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by TOR
Rated: E · In & Out · Fantasy · #1494855
Ch2 of my first book
(Again, i type in an all caps font)

Chapter 2
tornado knew that juli would be gone for at least a month or more. then, he heard a knock at the door. he opened it to a panicing zet.
"tornado, tornado. i lost the scroll. opened to find nothing. baldrick will kill me, murder me, decapitate me, put me to death. what do i do?" zet said so fast that tornado barely got an earfull or so.
"you can start by slowing down and telling me whats wrong."
"ok, calm zet, calm. sir baldrick sent me to retrieve the fire sentinal scroll from the vault. i opened it, and it was gone, tornado, gone!"
"well, if you didnt take it, it couldnt be your fault. lets go to sir baldhead's room and tell him, its probably no big deal."
so they walked down the hall to sir baldrick's door and knocked. sure enough, he answered, looking at zet in a confused manor.
"so zet, where is it?" he roared.
"dont blow up, baldie, but when zet opened the vault, it was gone." tornado said.
"gone! that scroll has started a war in the past from being gone!"
"a war?" zet said in a timid, scared voice. zet always looked nervous, with his big, green eyes, and his uncut hair.
"oh, right, you two were merely children, if that, during the konchtar war. let me tell you about it. it was 21 years ago. klefton, a large city at the northern part of the kingdom of corlok, had pocession of the fire scroll. one day, an army from the tarnik kingdom attacked that city, and stole the scroll. after that, the konchtar war began between corlok and tarnik."
"what kingdom are we in right now?" zet asked.
"corlok, now let me finish."
"as i was saying, it started a war. the war lasted almost three years. there was a man in that army that could flatten fifty trainees from here, easily. his name...........trigend. the sad part, he has two very powerful siblings, emmit and gordon. although, recently, ive heard that emmit turned over a new lead. i believe she is against her brothers now. after the war, all trade with our number one trader, ozrin, was cut off. it opened back up not quite four years ago. the konchtar war held many deaths."
"yeah, my parents died in it, or so jayrem's parents told me." tornado said.
"they probably did, tornado."
"i think i remember having a brother, too, but he was just a baby when they left. that is when jayrem took me in. but what ever happened to my brother?"
"he may have died, or maybe adopted like you." sir baldrick answered.
"maybe, but ill bet if he remembers that day, he will hate me. have you had anyone here in the wua that resembled me, because i saw a sketched man that looked like me?"
"we did, once. i believe his name was rob or something like that."
"hmm, i cant remember my father's name, and my brother never had a name, unless his new family gave him one. but he was a baby twenty-one years ago, so he is probably 21 years old."
"maybe. anyways, that scroll cannot fall into the wrong hands."
"ill go find it."
"you will. if you find it, just keep it. i trust it in your hands, tornado."
"ok, it will strengthen me."
"oh, hey. if your gonna look for the fire scroll, maybe you can just try to find all nine scrolls."
"there are nine of them!" tornado said, shocked.
"yes. there is the fire, blizzard, aqua, earth, shock, tornado, shadow, and umm, i cant seem to remember the other two."
"oh, well, thanks for those names, anyway." tornado said.
"well, i guess you better head out to find them, oh, and get some help." sir baldrick demanded.
"will do, first ill go get troy, and find bishdu."
"bishdu? the bishdu?! bishdu is a great leader in our army, he runs the second fleet in wars."
"no kidding. so he made it up that high, eh." tornado said, surprised. "well, im outta here."
"good luck." sir baldrick and zet hollered as tornado ran down the hall to his quarters.
tornado pulled some rope out from under his bed, and packed some waterbottles. he grabbed what bread he had, and crammed all of it into a small bag that jayrem's mother, or his mother, made him when he was about six years old. he exited the room and closed the door behind him. he knocked on the door across the hall. troy answered it.
"hey troy, im going to look for the nine sentinal scrolls, wanna help?"
"well, uh, sure. if not, ill just go join another training facility, since thats my life."
"ok, get what you need, we're gonna go gather up the gang."
so troy went back into the room and threw some things in a small sack. he came back out into the hall, closing the door behind him.
"your armor looks nice, troy."
"thanks. yours too, tornado."
so the two ran down the hall and out into the air. they ran to the edge of the area, and jumped over the wall. they ran through the field that was before them. they came to a small village, that consisted of only about five or six houses. they went up to bishdu's door, and knocked. bishdu answered the door, suited up in his armor, as if he knew they were coming for him. he was taller than the two, at 5'11", and had a light brown hair color, instead of black. he had a firm disposition about him, and he looked as though you could hit him with a train, and he wouldn't budge an inch.
"tornado, troy?" bishdu proclaimed.
"its us, bishdu." tornado said.
"hey guys, how the heck are ya?"
"im doing great, and tornado is doing even better."
"nice to hear, im happy to say im doing good, too."
"well bishdu, would you like to join us in finding the nine sentinal scrolls?"
"why not. on one condition. my girlfriend can come with us."
"why the heck not." tornado said, smiling.
bishdu reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny bird, no bigger than the average thumb. he nudged it from his hand, and it flew off, with such speed that they barely got a glimpse of it before it was gone.
"what was that?"
"little coby, the bird that sends for either me or nikita. he goes to her, and she knows that i want her."
"nifty, nifty indeed." tornado said.
"so guys, where'd ya get all of those awards, been working hard?"
"yeah, just got some yesterday or whenever. we both got one for graduating, tornado got the uno fighter one, and i got a loyalty one." troy explained.
"so, tornado. still earning the uno fighter awards. that is truly impressive. you always have been the best of the best." bishdu said with a chuckle.
"oh, bishdu, you never informed us on being so high in the army." tornado said.
"oh, that. yeah, im in command of the second fleet during war, but since we are not at war, im not anything."
"hey, you should be proud to be the head of the second fleet. so basically, isnt the second fleet considered back-up?" troy asked.
"no, the third fleet is backup, the second fleet is in the midst of war like the first fleet, they just begin fighting later, after so many deaths."
then, nikita came running up to bishdu, leaping into his massive arms. nikita had long, brown, wavy hair. she was shaped like a woman, quite the hips. her face was very elegant and smooth. her facial features had little flaws, if any.
"you called for me, sweetums?" nikita asked.
"yeah, we are going to be joining my friends in an adventure, you might say." bishdu explained.
"hmm, sounds fun."
"well, shall we gather our other friends?" bishdu questioned.
"yeah, first, we'll go to orcin where ike lives." tornado said.
"ahh, ike. not the greatest fighter, but a hell of a strong man, indeed." bishdu said.
"yeah, its funny. ike is stronger than a bull, but he isnt even as good a fighter as any of us." tornado said.
"i wont armwrestle him." troy said.
"you wont find me doing such a thing either." bishdu said in agreement.
"well, lets go, orcin is just north, isnt it?"
"yeah, only a five minute walk from here." troy informed them.
so after they had finally quit talking, they began their walk to orcin. they took a path through the woods, which they will regret later on.
"i have the feeling we're being watched." tornado said in a weary voice.
suddenly, a group of goblins appeared behind them, as if from nowhere. tornado turned around, while the others were still unaware.
"guys, goblins."
the others turned around and saw the group advancing on them. there were about seven of them, but who was keeping count.
"there are at least six of them, no, eight." troy said.
"this'll be the hardest fight we've ever encountered." tornado said with a laugh.
tornado pulled his sword out, wielding it in one hand, showing his true strength, since his sword was rather large. he ran towards the goblins, jumped up, and landed in front of them and swinging at the same time, taking out three of them. the others turned and ran through the woods.
"tornado, ha, that was, lets see, easy, too easy." troy said while laughing.
bishdu was laughing a bit by now. they continued walking as though it had never happened. they finally arrived in orcin after a ten minute journey. the city was fairly lively, as usual. now the challenge wasn't goblins, but to find ike, who could be doing anything, anywhere.
"well, lets check his house first." bishdu suggested.
"we shall do that then." troy said.
so they went to ike's house, which wasn't large, but wasn't really tiny either, just average in the city. tornado knocked on the door. ike answered it, but before anyone could say hi, ike had picked them all up at once, hugging them. ike was 5'10". he had dark brown hair, and a slight beard. he was huge, and had the chest of an ogre, at least.
"how the heck are you guys?" ike said in a deep, yet cheerful voice.
"we're all just fine, and ike, are ya still working out?" troy said.
"you know it, im lifting around 1400 pounds above my head now." ike explained.
"man, most ive ever got above my head is about 800 pounds." troy said.
" i think i can get right at 1000 over my head." bishdu said.
"hmm, never tried, personally." tornado stated.
"you should try, your strong. come in, right now, they are set at 1200 pounds." ike insisted.
"ok, i dont know if i can."
tornado grabbed the metal pole, which had 1200 pounds of raw steel on it. he lifted it, up and up. finally, he got it above his head.
"great job." ike said while clapping his massive hands together.
"well, it wasn't my hardest, so increase the weight." tornado said.
ike hung weights from the pole, and put it up to 1400 pounds.
"you get that, your as strong as me." ike roared.
tornado lifted it up. he had it at his waist, when he showed a smile upon his face. he lifted and lifted until the weight was above his head. ike didnt say a word, but sat there, jaw to the ground.
"there ya go, ike. add more weight, nah, just kidding, i couldnt do anymore than that." tornado said.
"your still strong, i would have never guessed." ike proclaimed.
"well ike, we were wondering if you would like to join us in a search for the nine sentinal scrolls? whataya say?" troy asked.
"ive got not a thing better to do, so yeah, ill join you."
"great! now there are four, sorry, five of us. lets head to dranic or however you say it and find kent and jayrem, since they both live there." bishdu said.
"its not dranic, its dremnic." tornado laughed.
"well, i was close."
"ok, lets quit the bickering and get movin, dremnic is quite the distance, at about 30 ultra-cubits away." troy said.
"hey, i heard some people saying the word mile one day. they said it was barely smaller than an ultra-cubit, and mile is easier to say." troy said with a smile.
"im too used to the word, lets just go." tornado insisted.
so with that, the group headed for dremnic, in search of kent and jayrem. as they left the city, ike said bye to so many people, it was as though he was the king. when they finally exited the city gates, a crowd had gathered to wave goodbye and wish him luck. they headed off down the path that lead to dremnic. the path was quite a peaceful path, and the group had no worries. for a while, everyone walked in silence, thinking to themselves. suddenly, that silence was broken by none other than troy.
"hey guys, i remember this place." troy bursted out.
"aggh, we know, we hung out here all the time, please, let us think." bishdu pleaded.
"alrighty, alrighty. sheesh."
so the path was silent, yet again. they had already been walking for twenty minutes or so, and realized that they would have to stop and sleep for the night, because the sun had already fallen and night was nearly upon them. the positive side of things was that they trusted the path they were traveling, and would not fret through a nights sleep. so they made camp with some of ike's materials, and gradually, one by one, they fell asleep under the moon and the many stars. through the night, they slept great, only disturbed by a few insects that bit them. at dawn, they woke, packed up the materials, and set off for dremnic yet again. they walked and walked, and noticed that today was quite a bit hotter than yesterday. as they trudged on, they began noticing signs that notified them that dremnic was nearer and nearer. soon, they passed a sign that read...."dremnic, only 5 more ultra-cubits. all are welcome."
after reading the sign that informed them of being very close, they all increased their pace, and gained more confidence. eventually, they could see the city gates, but also observed that there were archers stationed upon the gargantuan walls that surrounded the even more gargantuan city. they entered the city, which seemed to expand as far as the eye could see. first, they decided to find jayrem, since they knew where he lived. they walked past the fountain in the town square, and right past a small farm. jayrem's house was now visible.
"theres his house, we all know he's home." troy said.
"yeah, and look at the chimney, thats smoke." ike stated.
so they approached the house. tornado knocked on the door. it took a minute, but a small boy answered the door.
"yes, how may i help you people?" the small boy asked.
"where is jayrem, doesnt he live here?" troy asked in response. "do we have the wrong house?"
"oh, no no no. master jayrem is somewhere, hold on." the boy said.
the boy ran through the house and out of sight. a moment passed and he returned with jayrem with him. jayrem was 5'9", just slightly taller than tornado. he was built about the same. he had rather short hair, the same color as ike's. he had very broad shoulders for a man of his height.
"tornado, troy, guys?" jayrem questioned.
"its us." troy answered.
"wow, its so nice to see you guys."
"yeah, we're all getting old." ike said.
"by the way, who's the kid?" troy asked him with a puzzled face.
"oh, thats marth, he is my apprentice. im training him to be a knight someday." jayrem informed. "he is a tough little guy."
"neat, how old is he?" tornado questioned him.
"oh, marth is eight years old. sadly, when he turns nine, he moves on to a new trainer."
"hmm, well, at least you spent time with him." troy said.
"he's a cute little guy." nikita stated.
"yeah, once he is gone, i get a new little six year old, then i train him for two years, unless i get a girl." jayrem said.
"well jayrem, you wanna join us in finding the nine sentinal scrolls?" tornado finally asked him.
"i cant right now. marth will be nine years old in a month, and i cant have him across the kingdom when he turns nine, ill get in trouble." jayrem explained.
"oh, alright, we'll just go get kent and be on our way then." troy stated in a sad voice.
"ill come find you guys when i get my new apprentice, i promise." jayrem shouted as the group walked off to look for kent.
"ok, dont forget." tornado shouted back to him.
so they walked over to kent's house and knocked on his door. there was no answer.
"hmm, i wonder if he is home, or even lives here anymore?" ike said.
"he does, he must be out eating or something, im not sure." tornado wondered.
then, out of nowhere, kent jumped behind the group, and scared nikita and bishdu, who were in the back, so bad, that they nearly ran off, wet at the waist.
"hey guys." kent said. kent was the shortest, at 5'6". he had long, blonde hair, that blew in the wind. he was mainly forearm strength, from being an archer.
"oh, hey kent." tornado said with a look that warned kent; dared him to do it again.
"sorry guys, you know how i am." he replied.
"so kent, do you wanna help us find the nine sentinal scrolls?" ike asked him.
"sure, but shouldnt we go get the final member of our group, jay?"
"we tried, he cant leave with his apprentice, he is about to turn nine, and its unroyal to have him away from the castle past his birthday." tornado said.
"oh, so i guess its just us?" kent roared with a smile.
"yeah, just us." tornado roared back at him, with a bigger smile.
"well, let me grab my bow and a quiver, if i run outta arrows, i can just buy new ones." he said while pulling money out of his pocket to show he could buy them.
he ran into the house, which wasn't locked, and came back out with his bow.
"kent, why are there gems on your bow?" troy asked.
"oh, those. each one gives my bow an enhanced upgrade. two of the five came from my parents when i was fifteen. one from another archer for this citie's archer alliance, and the other two i found, and had put on the bow." he explained, out of breath.
"they are embedded in the wood, that is truly neat, and no cracks show." troy said.
"yeah, i love this bow. oh, sorry, i didn't tell you each of the gems and their enhancements. first, the ruby, allows the arrows to sore over 500 extra-cubits, or 500 yards, and stay as straight as the arrow itself, wind or not. then, the emerald, which allows me to shoot the arrow with a curve, if i wish to. the sapphire, encases the arrow with a blue glow, that makes the arrow pierce almost anything. the diamond, makes the arrow hit with direct contact. and lastly, the topaz, which allows the arrow to sore over 1000 extra-cubits. the problem with these powers, i can only use two at a time, and they take my energy straight from my hands. if i try to use a power after a hard days work, it isn't going to do a thing. usually, i can a certain number a month, and then, my energy is for whatever i need to do that month." kent explained.
"so you can use two a day?" tornado asked.
"well, on days i use them, i can use two. usually, i can use about three to five every month, but they drain me, in fact, if im not careful, they can drain energy from my soul, which can, in turn, kill me."
"quite the story. shall we head off in search of the fire sentinal scroll?" tornado questioned the group.
"yeah, lets get goin." troy hollered.
so the group left dremnic and headed for the city of himtet, where bishdu's brother, koth lived. koth was a scholar, and could teach them much about the sentinal scrolls. they were rather anxious to see him again, and they knew that he had learned even more. koth had better than a photographic memory, he had whats called a file memory. he can access anything he has learned, and feel, smell, taste or do anything he must to learn about that thing. if he studied the feeling of alcohol in a cut, he could think back to that five years later, and feel that feeling, without reinacting any experiment or doing anything at all. the group was traveling to himtet, unaware of what waited there, what surprises held within the city. they pressed on, wondering if the city was even still there. it had been a few years since they had seen it, and they weren't sure what to expect. after five minutes of travel, they now saw the city wall, and saw that the gate had been knocked down, crushed, as if someone ran right through it. they were soon in front of the once standing gate, and then entered the city, and were baffled to see just what had happened.

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