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When all these customers check in to this remote motel all horror breaks loose! |
LAST CHANCE MOTEL PART I BY JORDAN WILLBANKS INFO: THIS IS JUST THE FIRST 20 MINUTES OR SO OF THE MOVIE AND IT'S A DRAFT THE REST WILL BE UP SOON! FADE IN EXT. LAST MOTEL - DUSK It is dusk. The Last Chance motel is located in Harpersville, Arizona. Nothing but sand and a ramshackle bar is around for miles. It is located off the main road and five or so cars an hour pass the motel. The motel is nearly empty and the motel houses thirty small rooms. Two cars are parked in the dirt parking lot. The only reason the bar and motel get any business is because they are both strategically placed; they are the only forms of civilization for around eighty to one hundred miles. We focus in on the campy neon "vacancy" sign. It flickers and there is an audible hum from the light. INT. CHECK IN OFFICE MORTIMER MCDERMONT is seated behind his desk. He wears thick framed glasses. He is husky and sports a thick bushy beard. Mort is age thirty-five and has taken over the family business. He clutches a sci-fi magazine and pours through its contents. He flips through the pages and swigs a beer. The room keys are neatly displayed behind him. He finishes the beer and pulls out a pack of cigarettes from his flannel pocket. EXT. LAST CHANCE MOTEL We focus once again on the sign, the flickering continues. The door to the office swings open and Mort lights a cigarette with matches. We pan towards the dirt parking lot. The grit begins to spit and sputter beneath the tires of a 1985 Chrysler that is slowly pulling in. Mort takes a drag and flicks the butt of the unfinished cigarette. INT. CHECK IN OFFICE Mort returns to his desk and plops down. MORT Fuck. EXT. LAST CHANCE MOTEL We focus on the car and then pan towards the ground. The door creaks open and the DRIVER'S pair of leather boots scuff on the ground. We follow the driver's boots as they head towards the entrance of the motel. INT. CHECK IN OFFICE Mort sits behind the desk and returns to his magazine. The door creaks open and Mort draws his attention to the door. We hear footsteps as they creep up slowly to Mort. DRIVER (O.S.) You the owner? The voice is raspy and deep. MORT Yup. Ya need a room? DRIVER (O.S.) Yeah... MORT How long you stayin' DRIVER (O.S.) Dunno... Mort places his magazine on the desk beside his empty beer bottle which ha nothing but some warm foam in it. MORT How many? DRIVER (O.S) Do you see anyone else? Mort shakes his head. EXT. THE LAST CHANCE MOTEL The vacancy sign flickers some more and fizzles out. INT. CHECK IN OFFICE Mort turns around from his desk and grabs a set of keys for the driver. MORT We're not gonna have any problems right? The man doesn't respond. Mort sighs and returns to his desk with the set of keys. MORT Here ya go. He hands the individual the keys. DRIVER (O.S.) (Pausing) Room twenty-four? That must be all the way in the back right? Mort gulps and stares at the man / camera. MORT No need to cram all of ya together right? DRIVER How many are here? MORT I'd say 'bout six people have checked in. Why ya asking? Mort looks baffled. DRIVER (O.S.) You on all night? MORT Ya always ask this many questions when you check in to a place? Mort gives a nervous chuckle and bites his finger nails furiously. DRIVER (O.S.) You here all night. MORT Jeez, I ain't goin'' no wheres man. Mort gulps again and bites his nails even more furiously. MORT Ya wanna bite to eat? The bar has pizza and what not. Ya like sausage? DRIVER (O.S.) Does it look like I like sausage? MORT Who doesn't like sausage? DRIVER (O.S.) Vegetarians. Mort sighs and it is obvious he is rather intimidated by the man. DRIVER (O.S.) Thanks for the room. Maybe I'll check out the bar. By the way how you want me to pay for this fucking room anyhow? MORT Oh, ah however you want. I except cash or credit. DRIVER (O.S.) Good because I only pay cash. The driver sets his id on the counter and Mort picks it up. He peruses it and glances back at the camera through his glasses. MORT Ezekiel? We finally focus on EZEKIEL, he is around the same age as Mort. He wears a black coat and a white button-down shirt. He has a scarred face and a cigarette in his ear. His hair is greases back and he is rather intimidating. He smirks at Mortimer. EZEKIEL Yes... Mort nods and slips the identification card back to him. Ezekiel pull out a wad of cash and drops it on the counter. He picks up Mort's match book and places the cigarette from behind his ear in his mouth. Ezekiel strikes the match and lights up the smoke. EZEKIEL I'm sure I'll see you around. Mort glances at Ezekiel then the wad of money and his face lights up. He smiles at the man and stuffs the money in his flannel pocket. MORT Same... Have a nice night. If ya need anything ya know where I'll be at. Ezekiel nods and puffs away as he heads towards the door. EXT. LAST CHANCE MOTEL - SECONDS LATER Ezekiel exits the office and shuts the door. He returns to his car and we follow him every step of the way. He opens the trunk and glances at the dead sign. The keys dangle from his left hand and the cigarette in his right. INT. CHECK IN OFFICE Mort breathes heavily. He returns to the magazine and sighs. The door slams over and Mort jumps out of his skin and his hair practically changes color. EZEKIEL Your signs out. EXT. ROOM 14 We hear a television on behind the door. We focus in on the door. INT. ROOM 14 In room 1 a MAN age twenty-five is in his bed and he is mowing down on a pizza, his name is PETER DELROY, he drinks liquor out of the bottle. He wears boxers and a white t-shirt. He belches and his GIRL, TAMMY DELROY, age twenty-four exits the bathroom. She is trampy and wears short shorts and a revealing shirt. She smokes a cigarette. PETER You want some fuckin'' pizza? Ya know ya gotta eat. Jesus gotta smoke so fuckin'' much?! TAMMY Shut the fuck up Pete. He gobbles more pizza. Tammy takes a long drag of dissatisfaction. TAMMY Why the fuck did I marry you anyhow? You are disgusting. He doesn't even bother to look up to meet the scowling face Tammy is making. EXT. ROOM 24 - MOMENTS LATER Ezekiel reaches his room and he clutches a black duffel bag. He fiddles with his keys as he inserts them into the lock. with a click the lock opens and he makes his way inside. INT. CHECK IN OFFICE Mortimer clutches the phone by his desk and he dials a number. He presses it up to his ear and he waits as it rings. MORT Ya, hey Branigan, it's Mort. So ya... Mhm. Right... Ha you know me to fuckin' well... Ya, so how's business? Mort pauses as BRANIGAN responds. MORT (CONT'D) Good, good! So... ya, 'bout fifteen minutes then?... Cool. Alright buddy. EXT. LAST CHANCE MOTEL A minivan pulls up and it parks by Ezekiel's Chrysler. The car halts and the doors open. A family of four steps out. FRANKLINS HAIDEN = 45 INGRID = 45 KIMBERLY = 16 TOM = 10 INT. CHECK IN OFFICE Mort looks up as the family enters the room. Haiden holds Tom's hand and Kimberly folds her arm like a typical teenager who is mad at the world. She smacks her gum loudly. The family looks completely innocent. Ingrid smiles at Mort who smiles back. He strokes his beard and sets the magazine down. MORT How are you all doin' tonight? INGRID Fine thanks, how about you? MORT Can't complain. Mort turns towards the keys and the family approaches the desk. Mort grabs a set and fixates his eyes on Kimberly's cleavage. MORT Just... Just one room? HAIDEN That should work. Mort fumbles with the keys and he hands them room 10 and Ingrid takes them. he gives the family a plastic smile and flashes his teeth behind his beard. INGRID Thanks a bunch... MORT No problems what-so-ever. Just so you know, you stopped at the right place. This is the only stop for over eighty miles. Next door you can get some dinner and it's real cheap and family friendly. They are open till two so I think you're good. He bends over to Tom who is standing right in front of the desk. MORT (CONT'D) That must be way passed your beddy-bye time hmm? Tom looks at him creeped out. Mort flashes the toothy smile at the family again. There is an awkward silence and Kimberly chuckles to herself. HAIDEN Oh, well thank you. We'll look into that. Mort nods erasing the smile. MORT So, Room 10 is right down there. He points to the outside of the door and to the left of the office. MORT I do hope your stay is quite superb. He smiles again. KIMBERLY (Under her breathe) Fuckin' creep... HAIDEN Thank you very much. How do you want me to pay? Credit okay? Mort nods. INT. ROOM 14 Peter is still eating, Tammy sits at the foot of the bed and continues smoking. TAMMY Jesus. Peter smacks. PETER What now? TAMMY Always have to eat the fuckin' loud? It gets old so fast. Peter scowls. She gets up and heads towards the door. PETER Where the fuck ya think you're going? TAMMY Shut the fuck up. I'm gonna get some fuckin' air! PETER Prolly go fuck a truck driver or something. Tammy flips him off and exits. The door slams behind her. PETER FUCK! He chucks the crust of his pizza and then swigs more at the bottle he grips. INT. ROOM 24 - DARK Ezekial sits down on his bed, the room is still dark. He sets his bags down and the bed springs creak as he sits. he sighs and rises. He walks over to the window and peaks through the curtains. Outside we can see the Franklins removing their bags from the trunk of their minivan. EZEKIAL Perfect timing. He returns to his bed and reaches for his bag. EXT. BUDDY'S BAR We focus in on the bar. There are a select few individuals inside. The bar is small and much like the motel very low-class. There are three vehicles and two bikes in the parking lot. INT. BUDDY'S BAR The bar is practically empty. BARTENDERS BRANIGAN = 30 LISA = CUSTOMERS BUTCH = 32 DENNY = 29 FREDDY = 50 HOLLY = 30 SAM = 35 INT. BUDDY'S BAR - BAR BUTCH and DENNY sit at the bar taking shots. They are dressed in their biker gear which includes various leathers and denims. Their helmets are planted on the counter of the bar. They laugh and smoke cigarettes. A few stools down FREDDY is sitting, he has a pint of beer and he drinks it slowly. He also reads an old newspaper, he glances over at the brothers with negativity. He is dressed in jeans and a buttoned down flannel shirt. He shakes his head and reads more. INT. BUDDY'S BAR - BOOTH HOLLY and SAM are in a booth. Sam is hitting on her because she is a prostitute, and she struggles. She is a prostitute but if at all possible she will sleep with "tough guys" before she will sleep with a loser businessman like Sam. She eyes the bikers. She wears fishnet stockings and a low-cut shirt revealing her cleavage. She tries to rise. Sam, who is dressed in business apparel: dress shirt, tie, dress shoes, dress pants, over coat resting on the bench, attempts to hold her back. SAM Where are you goin' HOLLY C'mon, leave me alone. I've had enough of this. SAM I already said I would give you the money at the hotel, babe. HOLLY Eat it, I can do much better than you. INT. BUDDY'S BAR - BAR Butch and Denny chuckle and we focus on her from the bar as she rises and finishes her beer. Sam darts up and scoffs and sits back down. Holly travels over to the two brothers and parks it next to them on Denny's side. DENNY Hey there. She stares at both of them and smiles. HOLLY Hey boys, how are you doing tonight. The door opens to the bar and Tammy enters. INT. BUDDY'S BAR - BOOTH Sam eyes Tammy as she enters and she looks around for a place to sit. SAM Hey darlin' why don't you sit next to me? HOLLY (From the bar) Though I told you to fuckin' eat it! Can't you watch porn at the motel or something? Businessman! SAM Shut it cunt. She laughs and turns back to the brothers. Tammy smiles at Sam and lights a cigarette. TAMMY How you doin'? INT. BUDDY'S BAR - BAR We focus on BRANIGAN and LISA, they are both still young and they operate the bar for a living. They are high school graduates and this is their life. They look normal and pleasant, however, the lifestyle has hardened them quite a bit. Branigan heads towards the back room of the bar, which is also the kitchen. LISA (To Branigan) Same shit everyday honey! He chuckles and shakes his head. Lisa eyes Tammy. LISA Hey Barbie, can I get you anything to drink? From across the bar Tammy smokes and smiles at Sam, she has been seated and she flirts. They are obviously making small talk. LISA HEY! Can I get you something! Tammy turns. TAMMY Oh! I'll have a Bud Light. Lisa grabs a beer from below the counter. She exits the bar area and heads to INT. BUDDY'S BAR - BOOTH - SECONDS LATER The booth where Tammy and Sam are seated. She gives the beer to Tammy. INT. BUDDY'S BAR - KITCHEN - ONE MOMENT LATER Branigan is in the kitchen, he pulls out a pizza pan from its storage area. He begins mixing the dough and spreads it. INT. BUDDY'S BAR - BOOTH - SECONDS LATER Sam and Tammy laugh and they both sip at their beers. SAM So, how long have you been with him, Tammy? INT. BUDDY'S BAR - BAR - SECONDS LATER We focus in on Tammy and she sneers as she eavesdrops on the conversation the two in the booth are having. HOLLY Shit, the tramps married! Lisa looks at Holly and eyes her outfit. LISA But you are a whore Holly, what the fuck does that matter if the bitch is married? HOLLY I don''t do it by choice. I got a fuckin' kid and I need the bread. The door opens and the Franklin family enters. Haiden looks around and studies the atmosphere of the place, obviously not aroused by its appearance. LISA Just take a seat anywhere you'd like. Lisa gives a smile to the family. INGRID Thank you. Haiden leads the family to a distant booth by the pool table in the back of the bar. INT. ROOM 24 - DARK We focus in on Ezekial, he has his bag open and he sits on the foot of his bed. Next to him a cornicopia of weapons are neatly placed: a handgun with a silencer, four magazines of ammunition, a steletto switchblade, and a piano wire. Next to the weapons a pair of whit latex gloves rest. He sighs. INT. ROOM 14 Peter has finished eating and he stares at the the television with a blank expression on his face. He flips through the channels and belches. INT. CHECK IN OFFICE - MINUTES LATER Mort sits at his desk and he smokes another cigarette. He flips through the pages of his magazine and the door to the office swings open. Branigan enters he has a pizza box in his hands. Mort looks up and smiles and sets his magazine down. MORT Hey, Branigan. How's it goin' over there buddy boy? BRANIGAN It's going. We're gonna try to cut it a little early tonight I think. How's defending the fort? Mort sniffs in the fumes of the pizza, it is apparently toxic. He shrugs. MORT Same old, same old. (beat) That pizza smells amazing! Branigan hands him the pizza, Mort places it by his magazine. BRANIGAN Well you should stop by. We never see ya anymore and we're practically on top of eachother. Mort snorts. MORT Ya, I guess for this area. I know though, I've been real real busy these days. EXT. LAST CHANCE MOTEL We focus on the motel, Branigan closes the door behind him. He enters his SUV and closes the door behind him. INT. BUDDY'S BAR We return to the bar, Denny and Butch are at the pool table and Holly is leaning up against it flaunting her perfect breasts. Haiden looks at them with disgust. Sam and Tammy take shots. The main bar is empty except for Freddy who has not moved at all. INT. BUDDY'S BAR - BOOTH 2 We focus on the Franklin family. Haiden looks around nervously and Ingrid holds his hand. INGRID (Whispering) Haiden... Relax. Kimberly laughs. HAIDEN What's so funny? KIMBERLY Look at him, Dad you're all anal. You're thinking this isn't a good environment for your children and guess where we're going? VEGAS! Where there are copious amounts of prostitution and gambling. What the FUCK did you expect?! He stares at her, his mouth ajar and Lisa comes up to the table before he can say anything to her. LISA Hello, how may I help you this evening? Kimberly sticks her tongue out at her father and Tom starts to laugh. INT. BATHROOM - DARK The bathroom door bursts open and Sam and Tammy enter, they are making out and undressing each other. The light from the bar beams in and when the door slams it is pitch black. |