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by Nal
Rated: 13+ · Other · Romance/Love · #1443807
How can you fall in love with someone you thought you hated....
(if you want to understand this story, then it's best if you read the first part of this story! =) thank you)

Devon opened his eyes widely when he heard a scream and he quickly looked at the clock: 4:37. He listened harder and quickly jumped out of his bed when he realized it was Elisabeth. He quickly ran to the door and opened it. He saw Elisabeth tossing and turning in her bed, she was definitely having a bad dream. Devon let out a sigh of relief and walked over to her.

“Sssh, Elisabeth…it’s alright…you’re dreaming.”

She was now just lying there quietly, but her eyes were slowly opening. When she opened them fully and saw him, she let out a scream. He quickly backed away in surprise, but tripped and fell back to the ground also bumping his head against a closet. Devon cursed and raised his hand and rubbed the back of his head in pain. Elisabeth looked from him to the rest of the room.

“Where the Hell am I and what the Hell are you doing here??!!”

He stood up and he was about to speak, but she interrupted him. He watched her stare at him and gasp.

“You’re….you’re just in your boxers…”

: Elisabeth let out while staring at them.

“I didn’t rape you, if that’s what you mean…”

“Where’s Cindy???…”

“That’s what I’m trying to tell you, Elisabeth, now are you gonna let me speak or not????”

Elisabeth: “Fine!”

Devon let out a sigh and sat down in a chair by the window while burying his face in his hands. He then looked at her.

“Your friend Cindy, got herself drunk. She’s at Damion’s house, fast asleep. Damion told me he didn’t have any place for you to sleep so he forced me to take you with me to my house.”

Elisabeth: “Your house???? What about my brother????”

Devon stood up.

“You of all people should know that he’s out to some club or

“Well, I’m not staying here any longer then I already have.”

She was already stepping out of the bed.

“I don’t like this any more then you do, Elisabeth! I’d even like it better if you just went with that drunk, Brendan, but no! Damion had to have someone who could drive, so he needed someone who was more sober, so no Brendan, no he had to choose me! If you go outside now, where will it leave you?? You don’t know where you are, it’s really dark outside with strange people walking around just waiting to rape you, you have no phone with you, so you won’t be able to reach anyone….In a few hours when it’s bright daylight I could give you a ride and you could lead me to your house, so I can drop you off. And that’ll be the end of it.”

“You’re insane.”

“I know. Letting you into my house and all is pretty insane.”

“Just shut up! You didn’t have to bring me here!”

“I didn’t have much choice, Elisabeth!”

“You could’ve just said,…no!”

“Yeah well, I’m human, so shoot me!”

“You could’ve fooled me and I’d gladly shoot you.”

“I’m gonna ignore that…there’s the bathroom, that door leads to the hallway and that door leads to my bedroom. Bye!”

Elisabeth walked over to the bathroom and Devon groaned as he went back into his own room and slammed the door behind him. He jumped into his bed in anger and just closed his eyes while trying to forget this all happened to him. Elisabeth cleaned her face and tried to do her hair without a brush. For a guy this bathroom seemed pretty tidy. She decided she’d leave unnoticed when it was light enough. She had more than enough from that stupid asshole!


It was the right time to leave and she quietly opened her bedroom door that lead to the hallway and she softly went down the stairs. She didn’t hear anything, so she figured he was still asleep. Luckily she was right and she could leave the house in silence. She may not have a clue where she is, but she’d find her way home in the light of the sun. It took her a while, but she arrived at her house and she was just opening the door when she bumped into Mark.

“Hey, I thought you were in your room?? Where did you come from?”


Elisabeth just ran up to her room and jumped on her bed. Mark was right behind her.

“You were with a boy?”

“In a matter of speaking, yes.”

: Elisabeth murmured.

“Then what’s wrong?? Did he hurt you?!”

“No, Mark….we didn’t do anything. We don’t even like each other that way…Urg, God no!”

“Then where the Hell were you??”

“It’s a long story, Mark….and to make a long story short, I was at Devon’s house.”

Mark suddenly started laughing.

“Devon’s house?? But you’re practically enemies.”

“I was just sleeping there Mark, as you could have guessed, Cindy was drunk and there for couldn’t give me a ride back home. I was sleeping when Damion supposedly left me over to Devon.”

“Ha, ha, this is gonna be all over school tomorrow.”

“But only we know…how can…”

“Oh I already knew you were at his place, I just didn’t believe it. Cindy told me all about it.”

“She and Damion??”

“Yeah, I think they’re an item now.”
“And she leaves me to Devon?? I can’t believe this!”

“And I even thought she liked Devon, you would have thought that you had spent the night at Damion’s place and she at Devon’s.”

“Stop reminding me! You’re right, knowing Cindy well, she can’t keep anything quiet.”

Mark: “This is gonna be great! I wonder how Rachel’s gonna react….”


“Elisabeth was where??!!”

Rachel was with her friends and one of them was telling her the news. Unfortunately for Devon, he was nearby as well. Rachel turned to him with an angry glare.

“She was only sleeping there in the spare bedroom, Rachel, it’s not like she and I would ever do anything.”

“What was she doing there in the first place??!!”

“She…ya know…I hate her…Damion help me out here!”

Damion appeared next to him.

“I didn’t have place in my house for her to spend the night so I asked Devon….”

Forced me.”

“...I asked him to take her to his house so she could sleep there. She was out cold when he brought her.”

“He could have just said no!!”

: Rachel yelled and just walked away in anger, followed by her friends. Devon groaned.

“Fuck it.”

“She’s not gonna talk to you for ages.”

“Well good riddens.”

Elisabeth was irritated as she walked away from Cindy who was asking stupid questions about how it was with Devon.

“You know I don’t fucking like him, Cindy! Now will you cut it out! This whole thing is your fault!”

“Well, at least one of us got the better side in this.”

“Yeez, thanks for being so understanding!”

They were just turning around a corner when they both saw Devon and Damion in discussion, they could only guess about what! Devon just turned his head and when he saw Elisabeth he started walking up to her in anger.

“You!!!! I could fucking strangle you!!”

Elisabeth just looked up at him.

“You are such a fucking bitch! You just left without a word, you could have been fucking raped by some weird freak! I told you I was gonna be able to give you a ride, but NO you choose the rapist before me! If Damion hadn’t told me you were already at your friggin house, I would have called the fucking police!”

: Devon let out in anger. Elisabeth just stared at him surprised, really surprised that he was even worried, but she quickly snapped out of it.

“It was already pretty light, Devon! You’re exaggerating!”

Elisabeth started walking away, this was starting to be too big of a scene.

“Fuck you!!”

: Devon turned the other way and walked away furiously. Cindy looked at Damion and he stared back at her.

“What just happened?”

“I have no idea. You’d better follow her.”

Damion watched Cindy go after Elisabeth and Damion walked away to find Devon. He was at his locker grabbing some stuff. He slammed his locker closed and turned to Damion.

“Not even a thank you huh?! Ungrateful little bitch!”

“The way things look now, it looks pretty bad for you.”

“For me????”

“You like her.”

“Haven’t you heard anything I said?? Elisabeth equals bitch! She fucking irritates me!”

Damion: “And you like it.”

Devon just stared at him in disbelief and kept quiet for a moment to let it sink in... nope didn’t feel any different.

“That Cindy has gone to your head.”

“Partly true, but that’s not the point. The way you were acting wasn’t the way you are usually towards her.”

“Don’t start this bullshit on me now, Damion! You’re supposed to back me up! This whole thing is your fault!”

“Look at it from the bright side. I’m now with Cindy.”

Devon let out a groan of irritation.

“That’s nice, Damion! Real nice!”


Elisabeth was at the toilet together with Cindy standing in front of the mirror. Elisabeth was washing her hands.

“He’s making such a fuss about all of this! Exaggerating, really!! I don’t know why he’s acting so stupid anyway, oh wait, he always acts stupid….”

“Did you ever thank him for letting you spend the night there?”

Elisabeth suddenly just stared at her and then bit her lip.

“Ehm, no actually.”

“Maybe that explains it partly. You did sound a little ungrateful.”

Elisabeth: “Really?? But I can’t thank him, it’ll be like going on my knees before him…like Hell I’m ever gonna do that! Especially not in front of everyone here! He’d abuse it! I know how he is, that asshole!”

“You could have been on the streets if it wasn’t for him.”

“Well how was I supposed to react??!! I wake up in a bed and see him just in his boxers leaning over me, what, should I have said: hey how ya doin?? Or….”

“He was just in his boxers?? Woo!”

Elisabeth right away realized she shouldn’t have said that.

“Don’t you dare gossip this around, Cindy! I swear we won’t hold on as friends if you keep this up.”

“I won’t, I won’t, it’s just so weird to hear that you were with him and he was in his boxers in a bedroom with you on the bed.”

“He wasn’t with me on the bed! You’re changing it all!”

“Oh well, we’re drifting off here….the point still stands that you owe him a thank you and an apology.”

“I owe him shit!”

Cindy gave her a look and Elisabeth stubbornly looked away from her.

“Alright, alright…I’ll think of something.”

The whole day in every class, Devon hadn’t said a word. He was just cranky and talking to his friends. All of his friends kept on asking about him and Elisabeth, which irritated him completely.


“Damion, I’m gonna get you for this.”

“Okay guys, leave Devon alone. He’s still with Rachel ya know….well sort of.”

Because Elisabeth wasn’t that popular and known to everyone she wasn’t bothered that much by girls, just by the looks they were giving, which Elisabeth didn’t care about. Only Cindy once in a while mentioned something about it, but mostly she just spoke about her Damion. Elisabeth looked back at Devon who was crowded by his male friends, some female, who were asking questions, saying things about…her and what the deal was with Rachel. They are all very nosy when it comes to the popular guy of the school. Devon groaned and buried his face in his hands. He was really getting sick of it! Please let the day pass!!: Devon thought to himself.


After two days people weren’t really talking about them anymore. It was like a gossip that just started to fade. Elisabeth’s conscience however wasn’t getting any better. She still hadn’t said sorry to her enemy and thank you! This was hard! This was going against her pride and stuff. And he would smash her like an insect like he tried to do every day. It was Wednesday and Elisabeth decided she didn’t want to thank him at school. Then everyone would see and he’d surely squash her. No she had to do it some other way.

“Should I just send an instant message or something, Mark has his number.”

“Just go over to his house and say it then and then turn around and walk away.”

“You’re right, that’s exactly what I’m gonna do.”


So now it was Wednesday evening, about 9 o’ clock and she was walking on the street on her way to his house. It wasn’t dark yet, so she had the perfect timing. She was just hoping that Rachel wasn’t there, cause if she was, then Elisabeth would truly make a fool of herself. Damion said they still weren’t talking and he saw Rachel with some other guy as well, which Devon probably didn’t know about. Then again, he had a new girl every week. She saw his house and it looked pretty quiet. She only saw a few lights burning. Elisabeth walked up to the house and hesitated for a moment. What are you doing, Elisabeth?: she thought to herself. Come on you’ve come this far!: she thought to herself again and pushed the button of the bell. She heard a soft ringing inside in a tune and she vaguely saw someone come to the door. The door slowly opened and Devon appeared in the doorway. He stared at her, first in surprise, but then with a raised brow.

“Oh it’s you…”

: Devon just said and gave an annoyed look. He just turned around and walked away while leaving the door open. Elisabeth just stared at the slightly opened door.

Elisabeth: “Devon??”

: Elisabeth said while hesitating whether to go in or not. She slowly went inside and closed the door behind her. She walked inside and already pretty much knew where everything was, cause last time she kind of had trouble finding the front door. She saw a light come from the living room. As she slowly stepped inside she saw Devon lie on the couch all comfy with his eyes closed. When she already stood there for about a minute she started to think that he was asleep, but then he spoke.

“I’m tired of all those people I call my friends, whining on my head constantly! They wanna know everything, absolutely everything!”

He sat up and brushed his hand through his hair.

“So if you’re here to whine, I’m not in the mood!”

Elisabeth was about to make an evil comment like she usually did, but instead she closed her eyes for a moment, trying to figure out how she was going to do this. She thought it through a hundred times and still it seemed that it was stupid or not good enough. She opened her eyes again and he was just staring at her with an amused look.

“And, don’t you have anything to say? No lame comment?”

“Just shut up, I’m trying to think here.”

Devon leaned back and spread his arms over the back of the couch on each side.

“Sure, take your time. It’s not like this is my house or that I have a life.”

This was getting harder and harder for her, because his attitude was so damn arrogant!

“Alright! Alright!”

He leaned forwards to look closer at her, waiting for what she was going to say.

“Ehm,….I just wanted to say that…..I’m sorry for acting like I was ungrateful and that I actually am thankful for the fact that you let me spend the night here. And maybe I shouldn’t have left in such haste and maybe I should have let you know that I was leaving.”

She was soo gonna wash her mouth after this. She was looking somewhere else when she said this and when she turned her gaze to him she only saw him grinning at her.

“Well, well, well…I never thought I’d hear you apologize to me or thank me for that matter.”

He suddenly started laughing,

“Ha, ha, wait till everybody at school hears about this. They’re not gonna believe me! You came to my house to apologize!”

He continued laughing, but Elisabeth just gave him a dirty look.

“I knew I shouldn’t have done this!”

: Elisabeth said while turning around to leave.

“I was just kidding!”

: Elisabeth heard from behind her. Before she could even leave the living room he blocked her way.

“I appreciate you apologizing to me, cause yeah, you were acting pretty ungrateful.”

“Yeah well, I’m sorry, but it’s not every day that I wake up with you half naked in a bedroom with me.”

“Ha, ha, but you thought I raped you. I never take a woman unwilling in my bed.”

“Oh come on, you have to admit that it looked pretty weird.”

“True, but if we had made love, believe me, you would have remembered.”

“Oh please, you are so full of yourself.”

“Well, so are you, walking around in school, looking around like you just won the world’s sexiest woman award.”

Devon started walking around as if he was a woman. She looked at him in disbelief.

“As if!”

“As if!”

: He repeated in a girlish voice.

“Well you walk around like yourself, in this case a player asshole. ‘Oh I have a different girl every week and I think Rachel doesn’t know.’”

: Elisabeth pretended to be him. He quickly stood still.

“Hey, they come to me!”

“’Yes, they all think I’m sexy and handsome, my attitude attracts them.’”

: She pretended to be him again.

“Well, what if I kissed you?”

Elisabeth raised a mocking brow at him.

“Let’s not start that bullshit, shall we Devon?”

“Why not?”

“Have you forgotten who I am?? What we are for each other??”

“I haven’t forgotten….if you don’t like it, you can always tell me, then I’ll stop. I’ve never forced anyone and I’ll never start either.”

“Wait till everyone at school hears this! Devon Vance is hitting on me! Sheesh!”

“Ha, that’s funny.”


“Well, you were kidding right?”

There was a sudden hint of concern. Elisabeth grinned wickedly.

“Oh I dunno….maybe. How much are you willing to give so I won’t tell?”

He dropped himself on the couch and sighed.

“I’m being blackmailed by a friggin woman.”

“Maybe I’ll spare you….”

“You’re teasing me.”

“It’s fun to see you helpless.”

“You like me.”

She raised a brow at him.

“Okay you’re making no sense, I think it may be getting past your bedtime.”

Devon suddenly stood up.

“I agree.”

“What are you doing?”

“I’m going to kiss you.”


“Because I want to…”

Devon covered her mouth with his and kissed her gently, softly making her mouth open to give him entrance. He softly took her hands and placed them over his neck as he dropped his hands to her waist. He was caressing her with his hands as he let her mouth take control of the kiss. A moan escaped her throat and it made him smile during the kiss. He broke the kiss slowly making his way down her neck and whispering to her.

“Tell me you want me too, Elisabeth.”

Her eyes were closed as he kissed her neck and caressed it with his tong. Another moan escaped her throat only this time a little louder, as if she was slowly giving in to him.

“I…I want …you.”

: Elisabeth let out in a whisper. She found her hands wandering over his body and Devon couldn’t stop a groan from escaping him. She was really slowly giving in and playing with him. She pushed him on the couch, making him groan in pleasure as she placed her hand between his legs. He looked up at her with desire in his eyes and Elisabeth could not resist but take his mouth in a passionate kiss again while rubbing in between his legs. She could feel it harden under her hand and she continued moving to make him groan even more. She could feel that his breathing had quickened, desire sweeping them away. He was caressing her everywhere and placed his hand in between her legs as well, to make her moan against his lips. She was already starting to pull on his shirt, but he placed his hand on hers to stop her. Elisabeth felt a sudden surge of disappointment and embarrassment, but Devon pushed it aside by whispering:

“No…not here, Elisabeth….I….want it to be special.”

He took her mouth and made her swing her arms around his neck. He placed each leg on one side of him and pulled her up against him. Elisabeth moaned at the feeling of him against her inner thighs. He slowly went up the stairs while kissing her. She moved with her hips against him and heard him groan. He opened the door of his bedroom and closed it behind them as he placed her on the bed. He was moving against her to put more pressure on her inner thighs and moved his hands over her body to remove her top. When she was working on his pants he removed his shirt and quickly removed his trousers as well. Eventually they had nothing on anymore and Elisabeth was touching his body eagerly. He slipped on a condom and slowly entered her. She moaned at the feel of him in her and arched her back to give him full entrance. He started moving against her, making circle movements as he went in and out of her. They were groaning in pleasure as he watched her enjoy it. She swung her legs around him to make him go even deeper and he let out a groan of pleasure and he started moving faster and faster.

“Ah Elisabeth….”

: Devon was whispering against her lips. He went even faster to make sure she would come. He continued moving and it seemed like it took ages before they would eventually come. Elisabeth came first and she moaned out:


He went further till he came as well and he dropped himself next to her in exhaustion. He pulled her against him and took her in a warm embrace.


: Devon whispered.


It was an early Thursday morning and it was raining outside. Rachel was at Devon’s house and she opened the door with Devon’s spare key, which he always hid in a statue in his front garden. She went inside and immediately had the feeling that there was something wrong. This feeling was caused by a jacket that was lying on the ground in the living room. She slowly walked up the stairs and peeked into the spare bedroom, but there was no one. She then peeked into Devon’s room and saw him in his bed together with Elisabeth.

“That bitch!”

: Rachel said to herself while leaving the house.

“She’s not gonna steal my boyfriend.”


Elisabeth slowly opened her eyes and looked at Devon for a moment. He was holding her and he was lying on the bed facing her. He was still asleep. She placed a kiss on his lips and when she kissed him again she could feel his arms tighten around her as he kissed her back. Elisabeth looked passed him to his clock: 7:57. Elisabeth quickly sat up while staring at it in shock.

“Devon, the time!!”

He turned to the clock and then back to her.

“What about it?”


“Shit, it’s Thursday!!”

Elisabeth quickly stepped out of the bed and started putting her clothes on. Devon just watched her, but later on followed her example. Elisabeth quickly went to the bathroom and when she was finished she found Devon in the kitchen.

“Oh, we’re surely gonna be late!”

Devon laughed at her attitude and turned to her with a charming smile.

“Devon, we can’t both be late. They’ll start talking.”

Devon raised a brow at her for a moment.

“Fine. I’ll skip first class.”

Elisabeth quickly grabbed her jacket.

“Okay thanks, I’ll see you at school!!”

Elisabeth opened the front door and went out. She walked away and for a moment she looked back and saw Devon standing in the doorway. He waved at her once and she gave a little wave back while giving a smile. It means nothing, Elisabeth, he has a different girl every week: Elisabeth thought to herself. She arrived at school and ran to her class. Luckily the bell had just rung, so she wasn’t in trouble. She just hoped he wouldn’t get in trouble either. She sat next to Cindy.

“You’re starting to have a pretty bad habit.”

“He, he, I know.”

Elisabeth turned around to look at Devon’s empty seat for a second.

“You’re in luck, Liz, Vance isn’t here.”

“Oh, yeah, thank you God for sparing me this one hour of sanity.”

Cindy and Kevin both laughed.

“Well, it’s not the first time he skips classes. He’s probably with some girl.”

Elisabeth suddenly felt strange inside. No it’s not jealousy!! Brendan joined them in laughter. Anything bad that was said about Devon made Brendan laugh.

“Elisabeth, can I talk to you after class?”

“Yeah of course.”

The hour went by slowly, but it wasn’t as if she really wanted to talk to Brendan. Not after that incident. After class in the hallway she was walking to her next class next to Brendan.

“I know you’ve had a rough time and all, but I just wanted to apologize for what I did at the party.”

“Apology accepted, Brendan.”


Elisabeth laughed as she entered the classroom and sat in her usual spot. She didn’t see Devon yet. He was one of the last persons who came in.

“You missed first class, Devon, rough night?”

: Brendan said mockingly. Devon just gave him a cold look.

“Fuck you, Brendan. I guess your hand wasn’t satisfying enough yesterday.”

: Devon just replied as he walked to his seat. Everyone was laughing in the class and even though some felt sorry for Brendan, they couldn’t hide a smile. Elisabeth just tried to ignore the joke and turned to Cindy who was talking about Damion. Just all of a sudden Cindy changed the subject.

“So did you apologize yesterday and say thanks?”

“Eh yeah I did.”

“And how did he respond?”

“Well, he was surprised I guess. I mean I showed up at his house to apologize. He even said he was gonna tell everyone at school. I hope he was joking.”

“He said that?? Oh he is so mean!”

“Who’s mean?”

“Oh, Devon. He was threatening Liz about something.”

“He threatened her??!!”

“Not in the way you think Brendan!”

Brendan ignored her comment and he turned around to where Devon was sitting. Brendan gave him an angry look.
“Don’t you ever threaten, Liz, I swear I will beat the crap out of you!”

Mr. Dangle:

“Me, threatening her??? Even if I did you can’t stop me!”

“Maybe not, but you’ll end up in pieces anyway.”

“Ha! I’d like to see you try!”

Mr. Dangle:
“The both of you get out!!!”

Devon stood up in anger and just grabbed his bag as he left the classroom.

Mr. Dangle:
“You too, Brendan!”

Brendan just easily grabbed his bag as well and left the classroom

Elisabeth groaned in dismay. What an idiots! The time went by fast and the other classes weren’t all too different from that second class. Brendan and Devon were practically on top of each other, when Devon hadn’t even done anything. Elisabeth tried to say it and she said it a hundred times, but it looked like Brendan was only searching for a reason to fight Devon. Lunch started and Cindy left Elisabeth to go to Damion. They were really in love and Elisabeth was a little jealous of them. She was getting sick of Brendan and Kevin, who were just laughing all the time. Jessica and Cole were just making out somewhere… She decided to already grab her books from her locker, so she took her bag, said goodbye and went through the halls to her locker. When she just closed it she saw Devon alone in the halls as well.


: Elisabeth said as she looked at him. She was about to smile, but she choose not to when he just passed her.


: He just said. She watched him in disbelief.


: She let out and he stopped and turned around to her.

“What do you want?”

Elisabeth suddenly felt a little hollow.

“Why are you acting this way?”

His face suddenly showed anger.

“Acting what way?! You’re acting! You’re the one who’s so eager to forget, telling all your friends things like I’ve been threatening you! You pretend like nothing happened, well I can act as well! I can….”

They both saw Mark and few of his friends come into the hallway. Damion was now with them too.

“Take that fucking Brendan off my back!”

: Devon said and Elisabeth knew he said that because of the people who had just entered the hallway. Devon walked away, even from his friends. A few boys passed her, but Mark and Damion stood by her, cause Mark spoke to her.

“Where were you yesterday?? I convinced mom and dad that you were at a friend’s house, but I know you weren’t, were you?”

Damion looked at her with a grin on his face.

“I don’t wanna talk about it.”


: Mark yelled as Elisabeth walked away. Mark turned to Damion with a confused look.

“Something must have happened.”

“I wonder where she was. You might be right. So I guess Brendan is being a pain in the ass to Devon.”

“Apparently. I’ll talk to Cindy, she might know what’s going on.”

They both walked away and Damion purposely walked over to his other mates who were all annoyed by Devon’s attitude. Damion quickly joined into the conversation and found out his other friends were right. Devon was definitely acting like an irritated asshole.

“What’s wrong with you?”


: Devon just answered while turning away from Damion’s questioning gaze.

“What, was Rachel whining on your head again?”

Devon grinned at this, knowing that Damion was saying it to cheer him up.

“No, I didn’t whine on his head again.”

Devon laughed as Damion gave her an apologetic look. Rachel turned to Devon and he just looked at her for a moment.

“You’re not angry anymore?”

“No, of course not, baby.”

Damion just rolled his eyes when Rachel leaned forwards to kiss Devon.

“Get a room!”

Before Rachel could even give him a kiss, Devon turned to look at Brendan who just passed.

“Why don’t you go kiss Elisabeth again, so she can diss you!”

The bell rang and Brendan gave him an evil glare as he left.

“Come on, we’ve got class.”

Rachel just stared at him for a moment, but then just followed him to class.


It was almost the end of the day and Damion was waiting up for Cindy. Cindy ran to him and jumped in his arms. Damion was laughing as he held her.

“Hey Cindy.”

“Hey handsome!”

Damion grinned at her as they both walked home. Damion and Cindy were both holding hands.

“So, Liz finally apologized to Devon. Honestly I couldn’t really believe she did it. I mean, he could be such an ass to her all the time.”

“She apologized to him?? I never heard anything about that from Devon.”

“Hmm, maybe cause it’s not such a big deal.”

“Oh well, what is a big deal is that Liz wasn’t home yesterday night. She spent the night at someone else. Mark was really worried about her and all, but she won’t say a thing to him.”

Cindy suddenly stopped walking and suddenly stared at him with her eyes wide open.

“Oh my God, I can’t believe it! She went to his house at about 8 or 9 or something. I think she never choose to go home.”

“What?? You think they spent the night together?”

“It explains why she was late and why he was later than late as well.”

“I knew he liked her.”

“But why wouldn’t Liz tell me then?”

“Or why didn’t Devon tell me? Maybe we’re wrong. I mean, Devon always brags about these kind of stuff.”

“Hmm, yeah, maybe your right.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll try to make Devon come clean tomorrow.”

“Sneaky little boy.”

They both kissed each other.


Elisabeth was just leaving school and she watched Damion and Cindy walk home together. Elisabeth didn’t want to bother them with her presence. She walked slowly down the street, but saw a familiar figure walking down the street, Devon. Don’t go to him, Elisabeth, just don’t go! Elisabeth started running after him and when she was a few steps behind him she stopped.


Devon quickly stopped and turned around.

“Hello, Elisabeth. Have you come to give me the news that you got Brendan off my back?”

“No, cause I haven’t.”

“That fool thinks I threatened you, ha!”

“Cindy gave him that idea,…”

“So why did you come to me just now?”

“Why are you acting towards me like nothing happened yesterday?”

“Why do you think?? Isn’t that what you want?? You want me to skip first class, cause you don’t want people to think that we actually made love yesterday! You don’t want people to know that we were together, that you were with me! Well, I’m just playing along, Elisabeth, just like you want it.”

“Well, it’s not like YOU told anybody or something! You act towards me like I’m some kind of slut!”

“Yeah well, at least I’m not so eager to forget it all! I’m going!”

“Fine!! Fuck you! You’re just as everyone says you are! I’m just one of the thousand girls you use!”

Elisabeth turned around and walked away.

“Keep telling yourself that, Elisabeth! See if I care!!”

: Devon yelled at her and walked the other way in anger.

Elisabeth arrived at home and just threw her coat aside as she dropped herself on the couch next to Mark. He was watching TV.

“So wassup?”

: He said while turning to her. Elisabeth just glared at the TV with an angry look on her face.

“Nothing’s wrong, Mark.”

“I know you too well, Elisabeth. Must be about last night, right?”

Her face suddenly turned sad.

“What happened?”

Elisabeth suddenly looked at him.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’ve been so stupid! I thought I could handle it all, my feelings….I…..”

She suddenly burst into tears and Mark immediately took her in a comforting hug.

“What happened then, Elisabeth??”

“I was with…someone from school. Oh I don’t wanna talk about it…I just wanna forget.”

“Sssh, it’s alright.”

“I don’t care! I don’t care what he thinks or what I feel! It all means nothing, absolutely nothing!”

: She just let out and walked out the room while whipping her tears away.

To be continued
© Copyright 2008 Nal (xbutterflyx at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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