Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1346489-My-best-friend-installment-1
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Friendship · #1346489
a story about two best friends who fall in love... unfinished
I guess you could say I’m a bit of a black sheep in my school. Not because I have no friends, because I do.  But because I don’t do what everyone else thinks I should do, I don’t wear what everyone expects me to wear and don’t care what anyone thinks of me. So I guess if that is what a ‘black sheep’ is I’m guilty as charged cart me off to prison and throw away the key… because I will never change.
Okay so maybe I do sort of care what some people think of me, but only because these select few are my very best friends. First of all there’s Elijah, our families were friends and in turn we spent a lot of time together and although he and my sister were identical in age it was he and I that became best friends. By the time I started high school he had left, but I suppose being six years older than me… that was inevitable. So I had to bite the bullet and make some new friends.
Which brings me to Jacey and Jodie. Neither could ever be considered a ‘black sheep’. We met because our lockers were all in line with each other, otherwise maybe we never would have become friends because we are so absurdly different that sometimes I have to laugh…. as a friend, of course
Jacey is African American, Gorgeous and determined, she’s dreamed all her life about becoming a fashion designer which is perfect for her because she has a knack of making clothes and making outfits look spectacular, she has asked thousands of times for me to model for her… I’m rather tall and quite slim, I guess if I wasn’t such a tomboy maybe I would, but walking down a catwalk in a dress isn’t what I plan to do with my life.
Jodie is an amazing person, happy and friendly, and is never ever mean to anyone, though she does feel the pressure of the peers when it comes to fashion and therefore ‘suffers for fashion’ as they put it. Jodie is a fiery redhead, who hates her red hair, but it is actually really beautiful and soft.
My sister Nellie is also my friend, sometimes I forget that we are even sisters because we hardly fight, and we never sneak into each others bedroom… its kind of odd really from what I’ve heard about what sisters are suppose to be like.
Anyway right now, I’m sitting on the porch waiting for Elijah to pick me up for school. He works at a music store around the corner from school so more often than not he gives me a ride.
When his car pulls up the drive I smile, his car is the single most beautiful thing in the world, a old school ford GT. I stand up and walk to his car half way there I notice that my usual seat is occupied and in that seat sits a memorable face, and not a face I would want to see in my best friends car.
“Madison?” Emily says confused getting out so I can climb in
I say nothing, Emily is also a senior in my school… and is a complete and utter ignoramus, she’s a bottle blond whose wardrobe only consists of mini skirts and boob tubes and for some reason hates me… no… has a vendetta against me is probably a better word, although I can hardly say that I don’t feel the same way.
When I was a freshman she decided it would be funny to superglue a picture of a naked woman to my locker, get everyone to chant “lesbian” at the top of there lungs and generally torture me.
“Why are we picking up this Loser babe?” Emily snarled at Eli
BABE??? I eviled him, how could he, I had told him of the horror stories, told how I’d felt being the center of her attacks.
“Me… the loser? Look in the mirror sweetie” I said sarcastically
“Matt!” Elijah snapped
I shook my head, typical, he’d completely ignored that his girlfriend (yuck!) had said the exact thing to me. I suppose I should warn you. Elijah and I fight a lot…. It almost never lasts longer than an hour. But for some reason I knew this would be different, I had never been angrier with him.
Finally after what seemed like an almost unbearable drive we got to school. Emily kissed Elijah and got out. I didn’t move I looked at him, speechless.
“Matt… uh maybe I should have warned you”
“Warned me?? Elijah why would you even date that?”
“She’s not as bad as she seems,” he reasoned pathetically
“She tortured me Eli…. You’re my best friend!!! Bros before hos… all that jazz”
“Matt come on, be happy for me”
“You are seriously demented Elijah James Matthews if you think for one second I’ll ever be happy for you while you’re going out with that slapper” I yelled
“Madison don’t talk about her like that”
He called me Madison, which was a good indication he was angry, not that I cared he’d started it by even associating himself with her.
“Elijah, she is a slapper, how long have you been seeing her… it doesn’t matter anyway, soon enough she’ll have moved to her next conquest and you’ll be nothing but a notch on her non existent belt”
“You know what! She’s more than a woman than you’ll ever be you dyke,” he said
“Oh come on… even if I was a dyke I’d be a proud dyke… get a fucken clue Elijah, and get a brain while you’re at it”
I got out of the car to see Jacey and Jodie walking over
“Find your own way home Madison” Elijah yelled before starting his car and speeding off
I shook my head and walked over to the girls
“What a pompous ass” I muttered once I got to them
They rolled their eyes as if to say ‘not again’ but I shook my head again
“No… not this time, it’s different, He’s got a girlfriend,” I said leaning against the fence that bordered the school
“You’ve never been jealous before” Jodie said smiling “do I sense a crush?”
“You’ve got to be joking… no, it’s the object of his affection that’s the worry…” I trailed off, my eyes looking over to Emily and her group of slapper friends.
“Who??” they both said looking in the same direction as me
“No… no way” Jacey said suddenly realizing
“Emily?” Jodie said equally as shocked
“Yup, My best friend is dating…. No wait Boning…. My arch enemy” I whispered
“Woah… I thought he had more sense than that… and more taste, I mean Emily?? He knows how she treated you”
“I don’t give a flying fuck anyhow… he can catch STD’s off whomever he so wishes… lets go to class” I said angrily, I could tell the girls didn’t buy my dismissive statement but it was half true, I really didn’t care anymore, he didn’t even tell me he was seeing anyone, let alone that skank.
We got to our lockers without actually bumping into Emily or her gang, which was a blessing in itself considering there lockers were opposite ours. I was putting my books for the next class in my bag when a voice called out from behind me
“Coming to Bball tonight?”
I turned around, Jasper, an exchange student from Australia stood there, I could feel Jacey and Jodie literally melting behind me and I had to suppress a laugh.
Jasper is another friend, in a way I guess but we only really hung out at basketball practice, which was four times a week with games every Saturday. See I’d made history in sophomore year, my gym teacher got me to try out for the Basketball team, see our school is sexist and decided that only boys play basketball so I was against the odds, I’d loved playing ball from a young age and being tall was an added advantage. The coach didn’t even care I was a girl when he saw me play so I was made a starter on the school team.
“No, I can’t my ride will be...erm getting ridden so I’d have to walk… my parents would have a hernia” I said slightly embarrassed that my parents had come into the conversation
“Fair enough... couldn’t you get Nellie to pick you up… I’ve got my cell you could call her”
I grinned, Jasper had a major crush on my sister, I knew he was trying to A. see her, and B. get her phone number.
“OH, I would, but she’s busy tonight… so I’m a bit stuck”
“Busy… like a date?” he said shyly. Which was a bit odd for him
“Oh… uh no studying, she’s got exams soon” I lied, truth was she did have a date but he didn’t need to know that
“I’d give you a ride but my cars at the garage, it’s gone kaput and I have no idea how to fix it” he grinned, “ah well seeya at the game on Saturday, I’ll tell the coach you can’t make it”
“Seeya jasper” I said
I turned around Jacey and Jasper were giggling like little kids and smiled
“You know he’s practically in love with Nellie aye”
“Yea…. So… we can still dream, man look at his ass” Jacey said excitedly
I didn’t look; instead I shut my locker and picked up my bag
“Matt… do you ever plan on being interested?”
“In?” I asked
“Boys, I mean there are plenty of them around”
“I check out guys… I’m just not as obvious about it as you two” I laughed
“Oh yeah… example” Jodie said opening our English room door
“Mr. Samuels” I said nodding at the teacher
“Madison, morning” the extremely young, bohemian teacher smiled back
“No way!!” they both squealed as we sat down
I looked over at the teacher, yeah so I’d checked him out, I think most of the girls in the school would have, he’s the youngest by 20 years and the funniest
“He’s a teacher” Jacey whispered shocked
“So… I haven’t boned him Jacey… remember it’s just ‘checking out’” I said grabbing my as you like it book out of my bag
“Do you think about boning him though that’s the question?” Jodie said on the other side of me. They both started discussing how funny it would be if they walked into class and I was falling all over the desk, being all seductive. Finally when I could handle no more of the stupidity I stood up and said to Mr. Samuels
“Sir… I need you to help me with something”
He waved me over and I looked back at the girls, there faces had changed from laughing to shocked again I turned back around and continued walking to his desk
“What’s the matter?” he asked smiling
“Oh nothing… the girls think I’m in love with you, so I’m riling them up” I said putting my hand on his arm
He grinned and then said
“Typical Madison huh… well don’t let me stop you… how... did I get to become the center of this anyway?” he asked
“They asked me when would I start showing interest in guys. I uh said I’ve checked out guys before… they asked who… we walked in, I said hello to you, they assumed I meant you…. Yeah” I said half lying.
“Oh… well…. Now I feel like a piece of meat,” he grinned putting his chalk down
“Don’t guys actually like that?”
“Yeah, but it’s a bit wrong in a high school” he laughed nodding
“Okay, I’m going back to my seat… thank you for the assistance sir” I grinned taking my hand from his shoulder
“Anytime Maddy” he called out as I ran back to my seat. They girls said nothing…. I think I’d finally stunned them to silence.
After school Jacey finally said
“What were you and Mr. Samuels talking about?”
“My undying love for him” I said as seriously as I could
“Omigod!! Madison that’s so wrong”
“Calm down… I was winding you up…” I said laughing and chucking my book bag in my locker, it was the weekend finally and my teachers had gone easy on me I had no homework whatsoever.
Jacey and Jodie sighed… they were used to my little gags; I guess they were taken by surprise with this one.
“Thank god!! So what’s the plan tonight?” Jodie grinned as we left the corridor
“I’m going to go home and go to bed early”
“You’re so Naff Madison, well I’m going to go see that new Musical at the movies” Jacey smiled
“Oh I’m so there, my parents are having a big dinner party tonight and I need to get out of the house”
“Well you two have fun, call you tomorrow morning,” I said as I turned to walk in the opposite direction
As I walked home I thought about my friendships, with Elijah with Jacey and Jodie and I realized that although Elijah and I are at each other like cats and dogs most of the time our friendship is so incredibly special… or was. It took me just over an hour to get home, Neither mom or dad were home, which was normal, they both worked until 7pm at the hospital Giving nutritional advice to a range of people, Large people, Small people, excellent in their field they are yes… but being hard core health freaks 24/7 well lets say the only way Nellie and I have ever eaten anything that didn’t start with ‘organic’ or ‘fat free’ was if we smuggled it… yes over the years we mastered the art of sneaking unhealthy snacks to a suitcase in my bedroom under my bed. We even had a little pile for my dog Boris… my best non human friend, sometimes the only thing in the world that understands me is Boris, so I can hardly deny him the doggy treats my father labels ‘poison’ can I?
Anyway, I walked inside, and read the note on the fridge
“No snacking before tea!!! If you are hungry go for a run and drink plenty of water. Mom and Dad”
I sighed and walked up stairs, and into my bedroom, I fell on my bed and looked up at the ceiling. Five more months and I would be a high school graduate. I hadn’t decided what I planned to do after high school, dad wanted me to study sports medicine and while I had been following it up with my careers advisor I couldn’t feel in my heart that I truly wanted to pursue it. Elijah had told me that I needed to follow my heart and reach for the sky; unfortunately my heart didn’t lead anywhere. Not that I cared what that traitor had said anyway.
Around 6 Boris and I went for a run, we did it every night I didn’t have practice. By the time we got back my parents were home from work, so I let Boris off his leash and went inside
“Stretches” dad warned as I grabbed a juice from the fridge
“I know dad… I’m going outside to shoot a few hoops”
“Okay… hey didn’t you have practice today?” he asked putting a pot of goop on the element
“Yeah, Elijah couldn’t give me a ride home after so I had to flag it. Uh call me when… Dinners ready”
“I might come out and join you” dad said smiling
I smiled and went out the front. I practiced a few three pointers and after about ten minutes dad came out. We played for a while. Then I noticed Elijah’s car pull up the drive I scoffed and turned back to dad
“Give us a few minutes…?” I asked
He bounced the ball back to me and walked back inside.
I walked over to Elijah and said nothing
“I’m sorry Maddy”
“What for… do you even know?” I asked angrily
“Let me see… first that I even went out with that… person, second that I put you off for here, for what I said... for everything”
“Oh so what happened… she dumped you?” I said sarcastically
“No… I dumped her, I was going to anyway, I guess I’d seen the light… just topped it off that I caught her… Macking on some guy from you’re school”
“I’m sorry… you know that it didn’t work out… well I’m not… but I am sorry that she couldn’t see what an amazing guy you are.” I said honestly
Elijah looked at me strangely and then smiled
“I never knew you could be so… girly”
“Oh I can stop it if you’d like, and punch you one.” I laughed
“No… don’t lose it I like it”

Elijah took the ball from me and we shot a few hoops. Mom came out a few minutes later
“Dinners ready… Hello Elijah, would you like to come in for dinner, Nellie’s out tonight so there’s plenty”
“Sure, Thanks” he grinned, mom walked back inside
“You really must be sorry” I laughed, “Not many people would eat the… erm shit that they concoct”
Elijah grinned and we walked inside
We sat at the table while dad served us a dish full of soup that resembled puke… I had to give him credit though it tasted pretty good, we were having a discussion about my future as normal and dad began to pour us each a tall glass of spirilina, after drinking the stuff from a young age I was accustomed to the taste, but poor Elijah hand went over his cup as soon as dad got to him
“Uh I’ll stick to water… I’m um… allergic” he lied
“Oh… that’s a strange allergy… maybe you’re just taking in to much pop drinks? Spirilina cleanses the system” dad said eager to convert Elijah
“Uh… no dad, Eli really is allergic I gave him some once and he came out in hives… must be something in it huh Elijah?” I said grinning
“Yeah… my doctor says if the stuff even touches me I could go into anaphylactic shock”
“Oh... alright then”
Eli and I grinned at each other, then as quickly as that was over we were back to my future
“So, have you applied for the colleges your careers advisor suggested?” dad asked
“Yeah” I said
“Great, well it’s good career move Madison, you’ll do well” he said for about the millionth time
“Though your father and I would be happy if you choose to join us in the Nutrionist field” mom added
“Okay….” I whispered
My mom and dad finished and went into the kitchen
“There really persistent huh?”
“Yup… Since Nellie decided to study beauty therapy they decided I better become the Health prodigy… I’m so confused though… I don’t want to study sports medicine or nutrition… but I don’t know what I do want to do”
“What about music? You’re really good Matt, your voice alone could make a grown man cry”
“Eli… come on… I’m not that good. Its something I did to pastime, that’s why I got you to teach me Guitar in the first place”
“You are that good Madison…. When you sing… when you let me hear you sing… I don’t know if I should tell you,” he whispered shyly
“Tell me what,” I said confused
“When you sing, I get Goosebumps, I feel like I’m listening to your soul, and… to prove my point your voice has made me cry”
I smiled, yes we fought like cats and dogs, but no one could make me feel as special as Elijah… of course, I couldn’t tell him that, I’d had my girly moment for the day
“You’re such a wuss…. But thanks” I grinned

“So what’s the plan tonight?” Elijah asked as we done the dishes
“Oh… so because you don’t have anyone to do tonight…. You want to do something with me?” I asked grinning
“You got it… though you could just leave the something with out,” he said cracking up laughing
I worked that out in my head, you want to do me…. OMIGOD!
“Eli!!!! You’re sick… seriously,” I said pretending to be completely grossed out.
“Sorry... but, god Matt you look so ravishing with those rubber gloves and apron on… I had to try my luck”
We both began laughing uncontrollably, after we’d finished the dishes we went and sat on the step outside
“Well I was just planning on going to bed early tonight… the girls are going to the movies, guess we could meet up with them?” I suggested
“That sounds like a plan”
“Great, I’ll just ask mom if I can stay at Jacey’s” I said standing up
“Come stay at my house, we can watch some dvd’s or something”
“I’ll ask, but I bet they’ll say no… you are a male with a…. thingy after all”
“Thingy? oh Madison dearest… its so so so much more than a thingy”
“I’m sticking to thingy”

I walked inside and asked Mom, at first she was a bit apphrensive but said yes, and dad also said yes, which surprised me, maybe they thought I was actually a lesbian… I mean, not that I’d ever… ever ever looked at Elijah like that but. 17 year old girl staying at a 24 year old males home…. Ah well.

We left soon after and met up with the girls at the pictures, they laughed when they seen Elijah and gave him a bit of stick for dating Emily. After the movie Elijah gave the girls a ride home and we went back to his house. We watched a movie in the lounge.
“You can have the bed, I’ll sleep out here” Elijah said once the movie had finished
“Has… um… that wench been on it?”
“Uh… no, I’m not like that Madison, we went on a couple of dates. I never slept with her. I actually like to get to know someone first”
“Sorrrrrrrry” I exaggerated
Elijah got up and turned the T.V off
“Where's your flat mate…. Uh Vincent is it” I asked, I knew his name was Vinnie; if jacey or Jodie were ever to come here I’d give them a prime example of someone I had checked out!
“Work…. You like him don’t you?” he asked slightly grumpily
“No… I was just wondering, hey why don’t we share the bed, we can watch another movie?” I said changing the subject
“Okay then”
We got up and walked into Elijah’s room, I’d been in here many times before, it had seemed just like any other bedroom, with posters on the wall and his prized guitar on the wall, he’d taught me how to play on that very guitar
But for some reason the room seemed different now, and I couldn’t figure out why I shook my head as if to get rid of the thought.
“Oh hey can I borrow a t shirt? I forgot my pj’s,” I whispered
Elijah hunted through his drawers and chucked me a large metallica t shirt
“I’ll just go get changed”

I walked out of the bedroom and into the bathroom, there was a strange air between Elijah and I, which had started right after I’d asked about Vincent, I couldn’t understand it. I took my jeans t-shirt and bra off and slid the t-shirt on, I left my black boy leg panties on and walked out of the bathroom.

“Hey Maddy!! Haven’t seen you in a while, how have you been” a voice called from behind me, I turned around and Vincent stood there, he was wearing a black puffer jacket and jeans, quite fitting for his job as a bouncer
“Hey you, good day at work?”
“Yup, you staying here tonight?” he asked pointing to my clothes… or lack there of
“Yeah, Elijah and I are watching some Dvd’s, we could bring them out and watch them together?” I asked flirting slightly… jeez; Jacey and Jodie would be cracking up laughing right now
“I better hit the hay but we can catch up in the morning, maybe I could come to one of your basket ball games one day soon”
“Sure, well good night”
“Night Cutie” he grinned
Cutie?? Oh my… Elijah would have a fit if he heard that. I blushed and turned around and walked back to Elijah’s room
“I might just go to sleep,” he said grumpily as I shut the door
“Oh… okay, I’ll go out to the couch then… night”
I went to walk out but Elijah said
“Excuse me?” I said angrily
“I heard you and Lover boy… jeez talk about obvious! Cutie??? Tell me do you like him?” he questioned
“I hardly know him Eli…. And anyway even if I did like him, what’s it got to do with you? Why do you care??”
Elijah turned over and looked at me, a pained expression on his face.
“You’re a kid Madison…. He’s 25…. God go put some clothes on…”
“I’m a kid…. You see me as a fucken kid? After all these years…. Need I remind you of that skank you dated… she’s younger than me immature. And you, your 24!!!! What’s the fucken difference?”
“I’m sorry… okay, you’re not a kid… but I… need to protect you Madison, okay”
“Protect me? You’re a dick and as for putting clothes on…. Go screw yourself… maybe I’ll go sleep in Vincent’s room huh… bet you’d love that!” I said almost laughing
“Just get into bed,” he warned
I sat on his bed and pulled back the covers, he was wearing only his boxers…. It sent a chill down my spine…. What the fuck?? Just moments ago we were fighting over his flat mate… and now I was perving on my best friend? I’d seen him with less than this on (more innocent than it sounds) and it had never ever had this effect on me. I saw the large burning angel tattoo on his left shoulder blade and I ran my hand over it. Again he turned over and this time his eyes were softer calmer
“I’m sorry Maddy, I don’t know how to explain it okay, I’ve never seen you take an interest in guys before and I… guess I just overreacted”
“I’m sorry to… night Elijah” I closed my eyes and lay there for a few minutes before opening my eyes again, I don’t know what made me do it… maybe because I’d never done it before, maybe because I wanted to… I couldn’t work it out, all in all it had been a very confusing night, but I kissed Elijah, my best friend, some times my enemy, he took a few seconds to register what I was doing and then he kissed me back, he didn’t push me away or spit in disgust, his lips pressed against mine and we lay there… just kissing.
“Woah… uh... what was that for…” he asked finally pulling away
“I don’t know… uh… I haven’t kissed anyone before… I thought I better practice… or something” I stuttered, my heart still pounding against my chest
“Well, you kiss like you’ve done it before… practice for who?” he asked gently
“I don’t know.”
“Vincent?” he asked the same pained face coming across his face as before
“No… lets just go to sleep”

I fell asleep soon after and woke up the next morning to find Elijah gone.
I got up and grabbed my jeans and pulled them on, I walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, Vincent and Eli were talking
“Morning Guys” I smiled sitting at the table
“Morning Maddy…. Good sleep?” Vincent asked grinning at me
“IT was, I was thinking about what you said last night about Basketball? I’ve got a game tonight if you don’t have work” I said shyly… which was completely unlike me, Elijah gave me a funny look and stood up
“Coffee?” he asked me I nodded and he went to get me a cup
“Sure, it just so happens I have the night off tonight, maybe we could go out for pizza afterwards…. You know like a date or something” Vincent said sipping his coffee
Elijah dropped the cup and swore. He grabbed another cup and sat down at the table.
“Sure, I’d like that” I smiled, my first date!!! Oh the girls were going to go so nuts!!
“Well then… why don’t we make it a triple date then?? Jacey can bring her boyfriend and I’ll bring Jodie… I’ve always had a bit of a crush on her… what do you think?” Elijah smiled sweetly at me
I frowned… Jodie? A stab of jealousy coursed through me and I almost dropped the hot coffee Eli had handed me. Jodie wasn’t a skank so I wasn’t angry…. I really was jealous.
“Yeah… sure, you’ve got her number, ask her” I said as nonchalantly as I could

Elijah called Jodie and she must have agreed because he hung up happy. I suddenly felt angry with both Jodie and Elijah, even though I had no right to. I had to get home, the distraction was just enough to knock me off my game, and Tonight was the playoff we had to win to progress in the championship.
“I’m going home see you guys later”

I ran home, trying to get rid of the thoughts clouding my head, I had a crush on Vincent, he was hot… sure, but my heart was only thinking of one person and it all seemed so clear now… I had to stop thinking of Elijah like that…. I wasn’t like this I ‘m not into boys and love and all that jazz.
Once I got home, mom told me that Jodie had called so I called her

“Hey Jodie” I muttered, my run home hadn’t done anything for me
“Hey Maddy…. Guess who just asked me out”
“Elijah” I whispered
“Yeah… how’d you know?” she asked confused
“I was there… Vincent, His flat mate asked me out. So yeah”
“Are you trying to say he only asked me out to make you jealous?”
“No…” but even if he was… it was working
“Good… well in that case… how do you feel about it?”
“What do you mean?”
“Are you happy? Or angry… or jealous…?”
“Jealous… why on earth would I be jealous… plus I’m going out with Vincent remember??”
“Great well I’ll see you tonight then?”

After I hung up the phone I went into nellies room, she was at her computer studying I flopped on her bed
“What’s wrong?” she asked swinging around
“I’ve got a date tonight” I whispered
“Wow!! Finally... who with?”
“Vincent…but there’s a problem,” I said
“Vinnie? He’s pretty hot lucky you… what’s the problem then?”
“I kissed Elijah last night”
Her expression changed from elated to sort of shocked
“What did he do? Did he kiss you back?”
“Yeah… but then Vincent asked me out and Eli had been getting weird when he realized I thought Vinnie was hot and he asked Jodie out”
“Jodie? But he told me…. Never mind”
“He told you what?” I asked
“Nothing, I’m sworn to secrecy… look, Elijah’s probably just confused… you guys are best friends after all”
“What did he say Nellie?”
“Look Maddy I’d tell you if I could but it’s not up to me…”
“Fine, oh I guess it’ll work itself out. Eli and I don’t stay… like this all the time”
“Very true”
“So anyway how was you’re date last night?” I asked changing the subject
“The guy was a dud, I came home just after you left”
“That sucks huh… well there’s this guy jasper on my Basketball team, he thinks you’re the bees knees, fancy a bit of pizza tonight? Call me weird but I’d like to have my sister there for my first date”
“A guy from your school… that would make him 18… that’s wrong!!”
“Oh come on… he’s Australian! And Jacey and Jodie are very fond of him, and his butt, now, all the college boys you’ve dated are imbeciles and from all the dates you’ve actually been on, have any of them not been duds?”
“No… jasper is it…. Fine then, you set it up, and about Elijah… don’t worry to much about him and Jodie running off into the sunset together…”
“Ok, I’ll go call him now, and I don’t care who Elijah dates… really I don’t”

I set up the date with Jasper who kept hailing me “queen Madison” for setting him up with Nellie, I told him it was just pizza so not to get to worked up, but secretly I knew Nellie would fall for him, he was one of the sweetest guys at school that sometimes even I forgot he was a student.
After lunch dad made me begin training, which was okay by me for once because I wanted to get my mind of Eli, Vincent and the whole date thing, but mostly I wanted to forget how I’d felt when I’d kissed My best friend. I mean, maybe kissing was just like that, it captures you in a time bubble that slows everything down except your heart which speeds up like a train and your mind goes wobbly like you’re one of those bobble head dolls… that happens every time you kiss right… no matter who it is?? Dad must’ve told me to focus a hundred times, because after half an hour he’d had enough of my blank stares and messy shots
“Madison, if you play like this tonight your team is practically dead!” he finally shouted
I looked up at him and nodded he was right; I had to forget it all. Elijah was my friend and always would be and Vincent… well I don’t know what Vincent is but I guess I still had plenty of time to figure that out… after basketball.

For the next hour I concentrated on basketball and only basketball dad was happier with that effort and then let me go.
Around 6 Elijah and Vincent came to get me. Mom Dad and Nellie would come down after warm ups later on
When they pulled up the drive I could already see Jodie sitting in the back, she was all prettied up, you know short skirt, straight hair make up, and here I was dressed in my basketball uniform, I hadn’t thought to grab anything to change into for the date. I climbed into the back
Jodie pointed at Vincent and mouthed nice to me, I nodded
“So Maddy you look great” Vincent said happily
“It’s a basketball uniform, but thanks”
“That’s ok, so you’re going to kick some ass tonight yes?” he asked
“Sure are. I’m going to be all hot and sweaty on this pizza date, where it looks like everyone else is going to be immaculate… sorry”
“Hot and sweaty isn’t always a bad thing” he said cheekily
I heard Elijah gag and Jodie sort of laughed I joined in with Jodie and laughed.

Once we got to the school auditorium I got out. Elijah took Jodies hand and then ii gagged, involuntarily of course, I ran off, rather than be near the Stupidness of this argument which had no meaning I decided I needed to get my head back in the game.
I went inside the auditorium and joined up with jasper
“Hey… you look a bit stressed out,” he said grinning, I bet he’d probably been like that since I’d called
“I am. Long story, so looking forward to your date?”
“Uh… yup, guess I didn’t really hide the fact I carry an enormous candle for your sister very well did I?”
“NO… not really but that’s a good thing, see if I hadn’t known then you wouldn’t have a date!” I laughed, finally I felt normal again, no stress of boys… since when could one day change my entire outlook on love and life??

After the warm up were over the school announcer announced the schools and we ran on, the cheerleaders done there little cheer and walked off the court.
The game started good, we were up 10 points by the end of the first quarter, in the second quarter I had just shot a three pointer when one of the guys on the other team tackled me and I fell, I sunk the shot but had landed funny and had twisted my ankle on the fall, I looked at the guy that did it
“This isn’t football you imbecile”
“This isn’t Cheerleading practice Sexy… you shouldn’t be here,” the guy snarled walking off
“Penalty Red team, Coach… keep an eye on your players please” the ref yelled to the opposition
My ankle throbbed with pain, it was badly sprained but I had to play on so I pretended like nothing was wrong and continued playing the third quarter. It was like déjà vu when I took another three point shot and the same guy tackled me, this time I cried out in pain as a burning heat shot up my leg into my thigh
“Girls shouldn’t play Basketball,” he said in my face. I pushed him away from me and jasper and my other teammate Robbie attempted to help me up
“I think it’s broken” I whispered to jasper
“No… no way”
”I can’t walk Jasper… call over the paramedic”
They sat me back down on the court and jasper ran over to the paramedic. I looked up at my family and friends, Nellie and Elijah were talking quietly away from everyone…. Maybe he liked her? Anyway everyone else looked worried until I smiled up at them. Truth was this was a nightmare, if my leg was broken; the entire season was toast for me, 6 weeks in a cast and two weeks of rest after? It would be finals by then and I couldn’t expect special treatment, the starters of the competition deserved to play those last four games. Although I knew my basketball career would end once high school did I never anticipated it happening this soon.
The paramedic agreed with my analysis and suggested the ambulance take me to Aand E, I asked to stay for the last quarter. Finally after we won the game the Ambulance took me to the hospital, mom and dad went home, I’d told them I was fine and I still wanted to go out after so everyone else followed behind me in there cars.
An x-ray proved it was broken but luckily it didn’t need surgery they put in a cast gave me crutches and sent me on my way.
Nellie had thought ahead and brought me some clothes to change into, the meddling minx had brought her clothes not mine, so at least for tonight I was girly…
She had brought me a pair of jeans and a pink top… low cut and girly, exactly the type of thing I stayed away from, she had also brought me shoes to wear but considering the circumstances, I just left my basketball shoe on.
We went to the pizza parlor, boys in one car girls in the other, Jodie was rather quiet when I turned and asked her what was wrong
“Oh nothing, just thinking, when you went down, Nellie and Elijah were talking, and uh when he realized you’d been pushed over again he went psycho…I mean, I know you guys are just friends but the way he was yelling it was more ‘hey don’t touch my girlfriend’ rather than ‘ get off my friend you dickhead’ you know, me and jacey were talking and maybe you and Eli are harboring feelings for each other” she said
I saw Nellie look at me in the rear vision mirror, as if to see my reaction, I shook my head
“If you really must know, we kissed last night, I don’t know maybe all that talk of checking people out had got to me, jeez, it was a mistake, I don’t like Elijah like that, he’s my best friend”
Jodie and Jacey looked at each other as if they were about to burst
“You kissed someone!!!” Jodie screeched
“No… Jods… she kissed Elijah, man we should be psychics!”
“What do you mean by that?” I asked
“Me and Jodie have had a bet running since freshman year, when you guys would hook up… and I won!” jacey grinned
“No one has won any bets… we didn’t hook up… it was a silly kiss that didn’t mean anything, jeez, I thought you guys would be more happy about the fact that I have a date tonight” I complained
“Oh we are… so Madison you seriously won’t care if this thing… between Elijah and I turns into something more”
“Not in the least” I said as convincingly as I could, it must have worked because the giggling stopped and Nellie was no longer looking at me
The truth was, I didn’t know anymore, Elijah and I had just never been like that, I was completely and utterly confused, and had no one to talk to about it. I couldn’t dwell on it anyway, Elijah and I are friends, why let love get in the way and ruin it. I mean really… this was all so crazy, I wasn’t like the other girls, I didn’t get all clucky around boys, when and why had this change occurred, everything had been almost perfect.

Finally, after what seemed like forever we pulled up to the pizza parlor, the boys were already parked up and getting out of the car. Nellie parked next to them and we got out. Jodie sort of bounced over to Elijah and took his hand, he smiled at her and they began walking to the doors.
I hobbled along behind everyone else, except for Vincent who walked along side me.
“You don’t have to uh... Hobble along with me, I’ll get there… someday”
“Now, Maddy it wouldn’t be very uh… gentleman like of me to leave my date in the car park would it?” he smiled
I smiled back and nodded
“I wouldn’t know, I’ve never been out on a date… I don’t know what the requirements of a gentleman are, anyway, I’m not the type that cares anyway,” I laughed
“Well I’d still rather hobble with you than leave you out here”

Vincent held the doors open for me as I slowly got used to the crutches, we sat with the others at the table and
Ordered our meals. Jasper and Nellie were so deep in conversation that I couldn’t get her attention, it was then that I realized everyone else was also so deep in conversation with there dates that I couldn’t get anyone else’s attention either, I looked at Vincent and sort of smiled an awkward smile. Now that I was on a date I had no idea how to behave, I looked at my hands then back up at Vincent
“I shouldn’t be here,” I whispered so quietly I was surprised he’d heard me
“Why do you think that?”
“I don’t date. You could go out with anyone… why ask me… this isn’t me, I should go home”
Vincent smiled and took my hand
“I asked you because I like who you are inside not for what is on the outside, I mean you’re a very beautiful girl but you have a gentle soul”
“Me a gentle soul? Ask anyone, I’m the opposite of gentle.”
“You may act tough, but I see the gentle soul beneath that”
“You’re a really nice guy Vincent has anyone told you that”
“More often than you can imagine” he said jokingly.

Finally once the pizza was served everyone came out of the cocoons that had isolated the couples, and we talked about the game, Jasper said that the guy who had bowled me over was a sexist pig that had a bit of a reputation for doing stunts like that, he said when we were leaving to go the hospital, the coach and his team mates where yelling there ring out at him and he didn’t look like such a big man anymore, It made me smile, but I knew it wouldn’t fix anything because I still couldn’t play for 8 weeks.
Jodie and Elijah seemed right at home playing couples, I tried to ignore the envious feeling brimming in the pit of my stomach, and while outwardly it seemed to fool everyone, on the inside I felt like exploding.
Around 11.30 we left, again separated by gender Vincent who had seemingly been completely unaware of feelings hugged me and planted a kiss on my cheek.
“Maybe we can do this again… you know, just the two of us” he said shyly
“Sure, I’d like that, you’ve got my number, give me a call or something”
He nodded and walked over to Elijah’s car. I got in and waited for everyone else to say goodbye, Jacey and her boyfriend had left together. So I was just waiting for Jodie and Nellie.
Nellie was writing down Jaspers digits and I actually smiled genuinely until I saw Jodie and Elijah, kissing.
I felt like throwing up. She was obviously throwing herself at him, and he was reeling it in, frustrated as hell I tooted the horn, which caused just enough of a shock to pull them apart. Finally Nellie and Jodie hopped in and we left.
“Hey Maddy can I stay at your place tonight? Mom asked me if it was alright if I did, I just forgot to ask you”
“No” I said as calmly as I could, I really wasn’t angry with Jodie, Mainly because I had no right to be, she’d gone out with Eli, cos I’d pretty much told her I didn’t care. But I did, and as weird as it was for me I couldn’t listen to her go on for hours about how great Elijah was at kissing, I just couldn’t.
“Oh uh… sorry, Nellie could you drop me off at Jacey’s then?” she said in a rather confused tone
“No, you can stay at our house. I think Ms snotty needs to take a chill pill,” Nellie said looking at me worriedly
“Yeah, sorry she’s right Jodie of course you can stay… Nellie keep you’re damned eyes on the road and stop staring at me” I said turning my head and staring out the window
When we got home we all got out, Jodie and Nellie were talking about the nights events I was silent mostly because I was scared of what would come out if I did say anything. But soon the silent option disappeared because Jodie said
“So how was you’re night?”
I imagined what I could say in my head
I broke my leg, Lost all chance for playing in my last playoff season, I went out with a guy, which while that was okay, I couldn’t keep my eyes off my best friend… and my other best friend who were together. Then they kissed!! Oh how spectacular… tonight was Perfect.
Of course I couldn’t say that mainly because the whole stupid sentence was dripping with so much sarcasm that if anyone was to actually heard me say it… they could quite correctly assume that I had gone certifiably insane.
“Well apart from the leg breakage…it was okay” I managed to say

I didn’t say much else as I hobbled up to my room. Nellie and Jodie followed behind me and we all sat in my room.
“How bout we have a sleepover tonight??” Nellie said excitedly, she looked at me again, the same worried face as before, it was almost as if she thought I might try and murder Jodie or something. It was either that or she knew something I didn’t know.
“What are we…5?” I question chucking Nellies top at her and grabbing a singlet
“I thought it would be fun, we could watch dvd’s pig out you know… we haven’t done it in ages… come on it will be fun”
I conceded because it probably would make me forget about the whole Jodie and Elijah Kissing thing, unless of course they began talking about it.

The night went pretty smoothly. And the next day was okay. Nellie took Jodie home in the morning after we’d had breakfast. I went back to bed and Lay down.
There was a knock at the door sometime later
“It’s Dad, there’s a Vincent on the phone for you”
“Come in” I whispered. Maybe distracting myself by dating Vincent wasn’t such a bad idea. I’d get over these odd feelings I was having for Elijah, surely it was a speed bump that with a bit of patience I’d get over.
Dad walked in and handed me the portable, I thanked my perfectionist sister silently for ridding my room of the Wrappers from last nights midnight feast. If dad had seen the wrappers I would have seen full mental breakdown. Anyway I put the phone up to my ear and said quietly
“Hey there”
“Hey, so I was wondering, do you want to go to the arcade or something? I mean Jodie and Elijah have just left together so I’m home alone and bored”
Jodie and Elijah had left together? That’s right… Vincent was my distraction… no more mushy feelings.
“Sure, give me half an hour to get dressed”
“Great see you soon”

I hung up and got off my bed, just as I walked out of my room dressed and ready to go Nellie walked back up the stairs.
“Going out?” she asked
“Yeah Vincent’s taking me to the arcade” I said smiling
“I suppose he told you that I dropped Jodie off there?”
“Well he said Elijah and Jodie had just left so I kind of figured. But yeah anyway he’ll be here soon. I’ll seeya later”
“No… Uh your friend Jasper is taking me to the movies so I won’t be home till late, look give me five minutes, I’ve been wanting to talk to you since last night”
“Okay… but I’ll have to leave once Vincent’s here, he’ll be waiting another hour for me to hobble down the stairs otherwise”
We walked back into my bedroom and sat on the bed
“So, Jodie and Elijah…” She said slowly
“Yeah, so… more power to them” Finally! Success the old me was returning… I must have had a cold or something, all though the words weren’t genuine… they sure as hell sounded it… or so I thought.
“I know you don’t actually think that Madison, I’m your sister, and although they’re your best friends I think I know you better than anyone. I can tell that it’s not so clean cut”
“Damn you and your sisterly mind… Look it’s really nothing okay, I like Vinnie”
“Sure… but not the way you like Elijah”
“Well duh… Eli’s my best friend, I couldn’t very well date my best friend could I”
Feeling as though I’d successfully thrown her off track I stood up and began the steep climb down the stairs.
By the time I’d reached the bottom Vincent had turned up.

We went to the arcade and had a bit of fun afterwards we sat at the beach and had a milkshake together.
“So Elijah tells me you’re into music”
“I guess so,” I said smiling
“Well have you thought about starting a band? There’s an all ages battle of the bands at the club and I was looking to enter… I just don’t have the rest of a band... I’d look kind of stupid sitting at my drums alone”
“Maybe… Jodie Jacey and Nellie are great singers… I could play rhythm guitar I guess… I can’t compare with Elijah’s skills though”
“Oh… well he said you’re an amazing singer”
“ He’s exaggerating, plus I’m to shy”
Vincent scoffed and then laughed
“You…. Shy… that’s the joke of the century”
I smiled, he was kind of right, usually I wasn’t shy but, Elijah had been right when he said he felt he could see inside my soul when I sung… my soul felt bare when I sung…I felt Naked and vulnerable for everyone to see.
“I am when it comes to singing… look, I’ll ask everyone and get back to you about it tonight… that cool?” I asked before taking a long drink on my milkshake.
Me sing in a band? I couldn’t… for one thing my father would probably go ballistic; he’d say I should be concentrating on my studies or something to that effect.
“Sounds great, anyway I should probably be getting you home”
I nodded, Vincent took me home and when we got there Elijah’s car was parked up the drive. Vincent got out and walked me to the door.
“I had a great time Maddy” he smiled taking my hand
“Me too, it was fun”
And then it happened, Vincent leant in and kissed me, my heart didn’t thud like that kiss with Elijah and I didn’t get light headed, so my little theory about all kisses being the same was blown out of the water. Still it wasn’t terrible and after he pulled away I smiled.
“Maddy I know we’ve only been on two dates but… would you consider being my girlfriend?” he asked slowly
I looked up at him and found myself nodding, if I was going to fool everyone… including myself that I didn’t have feelings for Elijah, maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea to have a boyfriend.
“I’d like that” I answered finally
Vincent grinned and walked back to his car
“Talk to you tonight babe!” he called out

I waved goodbye and hopped to the front door.
I hoped I’d done the right thing… it was crazy to go out with someone to force yourself to get over what you really want, but it was even crazier to suddenly develop these feelings for your best friend. I just hoped no one would get hurt.

© Copyright 2007 Rebekah L (eelyah_21 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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