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Educational Technology |
Educational Technology Abstract: This paper will give a brief explanation of the social, historical, and educational foundations of technology in regards to educations. It will also talk about the present use of technology in the school system today. Finally, this paper will look at technology and society with the focus being on the positive and negative impacts that online social relationships, such as myspace.com, facebook.com, and talk city have on society and education. Social, Historical, and Educational Foundations of Technology in Education Technology has made leaps and bounds since it first came to play in society. The Wikipedia defines technology as, “referring to material objects of use to humanity, such as machines, hardware or utensils, but can also encompass broader themes, including systems, methods of organization, and techniques.” The first technological advances were thinks like the wheel, printing press, motion picture, telephone, microwave and television. These technological advances have affected society in many ways. Some inventions have made life easier; while others have brought to light new standards, laws and ethical issues. Innovations with automation have taken jobs away but also creating a demand for new jobs. Pollution has also increased or been created by technology. When talking about technology, one must remember that it doesn’t just mean computers or the internet but any form material used by a species in order to create something. However, for this paper’s purpose, technology will refer to computers, the internet, and other types of machinery that can be used in education. Historically speaking technology has come along way in education as well. The first technological devices were film strips and typewriters. In the early eighties, Apple introduced the Macintosh computer which created a market for educational software. The educational software companies created programs such as Where in the World is Carmen Santiago?, Reader Rabbit, and other drill and kill programs. The software companies relied on different learning theories, such as behaviorism, constructivism, and constructionism in order to create software that is appealing to teachers, parents and children. Today technology has had an even more tremendous impact on education. Teacher use technology for many daily tasks such as; to take attendance, keep grades, assess students, and create interactive lessons. Technology now refers to more than just computers and software but to, the internet, Smart Boards, Projectors, Overheads, PDA’s, laptops, digital cameras, VCR/DVD players, and cellular phones, just to name a few. These are all important tools that are available to educators, students and parents to help them develop their knowledge of the world. Teachers can use PowerPoint software to create interactive and visually appealing lessons to help introduce new concepts or reinforce previously learned information. Assessment programs have also been created such as Star Reading and Star Math which help teachers pin point wholes in student learning while also providing information to show growth or lack there of. Students and parents now are able to check grades with the click of a button verses waiting until the teacher sends home a progress report or report card. Information is also a big improvement since the advancement of technology. The internet has opened the door to a great deal of information. Students are able to research just about any topic and they are not just limited to the books in their school’s library. Students are also able to go into virtual classrooms and talk with students from around the world. They can gain insight into other cultures and learn how to determine good information from the bad. They can also create reports that use different forms of media to present the information that is required. Along with all the positive effects, there are a lot of negative issues that surround technology and education. Students, who usually are able to manipulate the technology, better than most adults, are finding ways to cheat using cell phones. They are taking pictures of the tests or texting the answers to their friends. They are also using ipods in the classroom and tuning out their teachers. They are using the internet to look up unsavory topics such as pornography or chatting with friends on such sites as MySpace.com. These issues are causing school districts to implement new rules, such as cell phones must be turned off during school hours or now cell phones during tests. The internet is now being filtered to keep students “safe”. Filtering can cause a problem because these filters also block out things like blogs which could have a positive affect on education. Technology and Society Technology has not only impacted education or the business world but it has also impacted our daily lives. There are online social relationships being created everyday. These relationships are known as social networking. Wikipedia defines social networking as, “A social network is a social structure made of nodes (which are generally individuals or organizations) that are tied by one or more specific types of relations, such as values, visions, idea, financial exchange, friends, kinship, dislike, trade, web links, sexual relations, disease transmission (epidemiology), or airline routes.” These social networks have really taken off in the last few worlds. MySpace.com is one of the more popular sites which is a place for people, mainly teens, to meet in the virtual context and talk about everyday life, schedules, and the newest trends. MySpace.com is a take off from a site called Friendster, the main difference being that MySpace.com allows teens to put music, blogs, videos and pictures onto the site. This makes the site more appealing to the younger population. Teens that use MySpace.com begin by creating a profile which gives information such as name, age, favorite things to do and sometimes even their phone number which is viewable by other members of the MySpace.com family. Teens often spend hour after hour instant messaging other users in their “friends” list. This provides a place for teens to express themselves and talk about problems that are happening in their lives. Some keep a journal about their lives in the form of blogs. Others share happy experiences. MySpace.com has become so popular that it is one of the most advertised sites around. Companies are jumping on the bandwagon in order to advertise on MySpace.com because of the amount of teens from 14-22 that are using the site on a daily basis. They are introducing products, movies and music on these sites in the hopes that sales will increase because teens will want to keep up with the trends. Although MySpace.com has many positive features; there are negative aspects as well. Some of the negative aspects are that teens are placing their information out there for anyone to read. They are telling where they are and where they will be. Teens are spending hour after hour on this site and often they do not know exactly who they are talking to. Crime has increased because users are going out meeting people that they talk to on MySpace.com and being assaulted. The protection recently offered by MySpace.com to help combat predators is that only invited people can talk to individual teens. Another negative aspect is that the minimum age to participate on MySpace.com is 14; however anyone can create a profile and lie about their age. They are trying to combat this issue but it is very difficult. Parents are also much uniformed about MySpace.com and other social networking sites. They are trying to protect their children by not allowing then on these sites, however, children are using them behind their parent’s backs. Social Networking has become so popular today that it is definitely an area of concern for educators. One way educators are trying to help is by becoming informed about these sites. Some educators even join these sites in the hopes of protecting their students. Being informed about the technology that children use or come into contact with is the best defense parents and educators have in keeping our children safe. Summary Technology has come a very long way in education. There is a great deal of tools out there for educators to use in today’s classrooms. Teachers, Administrators and Parents must continue to educate themselves about the newest form of technology that children are coming into contact with. Social Networking sites such as MySpace.com and Facebook.com are growing faster and faster each day. More and more children are participating in these sites. Educators and parents need to talk with children about the negative features, like sexual predators, so that they are informed. Technology needs to be approached with sensitivity and respect. Children need to be taught how to use the technology in order to benefit their lives both educationally and socially. School Districts need to make sure that teachers have the availability to technology as well as the training. Training is going to be the key to the future of technology. Without proper training, technology will be misused or, like it most often is, unused. Bibliography Byrne, John (Presenter). (2005, December 1). The MySpace Generation. [Podcast Radio Programme]. Businessweek-Cover Stroies. 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