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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1319977
Chapter 9.
Walking back through the spacious square underground tunnels, the group of Mayao had unanimously agreed that they would undertake the task given to them by the gods. The overwhelming smell of dirt in the tunnel couldn't even compete against the nasty odor that the gorund above emitted as the group ventured towards the Power town of the Octogon, Meta Park.
"It's good to be home again", MM said. "I grew up here"
"We just came here to get something to travel in", Fre said, his voice noticably nasal because he was holding his nose to keep the stink out. "It's no time to be nostalgic"
"I haven't been home since I went away to study medicine", MM said, breathing in each wisp of the odor like it was precious gold.
"How can you stand the smell?"
"Oh, after 12 years you get used to it"
Walking up out into the city, the group was dwarfed by the large mass of factories, metal monsters that covered the horizon and sighed smoke that blocked out the sun. the tall smoke stacks on the top of the dome-shaped chrome buildings were perpetually breathing smoke, giving the air a stuffy feel.
"You know how they say people are affected by their enviroment", Fre whispered to Shed.
Even the floor was steel-plated, and with each step the group could hear the clank, clank sound of their shoes against the metal as well as fuel gurgeling through the pipes underneath.
Soon the group reached the houses, which were little more than steel-plated two story duplexes. MM knocked on the door of one, and a woman with brown hair flecked with gray answered it.
"Emma! You've come back home!" The woman embraced MM in a suffocating hug. In the dim lighting caused by the lack of sunshine, Shed noticed the grey in the woman's hair was the same color as the metal that seemed to have been poured over the rest of the town.
"Are these your friends? Come on in, there's plenty of room for all of you", the woman said, tugging at the sleeve of her brown jacket, but she frowned when she saw Julie.
"I told you that you can't come over without calling first! If I catch you and that ferret-creature of yours one more time-"
"Mom, calm down", MM said. "This is serious"
After MM had introduced the group and told her mom her story, she nodded.
"I understand. I'll do what I can to help, but it's not much. the factories have gotten tougher". She coughed right on cue.
"You're okay, right?"
"Yes, thanks for worrying. You've grown up so much". Another bone-crushing hug.

MM's mom walked with them to a store on the outskirts of the town. Opening the large glass door, rock music from long ago invaded the ears of the group.
"Hey", the somewhat overwight man at the register said. He ran his fingers through his greasy black hair. "What'll it be today, Heather?"
"These kids are on an important mission, Kako. They need something to travel in"
"I think I have just the thing", Kako said. He led the group to a corner of the store where what looked like a giant steel submarine on wheels stood.
"Thihs has been sitting here for a whyile. It isn't the most reliable thing you'll drive, but it's inexpensive"
The group of Mayao debated it, and ended up walking out of the store towing a large submarine on wheels.


Shed was at the wheel of the craft, watching through a large window in the front while it zipped by the scenery of the Power area of the Octogon: various caves and formations made of metal and stone. The rest of the Mayao occupied their time by talking to each other about their pasts.
"I lived in the same neighborhood as MM", Julie said. "I always came over to her house with Limey without asking her mom. I went off to study art then ended up getting that job as a librarian"
"I ran away from home because my mom is a control freak", Ladi said.
"I lived in Okeapolis. My dad used to be the mayor there. I don't know what's going on now", Fre sighed.
"I'm a member of a organization of ninjas that sends secret messages from person to person in areas where tapped lines and video camera are a danger", Tereya said. "I'm not sure other than that"
"I was a theif in Kurichaa. My parents were travelling bards who abandoned me and my brother Spud", Phizz said. He paused and waited for sympathy.
"What about you, Ilex?", MM asked. The black-haired Creature Master was staring out the back window.
"I lived most of my life underground. I'm the last of the Creature Masters, not including that guy those creatures were talking about", he said, craning his neck to see the rest of the group. "My dad committed a crime when I was little, so I lived underground with him to escape the police that were after him"
"What'd he do?", Fre asked.
"I don't know"

When the chat had turned to a pointless game of "I Spy", the group's craft squealed to a stop in the middle of the Darkness area.
"I think we're stuck in the swamp", Shed said. "We'll have to look on foot from here"
The group was silent as they crawled out of the vehicle. The stench of swamp was overpowering, and the humid air seemed to muffle all the sounds except for the perpetual song of the cricket-creatures. With ever step towards their target, the humidity of the air made it feel almost solid, and the wetness creeped up their legs.
"This is going to be a long night", Fre said.

Walking along in the darkness, all the group could see were the swamp and the dead trees. They didn't know exactly where they were going, but they knew what they were looking for.
"I wish I hadn't worn sandals", MM complained for the thirtieth time that hour. "Shut up", Fre snapped. MM grumbled something under her breath.
Shed's foot hit something hard, and he wiped the swampwater off of it to reveal a stone panel. Sliding the panel out of the way, Shed peered down into a dave that somehow managed to look darker than the swamp.
"Guys, I think this is what we were looking for"
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