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Rated: NPL · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1266945
Infestations and forever go hand in hand
For Colin. Without all of the pain and grief you've caused me over the the past two years, finishing this story wouldn't have been as easy as it was.

  I sit alone, my back plastered against the cold wall of Apartment 15. On my right, there is nothing, nor is there at my left. In front of me I am only greeted by the blank stare of emptyness. It's lonely enough to bring someone to tears, but not sad enough to cause a lonely desposition.
  Yet, in the silence of my solitude, there is a rusteling. Alert now, I look around, my eyes rapidly searching the space of the apartment. Once the silence resumes, I relax, but not for long. Again, the rusteling is heard.
  This time, I move from my spot on the wall and, slowly, make my way about the floor, my feet skidding against the valour tiles. My eyes scanning every inch of the area robotically, not missing a crack. I do this until satisfaction is recieved. The rusteling still sounds, the soft clicking on plastic floor. It gets to me, a lot.
  And then, I see it. A roach in all its amber coloured armor and glory. Stopping in my tracks, I watch him, or her, move across the floor, boldly. She's huge. I'm certain of the the gender, now, because in the midst of the roach's confident stride, she stops and lays her eggs.
  Horrified, my eyes widen. Now, just one group of eggs I can live with. No, she has many to to lay. Over and over again for approximately three and half hours, the roach lays her eggs in the partial vacancey of Apartment 15. I sit on the floor in the fetal position, waiting for them to hatch.
  Time seems to pass by me, for I blink once, and while reopening my eyes, the entirty of Apartment 15 is covered in cockroaches. The infestation is disgusting. As I struggle to my feet, I regurgitate this morning's breakfast. I look at the ground and see my spoiled upchucked meal has already been devoured by a mass of roaches. The insects have already reached my feet and my knees, I panic.
  As I watch the site of the roaches crawling up my body, I have a single thought. Don't panic, relax, and eventually they'll leave. So, I sit down and calm myself. I wait as all the roaches discover me. I wait as hundreds of thousands of amber coloured insects crawl onto my body. I even wait as the females lay their eggs in various openings in my flesh. I wait forever as the maggots feed on my dead skin to grow big and join the swarms. Forever, and ever I am still waiting for the infestation to end.
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