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The Dukes and Lori Leigh go on a camping trip together. |
Luke had problems sleeping that night. With his girl not enjoying camping like he had hoped she would that had ruined Luke's chances of having a good night's sleep. He hated seeing her look so miserable. He had only wanted her to see how much fun it could be. He had also hoped to propose to her on this trip. He knew it was soon after Bo and Lori Leigh's own engagement had fallen apart, but he wanted her as his as soon as possible. Lori Leigh was beautiful and every time she sat on his lap, hugged him, kissed him, or said that she loved him it felt right. Luke hadn't loved any girl like he did Lori Leigh. Luke also knew that she was only 17, but that didn't matter to him. He remembered protesting when his cousin wanted to date and marry her when she was sixteen. Now he could see how foolish that was. Lori Leigh was the perfect girl. Luke came out of his tent and saw Lori Leigh cooking breakfast. 'Hey, Lori," Luke whispered softly in her ear as he took her in his arms and hugged her tight. Lori Leigh smiled happily as she ran her fingers through his dark hair. "Morning, Luke," Lori Leigh purred softly. "How are ya feeling this morning?" Luke asked after giving her a kiss. "Much better now that you're here," Lori Leigh said. "I'm glad to here that. Look, before Daisy and Bo wake up I have something important that I need to ask you. Can we go for a walk?" Luke asked. "Sure. Did I do something wrong?" Lori Leigh asked, her green eyes full of alarm. Luke kissed her gently again. "No, nothing like that. I just have something I want to ask you," Luke asked, running his thumb along her jawline. Lori Leigh covered the food and they walked hand in hand along the shore. "Lori, I realize this isn't the best time to ask since we're in this trouble. I also know that this is too soon after you and Bo broke up, but I need to ask you something," Luke hesitated slightly. "Luke, what is it?" Lori Leigh asked. "Will you- will you marry me?" Luke asked, getting down on his knee and holding her hand tightly with one hand and a ring in his other hand. Lori Leigh gasped softly. "Luke, I don't know what to say," Lori leigh said, her eyes a mirror of surprise and pain. "Please, Lori, I want you for my wife if we get through this weekend," Luke said, kissing Lori Leigh's hand gently. "Luke, I don't know if I can accept it," Lori Leigh said, tears pouring out of her eyes as she ran back in the direction of the camp. Luke chased after her, grabbing her by the shoulders. "What do you mean you can't, Lori?" Luke asked, holding her shoulders firmly. Lori Leigh's only response was to cry uncontrollably and bury her face in Luke's chest. After Crying sometime, Lori Leigh finally looked up at Luke. "I'm sorry, Luke, it's not you why I'm so upset. It's just everything that's been happening this weekend. The Murderers. I'm just worried that we won't survive this weekend. Just the thought of sharing a Campground with a Psycho killer, terrifies me. "I want to get married Luke, I really do and I want to marry you more than anything, I'm just afraid I won't live to see our wedding day". she began to cry. Luke was being so wonderful to her. Lori Leigh didn't know if she even deserved his kindness towards her. Part of her was afraid that she wouldn't be good enough for Luke. Or would she? Of course she wanted to Marry him! He was her world. Lori Leigh looked into his eyes she knew she needed to say something and not lead Luke on or make him think she wasn't interested in him. She was interested very much . "Luke, Yes I will marry you just as soon as we can get back home to Hazzard. I'm just very scared right now with everything going on here that I can't even sleep at night. " She saw his face lighten up a bit and some tension was relieved. She thought that was a good sign. Lori Leigh hoped she didn't hurt Luke's feelings. She cared for him alot. If they weren't in this kind of Mess, then Lori Leigh would marry him in a heartbeat. If they could just Survive the weekend, Lori leigh thought, then they could get married. "let's Survive the weekend first Luke. And then I will Marry you". Lori Leigh figured she'd go ahead and accept and take the ring. Luke felt like shouting for joy as Lori Leigh slipped the ring on her finger. He also felt like kissing her too. Which he did. Lori Leigh always made those cute sighing noices when Luke kissed her and now was no exception. Lori Leigh rested her head on his shoulder, wrapping her arms tightly around him. "Luke, I love you," Lori Leigh said softly as she raised her head from his shoulder and looked into his blue eyes. Luke gently traced her face with his thumbs. "I love you too, Sweetheart," Luke said, wrapping locks of her hair around his fingers. "Luke, what are we gonna tell your family?" Lori Leigh asked, changing the subject. "I don't know. All I know is that I love you and I want you for my wife. You're all I think about. You're all I've ever wanted," Luke said, "Luke, what if your family won't accept it?" Lori Leigh asked. "They'll accept it. If they don't we'll leave Hazzard and I can get a job. With all my training in the Marines I can take just about any job," Luke said, kissing the top of her head. "I just love your family too. I don't want them to hate me because of this," Lori leigh said, the worry in her eyes. "Relax, Sweetheart. Just remember how much I love you," Luke said, kissing her firmly again. he just hoped that they survived the weekend so they could get married. Lori leigh let herself relax and kiss Luke. She loved being in his arms. He made her feel so safe.So welcoming.Lori leigh wanted to enjoy the weekend, she really did. So she decided she would make an effort to try to enjoy it. They kissed and made out for over an hour before heading back to Camp. When they returned, all them was reported to go to the Cafeteria of the Terrace hotel that was on the lake. They were going to eat Lunch and meet with the Counselors about the recent Murder and find out more info. The meal consisted of a huge buffet line of food choices and dessert. Lori leigh fixed her plate and Joined the others at a table. As they ate, they talked as they normally did as a family. Lori Leigh listened as Bo and the others talked about . When she went to go get Dessert, and as she was deciding, Lori Leigh noticed two of the Camp Counselors was looking at her strangely. One of them was Counselor Robbins. They talked about her and pointed at her and nodded at one another. Lori leigh caught bits of their conversation. "The Dukes know way too much already. Especially that redheaded girl that spys on us alot". said Counselor Robbins. "I say she needs to die next, she knows way to much". The others agreed. Lori Leigh panicked and immediately lost her appetite for dessert. She quickly joined the others at the table. Her face paled, and suddenly, she didn't feel like eating anymore. Bo looked over at Lori Leigh as she sat down next to Luke and gripped his hand tightly. It was then Bo noticed that her hand was shaking and on close inspection of her face she looked pale and terrified. "Lori, what's wrong?" Luke asked the question Bo was thinking. Lori Leigh smiled a quivering smile and swallowed hard. "It's okay, Luke," Lori Leigh said, her voice sounding choked. Even though Bo wasn't dating her anymore he still loved her and he could tell when she was lying about something. Apparently so could Luke. "Lori, I love you. Whatever's bothering you I want to know," Luke said softly, caressing her face with his free hand. "I love you too, Luke. I just don't want to scare you," Lori Leigh said in a small voice. "You're scaring me right now, Sweetheart," Luke said. "Point taken. Luke, I think I know who killed that camper. I heard whoever did it talking," Lori Leigh said softly. Bo, Luke, and Daisy had expressions of shock all over their faces as they looked at Lori Leigh. "Who was it, Honey?" Daisy asked, joining in the conversation. "Counselor Robbins and another counselor. He was talking about us. he said that we were getting too close, especially me. That they will have to kill me like they did that man," Lori Leigh said, her eyes as glassy as a mirror. "They won't touch you, Lori Leigh. None of us will let that happen," Bo said. Lori Leigh smiled faintly at him as she buried her head in Luke's shoulder. "Luke, I'm just so scared. I want to go home now," Lori Leigh said, grabbing Luke's shoulder tightly. Luke wrapped his arms around Lori Leigh's shoulders and hugged her tightly, his lips against her forehead. "Don't worry, Sweetheart. We'll get out of this," Luke said, rubbing her back gently. Bo hoped Luke was right. It was even more unsettling that soemone now had him, his cousins, and Lori Leigh in his sights. Being Dukes they'd have to stay one step ahead of Counselor Robbins and his friend. They sat close together eating throughout the meal and eyeing Robbins and his friend closely. Bo and Luke were doing their best to make Lori leigh feel better and Lori appreciated it. She even felt bad that she was being a poor camper. But she really tried to have some fun. That night, Lori leigh tried to get Coach Robbins off her thoughts. She knew Bo, Daisy, and Luke wouldn't let anything happen to her she didn't doubt that at all. She convinced Luke to go Swimming with her that night. She knew he would love to spend some time alone with her. They arrived at the pool area. Lori Leigh was in her two piece pink bathing suit, and Luke was wearing his blue swimming trunks. Normally Lori Leigh went swimming alone, but tonight she wasn't taking any chances of swimming aklone. She was glad that Luke had agreed to go with her. They were now in the water. It felt nice and warm and Lori leigh was actually enjoying it. She swam over to Luke after a few laps and hugged him closely. If anything, she was going to enjoy this swim with Luke. And spending time with him. Tomorrow, they would join the others for a white water rafting and riding horses. Surprising Luke, Lori leigh began kissing him. Luke kissed his fiancee tenderly before splashing her with a handful of water. "Hey!" Lori Leigh yelped, retaliating by splashing him back. That started an all-out water war. In no time at all Lori Leigh and Luke were laughing as they walked hand in hand back to their tents. 'At least I've got you laughing again," Luke said, pushing her wet hair out of her face. Lori Leigh grabbed his hands and held them against her lips, kissing them both. "Thank you, Luke. I love you so much," Lori Leigh said, kissing Luke's wrists gently. "I love you too, Sweetheart," Luke said, caressing her face gently with his hands. Luke and Lori Leigh walked back to their tents in happy silence. Lori Leigh stopped at her door and turned to face him. "I'll be out in a few minutes," Lori Leigh said softly. "Okay. Hurry up. I want to take you out to dinner at the campground restaurant," Luke said, kissing her lips gently. "I'll be out soon. I want to dress up just for you," Lori Leigh breathed softly before entering her tent. Luke entered his and dressed in a pair of boots, blue jeans, and his blue flannel shirt. Lori Leigh still toook longer than him in changing. Uncle Jesse had once said that it was a proven fact that women will take longer dressing or in the bathroom than men would. Luke started to wonder what was taking so long when Lori Leigh stepped out of her tent, wearing a beautiful blue sweater and khalki pants. Luke walked up to his girl, and taking her in his arms, kissed her soundly. "You look beautiful," Luke said, cupping her face with his hands. Lori Leigh blushed, her face matching her hair. "Thank you. You look handsome too," Lori Leigh said, tracing his jaw with her small thumbs. Luke kissed her again. "Well, let's go. Bo and Daisy said they would meet us there," Luke said. Luke felt as if he was walking on air when he was with Lori Leigh and, judging by the look on her face she had to feel the same. They enjoyed the dinner that night together. Lori Leigh sat near Luke the whole time and all of them shared a family meal. Like they always do. The rest of the Evening went pleasantly. The next day........... Lori Leigh woke up to the sound of birds chirping. Mother nature could be nice and peaceful place that is if you didn't have a serial killer after you she thought. Lori Leigh got dressed in a pair of black dress pants and green sweater. It was cold up in the mountains even though it was now fall. She soon joined the others outside. Last night she had a great time with Luke. For that brief moment in the pool, she had forgotten they were sharing a lake with a serial killer and possibility two serial killers. That day, they would go white water rafting. Lori Leigh couldn't swim but they gave you life jackets and you were in an intertube most of the time. White water rafting sounded fun. What could possibly go wrong with that? They quickly ate breakfast and fixed themselves some famous Duke coffee. Then they put out their fire and joined the others at the white water rafting river. When they got there, Robbins and his buddy counselor was there with other people making sure they got into their rafts carefully. Lori Leigh had to smirk trying to portray as nice guys to other campers huh? Lori Leigh thought to herself. Then came the Dukes turn to get into theirs. Bo and Daisy got in without any problems. Luke then got in and helped Lori Leigh in settling her onto his lap. Lori Leigh leaned against him hoping that somehow no matter how nervous she got on this ride, Luke could keep her safe. Halfway Down the river started out as a pleasant ride. Robbins stretched himself and sighed. "Beautiful day, isn't it? Mother Nature against us and giving us this wonderful weekend together. Everyone been enjoying themselves?" Bo, Daisy and Luke nodded. Lori leigh didn't nod her head in response she just sat there, glaring at Robbins. How could he be so cheerful when he had killed a person?! She scowled and crossed her arms. "Cut out the act Counselor Robbins, we know it was you that killed that poor young man." Counselor RObbin's eyebrows raised. "Someone sounds like an unhappy camper this weekend what's going on?" He pretended to not know anything. "Cut it out Robbins!" Lori Leigh snapped at him. "I overheard your plan to kill us all and it's not going to work!" Lori Leigh surprised them all with the anger she was feeling. Robbins turned to look at them his expression changing. "You're right. I did kill that young man. And I'm going to kill all of you one by one on this ride. starting with you first young Lady!" Lori Leigh gasped and clung to Luke terrified. How were they going to get out of this one? |