How cruel the race of man is. What great promise was lost. There is a certainty in the modern age that threatens every living thing. Christ followers lust for power obscured by their distain for injustice. Where is the justice in genocide? How mean are hates fostered falsely to make a hell on earth for heavenly rewards. The old eye of that does not falter burns at our core. O Athena cut out our hearts! Zeus you Lied! The Gods were not destroyed by man. Man is nothing without the Gods. Rome prayed for a Caesar and murdered him. All is vanity and man has no advantage over the beast. The old persuade themselves the flame of civilation goes on. They look to the Gods for transcendent truth. While tribal drums beat on fighting ground. O empty plain of youth most precious blood! The earth must turn. The sky and sea are constant. Wisdom is spent on the glittering helmet of battle worn heroes. The Gods wait and will prevail after all the works of man are dust. Frail and fine; perhaps one strip of grass and glade will flower where Titans fought. + Reflections: "If we recieved good things from God, why should we not recieve evil?"(Job 2:10) |