Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1268081-Tag-that-boy
by CJx
Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Biographical · #1268081
INJUSTICE, young black male in LONDON today
The Shame

Meat tagged

Silent, standing there exposed,

Awaiting slaughter from an unjust society determined in incarcerating and tagging every dark beautiful being,

A large black box,

Or should I say a “white” box… on top of the kitchen cupboard invading this space, my place with beeps and flashes, monitoring staring down recording every movement sensory overload,

When will it be my turn? When will I feel the injustice burn a branding of a sentence on my female ass will it happen to me?

No probably not, I don’t threaten them and their phallus jealously;

I do not threaten their macho insecurities

I am not a young black/ mixed race male in Britain today.

Tortured cries echo,  not from the meek silent being standing tall but form our mother watching my brother’s ankle being tied,

The new slave shackle of modern society

A grey bulky box the spying device infringing his human rights around his ankle like a snakes choke hold, constricting.

Guilty until proven innocent, that’s how it is if you’re black/ coloured/ mixed race/ non white/ Muslim/ red/ yellow/ brown in this society, in the concrete jungle of London

Stand up in court, afro child.
Stand up in front of the judges hammer.
Watch him beat your words into silence with the crash of wood on wood.

KKKnocking loudly.
You have no rights they don’t want to hear the truth.

You’re a young black boy.
Facing a world of inequality and racial patriarchal bullshit

You against the swine system

You against the world   

(I am a hypocritical angry bitch in the pig uniform watching all this shit,
My shoulder number like the nazi branding awaiting in line… 7 1 4 9.
The uniform is heavy a constant reminder I am on the wrong side working with those trying to destroy my family,
I am not part of the solution, I am the problem wearing this uniform, I betray my people, I betray my her-story, I betray my younger brother... I betray myself…)
© Copyright 2007 CJx (cjxxx at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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