Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1531995-Adveture-Chapter-1
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1531995
The adventure of Jhiro and Kyrioshem find out about their lives on the beaten track

Character Introduction

Jhiro (Ji-Hi-Roh) - A small man standing about four-foot-nine-inches tall known for his rather reddish hair and unnatural blue eyes, he has strange magic powers given to him by the great god Gieth. A strange mystery lurks around the corner for this adventurere as he often feels a sense of "incompleteness"

Kyrioshem (Ki-ro-shem) - Seeming weird Kyrioshem is the same height as Jhiro though they find it "just a coincidence" he is known for his blonde hair and hazel eyes and his amazing swordsmanship there has not been anything or anyone that has bested this swordsman for over three years. Linked to Jhiro through Gieth for reasons unknown to them. Though Kyrioshem hardly ever talks, he also, like Jhiro, feels a sense of "Incompleteness" he would never tell anyone this though...


"Ahhhhh crap!" A strange man grumbled as a rather large group of scruffy looking men came towards him. "Jhiro... We're 'ere to claim, the big'ol bounty on yo'r 'ed!" The man looked at them rather sheepishly and let out a bit of a wimper as he slowly backed up untill he came against a tree which caused him to jump with fright.

The thugish group moved in armed to the teeth with all manner of clubs, bats, chains and short blades the leader letting out a rather nasty giggle. Suddenly Jhiro looks up to the top of the tree and nods, his attention quickly returns back to the group and lets out a smirk.

The leader comes to a stop "Wot's so funny? Yo'r goin'a get clobber'd" He turns to his group and laughs "maybe 'e lost 'is marbles or somethin'" He turns back and raises his chain up the links flying back behind him and brings it down forcefully, only to hear no impact sounds, he looks up to see Jhiro standing where he was before, not even touched, he smirks once more and points up wards.

The leader looks up and notices a small looking man holding onto his chain. The leader lets out an evil grin and gives it a tug, the small man jumps down to prevent him self from falling from the branches yet still holding the chain, he gives a smile and regains his composure.

The leader gives out a grunt and pulls harder on the chain the small man pulling back stopping himself from being dragged forward by the brutish leader. Jhiro looks towards the small man "Kyrioshem be carefull! Try not to get blood all over your clothes this time."

Kyrioshem nods "Understood" He now looks at the leader with empty eyes and draws his sword, he tosses the chain back at the leader causing it to hit him in the face denting the leaders face it also left a nasty gash too. He lets out a yell in pain "Yargh! a'right bois' lets fucking kill these l'il twerps'" Kyrioshem looks towards them and lowers his body but raising his upper torso into a stance, his sword point tiped slightly towards the floor.

The group charge in Jhiro looks towards Kyrioshem with slight worry, that soon turns to relief as they come to a stop just before they reach him, the leader lets out a groan as his body becomes heavy and falls to one knee "Yo'r... no... Ordinary... Bloke... Ehhhhh..." His body flops to the floor helplessly, soon followed by the rest of his group, Jhrio comes up behind Kyrioshem and sighs with relief "Phew... Kyrioshem, you are the master of the sword aren't you." Kyrioshem remains silent and swings his sword cleaning it of the blood from the thugish group, he shieths his sword and nods towards Jhiro.

He looks back and sighs again "You're -SUCH- good company... SOOOOO talkative!" Kyrioshem remains silent and stares at Jhiro. He shrugs and points towards the exit of the forrest "Alright grumpy guts! We're finally gettin' outta this hell hole! I can't wait to find a tavern and have a bath and a meal, what about you?" Kyrioshem continues to look at Jhiro and looks down in shame nearly whispering "Food..." Jhrio laughs and begins to walk towards the exit closely followed by Kyrioshem. "You really are simple... Huh? Kyrioshem?"

Chapter One

The two head towards the small settlement the aroma of food luring them in without second thought. The small settlement was on a steep hill with a wooden wall all the way around, logs with sharpened tips poked out of the hill in random directions.

They followed the path upto the only entrance, Kyrioshem almost bumping into the wall notices there is an obstical and comes to a halt, Jhiro was not so lucky walks face first into the wooden door. Before them was a wooden arched door at least twice the size of them it had steel supports and had claw markings all over it.Suddenly a small wooden slat in the door opens quickly with a loud clacking noise and two beady eyes were now visible where the slat once was it was soon followed by a croaky old voice "Wot'd'ya be wan'in'?" Jhiro looked slightly confused and a little teary eyed from bumping into the door and lets out a strange mumble "leathment inmmm" the beady eyes look at Jhiro and are followed by a shake of the head "An' in english dat be meain'?" Jhiro shakes his head a second regaining his composure and trys again "What I meant to say was, Let us in we're hungry and we need to rest"

The slot closes for a second followed by the clinking of metal and the doors open half way. A broken and hunched back old man put a face to the eyes and he points them towards the center of the encampment "Ye' best be lettin the capin' know ye 'ere or he'l have ya 'ed on a stick ya 'ere?" Jhiro nods and makes way towards the middle closely followed by Kyrioshem, as he looked around he saw smithery after smithery with the occasional break of a normal house, a pub and an inn. Kyrioshem tuggs on Jhiros sleeve and points towards the inn "Food..."

Jhiro laughs and begins to walk towards the inn only to be stopped by a very tall ogrish looking man his breathing heavy enough to nearly knock Jhiro off his feet, Kyrioshem's hand slips to his hilt only to slow to a stop as the huge man speaks "Ah... I heard there was some new blood here, you here to help us fight against the Areinthens?" Jhiro looks confused "Areinthens? What the heck are those?" The big man looks slightly saddened but remains composed "These creatures have been plauging the villages around this area" He holds out a picture of the Areinthens and points to the rather well drawn monster at the back "This is their leader, he calls him self Tharngth, personaly I have had a few scrapes with him, but as you can see he's a bit too much for just me alone"

Jhiro looks at the mans arms, which are scared and show a long hardened battle look "So how many people do you have helping you fight? I dont see many people here other than smithies and that old man at the door" The big man crouches to their level his knees cracking some as he does so "I've been protecting this emcampment for the last two years on my own, the smithies here make weapons for me to use as well as sell the access to keep money flowing for foods and supplies"

Jhiro smiles some and points at Kyrioshem "This man here can help you! He's the greatest swordsman to ever live, undeafeated for three years running" Kyrioshem blushes a little then looks towards the inn "Food..." The big man and Jhiro burst out laughing as if finding a common ground with eachother the big man begins to walk towards the inn "Come with me boys, Ol' Jeenith will look after you"

The two follow the large man into the inn and are soon seated, the big man heading towards the counter "Jeenith! Got some helpers for our cause! Fetch us some grub!" A rather repulsive looking ogrish woman appears with a massive cooking pot "Alright, alright you big bloody ogre! So where are the helpers?" The big man points towards Kyrioshem "That man right there has managed to run a three year wining streak with his sword! Now fetch him some grub and some for the other one too."

She heads off to the kitchen moaning and almost laughing at the big man. He sighs and heads back to the table "You, can call me Arnoth, Barbarian by trade, my motto: I'm a lover, not a fighter" the two smile "I'm Jhiro Magician by trade and schollar by nature, I... Don't actually have a motto" Kyrioshem looks hopfully towards the kitchen door "Kyrioshem... Swords Master, motto: If it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger..." Jhiro looks supprised at the sudden outburst by Kyrioshem "Wow! You actually said more than three words!?" Arnoth laughs "I think we will beat these creatures this time, for sure" The now group of three rest at the inn for the night talking of their travels, battles, love life any thing and every thing.

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