Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1471090-A-Solitary-Faerie-Tells-his-Tale
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Activity · #1471090
Travel between the mortal and faerie realm ~ a journey through a magickal port
The Journey ~ Real, or Dream, or In-between

It happened once upon a time, not long ago, or maybe just yesterday, in another land I know. I fell asleep ‘neath a mighty oak and when my eyes opened, I know not where I woke. Somehow I had stumbled about in my sleep and slipped "Invalid Item where the toadstools weep. "Invalid Item was dressed in poppies and maize and a nightmare on legs welcomed my gaze. "Invalid Item grinned and beckoned I sit at the wheel that spins ever stories to earn my day’s meal. Not really afraid of the massive fists, but cautious I hearkened nonetheless. So I sat and I weaved as he bade me do, and this is the story I wove for you.

Compelled by "Invalid Item’s mesmerizing song, I found "Invalid Item before very long. I pled for their mercy; that I be returned to the land that I now knew, but my pleading was spurned. "Invalid Item just laughed with a voice that stilled my heart, and "Invalid Item grabbed my arm and said we’d never part. But when I wove a tryst with "Invalid Item ‘neath "Invalid Item, I was stomped by "Invalid Item and fell to my knees.

Upon righting myself I saw the wheel had been stopped, and the tale I was weaved unraveled and dropped. I was chased along a trail of toadstools by bees. With buzzing long stingers my legs they did tease. "Invalid Item beckoned with cool shade my rest, but "Invalid Item kicked and pushed me, till at his behest, I was banished to the surface yard. I knew it would be hard to convince mortals my journey was real, even though from "Invalid Item a scale I did steal.

So listen with care and an open mind. Perhaps one day you also will find the place between what’s real and a dream, without the aid of old Jim Beam. And I will be waiting, a "Invalid Item to guide you from the mortal to the "Invalid Item.

Till then, heed well the wise man’s words, “All that I see or seem is but a dream within a dream.” Perhaps Mr. Poe also was a bi-world traveler.

© manga-kate 2008

Flash to an alternate world – 391 words to "Invalid Item and join us on Day 7 of the WDC 8th Birthday Celebration

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