Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1527383-The-Renaissance-Man
Rated: E · Essay · History · #1527383
Short essay on the interesting view of the renaissance man.
A Renaissance man, as defined by Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, is a person who has wide interests and is expert in several areas.  For about three years now I have had urges to think deeper into the thread of what one can be; limits and boundaries to the human mind if you will.  Throughout the history of man kind humans have conquered feats and have risen to thrones set high above the status quo of expectancy that any one person could ever establish.  Great minds like Isaac Newton, Aristotle, Albert Einstein, Beethoven, William Shakespeare, and many more are what set drives and instill the demanding powers of motivation in all.  These diverse and incredible minds have enshrined past centuries in imagination along with exploration and principle to create milestones of the human brain derived from discovery and innovation.  With all of the technological advances today’s modern world holds, it is effortlessly forgetful to overlook such intelligent and bright historical figures whose great accomplishments and outstanding fulfillments dedicated to the human race have brought us to where we are now.  These many prodigies who have gone before us have branched knowledge and have shed light on such various and distinctively rich subjects known to humans today.  Some may argue the fact that these geniuses were born with this adequate and noble mind, but it is unconditionally genuine that these unique humans were forced to rigorously administer and devote what were seemingly their whole lifetimes towards the instigation to unsolved intricacies and enigmas that would unknowingly shroud their names in the pages of history forever.  Through all of the new inventions and findings happening today, one can positively rest assured that for every discovery made in today's world, accredited on the other side is the mastermind who laid the rock and foundation for the ideas used.  Ideas and the ability to create them are very special gifts that allow a human being to let our graceful and imaginative speculations and help think outside the box.  The question and inquiry that should be made on this bold statement is: What exactly is “the box?”  The box, to most, is the basic human mind as we know it.  The box, to gifted people, is an entirely different world full of intelligence and conception, where the most central of thoughts can be transformed into prominent and illustrious impressions merely unconceivable by the nature of mind common humans uphold.  Yet, what bothers me the most is the notion most get that is along the lines of, “Well we can just leave it up to people like that to invent” or, “Are you kidding me?  I can never be that smart.”  Well, on one hand there is undeniably a barrier on knowledge one can posses.  Still, that does not mean in any way that one is handicapped or limited to the outgoing and various ideas which presumably can be missing from today's world.  Ideas take time and trial in order to be molded and critiqued into a work of art admirably achieved for all to see.  I find this to be the exact reason for the “I'm not that smart” mindset and stance taken on the aspect of creativity today.  You could say laziness is the problem, but to me, it is just the sheer lack of desire and proclivity most people sadly retain just centuries after the time when that is all one could show toward suppositions.
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