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this is just the prologue part of a trillogy im writing |
A cold bitter wind swept through the land of Blu and into the heart of the city of Casper, whipping down alley ways and surrounding the houses with its chill. Fresh snow layed loosly on the ground for it had stoped snowing but 30 minuits before, so only the footprnts of elves comming home to their families, after a long day at work, wrecked the flawless glitter of the snow .On that night of Febuary 22nd, At persisley midnight an older wizard appeared on the door step of the house number 423- the Withersons house, of wich not hours before the couple had celebrated there daughters first birthday. you could not see much of him, for the moon was covered by clouds and shone through with weak rays of poor light. But from what you could see he carried himself with grace and pride, although he seemed anxious in some way. He knocked twice, the knock was of such that it echoed in the darkened street. one light flipped on then two then three and finally four as footsteps could be heard rushing down the stairs. A young woman in her twenties with light blonde hair answered the door then started to speak. "ah, Acton I have been awaiting your visit, but why here now at such an hour?" Acton-the wizard- reponded in a low voice "Hayden please let me in, I will explain further once are in the saftey of a sealed house where no one can here my reasons for comming here or worse report it back and bring me to-" He didnt have to finish as Hayden knew exactly who and what he was talking about. "Very well come in but make it quick!" Acton hurried inside to the warmth and glow of the house. He stept in and with one wave of a wand he pulled out from under his jacket, the doors locked and the windows seeled so no light could be seen from the street outside. Not even the darkest magic could break past the barriers that acton had put up, so he sighed deeply knowing that he was safe if only for a short while. "Garin? Garin! please come down its Acton, oh and bring scout with you hunni" Hurring down the stairs baby fast asleep in his arms, was a tall and muscular man. He appeared no older than 30 and had beautiful soft eyes of a calming blue. He walked over to the couch, handed the baby girl who remained asleep dispite the commotion, to Acton and eaned over to kiss Hayden. She smiled as he broke apart from her, then turned to the wizard who was curiously studing scout. "ah she is a very" he paused searching for the correct words to use " special child who will posess many great talents in the years to come, but that's not a suprise seeing that the two of your bloodlines combined would produce a truly amazing child. may I bless her? for I know but the perfect gift to bestow apon this little one." Hayden looked to her husband with a concerned look. "Garin I think this should be up to you as I named her and chose her godmother you can make this dicision." Garins eyes becuase focosed and serious. He thought for a long while on the matter than answered "yes, if it is only for the best, with her future in mind" Acton smiled a sweet smile and he eyes became soft. holding the baby girl in his arms he chanted a long and powerful song about many things as he waved his wand over the sleeping child. oh child of the great leader of the brave hold yourself together nomader what sutiation is at bay use your mind to help you and call apon your frinds dont give up unless you have no option to turn to agin but that should never happen no that would never do use the magic inside you to concer all that rule oh little one so brave and strong listen to my lovley song an imagination can do you wonders: Chestnut Tall Lean and strong She shall help you when things go wrong wings of gold and a heart so pure so remeber this well little girl Her name is Ameera, its fit for a queen call her as you please but never underestimate the power of what can be done with the brain. With that he was dont Garrin started on in istonishment while a very tearful hayden accepted her child back with open arms. "so what have you given her?" she asked in a shakey voice. "I have given her a gift so amazing it has never been given to anyone before. i have given her the gift" he paused and glanced to both the parents. "i have given her the gift on imagination- the gift of the magic of childhood- so that ideas will never faill her and she can call apon it for as long as she lives may the magic always be with her. But i fear I have been her all to long. Will you please let the barriers down around your house so I can leave?" Garin rasied his wand and after muttering a few words the lights shown onto the street agin. Acton rushed to the front door but he stopped for a moment and looked back "and may your family stay out of harm and beails way for all the years to come" Before ayone could say another word the door bolted shut behind acton. Hayden and Garin made there way back up the stairs with scout now safely in Haydens arms. the lights flickered out the same way the had come on as the family drifted into a deep peaceful sleep although unshure of the years to come. Somewhere over lands far away a chestnut peagsus foal was born its coat shone in the bright moonlight as it glanced around then stood up to nurse. Once it was done it let out a long whinny that periced the silence of the night and over a thousand miles away the child- Scout- that had been erailer blessed woke up, but did not cry like most children would. instead she simply rolled over so she was facing the window that was closetest to the crib as she watched a golden streak flash across the sky. |