Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1478260-Nice-Dream
Rated: 13+ · Essay · Inspirational · #1478260
The new anthem.
    We are organized. Does this scare you? We have rules, we have a mission, we know exactly what we are doing. Are you frightened yet? We are not going to stand for this any longer. You have hurt us, bullied us, pushed us away, told us what to dream and how to dream it. You nullify our imagination, you have sullied our image. We will stand for it no longer. Our parents failed us in their youthful aspirations, and later in their ugly ambition. Your schools failed. Your police failed. Your Churches, they failed, too. But still! You persist. You will not give up until all dissent goes quiet. You have succeeded in white-washing the minds of men and women with a potential for greatness which you have always underestimated, AND THAT IS YOUR GREATEST FAILING. For in your haste you overlooked those with a natural curiosity. You assumed because you had the masses, you had us all. And you were damned close. So close, I shudder to think where things could have gone. But you will progress in your dastardly way no longer. We may not be big or strong like you, but we have a voice, and much as you will try, you will not silence us. We will not kill for you any longer. We will not allow you to kill, any longer. How you managed to convince us of total complacency, I do not know…… That is a matter for tomorrow’s historians. What I do know is that it ends today. If not literally, quite figuratively, we have dropped out. I believe there may be enough of us now to end your blood soaked reign. I know what we are up against just as well as any other man, but I fear not. I will not lie down any longer. I call for unity, for brotherhood and for the rejection of hate and the acceptance of love. I want to reach out to my brothers in Japan, I want to dry their tears and let them know that I love them. I want to drop to my knees before the people of Iraq and beg for their forgiveness: our sins will not go unnoticed. My children, there is nothing wrong with your minds, no matter what you have been told. Embrace and love it. You are anxious for a reason. You are sad for a reason. I know why, I know where it hurts. I want to heal you, I am here to help. I know where you have been, I’ve been there too… We all have, you must realize. Please, I ask of you, do not despair. There is still time left, there is the opportunity for change. Real change, not the change that is being marketed to you in the twisted scheme of American politics. We cannot and will not trust any puppet official until he reveals his strings, and his puppeteer. The time is ripe, my children, for the movement you have been waiting all your life for. Sit Down, Stand Up no longer. We are no different from one another, look around, I dare you. All the people around you are the same in their humanity. We are on the same playing field. Lay down your sword, we need battle one another no longer. The true enemy has remained hidden behind the concrete walls which he has constructed. He has reveled in our internal conflicts, but he will cower and flee before the might of our resistance. You have been taught most of what you know, and you are numbed to feeling. You accept what should be considered unacceptable. YOU DESERVE MORE, my children. What are you saving for, I must ask? What are your real goals, as a human being, not as a cog in this behemoth of a machine? Besides the attainment of material accruements, what are your inner desires? I think I know, and if you believe me when I say this, I ask that you join me. We cannot reveal ourselves just yet, we would be squashed quickly by the armed hands of our governments. I ask merely that you stop and take the time to look around, to truly think outside the box. Think about the state of the world, think about the constant narcissism and pessimism we are being exposed to. DO NOT FEAR TO DREAM, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. If you are so placated as to fail to register the audacious evils of our governments, I suffer for you. Wake up, I beg you, wake from your slumber, and join hands with me. I want to feel human again. I think you do too. We have laughed it off for so long, and it has only gotten worse. The time for cynicism is over. The game looks easy, and that’s why it sells. I know why you did it, my children, I know why you did it, but I hold no anger towards you. Our anger has been suppressed and it has manifested in other, unbecoming ways. It is time that we direct it towards it’s rightful proprietor. We ride tonight.
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