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"I fight to remain human, but to what end? Already I live like an animal." (need opinions) |
I knew it was her. There was no one else that breathed like that. Her feet connecting with the pavement gave off a lighting quick rhythm, which was accompanied by my heartbeat. It was like a hihat and a low base drum. The wind that rushed in and out of my lungs, and the wind that rushed though my ears, gave there part to the song; To complete the melody. This wordless lament, it reached out to me, and whispered in my ear. It told me this. Fear. Terror. Survival. This was natural selection. The strongest will survive. The rubber of my shoe gripped rubble, as I propelled myself over the torn up mound of debris in front of me. I didn't have time to look back at her; I didn't even want to know how close she was. My weight shifted as I made a sharp turn into an alley to try to throw her off. Dead end. I just continued to run, there was no place to go, all I saw were dumpsters, and cans, on top of each other, you could almost run up them... and the fire escape, it had a spring loaded ladder, that pulled it up. I didn’t think at the time, I just did, running up the debris on the side of the alley, with her in close pursuit. A violent growl came from behind me; She leapt into the air as the cold, metal, bottom rung found its way into my hand. Next thing I knew the ground was rushing up at me, and the air above me was being spit in half. I was instantly clambering up the thing for dear life as she landed. Four, three, two rungs until I was safe. Almost there, Almost- ...Something caught the leg of my jeans, right side, and I felt like gravity just gave me a giant middle finger. My foot lost grip of the ladder and I groped blindly for anything The next rung down jammed up into my crevice of my left arm, releasing a shooting pain. On the bright side, the weight finally disappeared, shaken loose from the fall? I scrambled franticly up the last three rungs of ladder, throwing myself into the grate of fire escape. I could not believe it, She was climbing UP the ladder. No, No, there was no way I was letting her up here, not on my life. I thrust my foot down, landing a blow right on her face. She let go, falling just as I had anticipated... What I didn't anticipate, was the ladder. With no one left on it, nothing held it down. The cold metal shot up, landing a blow to my face, left side, just slightly in front of my temple. I was knocked back, and I fell to the grate of the escape, clutching my face. A warm fluid seeped in between my fingers, as I swore again and again. I said many things kids should not hear. ...I looked down, at her with my hand on my wound, the one who prey was just ever so out of reach. First time, I saw her new figure. She looked the same, in a way... But she had more... Ears... A tail... I never could figure out WHAT she was supposed to be. I looked into her eyes, like we did back then. No matter how hard I tried, I could never figure out what she thought. She tossed her head, and turned the other way. And I watched Katie, My girlfriend, walk off. |