Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1454638-The-eccentrics-of-a-young-lady
Rated: E · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1454638
This is the first chapter taken out of a novel I'm working on
The eccentrics of a young lady

”He was the only one attempting to give me freedom, rather than command me to obey” The lady said to herself as she sat gazing out the opened window, it was quite a pretty view as the summer was in full bloom and the backyard of the great estate was very much excellently tended to “Unlike Marcus, I am not saying allowing one freedom is a bad thing- rather that it is what is best suited for me” The woman in herself was not odd but the solitude she was addressing her thoughts to made a distinct odd impression.
She seemed oblivious to the splendour of the view presented to her or the gloominess of the room she was presently residing in, seemingly too deep embedded in her own world of thought.
“My disappointment lies in his inability to know me and my conduct- That the affliction between us is of such low understanding” She clutched the locket hanging from a fine sliver chain hard in her hand and closed her eyes for the briefest seconds “It is for me alarming considering the many years we have known each other” A second woman came in, though in no great haste but rather with a very determined stride. She paid no mind to the melancholic scene but approached unhesitatingly.
“Aurora, dear sister why in the world are you sitting sulking in this place? You know very well that this room is in the greatest need to be refurnished, the fabric and style is completely out of fashion! It will be quite impossible to receive a guest in this room!” Aurora wouldn’t normally listen over attentively to her elder sister’s speech as she now rarely spoke of nothing but her own engagement but this time her sister seemed to have something important to bespeak.
“Is there someone calling for me?” She said with a little surprise, it was not that everyone disliked her but that she was generally discarded as the younger more unattractive sister to a great beauty and something of an eccentric.
“Yes indeed there is, dear Char is requesting your presence most heartedly” Char or rather Lord Charmian LeBeau was very sensitive of his name and as usual Aurora had to stifle her laugh as she heard his name for it really did not suit him in the least and those who openly laughed at his unusual name and demeanor were always gravely sorry afterwards.
What was more she could not believe her sister to venture so far as to say he requested her presence as she knew very well how very cold and arrogant he was towards everyone and besides, she had hardly spoken to him in ages. They’d used to play as children, he’d been one of her brother’s male friends that she’d really liked, and in her young fantasies even loved but like everyone else he’d grown tired of her.
She’d even overheard him saying to his friends in later years when asked if he was engaged to her that she would never be nothing more than a sister as she lacked everything he sought in a wife.
At that time they never met anymore and when he came to see her brother she not wanting to cause uneasiness for anyone of bereave her brother of his valued friend kept away and gained a more cynical view of life. As she grew distant he’d grown cold and gained an arrogance she found scary in the person she’d though she’d known, he was no longer the boy she’d adored but a man in a position of power and not afraid to use it.
In no time they’d become strangers and she’d sought companionship elsewhere which her brother had ever so promptly taken away from her.
Naturally this would be yet another of her sister’s attempts to cheer her up, Cate was making her best to reconcile her and Markus without further damage their fragile but present peace, though in her heart Aurora knew she could not forgive her brother for interfering.
“Ah, he did? Well after I’ve chatted with my ‘so-called beau’ I am going to pick mushrooms in imagine-land with my best friend Mr. Unicorn” Her sister looked puzzled and stood like trying to comprehend the meaning of her speech, incredulously not catching her over-sarcastic tone.
That was why no one could ever fight with Cate, in short she was to slow and naïve to even notice the simplest things. Aurora would greatly have pitied Lord Ellington upon his poor taste in choosing her sister in which to all appearances could only have been her striking appearance but sadly or maybe luckily this was not the case.
He was just as dense as she when coming to wit and sense, though sometimes Aurora had a sneaky feeling he acted less intelligent than he was, in any case the fact remained they were truly well matched and would, she was sure, be a most happy couple once the whole business with the wedding was over and done with.
“What I mean is that Lord LeBeau could have no true wish to call upon me, by all means give him my regards but do not trouble me for trivial matters such as these” Cate tapped her foot stubbornly on the Persian carpet in plain frustration at her sister’s stubbornness.
“Aurora I am the older sister not the reverse! So once in awhile you should quit feeling so sorry for yourself and do as I say” Aurora who had previously turned her back on her sister and resumed to gaze unseeingly out the gardens looked up at her sister’s unusual determination and seriousness.
“Fine, I will wait upon his lordship but if I am unable to endure his company I will commit a faux pas and leave, as the so-called eccentric I am called” Cate, happy just to have persuaded her sister to leave the gloomy room, paid no heed whatsoever to what Aurora was saying and with a sigh of resignation she rose and left her comfortable seat and existed the room along beside Cate.

Upon entering the drawing room (need to mentioned more fashionably furnished) Aurora had braced herself for an insufferable hour spent not only in the company of a vain dandy with scary and intolerable manners but also her brother.
Markus in himself was usually kind and generous but for some unforeseen reason ever since their parents passed away he’d taken it upon himself to support and rule them with supreme authority.
In the end that had led Aurora to unhappiness and she found it in her nature easiest to blame her brother as he’d been the ultimate cause of it, she knew of course that he never wanted her to become unhappy but she found herself in that very state ever since the occurrence.
It had not been in her plan to make up with her brother and she was determined not to do so now, or later for that matter, until he had apologized in a most humble manner and allowed her the much-wanted freedom to do as she wished. Until such behaviour was shown and approved of she promptly intended to refuse any form of reconciliation.
So it was much to her surprise to find the drawing room without a sign of her brother’s presence and to both sisters’ surprise there was no sign of Lord LeBeau either.
“Where on earth could they have gone to without as much as a word to us?” Aurora mentally sighed at her sister’s denseness.
“Cate you forget that fetching me from the furthermost east wing, persuading me nonetheless, would have taken some time; most likely they have retired to the library for some scotch and snuff” Her brother was particularly fond of snuff and though Aurora couldn’t find it in her to approve of it or the obscene manner it was taken she was offended by the way Marcus had forbidden either of them to indulge in it. Cate had wanted to try some, and been most shockingly refused with a sternness that both sisters were both growing continually tired of.
“Well, well dear sister what should we do now, pray? Would it be to rude to intrude upon their haven?” Aurora would have liked nothing better but return to her peace and quiet but a little curious she wanted to find out why her brother had so obviously sent Cate away to distract her long enough so they could escape to talk privately.
“Dear sister we should not disturb they privacy, it would be most improper, don’t you think?” Aurora made her voice as angelic as she possibly could and her sister seemed to take to bait.
“Yes, yes I’m sure you are right it would be a most indecent thing to do” As Cate still seemed somewhat indecisive Aurora added to her lie.
“Yes and it would be most unnecessary as there are still so many things to attend to regarding the wedding, such things are not to be shunned you know…” Aurora saw the satisfying effect of her words as her sister grew serious and a rosy flush spread over her cheeks.
“Indeed you are correct, I can’t forgive myself for disregarding my dear Ellington! Sister please forgive me but I need to take my leave, what must you think of me!” Obviously depressed Aurora absentmindedly patted her arm.
“Come now sister, do not waste even more time dallying here” Cate smiled at her sister and after kissing her cheek she left the room with her usual grace and happy demeanour.
“That was far too easy” Aurora muttered to herself as she made way to the library tip-toeing quietly desperately hoping none of the servants would enter the hall and giving away her presence.
Seemingly she was lucky as she made her way unnoticed and even more luckily found that the library door was slightly ajar, quietly she leaned against the door and listened to the conversation.

“-I am sorry for that, you suffer because of my selfishness” It was Lord LeBeau speaking and though she could in no possible way comprehend the meaning she found he spoke more passionately than she’d ever heard him speak before.
“Nonsense Char, even if you are my friend I would never have gone that far had I not too disapproved” Marcus sounded slightly wary as he’d for some time tried to reassure his friend.
“But still you know of my feelings, can you under the circumstances approve of them, knowing all the facts as you do?” There was a slight pause as if Marcus was pondering the matter but the he spoke.
“I have known you all my life and I can do nothing but approve of you, that is not what worries me… I may approve of you but that doesn’t mean the battle is won, there is still a long way to go and you can’t force someone’s feelings and especially in women’s case it has to happen naturally” Obviously agitated Aurora heard Lord LeBeau’s heavy footsteps as he walked back and forwards, raking his fingers through his hair in great frustration.
“God I don’t want to make more trouble for you, I wish I could repress my own sentiments, forget your sister’s great beauty, her luminous eyes, I cannot bare to just stand and watch her slip out of my hands!” Greatly shocked Aurora took a deep breath, good god the man was in love with her sister and wanted to snatch her away just before her wedding with Lord Ellington!
Everything fit; they delicate way they eluded Cate so they could speak privately of what she should not know and the fact that Lord LeBeau had said three years ago she would be nothing but a sister to him! She would be a sister to him if he married Cate…
She covered her mouth with her hand and tried to catch more of their conversation to make absolute sure of what she’d heard.
“There, there chap! She’s my sister and though I love her dearly she is not the cleverest girl in the county” There, they were definitely talking about Cate, how could Marcus allow this to proceed? True Lord Ellington was not an overly sharp man in every sense but Cate loved him dearly!
“Even if I resent your words her beauty both bodily and spiritually would more than make up for any lack of wit” Marcus sighed as if he gave up, Aurora had known her brother were devoted to his friends but not to this extent and though Aurora could praise Lord LeBeau’s surprising steadfastness and passion in which he spoke of her sister that clearly gave away the pure love he felt for Cate, still she could not approve of it.
Her sister’s happiness depended upon her now and she was damned if she was going to allow her to be unhappy! With new determination Aurora forgot her own depression and with new source of life she walked away quietly thinking of the best ways and means to protect her innocent sister.

The following days Aurora stuck like glue to her sister and whenever Lord LeBeau came to call she was sure to be beside her sister and with wit and skill she found her successfully managing to avoid any communication on his part to be conveyed to her sister.
Aurora was a little worried though; as she could tell from Lord LeBeau’s actions he was getting more and more desperate as his apparent agitation grew visibly.

“Miss Aurora, Miss Cate Lord LeBeau has called upon you and is waiting in the second drawing room” The last thing Aurora remembered thinking before entering the drawing room was the gnawing doubt of what would actually happen. She pulled the door open.
© Copyright 2008 Aurora Delling (missbennet89 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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