Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1467652-Dragon-me-down
Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1467652
Short piece I did about a volcano masking a dragon's lair.
Dragon me down

The volcano hides an entity,
so that its blind to anyone who finds the energy
to take the time to climb an define what tempers leak
from this inclined an hidden cavern which inside an ember sleeps
but disguises don't last, when tyrants that our lesser seek
the power bestowed, until they collide an then they'll see..

The mountain of fire leaks lava as magma spits
an the blazing rivers drip down past where the dragon sits
as it's majestic fangs split it's tongue - it seems to anger it
n' those who arrive to vanquish it, already know they can't hang with it
its insane, an gets tempermental when its introduced to anguish's kiss
he roars an the cave rings as the monsters language is hissed..

They mount their assault, knowing deep down their at fault
slowly they come to a hault..maybe it had enough n its tired?
suddely the furies unleashed, as fire spues an erupts like a geiser
the tunnel of heat abducts their advisor, who they trusted n admired
the beast tucks it's head as it spires, an plants it talons deep in the earth
the sqaudron of men run out of reach n' at first, they think
their released from this curse.. an injured commrade speaks with a thirst
"I need help..I'm bleedin an it hurts!"
"shhhhh..it'll find us"..

He surrounded them being double their size
those two gaping bubbles encase those troubling eyes
yet suddle, they spy..his rancid wings curl cuddled with pride
such a terrifying exterior and still appear's humble inside
"..we may be wrong"..
it's power consumes its posture, as its poised ready to strike
the noise gets heavy, an ready to ignite -
the serpent calls from its inner depths, hurtful walls from within its chest
worthless jaws make it perfectly calm
I realize their's a purpose.. an now I'm not nervous at all
I'm shredded an my complexion is seedless
my family can check, but I'm nesting just leave it..

"because I'm resting.. R.esting I.n P.ieces"

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