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Rated: · Essay · Educational · #1343880
This is the shortcut to success
Create Your Destiny

Most of you do not know anything about ‘Fate’ or ‘Destiny’ except that whatever happens, you call Fate. You feel it is all determined beforehand.
In fact who has brought the present? It is not easy to figure out. We feel ‘someone out there’ pulls the strings. Our parents, early childhood environment and our society have implanted in us these kinds of beliefs.
We have already mentioned that
Poverty induces scarcity programming and a victim mentality.
Later, this makes us attribute anything happening in our life to an invisible force called fate.

As we have noted before, there is plenty of energy around.

 There is an abundance of food being produced in the world.

 There is enough and more wealth in this world.

 Every required resource is available own here.

There is no scarcity.
Is it not time for scarcity programming to give way to abundance programming and poverty consciousness to abundance consciousness?
→This shift is a necessary condition for everyone who wants to try to succeed.
You should know that there is plenty of riches around and that if you try you can easily attain whatever amount you want.
Yes, in the early times of human evolution there was scarcity. Now the scenario is changed. Abundance is the law now.
And you have to get convinced that if you try you can attain whatever you aim at.
Remember what Jefferson has said,” The man with the right mental attitude can achieve anything. Nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude”.
No one will succeed in life if he is equipped with the thinking that things are all pre-determined or ordained.
A wrong attitude will ensure failure in everything. The correct mental attitude is a pre-condition for any success.
And, attitudes spring from knowledge and core belief systems. Hence it becomes imperative to acquire and nourish the correct knowledge.
Core Belief System → Attitudes → Efforts
Belief in Karma or fate or may create a negative mental attitude.
The poor and the backward have to be, hence, awakened and given the correct knowledge if you want them to prosper.
As we have seen already, there is nothing called fate. It is the product of one’s own thinking.
The print and visual media can be effectively utilized to drive home this truth.
The poor and the backward are already programmed into this thinking. Hence, thousands of repetitions would be required to deprogram and later to reprogram.
Would you like to know as to how you can create your own destiny right here and now?

You can easily master your ‘Fate’ and create your own destiny all by yourself.
So far you had little or no idea as to what fate has in store for you.
But now you are going to learn how to desire and get what you want. I will show you how you can rewrite your future-your destiny- as you want it. Of course, it takes courage and determination. But then nothing is achieved without sweating.
But you do not have to tear up yourself up or analyze the past and feel guilty.
Forget the past and concentrate on the future.
Belief in Karma or Fate will make you surrender yourself to whatever life brings to you. This surrender makes you totally lazy, inactive and passive and you blame Fate for every subsequent misfortune. You have already seen that, anyone who has succeeded had to fight back adversities before he did so.
Knowing what you require is the first step in the process of creating your destiny.
“Know what you want, take action to get it, evaluate the results of the action and modify the action as and when necessary.”
Do you know what you want?
What is it that you want in life?
To become a high flying executive?
Peace and Happiness?
Ensure your children’s Future?
Leadership or a Powerful Position?

Whatever you want set your priority immediately.
Let us say, you desire wealth.
Just how much do you want? Try to be definite
How do you intend to accumulate it?
What is your definite plan?

Is it fame that you aim at?
To what extent?
To be known in the state/country/world?
How do you intend to be famous?
By becoming an author of books?
By becoming a poet?
By becoming a painter/sculptor/actor/singer/director?
Through photography/designs?
Define the specific way to become famous.
What is your modus operandi?

Are you looking for Peace and Happiness?
Do you know how to achieve it?
There are so many ways to be happy.
By making your dear ones happy?
By thinking, saying, and doing good always?
By helping others?
By being contended with what you have?

Is it Health and Fitness that you aim at?
Anyone can have super-health if he desires so.
Health is a matter of personal initiative.
Conventional medicine has very little role to play.

What is your weight now?
What is the ideal weight for you?
Do you exercise to keep yourself fit?
Do you control food and eat fruits and vegetables often?
Do you keep a very high aim and are you always purposefully engaged?

Do you want to be a high flying executive?
What is the level of income you expect?
What sort of a position do you desire?
What is the kind of company you wish to work?
Have you choked up a plan to reach there?
Is your plan fool-proof? Have you checked it up?

Once you set your aim, you can break it down into
a. Short term goal-for a 2- 5 years,
b. Medium term goal say for 6-10 years
c. Long term goal 11-15 years

and a
life vision

Once you have decided as to what you want and the period before which you plan to get it,
You may make a tangible, practical goal in your chosen line for each period. Nobody can get the whole thing in a single shot.
Now is the time to decide what you will give in return.
There is no principle called ‘something for nothing.’ You put in something
and you get something in return.
What you intend to give in return will vary according to the level of your goals. The higher the goal the greater will be what you have to give in return. Of course it need not be physical hard work or anything like that. But you will have to focus your mental attentions and believe fully that you will get what you want, come what may.
If the goal is an ordinary one there will be hardly any problem to make your mind believe it. Suppose you are now a salesman and you want to make Rs.15, 000/- ($333) a month it is not a big aim at all. For that kind of an aim there is no need for this sort of an exercise.
When your aim is high, greater should be the intensity of your desire and you will have to keep the goal all the time before your mind’s eyes until it becomes a full-fledged belief.
The effort required to create belief is your only required input. The rest happens automatically. Your subconscious mind will lead and guide you to reach the goal you have set up.
So aim high! The sky is the limit. And, remember there is no sky……
Listen to what Theodore Roosevelt says:
“It is better to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure….than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”

Going from the experience of all successful people in the world, whatever you can conceive and belief you can achieve. The limit is only those which you recognize.

There are certain things you should remember before setting up a goal.
1. It should be something you will enjoy.

2. It should be practical but high.

3. You should set a time limit and periodically review the status of progress. If there are flaws, you should take the required corrective steps.

4. You should expect defeats. Higher the goal greater will be the setbacks and their frequency. Remember successful people have more failures than the average ones.

5. You should make a goal statement which will consist of your target for the period in consideration, and what you will give in return. Suppose you want to get ten million rupees ($ 220,000) in about 8 years’ time, your goal statement can be something like this.

By the first day of January 2015 (mention the period before which you want your goal to be realized) I am having in my possession rupees ten million which is coming to me in various amounts from time to time during the interim. In return for this I am giving my mind, my soul, my full energy and every single second of my time. Look for a concrete plan to make the money you want. It can be through multi-level marketing or sales or by starting a business or by employment in a foreign country. The plan should be finalized after due analysis and thorough checking.
6. Now this is the way you can start with. You should follow a concrete action plan. Suppose your aim is to become a sales manager in 5 years’ time from now, you should know the criteria fro selection for that post and how to meet them. You should try to get promoted to the next higher position and then the next in the available time you have set apart for each one. You will have to get any additional qualification/skill required in the meantime. There may be an immediate sales target you have to achieve just to get started at all.

7. The goal statement should be written properly and pasted where it will catch your attention easily all the time (say on the bedroom wall). It can be below the glass top of your table so that you can see it whenever you sit there.

8. You can bring this goal of yours to your mind just before going to sleep and just after getting up. It will be advisable, to live for a minute or two, in a state after having achieved your aim. You can picture your life then and feel the joy and pride inside. You can slide into a sleep with these thoughts.

9. Your chief aim should gradually become the predominant thought of your mind t. You should develop a single track mind. When your brain concentrates on anything like a laser beam it manifests itself.

10. Remember your state of mind should be one of belief and not one of desire. Things happen when you believe in them. If you believe anything with all your heart and all your soul it will materialize in no time. Creation of a state of mind called belief is essential for the achievement of any worthwhile goal. When you keep any thought in your conscious mind all the time and if you visualize what you want as already achieved it sinks deep down into your subconscious mind and there it turns into an absolute faith. Even desiring something intensely –what you call a burning desire-will help in the creation of a believing state of mind.

11. You should develop an action plan for each week, each month and each year. And at regular intervals you should review the plan against what you have achieved. Change your strategy if you have not achieved what you had planned.

12. Nothing can be achieved without developing adequate self confidence and self esteem.

How can you develop the self confidence?
→ Let me give you a few helpful tips:
. a. Follow the principle, “Do it now” Do not postpone things. If you have a lot to do, prioritize them. Everything need not be finished today itself. But what is to be finished today should be finished today itself, before sleeping.

b. Save some money from whatever you earn. Having some money in the bank gives a feeling of confidence. On the other hand, if you have to borrow from someone, it will erode your feelings of self esteem.

c. Do a help to someone or do a good thing everyday without expecting anything in return. This can be like helping a blind person to cross the road, removing a thistle from the village alley, or helping a stranger who is in real trouble.

d. Try to think, say and do good as far as possible.
Do not lie intentionally.

e. Do not entertain “guilt feelings.” We have all done a number of wrong things in the past when we were young or immature. There could be many reasons; many of them were well beyond our control, there could be adverse home and environmental influences and so on. There is no point in crying over what has already happened. Forget the past. Learn lessons from them and proceed on. But do not repeat the same mistakes again. There is no need to feel guilty about anything. The only sin in the world is harming or paining another person.

f. Be smartly dressed always. You should choose dresses which you will like. There is no point in going after fashion or others’ opinions.

g. Try to do more than you are paid for. “Go the extra mile.” If not the others, the Universe will reward you a hundredfold.

h. Utilize your free time constructively. Then you will not remain at the bottom for long.
h. Keep your strengths always highlighted in your mind. Downplay mistakes.
i. Try to take care of your health. Super health is very much a personal initiative. Eat less, exercise well, and keep yourself fit and maintain the correct bodyweight

j. Keep a confident posture. Sit, stand, and walk erect. Let your movements be brisk. Lazy body postures and movements will make your mind a bit lethargic.

k. Keep on trying until you reach your goal. There will be setbacks. Expect them all the time. Remember, without fighting adversities no one has gone up.

l. Keep your dear ones always happy. Spend quality time with your family and kids.
m. Make at least a small ‘win’ each day. Even a decision to use your free time purposefully is a ‘win’. Try to have win/win situations always.

o. Do try to be interested in what is happening around and take occasional breaks for excursions and holidays. Life is to be enjoyed even as you go after your goal. Keep in mind:

‘Success is a journey and not a destination.’

Those who are very poor/illiterate/ backward and so on may not be able to read this and reorient their lives. They may not know English at all. They have to be helped. They have to be told how to do away with the belief in karma/fate and destiny. Wit a lot of patience and goodwill you can persuade them to have simple dreams too for their future.
It does not matter how improbable one’s longings (yours or the poor people’s) look to be at the moment.

Let the poor visualize every day a good house, a peaceful family life, children going to school, plenty of work and good earnings and good health as best as they can and as vividly as possible. Let them keep the pictures all the day long. If they can see them before their mind’s eye all the time, the materialization will follow. If they can come to believe their goals, a tremendous power will come to their aid. Slowly, but unmistakably, they will start to shred away their laziness and start to work really hard. Their earnings will improve and they will start to save something instead of spending the whole amount the same day and life at home will become more peaceful and happy. This, in turn, will ensure better health for the family members resulting in considerable savings further. With the improved family atmosphere they will reduce money spent on alcohol and the financial position strengthens even further.

An inner urge to prosper, visualizing goals and attempting to reach them will do the trick.

It is good to remember that hospitals, medicines and doctors cannot make the poor healthy and strong. Health is very much based on one’s thoughts, desires, goals, food, exercise habits and mental happiness. There is a lot of undue importance on medicine and hospitals these days. This is totally unhealthy. Doctors and medicine can only remove the symptoms of diseases. They never seem to care as to how to control or prevent the onslaught of diseases.
Health is very much a personal imitative
It is not free medicines, clothes and financial assistance that will make you healthy. You have to desire health and long life and there should be a worthwhile purpose to live for. If one is purposefully engaged all the time, diseases will keep away. Give the poor an aim and convince them they can attain it through personal efforts, educate them how to be happy, and on the importance of food and alcohol control and on the necessity of exercise.
They will become very healthy very soon.
Prosperity and health can only spring from within.
Let us create good thoughts, worthy goals, and awareness on the necessity of good food habits, goals and regular exercise.
∆→ Check your present level of success. You may come back to do this test after you have completed this book. Your score might have then improved.
Success/Failure Test
1. Do you have a well defined purpose in life? Yes/No
2. Have you aimed above mediocrity? Yes/No
3. Do you take strong decisions and keep them? Yes/No
4. Are you moderate in drinking/eating/playing? Yes/No
5. Do you try to be in sound health-mentally and physically? Yes/No
6. Do you have the “do it now attitude”?
7. Do you try to control the emotion of fear? Yes/No
8. Do you enjoy the present work? Yes/No
9. Do you have the habit of saving? Yes/No
10. Do you co-operate with others in achieving what you want? Yes/No
11. Are you honest all the time? Yes/NO
12. Do you have faith in your eventual success? Yes/No
13. Are you careful in your personal appearance/ Yes/NO
14. Do you believe that you make your future? Yes/No
15. Do you think that you are capable? Yes/No
16. Do you take responsibility for all your actions? Yes/No
17. Do you try to be away from a situation you do not like? Yes/No
18. Are you always pleasing? Yes/No
19. Do you utilize your free time for gaining skill and knowledge in your chosen field? Yes/No
20. Do you engage in acts which will make you proud always? Yes/NO
21. Do you have a definite plan to reach your aim? Yes/No
22. Are you willing to do more than you are paid for? Yes/NO
23. Do you have self discipline? Yes/NO
24. Do you try to help others without expecting anything in return? Yes/No
25. Are you always committed to quality in your work? Yes/No
26. Do you take care of your dear ones? Yes/No

The correct answer for each question is Yes.
All correct ……………….You are highly successful
21-25 correct……………..You are moderately successful
15-20 correct ……………..You are on the way to success
Below 15 correct …………..You have to strive hard to be successful.

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