Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1267403-Tale-of-the-Bridesmaid
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1267403
Erotic tale of a bridesmaid gone wild. Long story, but worth the time.
  I had just flown in from Boston to San Francisco the day before to enjoy the wedding of an old college friend I went to school with in California. The wedding was outside featuring the Pacific Ocean as the backdrop. The sun was warm and the smell of the ocean air filled my lungs. I missed the area so much since coming back I realized.

  Jennifer looked beautiful as always and John was indeed a lucky man. John had asked me to be in the wedding, which I had accepted without hesitation. I would be one of the ushers wearing the black tie with a sapphire blue cumber bun ensemble. My head still hurt from the bachelor party the night before. The wedding was at one o’clock and the reception was at four o’clock at a country club a few towns away.

  My partner and bridesmaid was Alex, short for Alexandria who was memorizing. I knew her from school, but never had the nerve back then to try anything, like even ask for a date. She was always so quiet and our schedules never seemed to cross. When I first saw her standing there with Jennifer, I didn’t realize it was her. I found that my views hadn’t changed. She still had the beautiful olive skin, hourglass body, an amazing smile and her eyes still were the color of emeralds, I always admired her eyes and smile. She never knew my thoughts, nor did anyone.

  The wedding was beautiful and the ocean made it all that more meaningful. The women were all in tears and all were stunning, but no one topped Jennifer; this was her day in the spotlight. She had the traditional gown, pearl white with a long train. Gorgeous platinum blonde hair pulled back and braided. Her father Jack cried as he walked her down the isle and as I stood there smiling, witnessing the moment. Alex and I made eye contact; she winked at me and smiled. For a moment I forgot where I was, it felt good to be notice, especially by her.

  The wedding was over and we all mingled around. Some were still taking pictures while others were talking in small groups organizing who was riding with who etc. Alex came over and asked if she could ride with me? I was thrilled and quickly said yes as I am sure it was apparent to her I was excited in driving her to the reception.

  As we drove to the reception, Alex and I rekindled our days of college and who was where and doing what. As usual, some people vanished and some did exactly what they didn’t think they would be doing after college.

  I kept looking down at her silky smooth legs. The bridesmaid’s dresses were untraditional; they looked more like evening dresses than gowns. The sapphire blue dress complimented her. The slit up her dress was appealing and teasing me to no end. Her high heels made her appearance look even more erotic. I believe she knew I was looking as well, but kept it to her self as most women can do.

  It was good to see her and everyone else but I was beginning to feel lucky as well. We seemed to click and as time went on, I even got her to laugh. Her laugh was intoxicating I remembered and made me smile. I always believed that if you can get a woman to laugh, you made a friend, but I was hoping for more.

  We pulled into the parking lot to find a few cars already parked and people had been standing outside waiting. We followed the limousine, which seemed to take forever to get there, but I found myself not irritated since I had the second most beautiful woman at the wedding by my side.

  I held the door for her and as she got out. She lifted her dress slightly upward so that she could extend her legs. Another teasing moment for me to linger on about after seeing her inner thighs emerge. I caught wind of her perfume again as she drifted by me sending my senses in to overload. I shut the door behind her and escorted her inside. As we walked towards the hall, I had to know.
“What is that perfume called,” I asked.
“It is called Mambo, you like?” she smiled sweetly.
“Well it has an affective appeal.”
She giggled and said a sincere, “Thank you,” as we arrived to the main door and walked inside.

  Every single man, married or not was staring at her as we walked past them and inside. I felt special to be with someone so attractive. The last thing on my mind was another night of drinking. I needed food. Alex excused her self and said, “That she would be back, she wanted to see how Jen was doing and the rest of the girls in the group.” As I stood, alone I saw some appetizers on platters at a far table and that was my queue to head over and satisfy my hunger for a few while she was away. Group photos would be soon so I had to make this time beneficial, I was starving, not only for the food, but for Alex too. I thought to myself what if we hooked up, what a weekend it would be.

  After devouring a bunch of shrimp, scallops with bacon and a Coke, I began to feel a lot better; my sugar level was somewhat back to normal.

  The wedding party photos were under way and we all got close for a group shot when I felt Alex move in. My hands were on her waist, her perfume, the smell of her hair were all too enticing and purely illegal from a man’s perspective. As she leaned in, I felt her hand on my thigh. She turned her head and asked if that was that ok? I could only nod yes for words were unspeakable at that moment.

  I finally got a chance to talk with John, the groom and best man, Brian. We laughed and joked while the women went away and did what ever they do. John asked me about Alex. He told me, “She was interested in me, and how I had become more handsome since college.” They egged me on and harassed me somewhat, but all in good fun. She is a beautiful woman I admitted to them; I wasn’t blind or a fool.

  The bride and bridesmaids returned all smiling, and we got ready to be announced to the guests of the wedding. Alex and I were third in line, right before the maid of honor and best man. As we made our way up to the front, Alex grabbed my hand in preparation for our entrance and squeezed it hard. She turned to me and smiled. I was just a kid in awe of her. If my old man could see me know, I thought to myself.

  The crowd seemed enormous as we stepped up next in line. Still holding my hand, our names were aired over the loud speakers; the applause seemed intensely loud as we stepped in unison towards the front where the wedding party would sit.

  This was the only time Alex and I were apart.

  The best man gave a wonderful toast to the couple. We held up our glasses of champagne and sipped to honor the two. The sweet taste of the champagne enticed my tongue and made it feel alive. We sat down to begin receiving our food. Every now and then, a ceremonial tap of the glass to indicate the bride and groom were kissing. I so wondered how Alex’s lips would taste on mine.

  As dinner was under way, we talked amongst ourselves and John leaned over and pointed out that Alex was getting a little drunk. He mentioned, she was a lightweight and didn’t need much to have a good time. I leaned over to observe and he was right. She was laughing and giggling with the other bridesmaids.

  Dinner was delicious and gave me a sense of fullness, I felt myself again. I looked at my watch it was only five-fifteen, plenty of time to enjoy myself. I was leaving for Boston on a late flight tomorrow so I could enjoy tomorrow by the ocean as I had planned.

  Dinner seemed to be over as the servers collected everyone’s plates. The crowd began to move about and head to the bar, bathrooms and outside for smoke breaks. The formal dances were coming up.

  Finally after what seemed like an hour. The DJ spoke through the microphone and announced that the father of the bride wishes to dance with his daughter one last time. Tears were flowing as the two danced and as I watched the crowd of people watching them. They spoke softly to one another as only a father and daughter would. Tears were coming down Jennifer’s face and I am sure her father spoke loving words to her. The mother and groom were next, as I enjoyed seeing my friend John dance with his also beautiful mother, Pauline. I was enjoying everything and felt honored to be there.

  Finally, the remaining wedding party emerged onto the floor as I looked for Alex who suddenly leaned into me whispering, “Want to dance Chris?” I could feel her entire being placed on my backside. Her breasts were firm and her perfume electrified my soul once more. I stood up, and she took my hand and I escorted her to the floor. We turned to one another and she placed her hands over my neck clasped together as I held her by the waist. We spoke silently about the bride and groom and how much fun it was being here. She pulled her head back, and looked at me and asked, “Why I never asked her out in school? My only reply was that, “I was too shy,” which I was.
  “I thought you weren’t interested in me Alex.” “You never asked so how would you know Chris, Christopher,” giggling at my shyness. “You are right, I never asked, maybe I should have.” “Yes, you should have,” she replied.

  She looked me with her emerald eyes piercing my heart; I was seduced on the floor without anyone knowing it. She leaned in and kissed me. Her lips tasted of champagne and soft full lips embraced mine. We held on to one another closer, tighter. I could feel my cock come alive as she lifted a thigh slightly grazing me. She leaned her head back again and said, “I see what I missed out on?”

  I wanted to taste her, kiss her and adore her in every sexual way possible. The song had ended but we did not notice, as we stood there entwined. I finally looked down and said that the song was over, but her hand remained in mine. I was totally lost in her.

  She excused herself and went to the woman’s room. I took the time to mingle with a few people beside me as I waited for her to return. My mind kept thinking of the kiss, how she tasted.

  She returned a few minutes later and greeted me again with a kiss and a smile that would light an entire city. I asked her if she wanted anything to drink, offering to get it for her. She wanted another glass of champagne. I left and went to the bar to get a glass for her. I took two, one for me, why not I thought.

  We finished the champagne and found ourselves back on the dance floor. Alex was a terrific dancer. I was merely moving my body trying to keep up. She turned and wiggled her ass at me and looked around and smiled and turned back around and said,
“Liked that?” Want to see more?”
I smiled and said, “Sure, give it to me….”
“Maybe...” she said in a sexy provocative voice.
The champagne was going to both my heads at this point. With her ass wiggling and fantasizing about seeing it naked and on all fours was all I could do from passing out.

  The dance floor was so crowded we were not obvious to any of the on lookers sitting down watching the crowd of dancers.

  Sweat was pouring down my face, as Alex didn’t sweat a drop. That was something about women that always amazed me; they never seem to sweat dancing.

  The time was nine-thirty and some people were beginning to leave. Time flew by as Alex and I were still enjoying our time together. I am sure John and Jen noticed us from time to time.

  The song, “Wonderful Tonight” came on and I looked to Alex who was already coming to me with a look of seduction on her mind. It was the groom and bride’s last song. Jennifer and John had changed into their casual dress and were preparing to leave to begin their life together and honeymoon.

  We walked towards the dance floor to witness the two of our friends dancing as husband and wife. The crowd of guests circled around as everyone watched the two of them dance together; they were so happy and very much in love.

  The dance had ended and everyone cheered them on and began to line up to say their goodbyes. As they walked the line hugging everyone as they met, they made their way down to us. I gave Jennifer a hug and a kiss, and shook John’s hand and hugged him as well. I thanked him for everything and wished him the best.

  Alex and I stood aside as we watched Jen and John get ready to leave for their hotel for the night, then off to Aruba. I stood alone as Alex helped Jen out with her things. As Alex came back, I saw her wipe a tear from her eye knowing it was a tear of happiness for our two friends and a tearful goodbye.

  Alex came over to me and asked, “If I was ready to go?”
“Sure, let me get my coat and we can leave.”
She waited by the door as I went to get my jacket. A few men tried unsuccessfully to hit on her as I witnessed from a distance. As I met her, she landed a deep passionate kiss on me. I looked over to the men who failed and said, “Have a good night.”

  The air outside was cool and a beautiful night in general. I opened the door for her and as she entered, she leaned over and wiggled her ass again. This time I slapped it.
“Oh, yes, you dirty boy Chris. How did you know I liked that?”
”I took a chance. You teased me enough in there to kill a man so I figured it was about time I even the score.”
“Got any more of that in you?” she asked in a sexually toned reply.

  I wanted to fuck her right there in the parking lot. I so wondered how her pussy tasted. I love oral sex, especially with a woman of her caliber. I bet she’s shaved too, I thought.

  As I got in the car, she leaned over and kissed me again. I leaned in and cupped a breast. Her breasts were so firm. The car windows were steaming up, we stopped for a moment, and I started the car.
“Where are we going?” Alex asked.
“You’ll see,” I replied and pulled out of the spot and began driving towards the highway.

  The moon was full and the lunar pull was taking effect. While driving she was toying with her dress, pulling it up then down over her legs, just enough to fuck with me, laughing while doing so.
“You have a nice cock, Chris. I should have fucked you in college.
“You want me to blow you don’t you? I want to,” she implied.

  By now, the car was racing at breakneck speed down highway six eighty. The front seat was a bench style as Alex leaned over.
“I want to suck on you now, Chris.” As she moved her hand towards my lap and grabbed me again. The steering wheel flinched. My eyes glued to the road for fear of a crash. My breathing had stopped and my heart raced at heart attack speed. I wanted to feel her warm sultry mouth on me, I was thinking. I could feel her pulling on the zipper and my cock needed to be let loose of my pants. Finally, her warm hand penetrated and grabbed my stiff hard cock.
“Oh yes, very nice,” she whispered.

  I felt for the first time her tongue lick the head of my cock as she wrapped her mouth around it. I gasped and tried to remain in control. I let off the gas for if I didn’t I would not be able to control myself or the car. Her warm lips caressed my head and lowered down the shaft, taking almost all into her mouth. I could feel her tongue wrap around the head. Slowly pulling up she inhaled. I felt the cool air pass over my well-lubricated penis, the air was just another sensation I had no control of.

  She began to go down harder, faster, holding my shaft vigorously. I could feel I wanted to cum, but not yet. Let her work on me a while longer, enjoy it. She had a well talented mouth that seemed to be enjoying her oral fixation as well. I too had an oral fixation she would soon find out.

  I reached over to grab her ass with my right hand. As she felt me, she lifted her ass up and pulled her dress upwards revealing her g-string panties. All the time she was blowing my cock working it. I pulled the panties away to reveal a wet slit. She groaned as I felt for her clit. It was engorged and swollen. Her pussy lips were as wet as the ones on my shaft. How I loved sweet pouty lips. They are so easy to suck and pull on, to torment a woman while I enjoyed my fetish of oral sex.

  Her groans became more aggressive as I worked her into a frenzy. The more I teased her clit, the harder she sucked; a perfect combination for sexual bliss. I inserted a finger inside her. She moaned out load as she drove her mouth down deep in to pants, engulfing my cock. I needed to cum and cum now.
  “I’m going to cum Alex,” I said.
  “You want to cum in my mouth baby,” she said in a slutty erotic voice.
  “Yes,” I said in a tone like I had just ran a marathon.

  I continued to work her clit into overdrive. With circular motions I work her as she worked me. Rubbing just the vaginal opening with one finger where all those nerve endings were. My fingers were soaked. She was now going down at such a rate I thought her neck would soon break.
“Oh yeah,” was all I could muster.
Gasping for air Alex said, “Come baby, come, let me swallow you.”
That was all I needed to hear….
With a wave that felt like an atomic bomb just went off, I emptied everything into her mouth. She never took her mouth off me. I could barely drive. Now, my foot was off the gas peddle and were coasting at sixty-five.

  She released me and returned to her seat. She looked at me and said with a very sexual look in her eyes, “I want more of that, deal?” licking her lips sensually.
“Deal,” I said, knowing it was my turn to show her soon enough.
I licked my fingers as she watched and said, “I want more of this as well, too sweet to miss out on.”
She leaned back, seeing what I had done opening her legs wide.
  “Fuck me, spank me, and lick me in all the right spots,” playing with her clit.
  “Deal,” as I made my way to the park underneath the Golden Gate Bridge.

  Under the full moon and the bay before us, we walked along the shoreline at midnight. Alex was barefoot ready and willing for the taken. The chemistry was strong and our wanting eyes pierced one another’s inner being.

  She stopped at a picnic table away from the viewing eyes. The ocean waters crashed among the coastal rocks making a rhythmic melody enticing our spirits. We stood face to face, as I leaned in to kiss her again. Her taste was amazing; her lips full, and soft. I drew my hands to the bottom of her dress, lifting it upward revealing her lustful thighs. My hands caressed them as she spread them inviting me further.

  “Lay back,” I said softly looking into her eyes as she did so.

  Pulling her g-string panties off, exposing her beauty of being a woman. I kissed her inner thigh as she moaned in ecstasy. Her smooth skin so beautiful as I kissed my way to my wanting target. Completely exposed; I lifted her dress past her mid-section; her legs spread open and lifted upward, panties on the ground.

  I kissed and sucked the inner most part of her thighs longing to taste her sweet wet pussy. I looked at it, pink lips swollen and her clit covered by its beautiful hood. How I will enjoy sucking her lips, hood and clit.

  “Eat me Chris, please,” she moaned softly. She felt my hand move across her as I began to examine her womanhood.

  I leaned in, my heart racing with anticipation. I let my tongue trace her outer lips and I swirled it around her swollen hood. Alex arched her back and grabbed her breasts within her confined dress. Her taste was addicting, overpowering, like honey. I continued to lick the outer boundaries avoiding her needs, teasing her.

  Finally, with one slow and gentle move I lowered my mouth completely on to her, engulfing her lips into my mouth, sucking and pulling them outward as I pulled back from her. Releasing them, she arched again, legs in the air, her hands holding the edges of the table. I used my hands to spread her legs wide and to reveal her wet pussy. I flicked my tongue over her clit and lapped at it while she moaned and convulsed with passion. My mouth was on her and I was licking and lapping with utter madness. Her wetness covered my mouth as I forced my entire mouth down into her and lapped her opening.
  “Yes, oh, fuck yes,” she whispered as I continued to ravish her.

  My tongue was dancing inside her and her own juices made music to our ears. Alex was dripping womanhood on to the bench. I pushed her legs back to reveal her ass showing how wet she was from her own juices. I lowered and licked her slowly from her asshole to her clit making her lose control and she gripped the edges of the bench harder. I continued lapping her ass and rimming her; probing, rubbing it with a finger.
  “Oh, that’s it, rim me, rim me good,” her cries released an urge to see how deep she could take it. I slid my finger halfway into her asshole as she arched again and begged me to fuck her.
  “Yes, that feels so fucking good, Chris,” she whimpered.

  Going back down on her and continuing to rub her asshole with my finger, I ate her with a passion I longed for, for a long time. I concentrated bringing her to orgasm. I wanted to hear her moan and cry out from it.

  I began to circle her clit again with my tongue, using my fingers to open her wide, revealing her pink moist pussy. God it was pretty in the moonlight. She reached down with both hands and forced my face into her. Her legs opened wide grinding her hips; she wanted to come all over my face as I hoped she would. With a sudden surge, I forced two fingers inside her tight dripping pussy, maintaining stimulation on her swollen clit. It was all she needed. She began to cry out her face said it all. I watched her begin to unfold. Fingering her harder, I looked up and smiled as she looked into my eyes.

  “I’m going to cum, damn it, ohh God.” I kneeled down pulling out my fingers and dove face first into her. I tongue fucked her gaping hole with desire. She was close, very close.

  I gently sucked and pulled her lips outward and lightly dragging her lips through my teeth and letting go. I lapped and surged upon her clit and maintained a steady motion of flicks against it driving her over the edge. She lay back down until her back arched and her head thrown back.
  “Yes, that’s it, pull on them.”
  “Cum Alex, cum on my face. I want to taste it.”

  Those words rendered her helpless as she screamed out as her body fought for control. My face was deep between her thighs as I began to feel her juices flow steadily. She was now leaning upward supporting her self with her arms behind her. She watched me as I savored every bit of her womanhood. She gently placed her hands to my face pushing me away as he tried to regain composure. I stool and watched her recover, smiling, licking my lips. I slid in between her legs and held her close.
  “Kiss me Chris,” she asked in a tone of pure intoxication.

  I leaned in and kissed her deeply allowing her the tastes of her own juices. She began to kiss my and lick my neck which I always found erotic. I was hard and full. I wanted to be inside her, deeply.
  Alex looked up and looked into my eyes.
  “Fuck me Chris, fuck me right here, now.”

  With the moon above and the Golden Gate Bridge above us, we roared into the early morning hours. I spent the day with Alex on the beach until I had to leave and return home to Boston. My trip had a special place in my heart for it was hard to say good-bye. We made plans for her to come to Boston where we would rekindle the romance we found together. The magic with Alex I will never forget.

Written by E. Roman,
Boston-Fiction  5/15/07
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