed with sadness, the sound was horrific and deafening in her sadness she turned into a dark vapour and flew off out of the ventalation shaft.

Ashamed and royally fucked off, Hesphent returned to his study and laied in his comfort chair his eyes closing, images of his little failure filling the black void. A while passes and suddenly he shoots up, his eyes empty filled with despair, he reached to his belt, his trusty blade of darkness lofting gently where his hand was, he grasped it and raised it gently into the air, his body beginning to shake with fear, only to be interrupted by the sound of knocking at the door.

Coming to his senses he puts his blade away quickly and heads cautiously towards the door, he sensed a strong form of energy coming from it, he turned on the intercom to the other side of the door and spoke gently "who is it?" a calm and gentle voice replied "I am here to save you Hesphent, please... Let me in?" reluctantly, Hesphent found himself opening the door revealing a gentle looking man standing about 4 foot nine inches, long flowing silver hair, white robes and silver eyes. A heavenly glow filled out the room and a calming arua seemed to follow him.

As the strange man floated gently into the room Hesphent took some steps back "just who are you? How do you know my name?!" the angelic man looked slightly puzzled and raises a finger as he speaks "I am Jackus, I have been sent by the great god Geith to save you" Hesphent now looked as puzzled as Jackus "I am... to be saved?" Jackus nods and floats towards Hesphent with arms out stretched "Take my hands, accept happiness, accept this chance for a break..." Hesphent reaches out, his hands seeming to glide into Jackus' form a warm glow of light followed. After some time the light faded, revealing just Jackus floating alone. His face puzzled and his body feeling like it's on fire he staggered out of the room and headed towards the entrance his body beginning to glow as he does so.

He crashed through the entrance his wings now visible his body still glowing, he holds his head as if in agony and manages to look up at the sky for a few moments allowing him to visualise the stairway leading to his home in the skies, he lifted off the ground swaying awkwardly as he did so, gently yet awkwardly floating upwards fading into nothingness as he neared the stairs in the sky...

As Jackus floated to his home in the skies a loud voice boomed out demandingly "This... Is your test Jackus, prove to me, show me that you are worthy, that you are rightfully able to wield the holy blade, the 'Eternal Blade'... It will be tough, but I trust you will make it out alive" Jackus still in agony falls to his knees "As you say my lord..." his vision blurred, then faded to blackness as he passes out. Visions of Havoc and Hesphent flashing in his mind's eye... What come's next will change his life forever... But then... That’s another story.

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