Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1318426-Deadly-Kiss
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1318426
Who can withstand the Vampire's Deadly kiss?
Nighttime, wolves howled in the distance and mingled with the strangely exciting feeling inside of Bella, a thick mist hung on the air and swirled around her feet, it was like a scene of a Gothic novel with gargoyles that glared down from the tops of buildings.

“Augustina?” Bella called. “Dove siete, Augustina?”
* Where are you, Augustina?*

“Sono qui, Bella.”
*I am here, Bella.*

“Dobbiamo rinviare a casa, esso siamo molto in ritardo.”
*We must return home, it is very late.*

“Venuto, Bella.”
*Come, Bella.*

Bella took a step into the alley, her palms felt sweaty inside her soft white lace opera gloves, her heart seem to pound against the constricting force of her corset.

“Per favore, Augustina! Desidero rinviare a casa!”
*Please, Augustina! I wish to return home!*

“Venuto, Bella.” The voice sounded more masculine now. “Venga prego...”
*Please come*

With determination Bella huffed out a long breathe and gathered her long, crimson skirts and marched into the alleyway, the dark smell of blood, alcohol, and gunpowder reminded Bella of her conviction, she must return home with Augustina.

“Venuto, Bella…” this time Bella was sure it was a man.

His voice was rich and cultured, British in accent but perfectly tempting, his voice seemed to curl around her heart and pull, it touched where she thought could not touched, heated where she thought no heat could touch.

“Chi sono voi?”
*Who are you?*

“Importa, il mio Bella? Li ho bisogno, il mio amore.”
*Does it matter, my Bella? I need you, my love.*

Her heart squeezed painfully, cautiously she took another step, warmth pounded in her veins and the taste of adrenaline in her mouth strengthened the exotic feelings. Instinctively she knew not to fear whoever was in the alley, his heart seemed to call to her, a primitive taste of his soul.

“Dove è Augustina?”
*Where is Augustina?*

“È qui, la mia vita, dovete venire ottenerla. È in pericolo grave.”
*She is here, my life. You must come and get her. She is in grave danger.*



The voice entreated with her, only a few more steps and she would find him, she could see the black tails of his tailored coat, moonlight slanted over his shoulder length blonde hair making it seem supernaturally pale. His face was turned away from her so she was presented with the full line of his back, the smell of death grew stronger as she came closer.

“Chi sono voi?” she repeated the question.


The man turned around and the full slant of moonlight slashed across his face, his features were strong and noble, a long, aquiline nose sloped into full, lush lips, bright blue eyes stared back at her with undisguised passion. He looked to be royalty.

“Augustina?” she asked him.

*Forgive me.*

“Perdonili? Per che cosa?”
*Forgive you? For what?*

He came closer, the front of his chest was covered in blood, Bella stepped back and gaped in horror.

“Che cosa avete fatto a Augustina?”
*What have you done to Augustina?”

“I fear she is dead, I heard her moaning and came to see what was happening. I did not know until it was too late.” He said switching to English.

“She is dead?” switching the same as him.

“I am sorry.” He whispered taking a step closer.

“La avete uccisa!" Bella accused and ran from the alley.
*You killed her!*

She could hear his footsteps following her, the soft click of hard soled shoes hitting pavement, she didn’t get far before one arm wrapped around her waist and a hand wrapped around her mouth. His breathe rolled across the back of her throat and she felt herself being dragged back into the darkness of the alley, she struggled but his arms were strong and hard around her.

“If I let go of your mouth, will you scream?”

Bella shook her head. “I will trust you.” He whispered. “But before I do, I did not kill your friend.”

His hand came away, immediately she opened her mouth but his hand came right back down. “Shhh.”

Her heart pounded in her chest. “You must trust me.”

Bella closed her eyes, squeezing them shut against the sensations his hands were causing merely by touching her, the arm around her waist shifted and came into contact with her breasts, she shivered involuntarily. Her back was forced against one of the slimy walls, his hands came down over her wrists and pinned her against the wall, her breath came in shallow pants.

“Come li conosco non lo danneggerò?”
*How do I know you won’t hurt me?*

His face was so close to hers, she could almost feel the lush warmth of his pressed against hers, she could smell his cologne rolling off of him in waves, she wanted him to kiss her.

“You don’t.”

Then those lips were on hers, she could taste a strange combination of iron, sweet wine and a heady taste she could not identify, it was dark and hot and reminded her of the devil himself. Bella could not resist the wonderful sensations rushing through her, quicksilver slipped under her skin and warmed her from the inside out, he traced her lips with his tongue, a silent invitation. Bella opened her mouth and felt his tongue come inside her mouth, she struggled for a moment, trying to evade the tight sensations erupting within herself.

“My Bella.” He whispered near her ear and pressed a kiss to her jaw.

Slowly he trailed his lips down the slope of her jaw to her throat, her pulse beat erratically like her heart was going to leap out of her chest at any moment, his hand moved from her wrists to the train of her ground, he lifted the heavy fabric until it floated around her thighs. Henry’s hands took her legs into his hands and lifted her against the wall, using his weight to pin her to the wall, his lips stayed on her pulse, pain blasted through her pleasure as his lengthened incisors broke through the delicate skin on her neck. Bella tried to scream but found the sound stuck in her throat, she felt the hard pulling sensation of her blood leaving her body, felt his hands gripping her legs through her stockings, everything came to perfect clarity then faded into darkness.

(End Dream, sorry no italics)

“Fuck!” Bella yelled as she sat up in bed, sweat covered her body and her throat hurt like from when she had been bitten the first time. “Henry…” she whispered.

“Non ha pensato mai che li trovassi, voi Bella?” his voice reverberated in the small room.
*Never thought I’d find you, did you Bella?*

© Copyright 2007 TheCountess66 (thecountess66 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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