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Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1448592
Updates about my life & my writing. I'll also post musings about the art & resource links.
Finally! I'm starting to utilize my blog to keep everyone updated on my status. I'll be posting news (personal and website-related), thoughts & musings, and occasionally links to other writing resources. Sometimes, I'll even post links to other sites that have inspired me; hopefully, it may inspire others, too.

I have found that most of my ideas come from 'out of the blue' when something 'strikes my fancy'. It could be an overheard phrase, a news story, an old sci-fi movie, or a simple statement read in a book.

For example, my latest inspiration came from a news article regarding excavation of an old archaeological site. The author quoted scientists who were explaining 'why' early man believed a certain way. It suddenly struck me that it was all supposition. How can we possibly know how early man felt? We ASSUME that his thought process and belief system is similar to our own, but our assumptions could be so far off-base that the truth is totally different. (I purposely left out the details of the assumption until after I post my story.)

A long time ago, I read an article in Reader's Digest. It was a story written by an archaeologist in the future who had dug up an ancient ruin (which happened to be a hotel from present day). The story detailed the process with which the scientists analyzed their findings. Their deductions were outrageous! Toilet seats were seen as elaborate neckbands, toothbrushes were shown dangling as earrings, rooms were communal living arrangements for a family, etc.

It was hilarious to look at our lives as people from the future would see them, but it also hit a chord with me - interpreting other people's lives from our point of view is not an accurate way of learning about them. Perhaps that "religious scroll" was comparable to our present day greeting cards - commonplace for the people at that time.
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September 2, 2009 at 3:17pm
September 2, 2009 at 3:17pm
I spent the last weekend at a campground with my best friends. I will be returning this coming weekend for four more days - I can't wait!!!

I'm not sure if I'll get much writing done while I'm there. Both cell phone and internet access are very limited & only available in certain areas of the campground. And, of course, electrical power is only provided in the common areas. I probably won't have my laptop with me most of the time, so any writing will be done by hand (to be transferred later).

July 1, 2009 at 4:24pm
July 1, 2009 at 4:24pm
I have moved my blog to my website: www.XanderRiley.net/blog

I will only use the blog feature on Writing.Com for announcements pertaining to this site - contests, portfolio updates, major news, etc.
April 11, 2009 at 3:30pm
April 11, 2009 at 3:30pm
Sorry that I haven't been updating very often, but things have been hectic in my personal life. I have three friends who have been hospitalized - one had open heart surgery & one of her lungs "blew a hole out", another has had one knee replaced and is going back for the second knee replacement, the third has had three back surgeries in the last 6 months. All of this is in addition to my own family and personal problems (which I won't go into right now).

I have not been writing as much recently. Well, I've been writing, but nothing worth posting. Most of my work over the past couple of months is only rough draft form for future stories and poems. I have written a couple of poems to use on my bookmarks, but have not posted them for public view yet (and I won't until I'm completely happy with them).

Speaking of my bookmarks, they have been receiving praise. I am entered in a craft show later this year. I'll be selling my bookmarks & plaques, some craft items, and (hopefully) my self-published books of short stories and poetry. For some reason, my writing gets higher praise from the older crowd. That has caused me to shift my writing into a new direction to accommodate them, while still continuing my preferred format of writing. After all, the main reason to write is to express yourself. Not simply to please the masses. Right?

I'm still looking for a job. That takes up a lot of my time with interviews, job fairs, etc. However, I have an ex-coworker who is starting an internet business - she wants me to contract with her for assignments. My ex-boss is considering opening his own dealership, too. He has always wanted me to work with him again, so I am anxiously awaiting news on that front.

It's been rough to keep up with everything. But I am still maintaining my membership on WDC, my website, and my other memberships. I've even kept up with my reviewing on WDC. My website is going through some major format changes in the upcoming weeks. I have been working on some thoughts to improve maneuverability and presentation.

One last item: if anyone who reads this knows of a market for bookmarks or greeting cards, please let me know. Also, if you know of any NON-SCAM writing jobs that you think I might be capable of handling, please forward any information to me.

Keep writing. Keep reading. Keep smiling!

Xander Riley
January 3, 2009 at 2:37pm
January 3, 2009 at 2:37pm
The holidays have been a busy time for me. I haven't been able to much writing for a while and my website needs to be updated again. Things should calm down in the next couple of weeks so I can get back on track.

I've been working on an expanded version of Timeless Treasures and a sequel to Spy-In-Training. There are also a few poems that I am working on, but nothing is complete yet.

Tonight I will be updating my website again - removing the Christmas decor and adding some new links.
November 17, 2008 at 4:08pm
November 17, 2008 at 4:08pm
Timeless Treasures was submitted for a magazine contest and Spy-In-Training was entered in a contest on another site. I've also added The Stage of Life and Ho, Ho, Ho! to my portfolio.

Currently, I am working on five new poems for various contests and a new short story, in addition to continuing on my novels.

My family is expecting a lot of company for the holiday season, so I may not have much new material over the next two months. However, you never know ... I may end up brainstorming and posting a lot since I'll have more new experiences to draw from!
November 2, 2008 at 1:48am
November 2, 2008 at 1:48am
I finally received my laptop back from HP (repaired!). It has taken a long time to get all my data re-synced between my external hard drives, the new PC, and my laptop.

My website has taken a lot of my free time, also. I am currently changing the decor from Halloween to Thanksgiving. I've also added a couple new items to my portfolio. There's not a whole lot of activity on the site yet, only a few feedback responses and a lot of spam.

I have been "accepted" into the Amazon Associate program. I am not affiliated with Amazon in any form except that I have been allowed to offer a specialized store on my site for writing resources - books, software, CDs, DVDs. This portion is still a "work in progress", but it is operating smoothly at this time.

My Fictitious Name License finally arrived, so I am legally Xander Riley now (as a pen name). Bookmarks and greeting cards are being printed for sale (with my poetry) - I already have a couple stores willing to consider displaying them.
October 2, 2008 at 2:34am
October 2, 2008 at 2:34am
I still do not have my laptop repaired - HP is still delaying the date. The motherboard must be replaced - it was custom built. So, I am still working on a new PC without all my files and programs.

I have been researching self-publishing companies and working on promoting both my writing and my website.

And, with all the other life issues going on, I had a close family member hospitalized this week. The emergency surgery was successful and all is now well. I only bring this up because it pulled me away from my writing for a while.

I have posted two new items in my portfolio: a traditional poem entitled The Mystic Hole and four short acrostic poems for the word BINGO.

My website http://www.XanderRiley.net is up and running great. I added to separate sub-domains to it.
1. The public site contains only a few of my poems.
2. The Members site contains the remainder of my poetry and all of my short stories.
3. The Preferred Members site contains my novels (still in progress).

The Members site is password protected to keep the general public from stealing any of my work or ideas. I will gladly provide the password to any Writing.com author, if requested. However, it contains the same work I have posted here - only there is a little more detail about the writing and a picture or two posted.

The Preferred Members site is also password protected. It contains my books that are still in progress. I will only divulge the password to certain people - Kat (my Rising Star Sponsor), Don Prescott (who has helped with reviewing my stories), my friends and family (for reviewing & editing purposes), and any agents or publishers who show interest in my work. If there are any experienced authors on W.C who wish to provide help &/or support, please let me know - I will seriously consider expanding my review & support base!

Until next time,
September 19, 2008 at 2:49pm
September 19, 2008 at 2:49pm
It's been a really long couple of weeks for me.

My laptop died on Sept 6 and wouldn't start at all. I had to send it back to HP for repairs - they still have it. They promised I would have it back on 09/13. Then they said 09/16, then 09/22, and now they're telling me it won't be ready until 10/14!

Needless to say, I can't survive without a computer. My entire life is on that little box - everything from banking & bills to my writing to my work. I purchased a new desktop PC to act as a replacement in the meantime and as a backup when I get the laptop back. The past few days have been hectic as I've been installing all my software, restoring my bookmarks, responding to literally 450 e-mails, and re-registering every program I own.

Now that I'm back in business, it's time to start writing again!
September 8, 2008 at 9:41pm
September 8, 2008 at 9:41pm
My laptop died this past weekend. It won't start at all. I only have internet access via my cell phone - slow and limited.

I am waiting for a package to ship it back to HP for repairs - luckily, it's under waranty!

So, please be patient if you are trying to reach me. I should have it back either this coming weekend or early next week.
September 1, 2008 at 3:21am
September 1, 2008 at 3:21am
These are a few of the articles I read on Science Daily that could be used as inspiration for stories. Since it is a Scientific website, the news they post can fit into almost any genre: Crime, Mystery, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror, etc.

Maybe you created a world without electricity - their cars are powered by wind. Their buildings could be grown organically. Perhaps it is a world where Neanderthals evolved over Homo Sapiens...

Enjoy. Be inspired. Write on!

Article - Fingerprint Analysis Technique Could Be Used To Identify Bombmakers
ScienceDaily (2008-08-27) -- University of Leicester experts have held discussions with military personnel in Afghanistan following the discovery of new technology to identify fingerprints on metal.

Article - Wind-powered ’Ventomobile’ Places First in Race
ScienceDaily (2008-08-28) -- The solely wind-driven Ventomobile constructed by a team of students in aerospace engineering came in first at the Aeolus Race in the Dutch town of Den Helder last Friday. Racing the extremely stylish and lightweight three-wheeler, the vehicles of five European universities and research centres had difficulties to catch up.

Article - Arctic Ice On Verge Of Another All-time Low
ScienceDaily (Aug. 28, 2008) — Following last summer's record minimum ice cover in the Arctic, current observations from ESA's Envisat satellite suggest that the extent of polar sea-ice may again shrink to a level very close to that of last year.
ScienceDaily. Retrieved August 31, 2008, from {link:ScienceDaily.com­ /releases/2008/08/080828120314.htm}

Article - New Evidence Debunks ’Stupid’ Neanderthal Myth
ScienceDaily (Aug. 26, 2008) — Research by UK and American scientists has struck another blow to the theory that Neanderthals (Homo neanderthalensis) became extinct because they were less intelligent than our ancestors (Homo sapiens). The research team has shown that early stone tool technologies developed by our species, Homo sapiens, were no more efficient than those used by Neanderthals.
ScienceDaily. Retrieved August 31, 2008, from {link:http://www.sciencedaily.com­ /releases/2008/08/080825203924.htm}

Eco-architecture Could Produce ’Grow Your Own’ Homes
ScienceDaily (Aug. 21, 2008) — A bus stop that grows its own foliage as shade? A children's playground, made entirely from trees? A shelter made from living tree roots that could provide natural protection against earthquakes in California?

"Eco-architecture" may sound like a Buck Rogers vision of an ecologically-sustainable future, but that future is now thanks to the guidance of Tel Aviv University Professors Yoav Waisel and Amram Eshel. The concept of shaping living trees into useful objects ­­­­ known as tree shaping, arborsculpture, living art or pooktre isn't new. But scientists are now ready to use this concept as the foundation of a new company that will roll out these structures worldwide.

Pilot projects now underway in the United States, Australia and Israel include park benches for hospitals, playground structures, streetlamps and gates. "The approach is a new application of the well-known botanical phenomenon of aerial root development," says Prof. Eshel. "Instead of using plant branches, this patented approach takes malleable roots and shapes them into useful objects for indoors and out."

ScienceDaily. Retrieved August 31, 2008, from {link:http://www.sciencedaily.com­ /releases/2008/08/080821164300.htm}

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