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Rated: ASR · Fiction · Sci-fi · #1370883
Sylvia before the assembly, explaining the faith of her people, an unfallen alien race
Sylvia walked up to the glass podium and straightened her white silk jacket. She looked over her audience. Men and women in various sorts of attire filled the pews of the cathedral in which she had abandoned her control over her life on Earth, turning it all to God. She looked behind her at the bare cross, which was once a crucifix. She clenched her eyes shut and swallowed hard, thinking back on the moment she fell to her knees and the fire fell and went back up, taking the stone image of Jesus with it.

The colors of their robes flashed as colors of flags: purple, blue, black, gold, brown, and red. Others wore dress suits of dark blue or black, and others wore casual khakis or denim. They were an odd sort to her, and so different from one another, so separate. The buzz of their murmurring stirred her spirit with a pleasurable energy. Were they excited to hear something new of God or were they confounded by what they already knew of me?

"I would like to thank all of you for coming today. I know Reverend Dr. Israel Shama asked you all here for me to answer your questions about me and about my race. A large number of us will be on Earth in six months time or as fast as I can bring you all to an understanding of who we are." She took a deep breath, and smiled as she soaked in the silence of the moment.

"How do we worship and how do we understand the human condition? There is a common answer for that question. Well, we normally worship in the beautiful gardens, the gardens of what you call Eden that the human race has been cut off from, we are free to worship in them. The human race on our world went into the judgment of the Great White Throne one thousand Earth years ago. They were also a fallen race and were as varied in their religious beliefs as all of you, maybe even more so. They had been cut off from the garden just as you were. The stories of our worlds are not all that different, except that of us, a new race. Our original ancestors were born of five hundred and fifty-five virgins who died giving birth to these very different babies. It was the human prophets who foretold the story of the new race who protected the children up until they reached the age of fifteen. That is where all of them were tested in the original garden, and that is where they all stomped on satan's head and didn't believe his lies. The beautiful gardens are remembrance of that time for us. That is why we worship in them.

We are not opposed to worshipping in a building, but it will take a while for some of us to get used to it. Sometimes there is music, sometimes there isn't. Sometimes there are instruments, sometimes there's just singing. Sometimes there is singing, other times there is soaking in silence. However He moves, He moves. It is never the same way all the time. There is no time restriction and there is no special time for services. People worship as long as they want and whenever they want.

Until twelve years ago, there was no written word to teach from. It was hidden from us and we could not write anything that spoke of YAHveh. Our hymns and songs were from the heart and we learned them from each other, nothing written, but all done by ear. There is no working by the sweat of the brow, and God has truly blessed us with a beautiful world that meets our needs and even more so. We worship in and out of the garden, but the most intimate worship is in the gardens of paradise. We are all of one tongue, but there have been some of us who have spoken in another tongue, whether it be from ecstatic speech or of a natural tongue of another world.

I cannot say what my people will agree to or disagree with in each individual denomination, if you should take some of us into your churches.
We do not understand separation in the worship of YAHveh, so you will find us to be very confused about denomination. I do know that we are a very spiritual discerning people and He speaks to us and has always spoken to us, even when His written word was absent from us. We are not a people of formulaic prayer and ritual, but I cannot speak as to what should be separated out as such.

You ask me about the Trinity and I can't give you a clear answer. We know of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and that all three are eternal, with no beginning and no end. We don't make further definition of the relationship of the three because it is not necessary for our salvation. YAHshua, the one you call Jesus, has not visited our people in fleshly form, at least not yet. He had visited the humans who were on the world before us. He was crucified on a decaying tree and His blood ran down to its roots. The people had jested that if He was truly the Son of God, then that tree would flourish and always bear fruit. And it would never die. That tree is at the center of the garden in which the people of my race in my country worship. It has never lacked fruit, in and out of season. We've been told since the beginning of our race not to eat of its fruit. None of us has any craving to do so, nor do we need to eat of it. My eyes are green due to the chlorophyll in my system. We are fed mostly through the sun, but would not dare worship any other than the One who made it.

We have not known evil except that which we've seen in the human races of our world, a neighboring planet, and here on Earth. This is why, temporarily, my people will live in churches or missionaries' homes until all of them are convinced that God's covenant with us stands even here on Earth as it is on Armava.

We cannot condemn what we do not understand. Sins of the flesh and the lust of the eyes are viewed by my people with veiled eyes. We are confused by much of what humans do to save their own lives or to just feel a temporary pleasure. We do not understand, nor do we condemn those who do things we do not understand. We do not know that which causes humans to do such things. We do not know poverty, but only abundance. We do not know sickness as you do. We know spiritual sickness when we swerve off the way God has for us, but there is no microbe outside our bodies that can invade and make us sick. Physical medicine is not needed, but only a total surrender to God will cure this sickness. We do not know physical death and our days are not numbered. Each of us has a glorious mission from YAHveh, and after its completion we are taken up, body, soul, and spirit, as was Eliyahu in your good book. We are judged during our lifetimes, not at the end, for the spiritual sickness makes us stagnant in our missions until we surrender. We do not celebrate years in the flesh, so it will be very confusing when you speak to us of birthdays or ask us how old we are. We are a young race compared to yours, but we have been blessed so we can bless others.

Naturally, we speak a language similar to what you call Hebrew, but we have learned and are learning the tongues of this world so we can communicate and be productive in blessing you when we come here.

We are an unfallen race and satan is barred from tempting us. Hell is no more on Armava. It has been sealed up. God's covenant with us is that He speaks to us and satan has no dominion in our lives. We can feel satan's presence and can sense what he is doing. His reaction to many of us coming here to Earth will stir the spirit realm. The Holy Spirit is strong in my people, in each and every person, and each of us is His vessel. I can't imagine how this will affect the regions in which we go, but I will be very excited in my spirit to feel the Holy Spirit stir and change lives throughout this world. If you should help my people bless you, you will see many signs and wonders, of which your eyes may have never seen but only read of.

We will be disseminating the cure for AIDS through the churches and not through any secular government. We do not trust warring governments with our blood, which is the main substance of the cure, a precious blood that is immune to these diseases. Those who have AIDS and Cancer need not believe what we believe or what you believe, nor will the blood of my people make it so. The blood of my people cannot save souls, only the blood of the Lamb can do that." Murmurring rose in the crowd again. Their eyes darted back and forth at one another, then settled on her again as she waited for the silence.

"All those who are sick need only to bring their sickness and leave healed. God changes hearts, sometimes through the love of a forgiving person and other times He invades their hearts Himself and shows them His love. Either way, their free will is intact. By no means are we here to convert any human to be like us. That would a futile undertaking. And, please, do not box in what my people say or what I say and create a new doctrine to separate yourselves even further. Some people may never believe even though the vaccine cures them, but God's word never returns void. We are to help the sick and poor and not weary over what we see. You know that what is seen is temporal, but what is not seen is eternal.

YAHveh bless you all, my brothers and sisters in Christ. I look forward to hearing from all of you, whether you decide to help my people or not. Any other questions?"

More to come soon? Any more questions?

To read Sylvia's story of her life on Earth read the below linked novel-in-progress. This will eventually be a part of a future chapter of this work. I just couldn't wait to write this. Any input would be greatly appreciated. God bless you.
 Alien Bond: Spring of Life  (13+)
Evil is destroyed through peace and unconditional love. A lesson at hand.
#794265 by Beth Barnett
© Copyright 2008 Beth Barnett (angellove at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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