Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1380382-AN-ODE-TO-THE-COW-a-sonnet
Rated: E · Poetry · Animal · #1380382
In praise of the cow, a motherly symbol in Hinduism.
AN ODE TO THE COW: a sonnet

You silent creature sent by god on earth
To feed your milk to man in his childhood,
And thereby give him nature’s joy and mirth,
Denied to him by drying motherhood!

O cow, you feed the child of him who kills
Because he finds that your flesh is tasty.
With your milk though his child’s tummy he fills,

He subjects you to cruelty nasty!

O dear cow, you are so non-violent,
To harm you is a sin against the god.
To kill one who is so benevolent,
Is truly on mother nature a fraud.

Why can’t man let other animals live?
Why can’t he, to animals, his love give?

* Written initially as entry no. 492357 in the book FAITH, NATURE & INSPIRATIONAL, "FAITH, NATURE & INSPIRATIONAL. Posted as an independent item on 26 January 2008.

M C Gupta
4 March 2007
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