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Rated: 13+ · Script/Play · Sci-fi · #1455774
This is the script for the first issue of a 23 issue comic series
Page 1 (3 Panels)

Panel 1 We see the pained face of our main character Lee Ash, his head is bowed with the eyes closed.(this panel takes 2 vertical frames)
CAP 1 2060
CAP 2 How did it come to this?

Panel 2 There is a picture of Lee, Cameron, and Chloe all sitting at a table in a bar/nightclub. Everyone in the picture is happy and looks like they are having a great time.(panel takes 2 vertical frames)

Panel 3 We see Lee standing in an office behind a desk looking out the window. The office is obviously very high up as you can see the cityscape far off into the distance. Lee is staring over the city, it is dusk the sun is going down. There is smoke coming from the stacks of industrial plants in the distance. The city itself stretches as far as the eye can see. (This frame takes up the bottom 2 vertical frames)
CAP Where do we go from here?

Page 2 (7 Panels)

Panel 1 We see a shot of the international space station orbiting the earth over what looks to be Asia, (2 vertical frames)
CAP September 11th 2011

Panel 2 We see a screen and a satellite imager we find out that the satellite is positioned over the middle east. (1 Frame)
Man 1 (From Off screen) Do you really think that after all this time the guy is just going to pop up so he can be taken out.
Man 2 I don’t know man all I know is that the president has made this our top priority at least until the ceremony in New York is over. We have to watch for any action in his last known hiding place so that’s what I am doing.

Panel 3 We see a computer terminal with a red blinking light and we hear a loud beeping sound.

Panel 4 We see a man leaning over the screen he is wearing the orange uniform of an American astronaut. A voice from off panel (1Frame)
Man 1 Dave what the fuck is that?
Dave It says we have incoming.

Panel 5 We now see man 1 he is wearing a blue uniform which denotes military officer.
Man 1 Is it from Korea?
Dave No I can’t trace back the trajectory but there are now 3 bogeys look to be heading towards the US, Europe, and Japan I can’t tell….OH MY God!!!

Page 3 (2 Panels)

Panel 1 We see the control room at Huston, many people at computers staring at a large screen with a digital image of the earth on it. We see 2 silouhettes talking in the corner
CAP 1 (Coming from a com listening to what is happening on the space station) It says we have incoming.
CAP 2 Call the president….. NOW!

Panel 2 We see the same room but everything is dark nothing on the screens and everyone is yelling.
Man 1 What the hell?
Man 2 What just happened?
Man 3 Switch to backup!
Man 4 Backup is not responding sir.

Page 4 (4 Panels)

Panel 1 We see a large contingent of American Military Generals walking through a corridor lit only by red emergency lighting.
General 1 Has the President been informed of the situation?
General 2 Yes the secretary of defense has briefed her on everything we know so far.

Panel 2 We see what looks to be large board room. We can tell from the backdrop that this must bee the situation room in the Whitehouse. There is a large group of people sitting around the table. While several more are walking through the entrance. At the head of the table is a yellow haired woman. We assume this is the president.
President Welcome gentlemen.

Panel 3 We see a panoramic view of the room everyone now sitting at the table looking towards a man standing at a podium.
General 1 What we know so far is this…..
General 1 At 8:15 this morning NASA recorded a message from the international space station that there was incoming to what we believe was Europe, Asia, and North America.

Panel 4 We see a female face filled with concern her eyes are almost filled with tears, from the close up we can tell that Hilary Clinton won the Election and is now president
CAP From the flash that was reported over New York during the ceremony this morning all we can assume is that a thermonuclear device was detonated in the atmosphere and the subsequent blackout is most likely the result of an electro magnetic pulse.

Page 5 (4 panels)

Panel 1 Again we see the panoramic view of the situation room. The president is addressing everyone in the room.
President Do we know where it originated from?

Panel 2 Another panoramic view of the room and again the general at the podium speaks.
General 1 One of the last things on the recording was one of the astronauts asking the other if it came from Korea, we did not hear a response but from the size of the blast it seems to be much larger than any kiloton any country has on record.

Panel 3 We see the same view and a voice coming from one of the people at the table.
Man 1 So what’s the worst we are looking at?

Panel 4 We see another man’s head, he’s balding and holding his glasses close to his face.
Bald Man Our best physicists are saying that a nuclear explosion of that magnitude would cripple every electronic device from southern Peru to northern Canada, if we are to assume that the other objects were the same both in size and yield we are looking at complete worldwide electronic meltdown.
Offscreen God help us.

Page 6 (1 Panel)

Panel 1 We see a man stepping in through the door way and we hear gun shots in the hall, the man is yelling.
CAP That was only the beginning.
Yelling man Protect the president we are under attack.

Pages 7 and 8 (full pages)

One image (taking up both pages) of a hallway we see from the perspective of someone looking down the hall from behind a row of soldiers. There are many people firing guns down the hallway towards the police and several men in the middle with bombs attached to them.
Soldier 1 Shoot the ones with the bombs first.
CAP But it was too late

Pages 9 and 10(full pages)

One image taking up both pages of the White House being rocked by massive explosions in both wings. There are bodies strewn over the White House grounds and what we can see of the cityscape to the sides is that buildings are on fire DC looks like a warzone.

Page 11 (2 panels)

Panel 1 We See a picture of the white house being rocked by an explosion, outside of it there are people everywhere, police cars with lights flashing.
CAP After the Whitehouse was destroyed, the orchestrators continued spreading dissent throughout the world.

Panel 2 We see another picture of the same situation in Ottawa the Parliament building lay in rubble bodies strewn everywhere.
CAP The faculties of reason gave way to the primal urge to simply survive. Others took this opportunity as carte blanche to do whatever they pleased.

Page 12 (2 Panels)

Panel 1 A picture of Paris in flames.
CAP People all over the world were left homeless and families were destroyed, with the governments all over completely destroyed people were left to their own devices.

Panel 2 Times square New York completely and utterly destroyed buildings smouldering.
CAP When that failed people looked to other means for help and support.

Page 13 (3 Panels divided triangularly)

Panel 1 Vatican city.
CAP Religious Leaders all over the world tried to bring comfort and hope to the people.

Panel 2 Mecca, we see thousands of people praying
CAP Other people just prayed to whatever god they believed in for their own salvation.

Panel 3 We see a man standing on a downtown street corner with a sandwich board that says THE END IS HERE.

Page 14 (Full Panel)

We see an orbital picture of the worlds skyline, with mushroom clouds blasting all over.
CAP Then came the final wave……

Page 15 (4 panels)

Panel 1 New York(destroyed)
CAP In the cities that were hit..the devastation was unimaginable.

Panel 2 London(Destroyed)
CAP Bodies lied strewn in the streets.

Panel 3 Ottawa (Destroyed)
CAP Buildings everywhere lay in rubble.

Panel 4 Washington DC (Destroyed)
CAP Survivors grabbed what they could and set out for any hope of civilization that still remained

Page 16 (4 panels tiled horizontally)

Panel 1 We see Toronto and it looks remarkable untouched, there is some devastation but nothing even remotely close to that in other cities around the world. Buildings still stand but windows are shattered etc.
CAP Not everywhere was hit with the attacks. People who were left were confused and disoriented.

Panel 2 We see a young Jason Lamy in his office sitting at his desk looking out over the city.
CAP Others were worried what would become of the world, as it seemed that there was no longer a government in place to protect them.

Panel 3 We see Jason Lamy in a board room talking to a large group of people.
Lamy What I propose Ladies and Gentleman is a chance tpo run the world out way, what I propose is a corporate government.

Panel 4 We see Cameron Macintosh as a child helping his father and a group of thugs empty out what is left of the Federal Reserve Bank in New York.
CAP Others However Had different ideas…

Page 17 (2 panels split diagonally)

Panel 1 Jason Lamy in an expensive suit posing wearing glasses.
CAP 1 Two men both with their own ideas of how the world should be.
CAP 2 One with the Idea of a Corporate Government that set up the city as a corporation with the cities residents as shareholders and board members.

Panel 2 Cameron’s Father sitting in a home office in front of a fireplace reading a blueprints with his son beside him taking notes
CAP 1 Another man with the idea that the world could only be run by one person…….
CAP 2 The person with the most money.
CAP 3 And he was determined for that to be him.

Page 18 (7 Panels)

Panel 1 This panel takes up the first row of the page. We see the city of Toronto only it is not the way we know it, vehichles are more streamlined and there are holographic maps, and digital imaging everywhere.
CAP 2055

Panel 2 We see a picture of a Keyboard and hands typing on it.

Panel 3 We see the picture of a screen, on the screen shows file access to Cloud 9 Industries employee register. We see what looks like and employee creation template and the person is clearly filling in the relevant information. We see the name Charles Anderson, some random address information, under salary it shows direct payment in the amount of 2 million Dollars to a numbered account.

Panel 4 We see the main character Lee Ash looking at the screen smiling.
CAP Let’s see Finn top this one.

Panel 5 We see Lee from behind in front of his entire computer setup, there are multiple screens(6 all mounted on a metal frame)There is also what looks like a large mainframe case to his left.

Panel 6 We see a close up shot of another screen it shows Grand Cayman national band and a deposit in the amount of 2 Million Dollars confirmed.

Panel 7 We see lee again from behind this time his hands are raised above his head.

Lee Now who’s the master Finn how do you like this one biznitch

Page 19 (5 Panels)

Panel 1 We see Lee’s bedroom lee is sleeping and daylight is creeping in through a slit in the curtain.

Panel 2 We see Lee’s face eyes half open from just waking up.

Panel 3 From Lee’s point of view we see 2 very large men standing over top of him.

Panel 4 Again from lee’s point of view we see a fist coming towards his face.

Panel 5 Black blank frame

Page 20 (4 Panels tiled horizontally)

Panel 1 From Lee’s point of view coming out of his daze(everything is a little fuzzy, you can barely make out the blond man sitting at the desk with the cityscape behind him.

Cameron Good Morning Mr. Ash..

Panel 2 Again from Lee’s point of view we see everything clearly now we are in Cameron’s office and we see a picture off to the right of Cameron’s father and himself as a child. We recognize them as the ones that robbed the Federal Reserve.

Cameron I am very sorry about my men they were instructed to bring you in unharmed.

Panel 3 From Cameron’s point of view looking across the desk at Lee.

Lee Yeah well you need to find better men, My niece hits me harder than that……. Who the hell are you anyways.

Panel 4 We See a side view now of the office with both Cameron and Lee facing each other.

Cameron My name is Cameron Warren, I am the guy who last night you tried to steal 2 Million dollars from.

Lee What do you mean tried from what I can tell I have the money and you don’t that implies success to me.

Page 21 (3 Panels)

Panel 1 We see a close up of Cameron’s face looking calm and refined.
Cameron Well you are going to give that back.

Panel 2 Lee’s face looking very angry….
Lee Now why the fuck would I do something that dumb.

Panel 3 A cigar being lit.
Cameron Because I, for lack of a better term. Have an offer that you can’t refuse.

Page 22 (4 Panels Tiled Horizontally)

Panel 1 Lee from Cameron’s Point of view.
Lee Excuse me?

Panel 2 Cameron From Lee’s point of view, this time puffing on a cigar.
Cameron Here’s the deal, I need someone who knows how hackers think and work to be the head of my network security department. I have checked your record you are a normal guy with an extraordinary talent, and my current team can just not as they say “Hack” it.

Panel 3 Lee from Cameron’s point of view.
Lee And you want me to make your systems what?.... hacker proof?... What about the 2 mil I stole?

Panel 4 Both Cameron and lee in the frame again.
Cameron Let’s Call it a signing bonus.
Lee and if I say no?
Cameron Well the you are looking at 15 very uncomfortable years in prison, look at it this way you can either be a slave in heaven.. or a star in Hell, you decide.

End of first issue.

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